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话题四 假期活动 分析近几年全国有关“假期活动”的书面表达可发现,这类话题主要从以下两 个角度进行考查: 1.陈述自己的假期活动计划,时态为一般将来时; 2.陈述自己经历的假期活动,包括活动后的感受和收获,时态为一般过去时。 命题探究 开头句 1.I am going to travel to some places of interest which can open my eyes. 2.As for travelling, I ' m planning to go to Hainan. But whether going there or not will depend on the weather. 3.It ' s necessary for us to take a meaningful summer vacation after the final exam. 4.There are many kinds of activities for us to take part in. 亮点句型 中间句 1.You ' ll be sure to experience many new things when travelling. 2.By travelling, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. 3.Sometimes, we go to the streets to collect rubbish or go to the hospital to cheer up the sick children. 4.Besides, I always read some books during my holiday because reading can im- prove my writing. 5.I took many photos, ate delicious food and bought special gifts. 结尾句 1.Above all, I hope all of us can have a pleasant/wonderful vacation/holiday. 2.I will never forget the vacation. 3.Travel can help me to refresh my mood. When I come back, I will be full of ener- gy again. 4.All of us felt very happy though we were so tired. 好句积累 1.Travel broadens the mind.旅行开阔心灵。 2.Travel ten thousand miles and read ten thousand books.行万里路,读万卷书。 3.All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。 4.If you don ' t go to travel,miss more than just scenery.如果你不去旅游,错过的不 只是风景。 5.One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.不到长城非好汉。 暑期将至,我们都应该制订合理的假期计划。请你根据以下要点提示,以“My Summer Vacation Plan”为题,用英语写一篇短文。 要点提示: 1.放松自己:听音乐,看电影,锻炼身体等; 2.陪伴家人:旅行,散步,与父母交流等; 3.做志愿者:看望老人,赠送礼物,为他们唱歌等; 4.努力学习:阅读书籍,复习知识,为以后学习做准备等; 5.个人观点: …… 。 典例剖析 要求: 1.词数100左右(短文首句已给出,不计入总词数); 2.要点提示均需涉及,可适当增加内容; 3.字迹工整,卷面整洁,文意连贯,语言流畅; 4.不用真实姓名、校名、地名。 参考词语: relax myself, spend time with...,volunteer, review, prepare for My Summer Vacation Plan With the summer vacation coming, I will make a plan for it. First,             写作指导 本文是篇说明文。写作时要求围绕要点提示描述假期计划及具体做法,同时要 表达自己的观点,注意过渡词的恰当使用及句式的多样性,主体时态为一般现在 时和一般将来时,人称主要为第一人称。 谋篇布局   范文评析 My Summer Vacation Plan ①With the summer vacation coming, I will make a plan for it. ②First, I ' d like to spare some time to relax myself by listening to music, watching movies as well as exercising to keep fit. Besides, I plan to spend more time with my dear family. For example, we can travel together to somewhere interesting. Taking a walk and communicating with my parents are also advisable choices. At the same time, I ' m going to volunteer in an old peo- ple ' s home. I will buy some gifts and sing for them. Last but not least, it ' s quite important for me to keep studying hard. I must prepare myself well for the challenging learning in senior high school. I think reviewing what I ' ve learned in junior middle school and reading more can help me with that. ③As far as I ' m concerned, the summer vacation is a precious time to do something meaningful. Therefore I ' m sure to make the best of it and make my plan come true. ①开头:直入主题:我将要为暑假制订一个计划。引出下文。 ②正文:具体描述假期计划要点及具体做法。过渡词及句式运用多样 且恰到好处。 ③结尾:表达自己的观点。as far as I ' m concerned的运用使文章更有深 度。 亮点仿写 短语 1.make a plan制订计划 2.spare some time to do sth.抽出时间去做某事 3.plan to do sth.计划做某事 4.spend some time with sb.和某人一起度过一段时光 5.take a walk 散步 6.communicate with sb.与某人交流 7.prepare for为 …… 做准备 8.as far as I ' m concerned依我看来 仿写 1.依我看来,对于父母来说每天抽出时间与孩子进行交流是很有必要的。(as far as I ' m concerned,spare some time to do sth.,communicate with sb.)     As far as I ' m concerned,it ' s very necessary for parents to spare some time to communicate with their children every day.     2.作为学生,我们应该做好制订假期计划的准备以便我们能过一个有意义的假 期。(prepare for, make a plan)     As students, we should prepare for making a plan for the vacation so that we can have a meaningful vacation.     3.散步是和我们的家人一起度过时光的好方式。(take a walk, spend some time with sb.)     Taking a walk is a good way to spend some time with our family.    

