人教版八年级英语上册Unit 3测试题

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人教版八年级英语上册Unit 3测试题

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 3测试题 第二部分 笔试(满分95分)‎ 五、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎( C )21.—________ sport will you take part in, Peter? ‎ ‎—The boys' 800meter race.‎ A.Where B.When C.Which D.How ‎( A )22.________of the two books are very interesting, so I can't decide which one to choose.‎ A.Both B.All C.Either D.Any ‎( C )23.—Mom, could you buy me a dress like this, please?‎ ‎—Of course. We can buy________ one than this, but ________ it.‎ A.a better; better than B.a worse; as good as C.a cheaper; as good as D.a more important; not as good as ‎( B )24.Peter spoke so ________ that I could hardly hear him. ‎ A.loudly B.quietly C.clearly D.patiently ‎( D )25.The teacher changed my seat to the front so that I could see the words on the blackboard ________. ‎ A.nearly B.hardly C.closely D.clearly ‎( A )26.We must________ our classmates because they are our friends.‎ A.care about B.shout at C.look like D.strict with ‎( D )27.I think the same ________ you do about this.‎ A.with B.like C.and D.as ‎( B )28.—Mike plays the drums so wonderfully!‎ 9‎ ‎—Of course. He is ________ than any other students in his class.‎ A.talented B.more talented C.less talented D.the most talented ‎( A )29. It is well worth the effort, and the sunrise is ________ beautiful.‎ A.truly B.mainly C.hardly D.nearly ‎( B )30.— I'm afraid ebooks might be bad for our eyes.‎ ‎—Hmm, but they will be helpful for us ________ we put them to good use.‎ A.as soon as B.as long as C.even though D.so that 六、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 友谊(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. 31 is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Certainly, sometimes we need to be alone. We don't always want people 32 . But we would feel lonely if we 33 had a friend.‎ No two people are 34 . Friends 35 don't get on well. That doesn't mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up and become friends again.‎ Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very 36 . We miss them very much, but we can 37 them and write to them. It could be that we would even see them again. And we can 38 new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.‎ There's more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don't. Why? It could be that they are 39 . Being happy helps you stay well. If someone cares about you, you take 40 care of yourself.‎ ‎( A )31.A.It B.He C.There D.Someone ‎( D )32.A.alone B.away C.all over D.around ‎( B )33.A.ever B.never C.just D.really ‎( C )34.A.friendly B.kind C.just the same D.quite different ‎( B )35.A.always B.sometimes 9‎ C.often D.usually ‎( D )36.A.angry B.worried C.happy D.lonely ‎( A )37.A.call B.ask C.tell D.talk with ‎( C )38.A.look for B.find C.make D.know ‎( A )39.A.happier B.stronger C.kinder D.richer ‎( B )40.A.less B.better C.little D.no 七、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ 什么是好朋友 Three students are giving their opinions about what a good friend should be like. ‎ ‎ ‎ Cindy I think a good friend should be honest(诚实的).That's more __important__than__any__other__thing.And it is where a real friendship starts. If a person isn't honest, he may lose his friends' trust.‎ Jerry ‎  I think a good friend has to be generous(慷慨的). Here being generous doesn't mean he has to give his friends money or clothes. It means he should share his ideas and feelings with his friends. In fact, his friends can know him better in this way. ‎ Mary ‎  In my opinion,a good friend should understand his friends. When there's something wrong between him and his friends,he must put himself in his friends' place and think more of his friends. ‎ ‎( A )41.What does the underlined sentence mean? ‎ A.To be honest is the most important.‎ B.To be honest is as important as other things.‎ C.To be honest is not very important.‎ D.Honest people get more things than others.‎ 9‎ ‎( D )42.What does the underlined word “trust” mean in Chinese? ‎ A.夸奖 B.批评 C.理解 D.信任 ‎( C )43.Jerry would like to make friends with people who ________. ‎ A.give him money B.know him very well C.tell him their ideas and feelings D.give him some clothes ‎( C )44.Mary thinks friends should ________. ‎ A.often visit each other B.often go to different places C.understand each other D.help each other ‎( D )45.Which of the following is NOT true? ‎ A.The three students are talking about what they think a good friend should be like.‎ B.Cindy thinks honesty is the base(基础)of a good friendship. ‎ C.Mary would like to make friends with people who think more of others.‎ D.Being generous means being very clever.‎ B(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ 我最好的朋友 My best friends are John and Ann. We do many things together. John lives near my house and we are in the same class. He's fifteen years old and he's tall and thin. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's polite and very clever. He's very good at math and he helps me with my homework sometimes. He usually wears jeans and a Tshirt, but in the photo he's wearing black trousers and a yellow Tshirt. We also play basketball at a nearby park together and sometimes we play video games at my house.‎ Our friend Ann doesn't go to our school. She's short and thin with straight brown hair and brown eyes. She's a little bit shy. We all have Kungfu lessons every Tuesday and Friday. We love it. Ann is really good at Kungfu. We call her “Kungfu kid”. She sometimes plays basketball with us, too. In the picture she's wearing a skirt, a Tshirt and a baseball cap. Tshirts are her favorite clothes. We have great fun together.‎ ‎( B )46.What things do the three children do together?‎ 9‎ A.Play baseball. B.Play basketball.‎ C.Play tennis. D.Play video games.‎ ‎( A )47.What are John and Ann's favorite clothes?‎ A.Tshirt. B.Jeans. C.Trousers. D.Jackets.‎ ‎( C )48.Who's good at math?‎ A.The writer. B.Ann.‎ C.John. D.Ann and John.‎ ‎( D )49.When do the children have Kungfu lessons?‎ A.Every Thursday.‎ B.Every Tuesday.‎ C.Every Friday.‎ D.Every Tuesday and Friday.‎ ‎( C )50.Where do they play video games?‎ A.In the nearby park. B.At John's house.‎ C.At the writer's house. D.At Ann's house.‎ ‎(核心素养)C(易读度:★★★☆☆)‎ 如何克服害羞 ‎ Overcoming shyness is not impossible. We will discuss the steps to bring you out of shyness.‎ Step 1 Overcoming shyness is mainly a case of mind over matter. If you're afraid to do it, then do it again and again. The more you come to talk with people, the easier it will become. You may also find that it's not as difficult as you thought anyway. Just talk to people a little more every day.‎ Step 2 It sometimes helps to try to imagine yourself as another person. Think about it. Do you get shy when someone else walks up to talk to another? Of course you don't. Think of yourself just as another somebody else and it'll make it a little easier.‎ Step 3 Dress to impress. The better you look, the more confidence you'll feel. Feeling good about your appearance can greatly reduce shyness.‎ Step 4 If you're up on stage, try to imagine that you're someplace else. Maybe in the comforts of your own living room. Tell yourself that the people in the audience are really no big deal. They're only people. Nothing is threatened about that(in most cases). ‎ ‎( A )51.The first step mainly tells us________.‎ 9‎ A.we should talk to people as much as possible B.it's difficult to get over shyness C.we'll be shy when talking to more people D.we are shy because we don't think carefully ‎( C )52.The second step tells us it's ________to think of yourself as another person.‎ A.polite B.difficult C.useful D.interesting ‎( B )53.What does the underlined word “reduce” mean in this passage?‎ A.喜欢 B.减少 C.增大 D.防治 ‎( C )54.The fourth step tells us ________.‎ A.it's easy to speak in our livingroom B.it's easy to speak to only people C.what to think of when speaking on stage D.when you can speak on stage ‎( A )55.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?‎ A.The less we talk with people, the easier we will communicate.‎ B.When others are talking we can't feel shy.‎ C.We should pay attention to our appearance in order to increase the confidence.‎ D.There are four ways about overcoming shyness in the passage.‎ 八、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ A.根据句意及所给汉语提示填写单词。‎ ‎56.Li Lei is more __outgoing__(外向的) than Lin Tao.‎ ‎57.He is a __hardworking__(辛勤的) boy.‎ ‎58.We can get some useful _information__(信息) on the Internet. ‎ ‎59.He won (赢得) a beautiful notebook in the English contest.‎ ‎60.It's __necessary__(必要的;必需的) for kids to do more housework at home.‎ 9‎ B.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎61.Lucy is very __talented_(talent) in music.‎ ‎62.(原创)I'm __truly__(true) sorry for it.‎ ‎63.His mother makes him __clean__(clean) his room every day.‎ ‎64.She always get __better__(good) grades than me.‎ ‎65.John enjoys __reading__(read) books at home on weekends. ‎ 九、补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。‎ A:Hi, Jim.66. C ‎ B:Of course.‎ A:67. G ‎ B:Yes. Because I'm an outgoing boy.‎ A:What kind of friends do you like?‎ B:68. E I don't like to make friends who are different from me.‎ A:OK. I am the same as you.69. A ‎ B:Sure. You know, I am the best player in our school basketball team.‎ A:Yes, and you are handsome, too.70. D ‎ B:You are welcome.‎ A.Are you popular in your school?‎ B.A good friend is like a mirror.‎ C.May I ask you some questions?‎ D.Thank you.‎ E.I like friends who are outgoing, and very funny.‎ F.Why do you like to make friends? ‎ G.Do you like to make friends?‎ 十、▲(2019·鄂州改编)任务型阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 9‎ 根据短文内容,完成下列表格所缺的内容。‎ 美国学校(易读度:★★★☆☆)‎ American schools are quite different from those in China. In America, at the beginning of the term, students must select (挑选) their subjects and teachers first.‎ Selecting is very important for your marks in America. So at the first term, don't select too many subjects, or you'll feel very nervous and tired. Then you have to ask for some teaching plans. There is some information about subjects, time arranging(安排), marks and textbooks. At the same time, you must choose the teachers. Different teachers have different teaching methods. If the teacher is called “killer” by the last grade, many students will give up choosing him, because this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, too many exams and give too low grades. There is another thing after you select the subjects and teachers. How to buy textbooks makes each student feel hard. The textbooks in America are very expensive. Each one is about $30—50. In order to save money, many students buy some used textbooks, and some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library.‎ In class, discussing is very important. The teacher encourages(鼓励) you to ask questions or show your own opinions(观点). They don't usually ask you to sit well. Instead they allow you to sit or stand anywhere you like.‎ Students ‎●71.__Subjects__ and teachers must be selected at the beginning of the term. ‎ ‎●At the first term, students can't select too many subjects, or they'll feel very 72.__nervous__and tired. ‎ ‎●Students can't select teachers called 73.“__killers__”. ‎ ‎●Many students buy some used textbooks 74.__to__save__ money.‎ Teachers ‎●The teachers encourage students to ask questions or show their opinions. ‎ ‎●They allow students to sit or stand anywhere they like instead of 75.__sitting__well.‎ 十一、短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读短文,根据短文内容和已给出的首字母,在空白处填入适当的单词。‎ 我和我的双胞胎妹妹(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ I have a twin sister, Kitty. She has 76.l__onger_ hair than me. Many people think we 77.m ust have lots of things in common. But this is not true. When my parents' friends come to our home, Kitty often sits there and says 78.n__othing__, but I like to have a talk with them. So she is 79.q__uieter__ than me. Kitty likes reading, 80.d__rawing__and cooking. I just like swimming and 81.p__laying basketball. She has more hobbies than me, but she is not as athletic as me. Because Kitty does 82.b etter than me at school, my parents often say to me, “Although Kitty 9‎ ‎ is 83.y__ounger__than you, you should learn 84.f rom her.” We do have some similarities (相似之处), however. For example, we 85.b oth like eating fast food, going shopping and listening to pop music. ‎ 十二、书面表达(满分10分)‎ ‎86.根据表格中提供的信息,写一篇短文介绍你和你的好朋友Tina的相同之处和不同之处,不少于80个词。‎ 不同点 相同点 Tina ‎1.比我高,更开朗 ‎2.喜欢听音乐 ‎3.每天锻炼 ‎4.最喜欢游戏节目,她认为它们很精彩 ‎1.喜欢运动 ‎2.认真对待各门功课 ‎3.喜欢阅读,通常在周末一起去图书馆 我 ‎1.喜欢看电视,但我不喜欢看游戏节目,我认为它们没意义 ‎2.每周锻炼三次 Tina_is__my__best__friend.__In__some__ways,__we__are__the__same.__Both__of__us_like__sports__and__are__good__at__our__subjects.__We__both__like__reading,__and__we__usually__go__to__the__library__on__weekends__together.__But__in__some__ways__are__different.__She__is__taller__and__more__outgoing__than__me.__I__like__watching__TV__at__home.__She__likes__listening__to__music.I__only__exercise__three__times__a__week.She_exercises__every__day.__She__likes__watching__game__shows__because__she__thinks__they__are__wonderful,__but__I__don't__like__to__watch__them,__I__think__they__are__meaningless.‎ 9‎

