外研版九年级英语下册习题课件Module 2

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外研版九年级英语下册习题课件Module 2

Module 2   Education Unit1 They don't sit in rows. 外研版 九年级下 一、根据汉语提示写单词 ,并 背记相应英语词汇 1. Mr Green always wears a white shirt and a blue ________( 领带 ) at work. 2. The children are standing in a ________( 一排 ) in front of the classroom. tie   row   3. There are some boys swimming in the ________ ( 游泳池 ). 4. —Is this your school? —No. ________( 我们的 ) is newer than this one. 5. She speaks __________( 极好的 ) French. pool   Ours   excellent 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 他们 没有成排坐。 They don't sit _____ ______. in rows 7. 你 最喜欢我们学校什么? What do you _____ _____ ______ our school ? like best about 8. 让 我们看一看吧。 Let's _______ _______ _______. have a look 9. 这 意味着有更多的人一起玩。 This means more people _____ _____ _____. to play with 10. 英国学校 是什么样子的? ________ are English schools ________? What like 1. — What does your brother look like? —________. 【 中考 · 昆明 】 A. He is outgoing B. He is really tall and thin C. He is a student D. He is in hospital 【 点拨 】 句意: —— 你的兄弟长什么样? ——________ 。根据问句中 look like 可知询问人物外貌,故选 B 。 B 2. 根据 答语写出问句 —________________________ —He is very strict but very nice. What is he like? 3. I have _____ friends , so I feel sad. 【 中考 · 绥 化 】 A. few B. a few C. little 【 点拨 】 语法分析法。 friends 为可数名词复数,排除 C 项,又根据后面“因此我感觉难过”可推知前面表示朋友少,故用 few 。 A 4. —Susan, there is ________ rice and ________ noodles at home. Will you go shopping with me? —Sorry, I have to wait for the postman. 【2020· 凉山 】 A. little; few B . few; little C. a few; little D . few; a little 【 点拨 】 考查不定代词。 little 几乎没有,修饰不可数名词 ; few 几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数 ; a little 一点,修饰不可数名词 ; a few 几个,修饰可数名词复数。分析句子可知,第一空修饰是 rice ,是不可数名词,所以应该用 a little 或者 little ,而第二空修饰的是 noodles ,是复数名词,所以应该用 a few 或者 few ,再由后句可知,这里表达的是“几乎没有”。 A 5. — Who is the lady in red? —Miss Gao. She teaches ____ English. 【 中考 · 扬州 】 A. we B. us C. our D. ours B 6. As a teacher, I really feel worried to see so many students ________ glasses. A. wearing B. dressing C. putting on A 7. Last autumn in Tokyo, some runners _______( 穿 ) crazy costumes and ran a full marathon to collect money for charity( 慈善 ). 【2020· 湖州 】 wore   8. I had a good time at Kangkang's birthday party yesterday. ______ A. have fun B. enjoy myself C. enjoyed myself D. had a fun C 9. The students were having great fun in the park when it rained suddenly.( 改为同义句 ) 【2020 · 乐山 】 The students were ___________ ___________ in the park when it rained suddenly. enjoying themselves   10. Some people enjoy ____ out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea.【 中考 · 南京 】 A. to send B. send C. sending D. sent C 【 点拨 】 语境推理法。句意: —— 韩梅是个什么样的人? ——_____ 。 A 项:她是一个志愿者; B 项:她学习非常努力; C 项:她喜欢滑冰; D 项:她体格很重,但是很漂亮。故选 D 。 一、单项选择 1. — What's Han Mei like? —________. 【 中考 · 天水 】 A. She is a volunteer B. She studies very hard C. She likes skating D. She is heavy but beautiful D 2. Tom's iPad is much newer than _____. And it is also more expensive. 【 中考 · 兰州 】 A. I B. me C. my D. mine 【 点拨 】 语法分析法。 I ,主格形式; me ,宾格形式; my ,形容词性物主代词; mine ,名词性物主代词。此处将 Tom 的 iPad 和“我”的 iPad 进行对比,故用名词性物主代词 mine ,相当于 my iPad ,故选 “mine” 。 D 3. How cool Jack is! He ____ a white jacket today. A. in B. puts on C. wears D. dresses 【 点拨 】 本空所填内容在句中作谓语,而介词不能在句中独立作谓语,故排除 A; dress 表示“给 ( 某人 ) 穿衣服”,宾语一般是人,故排除 D ; put on 表示“穿”的动作; wear 表示“穿”的状态。由时间状语 today 可判断,此处表示“穿”的状态,故选 C 。 C 【 点拨 】 考查非谓语动词。句中谓语动词是 hope ,意为“希望”, hope to do sth.“ 希望去做某事” 4. They hope ________ the basketball match . 【2020 · 重庆 A 卷 】 A. win B . won C. to win D. winning C 5. They were surprised ________ that he'd already left. A. find B. to find C. found D. have found B 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 6. We should try our best to help him. Anyway, he is a classmate of ________ (we). 7. A ____________ (swim) pool is somewhere you can swim. ours   swimming   8. Joining a summer camp is a great chance ________(spend)free time with your friends. 9. Did she enjoy ________(she) at the party last weekend? 10. If I get this job, I will work hard. I hope ___________(become)a member of you. to spend herself to become 三、同义句转换 11. This is our classroom. This classroom ______ ______. is ours 12. He is always in his white shoes. He is always _________ his white shoes. wearing 13. I hope I can go there by train. I hope _____ _____ there by train. to go 14. Let's look at the picture. Let's ______ _____ ______ at the picture. have a look 15. He enjoyed himself in the zoo last week. He ____ ___ _____ _____ in the zoo last week. had a good time 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 16. 这儿 有几个问题要你回答。 Here ______ ______ ______ questions for you to answer. are a few 17. 教室 里的椅子是按排摆放的。 The chairs in the classroom are placed ______ ______. in rows 18. 总 有一天你会住进大房子里。 You'll live in a big house _____ _____. one day 19. 它 看起来真的很棒。 It looks ________ ________. really great 20. 大家 都围着桌子坐在教室里。 Everyone is ________ ________ the table in the classroom. sitting around 五、口语交际 【 中考 · 安徽 】 根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。 Brian: Hi, Cindy. _____21 Cindy: Hi, Brian. It is nice to see you and so many old classmates. A. What happened? B. Long time no see! C. Who took these photos? D. Isn't that John over there? E. We looked so funny in them. F. I can't believe it has been ten years. G. And then he would fall asleep in class. B A. What happened? B. Long time no see! C. Who took these photos? D. Isn't that John over there? E. We looked so funny in them. F. I can't believe it has been ten years. G. And then he would fall asleep in class. Brian: So it is. _____22 Cindy: You're right. It's really a long time. Brian: Did you see the old photos on the wall? Cindy: I did. _____23 F E A. What happened? B. Long time no see! C. Who took these photos? D. Isn't that John over there? E. We looked so funny in them. F. I can't believe it has been ten years. G. And then he would fall asleep in class. Brian: But those are some great memories. Cindy: Hey! _____24 Brian: Yes, it is. I remember he used to stay up all night studying. D Cindy: _____25 Brian: Yes. He was the only one left in the class when he woke up. Cindy: That was really funny. G A. What happened? B. Long time no see! C. Who took these photos? D. Isn't that John over there? E. We looked so funny in them. F. I can't believe it has been ten years. G. And then he would fall asleep in class. Module 2   Education Unit2 What do I like best about school? 外研版 九年级下 一、根据汉语提示写单词 ,并 背记相应英语词汇 1. I arrived at school just as the ________( 铃 ) was ringing this morning. 2. Bob has been ________( 缺席的 ) from school for a month. bell   absent   3. Kate was sad because she didn't ________( 通过 ) the maths exam. 4. How many people are ________( 出席的 ) at the meeting? 5. My sister is a _________( 中等的 ) school student. pass   present   secondary 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 像 运动俱乐部和语言社团,课外活动也是受欢迎的。 Afterschool activities, ______ ______ sports clubs and language societies, are popular too. such as 7. 你 认为苏茜的学校生活怎么样? ______ do you ______ Susie's school life ? How like 8. 她 的学校学习日持续多长时间? ______ ______ does her schoolday ______ ? How long last 9. 下午 我们还有两节课才放学。 In the afternoon, we have ______ ______ lessons before school finishes. two more 10. 一些 人学习德语而不是法语。 Some people learn German _______ ______ French. instead of 1. Jack has learned more about teamwork( 团队合作 ) ________ he joined the soccer team. 【 中考 · 黔 南 】 A. until B. since C. while D. though B 2. It's already tens of years ________ the world's population reached five billion.【 中考 · 宜宾 】 A. before B. after C. since 【 点拨 】 固定搭配法。句意:世界人口达到 50 亿已经有几十年了。根据句型“ It's +时间+ since 从句”和句意可知选 C 。 C 3. You'll get good grades ________ you work hard. 【 中考 · 云南 】 A. although B. so C. if D. unless C 4. We're not sure if it ________ tomorrow. If it ________, we won't climb the South Hill. 【 中考 · 天水 】 A. will rain; rains B. will rain; will rain C. rains; rains D. rains; will rain A 5. So I kept asking Harry if I could go, too, _____________( 直到 )he agreed at last! 【2020· 台州改编 】 until/till 6. In Chinese families, people won't start dinner _______ the elders take their seats. 【2020· 青岛 】 A. after B . when C . because D. until 【 点拨 】 考查连词。句意为“在中国家庭里,直到长辈入座,人们才开始吃饭”。 not … until“ 直到 …… 才”,为固定搭配,因此选 D 。 D 写出画线单词的词性及汉语意思 7. There were 300 people present at the meeting. ____________________________________ 形容词;出席的 8. I'm afraid he is out at present . ________________________ 名词;此刻 9. I bought a nice present for my brother. ______________________________ 名词;礼物 10. We don't have any more information at the present time. _______________________________ 形容词;当前的 11. — Harbin is really a beautiful city and there're many places of interest. —So it is. Why not stay here for ________ two days? A. other B. others C. another D. the others C 12. The boy picked another five leaves. ( 改为同义句 ) The boy picked ________ ________ leaves. five more 13. He didn't do his homework yesterday. ________, he watched TV all day. A. Later B. Either C. Instead D. Instead of 【 点拨 】 词语应用法。 instead 为副词; instead of 为介词短语,后接宾语。根据句子结构及句意可知选 C 。 C 一、单项选择 1. —________ have you talked with your friends on WeChat? —Since I finished my homework.【 中考 · 莱 芜 】 A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long D 2. He was ________ the meeting because of his bad illness. A. absent from B. absent in C. absent D. absent at A 3. We don't have enough nurses to look after the patients. At least ________ nurses are needed. A. other ten B. more ten C. ten more D. ten another 【 点拨 】 基数词+ more +名词= another +基数词+名词。 C 4. I can lend my bike to you ________ you promise to take good care of it. 【 中考 · 辽 阳 】 A. while B. if C. although D. unless 【 点拨 】 考查连词的用法。句意:如果你答应好好照顾它,我可以把我的自行车借给你。 while 当 …… 的时候,然而; if 假如,如果; although 尽管,虽然; unless 除非,如果不。结合句意可知选 B 。 B 5. ________ Anna________ her brother like listening to soft music. They are also good at singing songs. 【 中考 · 青岛 改编 】 A. Both ; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also A 二、根据句意及首字母提示完成 句子 6. A all, make sure nobody finds out about this. 7. I like animals, s as monkeys and pandas. bove   uch   8. He passed b the English and the maths exams. 9. I think you should ride your bike to work ___________ ( 而不是 )going by car . 【2020 · 嘉兴 改编 】 10. The shop manager is angry with Timmy because he has been a from work for two days. oth instead of   bsent 三、按要求改写 句子 11. Susan has been a volunteer in the hospital for three years . ( 对画线部分提问 ) 【 中考 · 济南 】 ________ ________has Susan been a volunteer in the hospital ? How long 12. What do you think of the program called Where Are We Going, Dad ? ________do you ________ the program called Where Are We Going, Dad? How like 13. I'd like another two apples. ( 改为同义句 ) I'd like ________ ________ apples. two more 14. Mike was busy. Danny went to the meeting instead. ( 改为同义句 ) Mike was busy. Danny went to the meeting ________ ________ him. instead of 15. Mary went to bed after her mother went back. ( 改为同义句 ) Mary ________ ________ to bed ________ her mother went back. didn't go until 四、语法 填空 【2020 · 聊 城 】 阅读下面短文, 在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空 1 个单词。 David Smith is a student, and one of his _________ 16 ( hobby) is writing. During the summer of 2010, he ________ 17 (spend) four weeks at a summer camp. As well as the usual activities, there was a writing __________18 (class). hobbies spent class “The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to __________19 (talk) about our lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encouraged __________20 (we) to write about our experiences at the camp. ” Back at school, David wrote a story about __________21 ( 冠词 ) life of a sixteen-year-old boy, and ___________ 22 (successful) it came out as a book in 2012. the successfully talk us Many young people love his book, and __________ 23( 介词 ) a result, David has become a popular young writer. Writing has brought David pleasure and success, __________24( 连词 )it is not his only hobby. He is also interested in many other things. “I like __________25 (play) volleyball too ,” says David. as but playing Module 2   Education Unit3 Language in use 外研版 九年级下 1. You shouldn't be too hard on ________(you). 【 中考 · 白银 】 yourself   2. —All the volunteers were very tired, but ________ of them had a rest. —They were busy helping the firemen.【2020· 凉山 】 A. both B. neither C. all D. none D 【 点拨 】 词义辨析法。 both 两者都 ; neither 两者都不 ; all 全都 ( 三者或三者以上 ); none 全都不 ( 三者或三者以上 ) 。由“ All the volunteers” 可知人数在三者或三者以上。根据答语可知志愿者都在帮助消防员,没有人休息。应用表示否定意义的 none 。 3. — Could you please _____ me your notebook, Grace? 【 中考 · 烟台 】 — Certainly. Here you are. A. borrow B. to borrow C. lend D. to lend C 4. — Could you ___ me your bike, Tom? — OK. And you can ___ it for a week. 【 中考 · 荆州 】 A. lend ; keep B. borrow ; lend C. lend ; borrow D. borrow ; keep 【 点拨 】 词语辨析法。动词 lend “ 借 ( 出 ) ” ,非延续性动词; borrow“ 借 ( 入 ) ” ,非延续性动词; keep “ 借”,延续性动词,与“ for +时间段”连用。因为题干在问“你可以借给我自行车吗,汤姆?”属于借出,应用动词 lend ,而答语中存在时间状语 for a week ,所以第二空必须为延续性动词 keep 。 A 一、单项 选择 1. When Flight 3U8633 finally landed in Chengdu, ____ of the women cried. Fortunately , ____ of the 119 passengers in the plane were hurt in the incident( 事件 ). 【 中考 · 黄石 】 A. some ; none B. some ; neither C. any ; none D. any ; neither 【 点拨 】 考查代词词义辨析。句意:当 3U8633 航班最终降落在成都时,一些妇女哭了。幸运的是,飞机上的 119 名乘客中没有一人在这次事件中受伤。 some 表示“一些”,常用在肯定句中, none 表示“没有一个”,用于三者或三者以上。故选 A A 2. — Do you like rock music or light music? —_______. I like Beijing Opera. 【 中考 · 温州 】 A. Either B. None C. Both D. Neither D 3. He ________ his umbrella to me yesterday, so I didn't get wet. A. borrowed B. kept C. lent D. bought C 4. Eton College in England was ________ in 1440 by King Henry VI to give free education to poor students. A. cleaned up B. set up C. fixed up D. cheered up 【 点拨 】 短语辨析法。句意:英国的伊顿公学是由国王亨利六世在 1440 年建的,为了给贫困的学生免费的教育。 clean up 打扫干净; set up 建起; fix up 修理; cheer up 使振作起来,使高兴起来。根据句意可知选 B 。 B 【 点拨 】 短语辨析法。 at last“ 最后 ” ; at least“ 至少 ” ; at times “ 有时 ” ; at present“ 现在 ” 。根据句意“这个飞机模型不如我同伴的好,但是至少它是我自己做的。”可知选 B 符合语境。 5. The model plane isn't as nice as my partner's, but ________ it was made by myself. A. at last B. at least C. at times D. at present B 二、根据汉语意思完成句子 6. 我 不知道下一步该做什么, 所以我想征求你的意见。 I don't know what to do next, so I want to ______ ______ ______ ________. ask for your advice 7. 我 试了几条裙子,但没有一条好看。 I tried several skirts on, but _____ ___ _____ looked good. none of them 8. 在 我们学校每年都要举行运动会。 The sports meeting ______ ______ every year in our school. takes place 9. 明天 我要参加数学和英语考试。 I'll _____ ______ ____ maths and English tomorrow. take exams in 10. 即使 你和妈妈住得很远,你仍然可以做这件事。 You can still do this even if you live ____ _____ _____ your mom. far away from 三、语法专练 11. Linda was not good at Chinese , but she passed the exam ________ the help of her classmates. with   12. It's very nice of you to help me find the key _____ the door. to   13. Though the little boy is young, he can dress ________( he)without anyone's help. 【 中考 · 兰州 】 himself   14. Children will be in danger in a swimming pool if their parents don't take good care of _____.( they ) 【 中考 · 临沂 】 them   15. Jack is happy. Ms. Wang, an excellent teacher, teaches ________ (he) math this term. him 四、阅读理解 阅读 短文,判断正 (T) 误 (F) 16. The writer started to go to school at the age of six. ____ 请同学们看 《 典中点 》 第 13 页短文。 【 点拨 】 根据文章开头 I started my school life at the age of six 可知此句正确。 T 17. The writer's mom helped him change the way he used to behave at school. ____ 【 点拨 】 由第一段第四行 I changed the way I used to behave at school with the help of my teachers. 可知此句错误。 F 18. The writer thought the school trips were useful. ____ 【 点拨 】 通过第二段可知 school trips 可以 “learn things”; “given many projects as homework”; “helped us know more”; “made many good friends”, 所以学校旅行是有帮助的,此句正确。 T 【 点拨 】 通过第二段第七行 When I was in Grade 9, I realized that I should give all my attention to my studies 可知此句错误。 19. The writer didn't give all his attention to his studies in Grade 9. ____ F 20. The writer describes his school in “Three Ss”. ____ 【 点拨 】 根据倒数第四行 I can describe my school in “Three Ss” 可知此句正确。 T   根据首字母提示 填空,完成 短文 I've been at Shiyan School since I was eleven. Shiyan School is a s 1 school. If I p 2 my exams next year, I'll stay here u 3 I'm eighteen. Listen ! There goes the b 4. E 5 is present and no one is a 6. econdary   ass   ntil   ell   veryone bsent   All the students are wearing t 7 and school clothes. They're taking an exam in English and everyone would like to pass the exam. If they pass the exam, they can take part in many social activities, such as 8(swim) in the p 9, going sightseeing and so on. And they'll e 10 themselves. ies   swimming   ool   njoy 一、话题分析 本模块的话题是“校园生活”。我们应注意描写对校园生活的总体感受,描述具体的校园生活,对校园生活的看法等等。 二、写作方法 “一引二描三总结法”写学校生活 1. 引出 所要写的主题或观点。常用 My school life is interesting/wonderful/fun/boring/exciting. . . 等 句子开头。 2. 根据 主题及观点进行相应的描述。可以从学校课程、课外活动及师生关系等方面展开描述。 3. 总结 全文,提升观点。常用 I like my school life. I think it's. . . 等 句子结尾。 三、素材积累 ( 一 ) 描写学校生活类话题的常用词汇 school life, subject, exam, do sports, instead of, get good grades, have lessons, get on well with. . . , help each other, club ( 二 ) 描写学校生活类话题的常用句型 1. I'm glad to tell you some things about my school life. 2. There are. . . students and. . . teachers in our school. 3. My school is very. . . 4. I have. . . lessons in the morning and have. . . lessons in the afternoon. 5. My school life is very. . . and I love it. 四、写作任务 请 以 “My school life” 为题,向大家介绍一下你的学校生活。 内容提示: 1. 每天 8 点开始上课,一天上 6 节课; 2. 学习 多门功课,英语是最喜欢的科目,数学不是太好 ; 3. 课余参加各种活动,收获多,乐趣多; 4. 同学们相互帮助,师生相处融洽。 要求: 1. 要点齐全,条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。 2. 词数: 80—100 。 五、写作模板 ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ My school life My school life is very interesting. Classes begin at 8:00 am. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We study many subjects such as Chinese, maths, English, history and so on. English is my favourite subject because I think it's interesting. 六、满分作文 _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ I can read many interesting stories in English classes. But I'm not good at maths. I think it's boring. My friend Li Ming often encourages me to work hard at it and he often helps me with it. We have many activities after class. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ For example, we can play football, play table tennis and play chess. I like handwriting. I often practice writing on Tuesday afternoon. I get on well with my teachers and classmates. I think my school life is wonderful. Module 2   Education 模块整合与拔高 外研版 九年级下 一、语法整合真题 练 1. In the school, I asked one boy and two girls about the name of their headmaster, but ________ of them could help me. 【 中考 · 内江 】 A. neither B. none C. both D. all 【 点拨 】 由 but 可知意思转折,其后应该是否定,排除 C , D , neither 用于表示两者,句中提到三个人,故排除 A ,因此选 B 。 B 2. Mr. Jackson is a popular writer, and we all like reading ________ books . 【2020· 北京 】 A. his B . her C. their D . your 【 点拨 】 词义辨析法。 his 他的 ; her 她的 ; their 他 ( 她、它 ) 们的 ; your 你 / 你们的。由名词 books 可知需要填形容词性物主代词 ; 又根据“ Mr. Jackson” ,可知此处应选 his 。 A 3. — What a bad day! —Everyone has one of those days when ________ goes right. 【 中考 · 河南 】 A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something 【 点拨 】 由句意可推知是没有什么事情进展顺利,故选 A 。 A 4. I bought a present for ________. I hope you like ________. 【2020· 天津 】 A. your; this B. yours; that C. you; it D. you; one C 5. — Hello, are you Mr. Morrison ? — Yes. That's ________. 【 中考 · 苏州 】 A. him B. me C. you D. us B 6. —Oh, I forgot to bring my umbrella. —I've got ________. You can share ________. 【2020· 达州 】 A. it; my B . one; mine C. it; I D . one; me B 7. I enjoy talking with my classmates ________ our way to school. 【 中考 · 重庆 B 卷 】 A. on B. at C. in D. under 【 点拨 】 句意:我喜欢在上学的路上和同学们聊天。 on one's way to sp. 是固定搭配,故选 A 。 A 8. The highspeed train ________Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours. 【 中考 · 青岛 】 A. from B. among C. in D. between 【 点拨 】 句意:现在青岛与北京之间的高铁行驶速度更快,火车行程仅花费大约三个小时。 between. . . and. . . 意为“在 …… 和 …… 之间”是固定搭配用法,故选 D 。 D 【 点拨 】 考查反身代词辨析。 himself 他自己 ; herself 她自己 ; yourselves 你们自己 ; themselves 他们自己。根据句中“ Boys and girls” 可知,这句话是对很多孩子们说的,主语是 you ,为第二人称,因此这里应指代的是“你们自己”。 9. Boys and girls, you should look after ________ when your parents are not at home. 【2020 · 重庆 A 卷 】 A. himself B . herself C . yourselves D . themselves C 10. Molly, my dictionary is not here. Do you have ________? 【2020· 成都 】 A. it B . that C . one 【 点拨 】 语境法。 it 同名同物,指上文出现过的同一事物 ; that 同名异物,特指,相当于“ the +名词” ; one 同名异物,指代与前面事物同属一类的事物,但并不是同一个事物。分析语境可知,此处指字典,但不是同一本。 C 二、高频考点真题练 11. — Can I ________Robinson Crusoe, Mrs. Zhao ? — Sure, it's very interesting, but you can only ________ it for two weeks. 【 中考 · 达州 】 A. borrow; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow ; keep D. lend ; keep C 12. —What would you like, milk or coffee? —________. I'd like some orange juice . 【2020· 丹东 】 A. None B. Neither C. Each D. Either B 13. I can hardly eat ________. I am not feeling well today. 【 中考 · 日照 】 A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something 【 点拨 】 nothing 意为“没有东西”; anything 意为“任何东西”; everything 意为“每件东西”; something 意为“某事物”。故选 B 。 B 14. — The pollution in the sea is terrible! —I believe the sea will be cleaner ________ we take action now. 【 中考 · 葫芦岛 】 A. though B. if C. unless D. until B 15. If we ________ take environmental problems seriously, the earth ________ worse and worse. 【 中考 · 白银 】 A. don't ; won't be B. won't ; isn't C. won't ; is D. don't ; will be D 4. 写出 文中 Playing with friends makes you happy. 的 同义句。 _____ makes you happy _____ _____ with friends. 【 点拨 】 句意:和朋友一起玩会让你快乐 It to play 5. 回答 问题: Is this “APP ” a real app? ____________________________ 【 点拨 】 通读全文可知,此处 APP 指的是一些新学期建议,并不是真正的手机应用。 No, it isn't. 以下 5 个单词或短语是我们本模块所学的重点词汇,请同学们尝试着用它们编出一篇 50 词左右的小短文,体裁不限。 ours, hope, as. . . as , instead of, be like. . . ________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tom is my friend. He is from England. I sent him some photos of our school by email last week. I also asked him what his school was like. Instead of sending emails, he sent me a postcard of his school. He said that his school wasn't as big as ours. He hopes to visit our school next summer holiday.

