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第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] ┃基础精梳理 ┃ 类别 中考考点助记 词语 联想 1.对应词: first→________, this→________, lost→________, these→________, here→________, my→________, mine→________, on→________, come→________ 2.名词变复数: photo→________, watch→________, radio→________, library→_______________, dictionary→____________________, key→________, family→________ last that found those there your yours under go photos watches radios libraries dictionaries keys families 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 类别 中考考点助记 词语 联想 3.动词变名词: play→________ 4. 动词转化: lose→________(过去式), find→________(过去式) 5.代词: (1)主格:I→________(复数), you→________(复数), he/she/it→________(复数) (2)宾格:me→________(复数), you→________(复数), him/her/it→________(复数) player lost found we you they us you them 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 类别 中考考点助记 词语 联想 (3)形容词性物主代词:my→________(复数), your→________(复数), his/her/its→________(复数) (4)名词性物主代词:mine→________(复数), yours→________(复数), his/hers/its→________(复数) (5)指示代词:this→________(复数), that→________(复数) our your their ours yours theirs these those 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 类别 中考考点助记 短语 精选 1.________ English 用英语 2.________ name名字 3._____________________ name 姓 4.___________ school 中学;初中 5.telephone/phone ________ 电话号码 6.a photo ________ my family一张我家的照片 7.________ the first photo在第一张照片中 8.________ the bookcase 在书橱里 in first last/family middle number of in in 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 类别 中考考点助记 短语 精选 9.________ for请求,恳求 10.come ________ 加油,快点儿 11.________ the sofa 在沙发上 12.a ________ of一套;一副;一组 13.call sb. ________ +号码 拨打电话给某人…… 14.________ plane 飞机模型 15.________ a good day过得愉快 ask on on set at model have 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 类别 中考考点助记 重点 句型 1.这个用英语怎么说? What's this ________ __ _____________? =What's the English for this? 2.拨打电话685-6034找我。 ________ me ________ 685-6034. 3.这本词典怎么样? _________________ ________ this dictionary? in English Call at What/How about 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 类别 中考考点助记 重点 句型 4.多谢你的帮助,安娜。 ________ ________ ________ your help, Anna. 5.给我发电子邮件到marygz@gfimail.com。 ______________ me ________ marygz@gfimail.com. 6.去老师那里拿。 ________ the teacher ________ it. 语法 结构 1.名词单复数的构成及规律。[详见P81,语法专题1] 2. be动词的用法。[详见P106,语法专题8] 3. 人称代词和物主代词的区别及用法特点。[详见P87,语法专题2] Thank you you E-mail at Ask for 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] ┃考点巧突破┃ 考点1 good/fine/nice/well good “好”的质量,“好”的品质 fine 质量的精细,身体健康,天气晴朗 nice 美好的,美味的,漂亮的,友好和蔼的 well 形容词,表示“身体健康”,相当于fine; 副词,表示“好”,修饰动词 巧辩异同 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 考点2 this/that/these/those 四者均是指示代词,具体用法如下: (1)these 是 this 的复数形式。二者指离说话人较近的人 或事物。 This is my father and these are my grandparents. 这 是我的父亲,这是我的祖父母。 (2)those 是 that 的复数形式。二者指离说话人较远的人 或事物。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] Is that your backpack? 那是你的背包吗? Those books are in the drawer. 那些书在抽屉里。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] [特别提示] (1)在打电话时,称自己用this,而称对方用that。Hello, this is Lucy speaking. Who is that? 你好,我是露西。你是哪位? 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] (2)在比较级中,为了避免重复,可用that或those代替前 面提到过的事物,that代替单数可数名词和不可数名词,those 代替复数名词。 The weather here is much hotter than that of our hometown. 这儿的天气比我们的家乡热得多。 The sheep in Australia are more than those in Japan. 澳大利亚的绵羊比日本的绵羊多。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 考点3 say/speak/talk/tell (1)say强调说话的内容或表示“(某处)写有……”。 I can say it in English. 我能用英语把它说出来。 The sign says, “No smoking.” 牌子上写着“禁止吸烟”。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] (2)speak 作不及物动词时,强调说话的动作;作及物动词 时,后面接表示语言的名词。 The baby can't speak. 这个婴儿不会说话。 speak English说英语 (3)talk强调两个人之间的谈话,常用短语:talk with/to sb. 和某人交谈, talk about sth. 谈论某事。 She is talking with Lucy in English. 她正在用英语和露西交谈。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] (4)tell意为“告诉,讲述”,后面常接双宾语。 [搭配] tell sb. a story给某人讲故事 tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事 tell a lie 撒谎 tell the truth 说实话 tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 Did you tell her the news? 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 你把这则消息告诉她了吗? I am sure that he is telling a lie. 我确信他在撒谎。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 句型点击 考点1 Call me at 685-6034. 拨打电话685-6034找我。 [点拨] (1)“call sb. at+电话号码”表示“拨……号码 找某人”。 Please call the police at 110 if you are in trouble. 如果遇到了麻烦,请你拨打110报警。 (2)这是一个祈使句。祈使句变否定句时在句首加Don't。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 考点2 What about this dictionary? 这本词典怎么样? [点拨] “What/How about…?”意为“……怎么样?” 其后接名词、代词或v.-ing形式。常用在以下场合: (1)向对方提出建议或请求。 What about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好吗? 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] (2)征询对方的看法或意见。 What about her playing the violin? (你认为)她的小提琴拉得怎么样? (3)询问天气或身体等情况。 What about the weather in your hometown? 你们家乡的天气如何? (4)寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。 I am from Beijing. What about you? 我是北京人,你呢? 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 考点2 Thank you for your help, Anna. 多谢你的帮助,安娜。 [点拨] thank you for…=thanks for…,表示“因…… 感谢”,介词for后接名词或v.-ing形式。 Thank you for helping me. =Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你的帮助。 [拓展] thanks to意为“由于,多亏”,其中to为介词, 并非不定式符号。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] ┃智能双提升┃ 基础过关 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 确,语言通顺。 1. You should say h________ (你好)to your friends when you meet them. 2.I can read the word, but I can't s________ (拼写 ) it. ello pell 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 3.My uncle's daughter is my c________ (堂妹). 4.E________ (打扰) me, where is the library? 5.—Thank you for h________ (帮助) me. —You're w________ (受欢迎的). ousin xcuse elping elcome 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 3. Tony is only four years old, ________ he draws very well. A. but B. so C. or D. and 4. —Lily, ________ is my classmate Tom. —Nice to meet you, Tom. A. this B. she C. he D. it B C 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] Ⅱ.单项填空 1. His name is Jim Smith. Smith is his ________ name. A. first  B. last  C. school  D. English 2. This is George's ring. Please ________ him at 254-568. A. spell B. thank C. call D. meet A A 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 5. —Are those Dale's schoolbags? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren't C. those are D. those aren't A 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] Ⅰ.单项填空 1.[2014·陕西] —Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncle's child?   —Yes, it is my________. A.cousin B.sister C.brother D.daughter 中考透视 A 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 考查名词辨析。cousin意为“堂兄(姐/弟/妹), 表兄(姐/ 弟/妹)”;sister意为“姐,妹”;brother意为“兄,弟”; daughter意为“女儿”。句意:“哦,一张漂亮的照片!这是 你叔叔的孩子吗?”“是的,这是我表弟。” 根据句意可知选 A。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 2.[2014·绥化] The cakes taste ________, and they sell________. I will buy some. A.good; well B.well; well C.well; good A 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 3.[2014·兰州改编] Mary, can you see the students over there? ________ are my classmates. Let's go and say hello to them. A.This B.Those C.That D.These B 考查指示代词的用法。句意:玛丽,你看到那边那些学生 了吗?那些是我的同学们。咱们过去向他们打个招呼吧。this 意为“这,这个”,指代较近的人或物;those意为“那些”, 指代较远的人或物;that意为“那,那个”,指代较远的人或 物;these意为“这些”,指代较近的人或物;根据“over there”和“the students”可判断选B。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 4.[2014·达州] —Excuse me, is this ________ new pencil sharpener? —Yes, it's ________. He bought it just now. A.Tom's; his B.Tom; his C.Tom's; hers D.Tom's; yours 5. [2014·贺 州 ] This is ________ schoolbag. ________ is on the desk. A.your; Mine B.yours; Mine C.my; You D.your; My A A 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 6.[2014·成都] Gina, what's this ________ English? A.by B.for C.in 7.[2014·安顺改编] Look. The set of keys ________ left on my desk. A.are B.were C.is D.was C C 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 8.[2014·赤峰] This is ________ dictionary. Where is ________? A.my; yours B.my; you C.mine; your D.me; you A   考查代词的用法。句意:这是我的词典,你的呢?my, your均为形容词性物主代词,修饰名词;yours, mine均为名词 性物主代词,不与名词连用。“dictionary”为名词,前用形 容词性物主代词修饰,第二空应填名词性物主代词,因此答案 为A。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 10.[2013·广安改编] —What's this? —It's ________ apple. ________ apple is red. A.an; An B.a; The C.an; The D.the; The C 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] Ⅱ.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 确,语言通顺。 1. [2014·赤峰改编] You can go across the street when the traffic lights turn g________ (绿色的). 2. [2014·杭 州 改 编 ] Your mother's or father's brother is your u________(叔叔). 3. [2014·铜仁改编] How many people are there in your f________ (家庭)? reen ncle amily 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 9. [2014· 白 银 ] Mr. Black is a teacher of ________. She and her classmates like him very much. A.my sister B.my sister's C.my sisters D.my sisters' B   考查名词所有格。名词单数变所有格,在名词后加 “'s”。 句意:布莱克先生是我姐姐的一位老师。我姐姐和她 的同班同学都非常喜欢他。故选B。 第1课时 七年级上册 [Starter Unit 1—Unit 4] 4. [2014·来宾改编] I want to take a camera to take some p___________________(照片) when I go to Beihai. 5. [2014·滨 州 改 编 ] The toy isn't Kate's. H________(她的) is on the bed. hotos/pictures ers 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5 —9] 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] ┃基础精梳理 ┃ 类别 中考考点助记 词语 联想 1. 名词变复数: class→________, tomato→________, strawberry→___________________, woman→________ 2.反义词: big→________, long→________, buy→ ________, new→________, sad→________, easy→_______________, boring→__________________________, right→________, busy→________ classes tomatoes strawberries women small short sell old happy difficult interesting/fun wrong free 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 类别 中考考点助记 词语 联想 3.动词转化: sell→________(名词), do→________(三单), have→________(三单) 4.形容词转化: interest→ __________________(有趣的), relax→_____________(令 人放松的), health→________, good→________(副词), real→________(副词) 5.基数词变序数词: one→________, two→________, three→________, five→________, eight→________, nine→________, twelve→____________, twenty→________ sale does has interesting relaxing healthy well really first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 类别 中考考点助记 短语 精选 1.________ TV 看电视 2.a ping-pong/baseball ________ 乒乓球/棒球拍 3.watch sth. ________ TV 在电视上看某物 4.________ sports 进行体育运动 5. ________ soccer踢足球 6.________ about 考虑 7.ask…________… 问……关于……的事情 8.how ________… ……怎么样 9.how ________ 多少钱 10.a ________ of一双 11.________ very good ________ 以很好的价格 watch bat on play play think about about much pair at prices 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 类别 中考考点助记 短语 精选 12.________ purple穿紫色衣服的 13.________ a good time过得愉快 14.school________ 学校郊游 15.English ________ 英语测试 16.________ festival艺术节 17.________ Day运动日 18.English ________ 英语日 19.School ________学校开放日 20.book ________ 卖书 21.________ sure 无疑;肯定 22.________…to… 从……到…… in have trip test art Sports Day Day sale for from 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 类别 中考考点助记 重点 句型 1.这对我来说是容易的。 It's ________ ______________ me. 2.……多少钱? ________ ________ is/are…? 3.“你的生日是什么时候?”“在……”。 —________ is your birthday?—It's ________… 4.你最喜欢的学科是什么? ________ your________________ __________________? 5.我不想变胖。 I don't ________ ________ ________ fat. easy for How much When on What's favorite subject want to be 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 类别 中考考点助记 重点 句型 6.你的音乐老师是谁? ________ your music teacher? 7.两美元一双,三美元两双。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ and three dollars for two pairs. 8.我的课(下午)一点五十分结束,但随后我要上两个小时的美术课。 My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I ________ an art ________ ________ two hours. 9.让我去拿它。 Let ________ ________ it. 10.那听起来不错。 That ________ ________. Who's Two dollars for one pair have lesson for me get soundsgood 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 类别 中考考点助记 语法 结构 1.可数名词和不可数名词。[详见P81,语法专题1] 2.询问价格、日期及时间的特殊疑问句及答语。 3.基数词和序数词。[详见P96,语法专题5] 4.一般现在时。[详见P111,语法专题9] 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] ┃考点巧突破┃ 考点1 have/has与there be (1)have/has指某人有某物,即某物归某人所有。has 是 have的第三人称单数形式。 (2)there be 指某处有某物,强调存在。 I have a soccer ball. My brother has a basketball. 我有一个足球。我哥哥有一个篮球。 There are thirty students in our class. 我们班有三十名学生。 巧辩异同 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 考点2 look/look at/see/watch/read look, look at, see, watch, read 都有“看”的意思, 但用法不同。 词条 用法 look 不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,常单独使用,以引起对方注意。 look at 相当于及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重“看”的动作。 see 及物动词,意思是“看见”,侧重“看”的结果。 watch 及物动词,意思是“观看,注视”,指注视移动着的物体,如看 电视、看球赛、看戏等。 read 强调“读”,常用于表示“看书/看报纸/看杂志”。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] Look! That's a German car. 看!那是一辆德国的小汽车。 Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。 Can you see the boy over there? 你能看见那边的那个男孩吗? They are watching TV. 他们正在看电视。 My father usually reads newspapers after supper. 我 爸爸常在晚饭后看报纸。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 考点3 family/home/house [巧记] 房子(house)里住着一家人(family),这就是家 (home)。 My whole family are interested in music. 我们全家人都对音乐感兴趣。 He left home at the age of sixteen. 他十六岁时就离开了家。 New houses are going up everywhere. 到处都在建新房。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 考点4 take/bring/carry/get/fetch 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 考点5 how many/how much (1)how many一般修饰可数名词复数。 How many apples do you want? 你想要多少苹果? (2)how much在不同的语境中有不同的含义。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] ①询问价格 “How much+be+主语?”意为“……多少钱?”其中be 的 单 复 数 形 式 由 后 面 的 主 语 来 决 定 。 询 问 价 格 还 可 以 用 “What's the price of…?”和“How much do/does…cost? ”这两个句型。 How much are these shoes? =What's the price of these shoes? =How much do these shoes cost? 这些鞋多少钱? 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] ②询问不可数名词的数量 How much bread do you want? 你想要多少面包? ③询问程度 How much do you love your school? 你有多热爱你的学校? 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 句型点击 考点1 Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. 两美元一双,三美元两双。 [点拨] (1)表示“花钱买某物”时,钱数与物之间用介词 for。 (2)表示“一双/副……”用“a pair of+复数名词”。当 此类结构作主语时,谓语动词的数和pair一致,而不是与后面 的复数名词一致。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] This pair of socks is very good. 这双短袜很好。 The two pairs of sports shoes are my uncle's. 这两双运动鞋是我叔叔的。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 考点2 My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. 我的课下午一点五十分结束,但随后我要上两个小时的美 术课。 [点拨] finish (doing) sth.意为“完成某事”。 When can you finish (doing) the work? 你何时可以完成这项工作? 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 考点3 Let me get it. 让我去拿它。 [点拨] let后面接不带to的不定式(即动词原形), let后面 的宾语如果是代词,应用宾格。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 考点4 That sounds good. 那听起来不错。 [点拨] sound是系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。类似用法 的词还有look, taste, smell 等。 It looks nice. 它看起来好看。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] ┃智能双提升┃ 基础过关 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 确,语言通顺。 1.Thanks to the Internet, it's e________(容易的) for us to find information. 2.I like W________(星期三) best because we have a P.E. lesson. asy ednesday 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 3.A strong earthquake hit Ya'an in A________(四月 ), 2013. 4.What do you u________(通常) do on weekends? 5.Open your books and turn to the t________ (第二 十) page, then read the text together. pril sually wentieth 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] Ⅱ.单项填空 1. —When is your school trip? —It's ________ October 10th. A. in B. at C. on D. for 2. Bob can't help us now. He is very ________. A. busy B. tidy C. great D. short C A 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 3. Can you dance? We ________ some more actors for the talent show. A. can B. need C. must D. may B 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 4. Some of the students are shortsighted ________ they spend too much time watching TV or playing online games. A. when B. though C. because D. unless C   句意:一些学生近视了,因为他们花费太多的时间看 电视或玩网上游戏。前后两句为因果关系,故用because,意为 “因为”。 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 5. It may be a simple instrument, but it's ________ for you to learn music well. A. bad B. terrible C. useful D. worse 6. —I'll go to Japan for a trip next month. —________ A. Good luck! B. Have a good time! C. Best wishes! D. Glad to see you again. C B 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.你喜欢什么样的运动? ________ ________ ________ sports do you like? 2.这个故事很有趣,咱们一起来读一读吧。 The story is very interesting. ________ read it together. 3.他们的历史老师是谁? ________ ________ their history teacher? What kind of Let's Who is 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 4. 劳驾,这件T恤衫多少钱? Excuse me, ________ ________ ________ the T-shirt? 5.晚饭后打乒乓球怎么样? How about ________ ________________ after supper? how much is playing ping-pong 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 1.[2014·巴中改编] This pair of shoes ________ me well, but the shoes ________ expensive. A.fit; are B.fits; are C.fits; is D.fit; is 中考透视 B 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 2.[2012·北京] —________ is the dictionary? —It's $22.95. A.How old B.How long C.How thick D.How much D 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 3.[2014·绵阳] Sally considers Wuhan to be her second ________ because she has lived here for 13 years. A.family B.house C.home D.room C 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 4.[2013·杭州] Hangzhou is ________ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here. A. home B.house C.family D.room A 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 5.[2013·台州] —I want to see the movie Iron Man 3 (《 钢 铁 侠 3》 ). Do you know the ________ of the ticket? —Yes. Five dollars. A. number B.price C.kind D.name B 第2课时 七年级上册 [Units 5—9] 6. [2014·来 宾 ] There are some ________ and ________ in the fridge(冰箱). A.tomatos; milk B.tomatos; milks C.tomatoes; milk D.tomatoes; milks C 第一篇 词法 五、 连词复习要点 1.知识概要 2.连词一览表 3.常用并列连词的用法 1) and 2) both…and 3) not only…but also 4) as well as 5) nor 6) but 7) however, still, yet 8) while 9) or 10) either … or/neither … nor 11) so 12) then 13) for 4.常用从属连词的用法 1)that 2) when, while, as 3) after/before 4)since 5) till/until 6)as soon as 7) because/since/as 8) so/such… that 9)if 10) unless=if not 11)though/although 12)as…as/ than 14) as 13) whether/if 14) so/such that 3.常用近义连词的用法辨析 (1) while, when, as (2)as, because, since , for (3)if, whether (4)so…that, such...that (5)either…or…, neither…nor, not only…but also… (6)although, but (7)because, so 4.正误辨析 5.例题解析 6.课时训练 知识概要 用来连接词、短语、从句或句子的词叫连词。连词是一种虚词,在句中不能单独使用。连词 可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。 作 用 主 要 连 词 并 列 连 词 表并列关系 and, both…and, not only…but also, neither…nor等 表选择关系 or, either…or等 表转折关系 but, however, while (而),only (只不过)等 表因果关系 for, so,therefore (因此),then(那么)等 从 属 连 词 引导时间状 语从句 after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。 引导条件状 语从句 if, unless等 引导原因状 语从句 because, as, since等 引导目的状 语从句 so that, in order that等 引导让步状 语从句 though, although, even if等 引导结果状 语从句 so that, so…that, such…that等 引导比较状 语从句 than, as…as等 引导名词从 句 that, if , whether等 难点链接 1.常用并列连词的用法 1)and连接语法作用相同的部分.如: Let me know what you saw and heard in Europe. 如果连接的两个名词是指同一个人而有两种身份时,第二个名词前不要加冠词或所有格. 如:Her husband is a singer and songwriter. 祈使句+and代替条件句. 如:Work hard and you will pass the examination. 由and连接两个主语时谓语动词要用复数形式。如:You and I are from China. 但是, and前面的主语之前有every, each, no, many a的时候用单数谓语动词.如: Every train and bus was crowded with many people. 2) both+主语+and+主语+“复数谓语动词”。如: Both Tom and Jerry are going to the cinema.  3) not only…but also如果连接两个主语,谓语动词临近原则.如: Not only he but also his parents are very kind to me.  4) as well as后面的主语不作为成分.如: This study, as well as many other reports, shows that cancer can be cured. 后面如果接动词一定要用动名词.如: She sings as well as playing the piano. 5) nor是否定连接词, 后面接的句子应倒装. 如:I don't know, nor do I care. 6)but用来表示转折,如: He tried hard but he was unsuccessful. 还可以用在no one, none, nobody, nothing, all, every等词之后表示”除了…以 外”。如: All the boys but one are here. 难点链接 7)however, still, yet,含意相同相当于”but…anyway”.如:  The car was old, yet it was in excellent condition. She has her weaknesses, yet(but) that doesn't mean she is not good for the job. He lied to me, I still believe him.  8) while表示的是”相反的”,也可以用but, however, on the other hand来代替. While some people have nothing to eat, others eat too much. 9) or连接句子或词组,表示 “或者”之意。 Which do you prefer, yellow, blue or red? Was he angry, or was he pretending? or, 也有“否则”的意思. 如:Be quick, or you will be late. 10) either … or/neither … nor和not only…but also并列主语时,谓语动词同样 用就近原则. Either Mary or her parents are going by bus. There is neither electricity nor free suppers in the hotel. Not only you but also I am from china. 11)so表示因此, 相当于therefore.(adv.) 如:They cost a lot of money, so use them carefully. It is very cold. Therefore, we should stay here. 12) then (adv)然后,而后,其次 如:I dropped in at her house and then I went home. 13)for引导的句子不可以放在句首,之前必须由逗号,表示推论的理由 They must be good friends, for they are always together. The day breaks, for the birds are singing. 难点链接 2.常用从属连词的用法 1)that引导名词性从句(主语/宾语/表语从句),同位语从句,定语从句,…如: That smoking can cause cancer is known to all. I was surprised to hear that he became the president. 2) when, while, as when 在---时刻或时期,可指时间点或时间段,从句动词是终止或持续动词。 When I got home, he was having supper. When I was young, I liked dancing. as 表示“边---边---”或“与---同时”表示动作同时发生伴随进行。动词相似,如 终止性动词为从句,则主句也为终止性动词。 They talked as they walked. while表示只是时间段,不是时间点,从句的动词只限于持续动词。 While I slept, a thief broke in. when 可以表示主句和从句先后发生. When he has finished his work, he takes a short rest. when 从句为终止动词不能用while 替换When。 he came yesterday, we were playing basketball. 如从句动词为终止性动词,主句也是终止性动词 when 和as 可以互换。 He came just as I reached the door. 难点链接 3) after/before After her husband died she had to take everything on herself. Take the medicine before you go to bed. 4) since引导的从句是肯定句,一般主句都是完成时. She has had another baby since we met. 5) till/until 其中until较为常用, till是口语. Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. I won't go until he comes. 6)as soon as I’ll tell him the news as soon as I see him. 7) because/since/as表示直接原因的时候不能用since或as.其他情况可以 用since—既然,as— 由于(语气弱)。 It was because he was ill that he didn't go to school. 8) so/such… that 结果状语从句(程度) She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. They took such care of her that not long after she was restored to health. 难点链接 9) if(假如,如果)不能用whether. If you call him a fatty, he will get angry. 10) unless=if not You can not interview him unless you get the permission. 11)though/although都作为”虽然,尽管”可以互换,although用的更多一 些. 后面不可以有but但可以有yet/still. Although he is much better, yet his father isn't satisfied. 12)as…as/ than(用于比较状语从句中) 14) as可以引导状语从句 As I remember, he used to work here ten years ago. As I see it, there is still much room for improvement in our work. 13) whether/if(是否) if 能引导宾语语从句 Please tell me whether it is true or not. I haven't decided whether/if I'll go with you. 在介词后,名词后,不定式前和有or not的句子中用whether. I am worried about whether she is happy. 14) so/such that(结果状语从句/目的状语从句), in order to/that…目 的状语从句 They set out early so that they might arrive in time. 目的状语从句 Say slowly so that I can understand it. It was raining, so that we could not go out. 结果状语从句(原因) 难点链接 3.常用近义连词的用法辨析 (1) while, when, as 这三个连词都可引导时间状语从句,但用法有所不同。 1) 当某事正在进行的时候,又发生了另一件事。While, when, as 都可用来 引导表示“背景”的时间状语从句。例如: As/When/While I was walking down the street I noticed a police car. 2) 当两个长动作同时进行的时候,最常用的是while。例如: While mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework. 3) 当两个动作都表示发展变化的情况时,最常用的是as。例如: As children get older, they become more and more interested in things around them. 4) 当两个短动作同时发生时,或表示“一边…一边…”时,最常用as。例如: Just as he caught the fly, he gave a loud cry. She looked behind from time to time as she went. 5) 当从句的动作先于主句的动作时,通常用when。例如: When he finished his work, he took a short rest. 6) 当从句是瞬间动作,主句是延续性动作时,通常用when。例如: When John arrived I was cooking lunch. (2)as, because, since , for 这四个词都可表原因,但用法有区别。 1) 如果原因构成句子的最主要部分,一般用because。因此, because引导的从句往往放在句末。例如: I stayed at home because it rained. ---Why aren’t you going? ---Because I don’t want to. 2) 如果原因已被人们所知,或不如句子的其它部分重要,就用 as或since。Since比as稍微正式一点。As和since 引导的从句 一般放在句子的开头。例如: As he wasn’t ready, we left without him. Since I have no money, I can’t buy any food. 3) for用来补充说明一种理由,因此,for引导的从句几乎可以 放在括号里。For引导的句子不放在句子的开头。例如: I decided to stop and have lunch,for I was feeling quite hungry. 难点链接 难点链接 (3)if, whether if和whether都可作“是否”讲,在引导宾与从句是一般可互换。例如: I wonder whether (if) you still study in that school. I don’t know whether (if) he likes that film. 在下列情况下,只能用whether,不能用if: 1) 在不定式前。例如: I haven’t made up my mind whether to go there or not. 2)用or并列两项以上时。例如: I don’t now whether he comes or not. (4)so…that, such...that 1) so…that中的so是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而such...that中 的such是个形容词,后接名词或名词短语。例如: I’m so tired that I can’t walk any farther. It was such a warm day that he went swimming. 2) 如果在名词之前有many, much, little, few时,用so,不用such。例如: He has so little education that he is unable to get a job. I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over. 难点链接 (5)either…or…, neither…nor, not only…but also… 这三个连词词组都可连接两个并列成分。当它们连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词要随相邻的主语变化。例如: Either you or he is wrong. Neither he nor his children like fish. Not only the teacher but also the students want to buy the book. (6)although, but 这两个连词不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说“Although he is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.”这个句子应改为: Although he is over sixty, he works as hard as others.或He is over sixty, but he works as hard as others. (7)because, so 这两个连词同样不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说“Because John was ill, so I took him to the doctor.” 这个句子应改为Because John was ill, I took him to the doctor.或John was ill, so I took him to the doctor. 正误辨析 1.[误] Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now. [正] Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now. [析] 在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同 于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都 对。"而Neither of us is right。 才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确"。 2.[误] He or his parents has some tickets for the film. [正] He or his parents have some tickets for the film. [析] 由or 连接两主语时,谓语动词应与相临近的那一个主语保持一致。 3.[误] You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam. [正] You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam. [析] or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. 4.[误] Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others. [正] Though he is poor, he is ready to help others. [正] He is poor, but he is ready to help others. [析] "虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要 用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然",二者只可用其一。 正误辨析5.[误] Either you or I are on duty. [正] Either you or I am on duty. [析] either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应 ,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither… nor, not only…but also等。 6.[误] Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now. [正]Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now. [析] 并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词 都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省 略,也就是讲连接的部分不可省略。 7.[误] My father likes swimming and to collect stamps. [正] My father likes swimming and collecting stamps. [析] 由并列连词连接的两个部分要保持相等的语法结构。如是动名词则都 用动名词,如用不定式则都应用不定式,这是初学者要注意的一点。 8.[误] My father is reading a newspaper, I am doing my homework. [正] My father is reading a newspaper while I am doing my homework. [析] 两个并列句中间不可用逗号连接,要用并列连词来连接。  正误辨析 9.[误] My father asked me that if I wanted to learn how to drive. [正] My father asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive. [析] 宾语从句的连接词只能有一个不能重复使用。 10.[误] We will go both to Beijing and Shanghai. [正] We will go to both Beijing and Shanghai. [析] 用both…and…作连接词时,其相连接的部分结构也要相同。 11.[误] Not only Mary but also her brothers is going to dance. [正] Not only Mary but also her brothers are going to dance. [析] 由not only… but also…连接两个主语时,其重点在其后面的那一个 主语,所以谓语形式应采用就近原则。 12.[误] The teacher as well as his students are coming. [正] The teacher as well as his students is coming. [析] 由as well as 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与as well as 后面的名词无 关,而与前面的名词相一致。 13.[误] Tom does not swim nor play football. [正] Tom does not swim or play football. [析] nor主要用于连接句子的对等连词,如在否定句中连接某一部分时要 用or, 但要注意句子的含意,如:This animal does not like a cow or a horse. 这个动物既不像牛也不像马。This animal does not like a cow but a horse. 这个动物不像牛而像马。 正误辨析 14. [误] For there is no light in the classroom. The students must have gone home. [正] The students must have gone home, for there is no light in the classroom. [析] 由for引出的原因状语从句在使用时要注意不能将该从句置于句 首,而应 置于主句之后,并在主句与从句之间加一逗号。更要注意的是because, as, since与 for 4个表示原因的连词中because是因果关系,是最强的一个,而for是最弱的一个。 有些语法书中干脆把for叫做并列连词 15.[误] My brother will pass the English exam is no question. [正] That my brother will pass the English exam is no question. [析] 主语从句的引导词that是不可省略的。这一点不要和宾语从句的引导词相 提并论。 16.[误] This map will show you how will you get to the hotel. [正] This map will show you how you will get to the hotel. [析] 名词性从句作宾语从句使用时,最重要的一点是要用陈述语句。特别要注 意的是那些使用双宾语的动词,如:tell, ask, show… 17.[误] While the clock struck ten, all the lights went out. [正] When the clock struck ten, all the lights went out. [析] while是强调两个动作在同时进行中,如:While I am doing my homework, my father is reading a newspaper. 而这里的when是"正当某某时 刻","就在这一时间点上",其重点强调在某一特定时刻某动作的发生。 正误辨析 18. [误] While I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend. [正] When I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend. [析] 这里用when表达在一个动作的进行中,另一个动作突然发生了。 正在进行的动作用一进行时态,而突然发生的动作用一般时态。 19.[误] While I heard the bad news I felt sad. [正] When I heard the bad news, I felt sad. [析] while不能表达一点儿的时间,即瞬时某一时间点。 20.[误] After school some students play football, or others go to the library. [正] After school some students play football, while others go to the library. [析] while在此处意为"而,然而"。 21.[误] She sang when she walked along the dark street. [正] She sang as she walked along the dark street. [析] as用于句中时,其要点是强调两个动作的同时进行。这里用when虽然不能讲 是语法上的错误,但则看不出来小女孩因独自走黑暗的街道因害怕而唱歌的心情。 22.[误] I finished my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [正] I didn't finished my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [正] I did my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [析] until用在句中时其含义是某一动作一直持续到某时结束,那么句中的动词则一 定要用持续性动词,如果要用瞬间,或截止性动词时一定要用否定句式。因截止性动作的 否定式应看作是持续性的动作。如离开leave是瞬间动作,因一出门即为离开了,而不离 开则是长时间的。 正误辨析 23. [误] I have studied English when I was twelve. [正] I have studied English since I was twelve. [析] since引出的时间状语从句是表达了一个时间点,而这个时间点是主句动 作的启始点,所以主句一般要用完成时态。 24.[误] Because he didn't study hard, so he didn't pass the exam. [正] He didn't pass the exam because he didn't study hard. [析] because 与 so在英文中两者不能并用的,只能在句中用其一。 25.[误] He was such excited that he could not speak. [正] He was so excited that he could not speak. [析] so与such的用法可以分为四种情况,①用于单数可数名词之前,其格式是 such+不定冠词+形容词+单数可数名词,如:It is such a beautiful book that every child likes it. 也可以用so, 其格式是so+形容词+不定冠词+单数可数名词, 如:It was so beautiful a book that every child likes it. ②在不可数名词前或 可数名词复数前这时只能用such, 如:It is such good weather that we want to swim. 又如:They are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. ③在few, little, much, many 这4个字前只能用so而不能用such, 如:I have so much money that I can buy everything I want. ④当that前只有形 容词或副词时,这时只能用so, 如:She is so beautiful that every one likes her. He ran so fast that I couldn't keep up with him. 正误辨析 26. [误] He got up earlier this morning so as to that he could catch the first bus. [正] He got up earlier this morning so as to catch the first bus. [正] He got up so earlier that he could catch the first bus. [析] so…that与so that的用法有相同之处,那就是其后接从句,而 so as to 其后要接不定式,即动词原形。这样的词组还有:in order to。 27.[误] I want to buy same stamp that you have. [正] I want to buy the same stamp as you have. [析] the same…as (that)这是个固定用法,在same前的定冠词是不 能少的。而the same…that意为"我要的就是那一个"。而the same…as为" 要的是和……一样的东西"。 28.[误] Before I do not give you the answer, I'll ask you some questions. [正] Before I give you the answer, I'll ask you some questions. [析] 这种错误是由于受中文的影响。在中文中可以讲"我没给你答案前"。 而英文用了before就不要再用否定句了。 例题解析 1 We bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it. A. but B. and C. or D. so [答案] A.  [析] 由于句意的原因,应选择转折连词。 2 Run quickly, ___ we'll miss the early train. A. and B. but C. so D. or [答案] D. [析] or这里应译为:否则。 3 I'll give the book to him ___ he comes back. A. since B. as soon as C. before D. until [答案] B. [析] as soon as 引出的时间状语从句应用一般现在时表示将来要发生的 动作。 4 Don't cross the road ___ the light turns green. A. when B. while C. until D. as [答案] C. [析] until应译为"直到……才",因为前面的祈使句为否定句。又如:She did not go to bed until her mother came back. 应译为"直到她妈妈回 来她才睡觉"。 例题解析 5 Miss Gao has been a teacher ___ 1990. A. before B. after C. since D. in [答案] C. [析] 因为主句为完成时,所以应用 since表示该动作的启始点。 6 - Which would you like better, tea ___ milk? - Tea, please. A. but B. and C. or D. with [答案] C. [析] 在疑问句与否定句中应用or来表示一种选择。 7 We love spring ___ there's beautiful flowers every where. A. though B. but C. or D. because [答案] D. [析] 因为这里表示的是因果关系。 8 Please leave ___ 7∶00, then you'll be able to get ___ there earlier.A. till, in B. from, / C. before, / D. behind, to [答案] C. [析] before为在7∶00之前离开。 例题解析 9 The teacher didn't begin the lesson ___ all the students stopped talking.A. until B. after C. if D. because [答案] A. [析] 这句应译为"直到所有的学生都停止讲话老师才开始上课"。因begin为 瞬间动词,所以应用否定句。 10 Betty didn't go to see the film yesterday ___ she was ill. A. but B. until C. if D. because [答案] D. [析] 这里是表示因果关系,所以应用because。因为她病了所以未去看电 影。11 You must start right now, ___ you'll miss the train. A. for B. and C. so D. or [答案] D. [析] or译为"否则"。本句句意为:你必须马上走了,否则要赶不上火车了。 12 ___ he is a child of six, he can read and write. A. Whose B. If C. Though D. Because [答案] C. [析] 这种状语从句在英语中称为让步状语从句,应译为:虽然他才是个6岁 的孩子,他却可以读书和写字。 例题解析 13 I like fish, ___ chicken, ___ eggs. A. and, and B. and, with C. /, and D. and, / [答案] C. [析] 在有若干个名词或动词出现时,每一个词之间只用逗号连接,只在最后两个词 之间加and。如:The old man passed the street, went into a shop and bought some food。 14 Take this dictionary with you ___ you may use it in class. A. when B. in order to C. but D. so that [答案] D. [析] so that应译为"为的是"。本句句义为:带上字典,为的是在上课时可能有用。 而in order to 其后应接动词不定式,如:Take this dictionary with you in order to use it in class。 15 I hope ___ will be fine tomorrow. A. it B. what C. whether D. when [答案] A. [析] hope后接的是宾语从句,而且宾语从句中少主语,应用it来代替天气。 16 ___ she was not well, I decided to go without her. A. Though B. As C. When D. Because of [答案] B. [析] as这里应译为"由于"。全句意为:由于她不舒服,我决定不带她去了。而 because of 其后不能接从句只能接宾语。如: Because of the heavy rain, we decided not to go。 例题解析 17 My aunt bought me __many story books that I spent a lot of time ___them. A. such…on B. such…in C. too…in D so…on [答案] D. [析] 因many前只能用so来修饰,所以只能选择D选项。而spend…on something 为在某事上花费时间或钱。如:She spent a lot of money on her clothes。 18 Mother was cooking ___ she ___ a knock at the door. A. when, listen to B. while, listened to C. while, heard D. when, heard [答案] D. [析] when在这里应译为:就在那时,那一刻,那一瞬间。 19 Speak slowly, ___ we can understand you. A. and B. or C. if D. because [答案] A. [析] and这里是并列连词,应译为:请讲慢些这样我们就会明白你的意思。 20 You'll learn English well ___ you put your heart into it. A. if B. so C. until D. or [答案] A. [析] 本句译为:如果你将心放在学习上,你就会将英语学好。这里的语法 现象是从句中用一般现在时表示将来。 例题解析 21 I won't let you in ___ you show me your pass. A. until B. for C. since D. because [答案] A. 22 She didn't go to school ___ she was ill. A. why B. because C. where D. but [答案] B. 23. ---I like riding fast. It’s very exciting. ---Oh! You mustn’t do it like that, ________ it may have an accident. A. and B. or C. so D. but 答案:B。该题考查的是并列连词的用法。答语的意思是“你不要那样做, 否则会发生事故的。”在这四个并列连词中,只有or含有这样的意思,所以应 选B。 4. John fell asleep ________ he was listening to the music. A. after B. before C. while D. as soon as 答案:C。该题考查的是引导时间状语从句的常用从属连词的用法。本句的 含义是“约翰在听音乐的时候睡着了。”表示在干某事时发生了某个事情” 通 常用while。因此应选C。 1.Yet two _____ three days without water can usually make people die.(2009年中考题) A . so B. And C. But D. or 2.I won't believe that the five-year-old boy can read magazines ___ I test him myself. (2011年中考题). A. if B. when C. after D. until 3. Ben was busy taking a training class. ____we had to wait for him for half an hour.(2012年中考题). A. so B. if C. or D. but 4.Think it over, _____ you’ll work out the math problem. (2013年中考题). A. or B. so C. for D. and 中考链接: D D A D 5.Tom didn’t understand the coach’s intention, ____he still followed his advice. (2013年中考题) A. if B. but C. since D. though 6. Shall we go for a picnic in the forest park tomorrow? - Yes, ______it rains heavily. (2014年中考题) A. if B. unless C. until D. when 中考链接: B B 课时训练 单项填空 1. ---Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008? ---I don’t think so. Now ______ the young ______ the old can speak some English. A. either…or B. not only… but also C. neither…nor D. both…or 2. We didn’t catch the train _______ we left late. A. so B. because C. but D. though 3. Tom failed in the exam again _______ he wanted to pass it very much. A. if B. so C. though D. as 4. I won’t believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words ______ I have tested him myself. A. after B. when C. if D. until 5. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ______ he realized it. A. when B. until C. after D. before B B C D D 课时训练 6. ---This dress was last year’s style. ---I think it still looks perfect ______ it has gone out this year. A. so that B. even though C. as if D. ever since 7. Hurry up, _______ you will miss the train. A. and B. so C. however D. or 8. The mountain was ______ steep _____ few people in our city reached the top. A. so…as B. so…that C. as…as D. too…to 9. ---Do you remember our pleasant journey to Xi’an? ---Of course. I remember everything ______ it happened yesterday. A. as soon as B. even though C. rather than D. as if 10. ______ you can’t answer this question, we have to ask someone else for help. A. Although B. While C. Whether D. Since B D B D D 课时训练 11.Lucy and Lily are twins.Lucy likes playing basketball, _________Lily doesn't. A.and B.but C.as D.or 12. The scientist knows two languages.He can speak______English___French. A.either,or B.neither,nor C.both,and D.so,that 13.He is rich_________unhappy. A.or B.and C.so D.but 14.Take a rest_________you finish the work. A.before B.after C.until D.while 15.You can't pass the exam,______you study hard. A.if B.of C.unless D.and 16._________our team tried best_________we failed. A.Though,but B.Because,so C.If,and D.Though,/ 17.Don't get off _______the bus stops. A.when B.after C.until D.so B C D B C D C 课时训练 用适当的连词填空 1. ______ they are brothers, they don’t look like each other at all. 2. The dress was very expensive, ______ I didn’t buy it. 3. ---Do you know ______ I could pass the exam? ---Sorry, I’ve no idea. 4. Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, ______ he can’t understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills. 5. The war was over about a year ago, ______ the American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with. 6. ---Is David at school today? ---No. He is at home _______ he has a bad cold. 7. _____ Lily _____ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home. 8. Study hard, _____ you are sure to have a good result in the exam. 9. Please have a wash _______ you go to bed. 10. The twins have learned a lot ______ they came to China. so Although/ Though if/ whether so but because Either or and before since 第一篇 词法 五、 连词复习要点 1.知识概要 2.连词一览表 3.常用并列连词的用法 1) and 2) both…and 3) not only…but also 4) as well as 5) nor 6) but 7) however, still, yet 8) while 9) or 10) either … or/neither … nor 11) so 12) then 13) for 4.常用从属连词的用法 1)that 2) when, while, as 3) after/before 4)since 5) till/until 6)as soon as 7) because/since/as 8) so/such… that 9)if 10) unless=if not 11)though/although 12)as…as/ than 14) as 13) whether/if 14) so/such that 3.常用近义连词的用法辨析 (1) while, when, as (2)as, because, since , for (3)if, whether (4)so…that, such...that (5)either…or…, neither…nor, not only…but also… (6)although, but (7)because, so 4.正误辨析 5.例题解析 6.课时训练 知识概要 用来连接词、短语、从句或句子的词叫连词。连词是一种虚词,在句中不 能单独使用。连词可分为两类:并列连词和从属连词。 连词一览表 作 用 主 要 连 词 并 列 连 词 表并列关系 and, both…and, not only…but also, neither…nor等 表选择关系 or, either…or等 表转折关系 but, however, while (而),only (只不过)等 表因果关系 for, so,therefore (因此),then(那么)等 从 属 连 词 引导时间状语 从句 after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as等。 引导条件状语 从句 if, unless等 引导原因状语 从句 because, as, since等 引导目的状语 从句 so that, in order that等 引导让步状语 从句 though, although, even if等 引导结果状语 从句 so that, so…that, such…that等 引导比较状语 从句 than, as…as等 引导名词从句 that, if , whether等 难点链接 1.常用并列连词的用法 1)and连接语法作用相同的部分.如: Let me know what you saw and heard in Europe. 如果连接的两个名词是指同一个人而有两种身份时,第二个名词前不要加冠词或所有格. 如:Her husband is a singer and songwriter. 祈使句+and代替条件句. 如:Work hard and you will pass the examination. 由and连接两个主语时谓语动词要用复数形式。如:You and I are from China. 但是, and前面的主语之前有every, each, no, many a的时候用单数谓语动词.如: Every train and bus was crowded with many people. 2) both+主语+and+主语+“复数谓语动词”。如: Both Tom and Jerry are going to the cinema.  3) not only…but also如果连接两个主语,谓语动词临近原则.如: Not only he but also his parents are very kind to me.  4) as well as后面的主语不作为成分.如: This study, as well as many other reports, shows that cancer can be cured. 后面如果接动词一定要用动名词.如: She sings as well as playing the piano. 5) nor是否定连接词, 后面接的句子应倒装. 如:I don't know, nor do I care. 6)but用来表示转折,如: He tried hard but he was unsuccessful. 还可以用在no one, none, nobody, nothing, all, every等词之后表示”除了…以 外”。如: All the boys but one are here. 难点链接 7)however, still, yet,含意相同相当于”but…anyway”.如:  The car was old, yet it was in excellent condition. She has her weaknesses, yet(but) that doesn't mean she is not good for the job. He lied to me, I still believe him.  8) while表示的是”相反的”,也可以用but, however, on the other hand来代替. While some people have nothing to eat, others eat too much. 9) or连接句子或词组,表示 “或者”之意。 Which do you prefer, yellow, blue or red? Was he angry, or was he pretending? or, 也有“否则”的意思. 如:Be quick, or you will be late. 10) either … or/neither … nor和not only…but also并列主语时,谓语动词同样 用就近原则. Either Mary or her parents are going by bus. There is neither electricity nor free suppers in the hotel. Not only you but also I am from china. 11)so表示因此, 相当于therefore.(adv.) 如:They cost a lot of money, so use them carefully. It is very cold. Therefore, we should stay here. 12) then (adv)然后,而后,其次 如:I dropped in at her house and then I went home. 13)for引导的句子不可以放在句首,之前必须由逗号,表示推论的理由 They must be good friends, for they are always together. The day breaks, for the birds are singing. 难点链接 2.常用从属连词的用法 1)that引导名词性从句(主语/宾语/表语从句),同位语从句,定语从句,…如: That smoking can cause cancer is known to all. I was surprised to hear that he became the president. 2) when, while, as when 在---时刻或时期,可指时间点或时间段,从句动词是终止或持续动词。 When I got home, he was having supper. When I was young, I liked dancing. as 表示“边---边---”或“与---同时”表示动作同时发生伴随进行。动词相似,如 终止性动词为从句,则主句也为终止性动词。 They talked as they walked. while表示只是时间段,不是时间点,从句的动词只限于持续动词。 While I slept, a thief broke in. when 可以表示主句和从句先后发生. When he has finished his work, he takes a short rest. when 从句为终止动词不能用while 替换When。 he came yesterday, we were playing basketball. 如从句动词为终止性动词,主句也是终止性动词 when 和as 可以互换。 He came just as I reached the door. 难点链接 3) after/before After her husband died she had to take everything on herself. Take the medicine before you go to bed. 4) since引导的从句是肯定句,一般主句都是完成时. She has had another baby since we met. 5) till/until 其中until较为常用, till是口语. Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. I won't go until he comes. 6)as soon as I’ll tell him the news as soon as I see him. 7) because/since/as表示直接原因的时候不能用since或as.其他情况可以 用since—既然,as— 由于(语气弱)。 It was because he was ill that he didn't go to school. 8) so/such… that 结果状语从句(程度) She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. They took such care of her that not long after she was restored to health. 难点链接 9) if(假如,如果)不能用whether. If you call him a fatty, he will get angry. 10) unless=if not You can not interview him unless you get the permission. 11)though/although都作为”虽然,尽管”可以互换,although用的更多一 些. 后面不可以有but但可以有yet/still. Although he is much better, yet his father isn't satisfied. 12)as…as/ than(用于比较状语从句中) 14) as可以引导状语从句 As I remember, he used to work here ten years ago. As I see it, there is still much room for improvement in our work. 13) whether/if(是否) if 能引导宾语语从句 Please tell me whether it is true or not. I haven't decided whether/if I'll go with you. 在介词后,名词后,不定式前和有or not的句子中用whether. I am worried about whether she is happy. 14) so/such that(结果状语从句/目的状语从句), in order to/that…目 的状语从句 They set out early so that they might arrive in time. 目的状语从句 Say slowly so that I can understand it. It was raining, so that we could not go out. 结果状语从句(原因) 难点链接 3.常用近义连词的用法辨析 (1) while, when, as 这三个连词都可引导时间状语从句,但用法有所不同。 1) 当某事正在进行的时候,又发生了另一件事。While, when, as 都可用来 引导表示“背景”的时间状语从句。例如: As/When/While I was walking down the street I noticed a police car. 2) 当两个长动作同时进行的时候,最常用的是while。例如: While mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework. 3) 当两个动作都表示发展变化的情况时,最常用的是as。例如: As children get older, they become more and more interested in things around them. 4) 当两个短动作同时发生时,或表示“一边…一边…”时,最常用as。例如: Just as he caught the fly, he gave a loud cry. She looked behind from time to time as she went. 5) 当从句的动作先于主句的动作时,通常用when。例如: When he finished his work, he took a short rest. 6) 当从句是瞬间动作,主句是延续性动作时,通常用when。例如: When John arrived I was cooking lunch. (2)as, because, since , for 这四个词都可表原因,但用法有区别。 1) 如果原因构成句子的最主要部分,一般用because。因此, because引导的从句往往放在句末。例如: I stayed at home because it rained. ---Why aren’t you going? ---Because I don’t want to. 2) 如果原因已被人们所知,或不如句子的其它部分重要,就用 as或since。Since比as稍微正式一点。As和since 引导的从句 一般放在句子的开头。例如: As he wasn’t ready, we left without him. Since I have no money, I can’t buy any food. 3) for用来补充说明一种理由,因此,for引导的从句几乎可以 放在括号里。For引导的句子不放在句子的开头。例如: I decided to stop and have lunch,for I was feeling quite hungry. 难点链接 难点链接 (3)if, whether if和whether都可作“是否”讲,在引导宾与从句是一般可互换。例如: I wonder whether (if) you still study in that school. I don’t know whether (if) he likes that film. 在下列情况下,只能用whether,不能用if: 1) 在不定式前。例如: I haven’t made up my mind whether to go there or not. 2)用or并列两项以上时。例如: I don’t now whether he comes or not. (4)so…that, such...that 1) so…that中的so是个副词,其后只能跟形容词或副词,而such...that中 的such是个形容词,后接名词或名词短语。例如: I’m so tired that I can’t walk any farther. It was such a warm day that he went swimming. 2) 如果在名词之前有many, much, little, few时,用so,不用such。例如: He has so little education that he is unable to get a job. I have had so many falls that I am black and blue all over. 难点链接 (5)either…or…, neither…nor, not only…but also… 这三个连词词组都可连接两个并列成分。当它们连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词要随相邻的主语变化。例如: Either you or he is wrong. Neither he nor his children like fish. Not only the teacher but also the students want to buy the book. (6)although, but 这两个连词不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说“Although he is over sixty, but he works as hard as others.”这个句子应改为: Although he is over sixty, he works as hard as others.或He is over sixty, but he works as hard as others. (7)because, so 这两个连词同样不能用在同一个句子中。例如:我们不能说“Because John was ill, so I took him to the doctor.” 这个句子应改为Because John was ill, I took him to the doctor.或John was ill, so I took him to the doctor. 正误辨析 1.[误] Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now. [正] Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now. [析] 在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同 于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都 对。"而Neither of us is right。 才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确"。 2.[误] He or his parents has some tickets for the film. [正] He or his parents have some tickets for the film. [析] 由or 连接两主语时,谓语动词应与相临近的那一个主语保持一致。 3.[误] You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam. [正] You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam. [析] or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. 4.[误] Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others. [正] Though he is poor, he is ready to help others. [正] He is poor, but he is ready to help others. [析] "虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要 用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然",二者只可用其一。 正误辨析5.[误] Either you or I are on duty. [正] Either you or I am on duty. [析] either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应 ,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither… nor, not only…but also等。 6.[误] Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now. [正]Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now. [析] 并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词 都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省 略,也就是讲连接的部分不可省略。 7.[误] My father likes swimming and to collect stamps. [正] My father likes swimming and collecting stamps. [析] 由并列连词连接的两个部分要保持相等的语法结构。如是动名词则都 用动名词,如用不定式则都应用不定式,这是初学者要注意的一点。 8.[误] My father is reading a newspaper, I am doing my homework. [正] My father is reading a newspaper while I am doing my homework. [析] 两个并列句中间不可用逗号连接,要用并列连词来连接。  正误辨析 9.[误] My father asked me that if I wanted to learn how to drive. [正] My father asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive. [析] 宾语从句的连接词只能有一个不能重复使用。 10.[误] We will go both to Beijing and Shanghai. [正] We will go to both Beijing and Shanghai. [析] 用both…and…作连接词时,其相连接的部分结构也要相同。 11.[误] Not only Mary but also her brothers is going to dance. [正] Not only Mary but also her brothers are going to dance. [析] 由not only… but also…连接两个主语时,其重点在其后面的那一个 主语,所以谓语形式应采用就近原则。 12.[误] The teacher as well as his students are coming. [正] The teacher as well as his students is coming. [析] 由as well as 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与as well as 后面的名词无 关,而与前面的名词相一致。 13.[误] Tom does not swim nor play football. [正] Tom does not swim or play football. [析] nor主要用于连接句子的对等连词,如在否定句中连接某一部分时要 用or, 但要注意句子的含意,如:This animal does not like a cow or a horse. 这个动物既不像牛也不像马。This animal does not like a cow but a horse. 这个动物不像牛而像马。 正误辨析 14. [误] For there is no light in the classroom. The students must have gone home. [正] The students must have gone home, for there is no light in the classroom. [析] 由for引出的原因状语从句在使用时要注意不能将该从句置于句 首,而应 置于主句之后,并在主句与从句之间加一逗号。更要注意的是because, as, since与 for 4个表示原因的连词中because是因果关系,是最强的一个,而for是最弱的一个。 有些语法书中干脆把for叫做并列连词 15.[误] My brother will pass the English exam is no question. [正] That my brother will pass the English exam is no question. [析] 主语从句的引导词that是不可省略的。这一点不要和宾语从句的引导词相 提并论。 16.[误] This map will show you how will you get to the hotel. [正] This map will show you how you will get to the hotel. [析] 名词性从句作宾语从句使用时,最重要的一点是要用陈述语句。特别要注 意的是那些使用双宾语的动词,如:tell, ask, show… 17.[误] While the clock struck ten, all the lights went out. [正] When the clock struck ten, all the lights went out. [析] while是强调两个动作在同时进行中,如:While I am doing my homework, my father is reading a newspaper. 而这里的when是"正当某某时 刻","就在这一时间点上",其重点强调在某一特定时刻某动作的发生。 正误辨析 18. [误] While I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend. [正] When I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend. [析] 这里用when表达在一个动作的进行中,另一个动作突然发生了。 正在进行的动作用一进行时态,而突然发生的动作用一般时态。 19.[误] While I heard the bad news I felt sad. [正] When I heard the bad news, I felt sad. [析] while不能表达一点儿的时间,即瞬时某一时间点。 20.[误] After school some students play football, or others go to the library. [正] After school some students play football, while others go to the library. [析] while在此处意为"而,然而"。 21.[误] She sang when she walked along the dark street. [正] She sang as she walked along the dark street. [析] as用于句中时,其要点是强调两个动作的同时进行。这里用when虽然不能讲 是语法上的错误,但则看不出来小女孩因独自走黑暗的街道因害怕而唱歌的心情。22.[误 ] I finished my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [正] I didn't finished my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [正] I did my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [析] until用在句中时其含义是某一动作一直持续到某时结束,那么句中的动词则一 定要用持续性动词,如果要用瞬间,或截止性动词时一定要用否定句式。因截止性动作的 否定式应看作是持续性的动作。如离开leave是瞬间动作,因一出门即为离开了,而不离 开则是长时间的。 正误辨析 23. [误] I have studied English when I was twelve. [正] I have studied English since I was twelve. [析] since引出的时间状语从句是表达了一个时间点,而这个时间点是主句动 作的启始点,所以主句一般要用完成时态。 24.[误] Because he didn't study hard, so he didn't pass the exam.  [正] He didn't pass the exam because he didn't study hard. [析] because 与 so在英文中两者不能并用的,只能在句中用其一。 25.[误] He was such excited that he could not speak. [正] He was so excited that he could not speak. [析] so与such的用法可以分为四种情况,①用于单数可数名词之前,其格式是 such+不定冠词+形容词+单数可数名词,如:It is such a beautiful book that every child likes it. 也可以用so, 其格式是so+形容词+不定冠词+单数可数名词, 如:It was so beautiful a book that every child likes it. ②在不可数名词前或 可数名词复数前这时只能用such, 如:It is such good weather that we want to swim. 又如:They are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. ③在few, little, much, many 这4个字前只能用so而不能用such, 如:I have so much money that I can buy everything I want. ④当that前只有形 容词或副词时,这时只能用so, 如:She is so beautiful that every one likes her. He ran so fast that I couldn't keep up with him. 正误辨析 26. [误] He got up earlier this morning so as to that he could catch the first bus. [正] He got up earlier this morning so as to catch the first bus. [正] He got up so earlier that he could catch the first bus. [析] so…that与so that的用法有相同之处,那就是其后接从句,而 so as to 其后要接不定式,即动词原形。这样的词组还有:in order to。 27.[误] I want to buy same stamp that you have. [正] I want to buy the same stamp as you have. [析] the same…as (that)这是个固定用法,在same前的定冠词是不 能少的。而the same…that意为"我要的就是那一个"。而the same…as为" 要的是和……一样的东西"。 28.[误] Before I do not give you the answer, I'll ask you some questions. [正] Before I give you the answer, I'll ask you some questions. [析] 这种错误是由于受中文的影响。在中文中可以讲"我没给你答案前"。 而英文用了before就不要再用否定句了。 例题解析 1 We bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it. A. but B. and C. or D. so  [答案] A.  [析] 由于句意的原因,应选择转折连词。 2 Run quickly, ___ we'll miss the early train. A. and B. but C. so D. or  [答案] D.  [析] or这里应译为:否则。 3 I'll give the book to him ___ he comes back. A. since B. as soon as C. before D. until  [答案] B.  [析] as soon as 引出的时间状语从句应用一般现在时表示将来要发生的 动作。 4 Don't cross the road ___ the light turns green. A. when B. while C. until D. as  [答案] C.  [析] until应译为"直到……才",因为前面的祈使句为否定句。又如:She did not go to bed until her mother came back. 应译为"直到她妈妈回 来她才睡觉"。 例题解析 5 Miss Gao has been a teacher ___ 1990. A. before B. after C. since D. in  [答案] C.  [析] 因为主句为完成时,所以应用 since表示该动作的启始点。 6 - Which would you like better, tea ___ milk? - Tea, please. A. but B. and C. or D. with  [答案] C.  [析] 在疑问句与否定句中应用or来表示一种选择。 7 We love spring ___ there's beautiful flowers every where. A. though B. but C. or D. because  [答案] D.  [析] 因为这里表示的是因果关系。 8 Please leave ___ 7∶00, then you'll be able to get ___ there earlier.A. till, in B. from, / C. before, / D. behind, to  [答案] C.  [析] before为在7∶00之前离开。 例题解析 9 The teacher didn't begin the lesson ___ all the students stopped talking.A. until B. after C. if D. because  [答案] A.  [析] 这句应译为"直到所有的学生都停止讲话老师才开始上课"。因begin为 瞬间动词,所以应用否定句。 10 Betty didn't go to see the film yesterday ___ she was ill. A. but B. until C. if D. because  [答案] D.  [析] 这里是表示因果关系,所以应用because。因为她病了所以未去看电 影。11 You must start right now, ___ you'll miss the train. A. for B. and C. so D. or  [答案] D.  [析] or译为"否则"。本句句意为:你必须马上走了,否则要赶不上火车了。 12 ___ he is a child of six, he can read and write. A. Whose B. If C. Though D. Because  [答案] C.  [析] 这种状语从句在英语中称为让步状语从句,应译为:虽然他才是个6岁 的孩子,他却可以读书和写字。 例题解析 13 I like fish, ___ chicken, ___ eggs. A. and, and B. and, with C. /, and D. and, /  [答案] C.  [析] 在有若干个名词或动词出现时,每一个词之间只用逗号连接,只在最后两个词 之间加and。如:The old man passed the street, went into a shop and bought some food。 14 Take this dictionary with you ___ you may use it in class. A. when B. in order to C. but D. so that  [答案] D.  [析] so that应译为"为的是"。本句句义为:带上字典,为的是在上课时可能有用。 而in order to 其后应接动词不定式,如:Take this dictionary with you in order to use it in class。 15 I hope ___ will be fine tomorrow. A. it B. what C. whether D. when  [答案] A.  [析] hope后接的是宾语从句,而且宾语从句中少主语,应用it来代替天气。 16 ___ she was not well, I decided to go without her. A. Though B. As C. When D. Because of  [答案] B.  [析] as这里应译为"由于"。全句意为:由于她不舒服,我决定不带她去了。而 because of 其后不能接从句只能接宾语。如: Because of the heavy rain, we decided not to go。 例题解析 17 My aunt bought me __many story books that I spent a lot of time ___them. A. such…on B. such…in C. too…in D so…on  [答案] D.  [析] 因many前只能用so来修饰,所以只能选择D选项。而spend…on something 为在某事上花费时间或钱。如:She spent a lot of money on her clothes。 18 Mother was cooking ___ she ___ a knock at the door. A. when, listen to B. while, listened toC. while, heard D. when, heard  [答案] D.  [析] when在这里应译为:就在那时,那一刻,那一瞬间。 19 Speak slowly, ___ we can understand you. A. and B. or C. if D. because  [答案] A.  [析] and这里是并列连词,应译为:请讲慢些这样我们就会明白你的意思。 20 You'll learn English well ___ you put your heart into it. A. if B. so C. until D. or  [答案] A.  [析] 本句译为:如果你将心放在学习上,你就会将英语学好。这里的语法 现象是从句中用一般现在时表示将来。 例题解析 21 I won't let you in ___ you show me your pass. A. until B. for C. since D. because  [答案] A.  22 She didn't go to school ___ she was ill. A. why B. because C. where D. but  [答案] B. 23. ---I like riding fast. It’s very exciting. ---Oh! You mustn’t do it like that, ________ it may have an accident. A. and B. or C. so D. but 答案:B。该题考查的是并列连词的用法。答语的意思是“你不要那样做, 否则会发生事故的。”在这四个并列连词中,只有or含有这样的意思,所以应 选B。 4. John fell asleep ________ he was listening to the music. A. after B. before C. while D. as soon as 答案:C。该题考查的是引导时间状语从句的常用从属连词的用法。本句的 含义是“约翰在听音乐的时候睡着了。”表示在干某事时发生了某个事情” 通 常用while。因此应选C。  课时训练 单项填空 1. ---Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008? ---I don’t think so. Now ______ the young ______ the old can speak some English. A. either…or B. not only… but also C. neither…nor D. both…or 2. We didn’t catch the train _______ we left late. A. so B. because C. but D. though 3. Tom failed in the exam again _______ he wanted to pass it very much. A. if B. so C. though D. as 4. I won’t believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words ______ I have tested him myself. A. after B. when C. if D. until 5. The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ______ he realized it. A. when B. until C. after D. before B B C D D 课时训练 6. ---This dress was last year’s style. ---I think it still looks perfect ______ it has gone out this year. A. so that B. even though C. as if D. ever since 7. Hurry up, _______ you will miss the train. A. and B. so C. however D. or 8. The mountain was ______ steep _____ few people in our city reached the top. A. so…as B. so…that C. as…as D. too…to 9. ---Do you remember our pleasant journey to Xi’an? ---Of course. I remember everything ______ it happened yesterday. A. as soon as B. even though C. rather than D. as if 10. ______ you can’t answer this question, we have to ask someone else for help. A. Although B. While C. Whether D. Since B D B D D 课时训练 11.Lucy and Lily are twins.Lucy likes playing basketball, _________Lily doesn't.  A.and B.but C.as D.or 12. The scientist knows two languages.He can speak______English___French. A.either,or B.neither,nor C.both,and D.so,that 13.He is rich_________unhappy. A.or B.and C.so D.but 14.Take a rest_________you finish the work. A.before B.after C.until D.while 15.You can't pass the exam,______you study hard. A.if B.of C.unless D.and 16._________our team tried best_________we failed. A.Though,but B.Because,so C.If,and D.Though,/ 17.Don't get off _______the bus stops. A.when B.after C.until D.so B C D B C D C 课时训练 用适当的连词填空 1. ______ they are brothers, they don’t look like each other at all. 2. The dress was very expensive, ______ I didn’t buy it. 3. ---Do you know ______ I could pass the exam? ---Sorry, I’ve no idea. 4. Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, ______ he can’t understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills. 5. The war was over about a year ago, ______ the American soldiers in Iraq are still having a lot of trouble to deal with. 6. ---Is David at school today? ---No. He is at home _______ he has a bad cold. 7. _____ Lily _____ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home. 8. Study hard, _____ you are sure to have a good result in the exam. 9. Please have a wash _______ you go to bed. 10. The twins have learned a lot ______ they came to China. so Although/ Though if/ whether so but because Either or and before since

