人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语-导学案-Recycle Day 3 & Day 4

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人教PEP版小学六年级下册英语-导学案-Recycle Day 3 & Day 4

Recycle 第二课时 教学目标 1、充分掌握 go 、do、 play 、have 在一般现在时中的用法; 2、学生能在图片的帮助下,用一般过去时填空,描述 Mike 在农场中一天 的生活 3、能正确理解使用现在进行时和动词过去式。 教学重点 能正确理解并使用一般现在时和现在进行时及动词过去式的用法。 教学难点 掌握第三人称单数的一般现在时的表达法。 教学准备 多媒体课件 图片 习题卡 教学活动 一、热身导入 唱一唱(Let’s chant) Every day I go to school.What do you do? Every day I play sports.What do you do? Every day I have class.What do you do? Every day I do homework.What do you do? 二、任务呈现 (一)、听一听 学生听一段录音,并说出录音中出现的动词短语。 I am very busy every day, I go to work,have English class,play sports and do housework. What about you? What do you often do? (二)、认一认 课件闪现四个动词 go play do have 学生快速的读出来,并说出含有这几个动 词的词组。(老师示范) (三)、说一说 1、课件出现图片,老师说:“I go to school every day.” 2、再在课件的右边出示 Mike 的头像,说:“He goes to school every day.” 3、出示这个例句后,课件出示一系列图片让学生说出和 go 有关的短语并组 成句子。 (用这样的方式引导学生把 do play have 说完,不断地变化人物,让学生感知。) (四) 说一说 看到 44 页的图片,Who are they? 教师指着图片中的人物,一一问答,学生 回答。用到:What is he doing?/ What is she doing?/What are they doing? (五)写一写 仿照例句把其余的三个句子写完。 三、课文学习 (一)讲授 My day: 1. Show the teacher’s day, Ss listen and watch. “What did I do yesterday?” 2. Read the passage one by one sentence. T helps the Ss to review the time order: in the morning, then, after that, next, in the afternoon, in the evening, finally. 3. Have the Ss give the passage a title and an ending. 4. Read the passage together. (二)讲授 Mike`s Day 1.Have the Ss open their books and turn to page 45, and look read and fill in the blanks. 2. Check the answers. 3. Retell what did Mike do on Saturday. 四、训练巩固 Simon`s Day 1. Listen and number. 2. Watch and say: 3.Write about one of their days. 4.Make a new poem.编一首新诗。 五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有: go do play have Bill is playing ping-pong. ate breakfast cleaned the room read a book played computer went fishing

