人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 1

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人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 1

1 人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题 Unit 1 第二卷 笔试部分(95 分) 二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 26. —Jack, you swam very well. Who taught you? —Nobody. I taught ____. A. I B. me C. myself D. mine 27. —Helen, did you do ____ last weekend? —Yes, I visited my grandparents in the countryside. A. anything special B. something special C. special anything D. special something 28. —What can you see from the top of the mountain? —We can see a lake____ us. A. past B. across C. along D. below 29. —What do you think of the movie? —It's____ for me. I got____ when I was in the cinema (电影院). A. boring; boring B. boring; bored C. bored; boring D. bored; bored 30. —Why does little Tom's father not let him use the computer? —Because his father thinks Tom is not ____. A. old enough B. enough old C. young enough D. enough young 31. —Does Sally have many friends in her class? —No, she has____ because she is shy and quiet. A. a few B. few C. a little D. less 32. —You seem____ Faye Wong's songs very much. —That's true. She is my favorite singer. A. to practice B. to enjoy C. practicing D. enjoying 33. —Alex,____ helped you clean the classroom yesterday? 2 —Yes, Mike did. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one 34. —Did you go to the mountain with your parents, Tom? —____. We went to the Science Museum. A. Yes, I did B. Yes, I was C. No, I didn't D. No, I wasn't 35. —Did you go anywhere interesting this summer vacation? —____. I only stayed at home to study for the test. A. Of course B. No problem C. Not really D. Sounds great 三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,计 10 分) Some vacations are good but some are __36__. Here I'd like to share (分享) some good places to go on vacation with you. The first place is Niagara Falls. There are so __37__ things to do and see. I took a boat ride there. The boat went under the falls. It was exciting __38__ kind of scary. My dad was afraid of it, so he just stood nearby. When night __39__, the falls looked beautiful because of colorful lights (灯). The only bad thing was the expensive __40__. And it tasted bad! Another place is Washington, D. C. There we __41__ in a nice hotel. We took one tour bus ( 观 光 车 ) and saw __42__ great around the city. We also saw the White House. It __43__ very beautiful, but we didn't get into it. The __44__ one is Ocean City, Maryland. Although we only had a oneday trip, it was great. The beach was beautiful! We went for a long walk and took lots of photos. Then we went to many different __45__ there. Unluckily ( 不 幸 地 ), my parents only bought me a hat! 36. A. bad B. cheap C. short D. interesting 37. A. few B. little C. many D. much 38. A. or B. but C. so D. as 39. A. went B. came C. left D. got 3 40. A. food B. price C. car D. weather 41. A. reached B. took C. stayed D. had 42. A. everything B. anyone C. nobody D. nothing 43. A. saw B. felt C. looked D. sounded 44. A. first B. second C. only D. last 45. A. zoos B. shops C. parks D. hotels 四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,计 30 分) A Friday, August 10th It was fine today. My friends and I had an egg and an apple for breakfast. Then we went to Tian'anmen Square in the morning. It was great! In the afternoon, we went swimming. I taught some kids to swim. It was interesting. Saturday, August 11th It was cool today. We went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. So we ate a lot for dinner. I ate a large bowl of noodles, chicken and ice cream. The food was delicious. Sunday, August 12th It was rainy today, so we stayed in the camp. I wrote letters to my family and friends. At noon we ate hamburgers and salad for lunch. After lunch, we watched an action movie. It was exciting. 46. The writer and his friends traveled in____. A. Tianjin B. Beijing C. Nanjing D. Shanghai 47. What was the weather like on Saturday? A. Fine. B. Cool. C. Rainy. D. Snowy. 48. What did the writer have for lunch on Sunday? A. Hamburgers and salad. 4 B. Some fruit and vegetables. C. An egg and an apple. D. Noodles, chicken and ice cream. 49. They visited the Great Wall on____. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday 50. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The writer didn't go swimming on Friday afternoon. B. The writer watched an exciting movie on Sunday evening. C. Although it was fine on Sunday, they stayed in the camp. D. The writer and his friends had fun in Beijing. B I'm Sharon. One of my favorite countries to go on vacation is China. After falling in love with the country on the business (生意) trip two years ago, I took my children to China last summer. We visited three cities, but Xi'an was the most interesting one. This old city is amazing and our children loved to ride bicycles on the famous City Wall. The wall is about 14 kilometers long and it has a very long history. Visitors can rent bicycles there and it is very cheap. And on each corner (街角) you can take a rest and enjoy a bottle of cold water, because it was very hot when we visited it in July. Trust (相信) me, your children will love the trip! …………………Comments (评论)………………… Reply (回复) Tina Aug 31, 2019 Hi, Sharon! I also think China is a great country to visit. We just came back from Beijing and we had great fun. Next time, we'll go to Xi'an on vacation. Can you tell me some other interesting activities in Xi'an? Reply Sharon 5 Sept 1, 2019 Hi, Tina! I'm glad that you love China, too. I think you can try some Chinese food in Xi'an. There are also a lot of places of interest in Xi'an. I'm sure you'll love them! 51. When did Sharon go to China for a business trip? A. In 2013. B. In 2015. C. In 2017. D. In 2019. 52. What does the underlined word“rent” mean in Chinese? A. 购买 B. 修理 C. 组装 D. 租用 53. Which is NOT true about the City Wall? A. It's long. B. It's new. C. It's in Xi'an. D. It's famous. 54. Sharon told Tina to____ in Xi'an. A. go shopping B. ride bicycles C. climb the mountain D. visit its places of interest 55. Where can we read it? A. On the Internet. B. In a diary. C. In an email. D. In a storybook. C Do you go shopping and buy things on sale?Here are some tips to help you get the most and the best goods(货物) with your money. Shop around. A “sale” price isn't always the “best” price. Some shops may put a sale price on the goods that you want for a limited(有限的) time. Other shops may have a sale price on the goods every day. Read the sale ads. Some ads may say “quantities limited”, so make sure the shop has the goods you want before you go in. Think of your time and travel costs. 6 If something is on sale but the shop is in another town,think about your time and the costs of transportation. Go online. If you decide to buy something from an online shop,keep the delivery(递送) costs in mind. Think about bargain goods. The shops sell these things to make you buy more goods. For example, “Buy One, Get One Free”. If you don't really want or need the thing,it's not a good idea. 56. Why should we read the sale ads when we buy things on sale? A. Because you have to make sure the shop has the goods you want. B. Because the sale price isn't always the best price. C. Because you have to think of your time and travel costs. D. Because you need to think of the delivery costs as well. 57. What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “quantities”? A. 数量 B. 速度 C. 交通 D. 力量 58. The passage tells us ____ tips to help us buy the most and the best goods. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 59. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. You shouldn't buy as many bargain goods as you can. B. The “sale” price is always the “best” price. C. Some shops may put a sale price on the goods every day. D. It's not always good to go a long way to buy something cheap. 60. The best title for the passage is “____”. A. How to Shop B. Online Shopping C. Go Shopping D. Sale Shopping 五、阅读还原(每小题 2 分,计 10 分) Deborah and Paul Evans enjoyed life. They loved nature and outdoor activities, especially hiking(远足). 61. ________ When they went hiking, they always took their dog Buddy. Buddy was a large sheepdog. He loved Deborah and Paul. 62. ________ One day during the summer vacation, they decided to hike to South Mountain. 7 Before starting their trip, they saw a piece of news on TV. 63. “ ________We advise(建议)hikers to be away from South Mountain,”said the news reporter. “If so, how about going there another day?”Deborah said in a small voice. “Don't worry. I'm sure we'll be safe,”said Paul.“64. ________”In the end, they set off with Buddy. At about 5 pm, Deborah, Paul and Buddy made it to the top of the mountain. Soon after, they heard a big noise. A mountain lion did jump out. It ran towards Deborah. 65. ________He scared the lion away. Deborah and Paul were very thankful to Buddy. How lucky they were to have such a brave dog! 根据短文内容,将方框中的句子回填到短文中适当的位置。 A. Hiking was one of his favorite things, too. B. Mountain lions usually stay away from people. C. They often hiked during their vacation. D. It is said that someone saw a mountain lion around there. E. Just then, Buddy barked(叫)and jumped up to save her. 六、补全对话(每小题 2 分,计 10 分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项使对话内容完整。其中有两项多余。 A: Tim, you're back! How was your vacation? B: It was so much fun. A: 66. ________ Tell us about Australia, Tim. B: It is a beautiful country! But it's very crowded at this time of the year. A: You're right. April is part of the tourist season (观光季节)! 67. ________ B: I went to Sydney and Canberra (堪培拉). A: Canberra? Is it the largest city of Australia? B: No, Sydney is. Canberra is the capital (首都) city of Australia. A: 68. ________ B: I visited the Sydney Opera House in Sydney and the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra. A: Wonderful! 69. ________ B: Yes, very good. The hotel was also cheap! 8 A: Who did you go with? B: No one. 70. ________ I think I had a great vacation! A. I traveled there by myself. B. Was your hotel nice? C. What cities did you go to? D. I heard you went to Australia. E. Where did you take these photos? F. Were you tired there? G. What places did you visit? 七、根据汉语意思及括号内所给的英语提示,完成句子(每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 71. 为了学好英语,他总是用英语写日记。(keep) In order to learn English well, he always________ ________ ________in English. 72. 因为恶劣的天气,我们看不到下面的任何东西。(because) ________ ________ the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below. 73. 他们决定四处逛逛夜市。(walk) They decided________ ________ ________ the night market. 74. 在玩滑翔伞时,我感觉自己像一只小鸟。 (feel) When I tried paragliding, I ________ ________ I was a bird. 75. 我们的学校生活太无趣了,除了学习,没有什么可做的。 Our school life is very boring. There is ________ ________ ________ ________ study. 八、综合填空(每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 每词限用一次。 seem, so, bird, fun, we, about, tell, really, shop, wonderful Every year, I visit a city with my family. Last year, we went to New York. We had 76. ________ and stayed there for a week. This year, we decided to visit London because my friend Amy 77. ________ me that it was very beautiful. 9 This morning I flew to London with my parents. On the plane, I watched a film and time 78. ________ to go by quickly. When we got to 79. ________ hotel, it was about three o'clock. The weather was 80. ________, so we decided to visit one of London's parks first. Amy showed me lots of photos 81. ________ them before the trip and I knew London had many great parks. We went to Hyde Park. There were trees everywhere in the park. Some 82. ________ sang in them. We walked around and took quite a few photos. We were 83. ________ surprised at how beautiful the park was. When we got to the Buckingham Palace, it was dark. 84. ________ we came back to the hotel. Tomorrow morning we will visit the Buckingham Palace first, and then I will go 85. ________ with my mother. What will we buy? A lot! 九、书面表达(10 分) 为了提高英语写作水平,你们英语老师要求你们每天用英语写日记。假设今 天是星期日(4 月 12 日),你和你的家人出去春游,玩得很开心。请你根据下面表 格中的提示,用英语写一则日记,可适当发挥。 要求:80 词左右,日记的格式已给出,不计入总词数。 天气 阳光明媚 活动 上午 爬山,放风筝,植树 中午 吃自带食物 下午 参观农场 感受 累但很开心 Sunday, April 12th _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 二、26. C 解析:考查反身代词。句意为“——杰克,你游泳非常好。谁教你 10 的?——没有人,我自学的”。teach oneself 自学。故选 C。 27. A 解析:something 用于肯定句或希望得到肯定答复的疑问句;anything 用于否定句或一般疑问句;又因形容词 special 修饰不定代词时要后置。 故 A 符合要求。 28. D 29. B 解析:boring 常用于描述物,bored 常用于描述人。故第一空填 boring, 第二空填 bored。所以选 B。 30. A 解析:enough 修饰形容词或副词时应后置。根据句意“——为什么 小汤姆的父亲不让他用电脑?——因为他父亲认为汤姆年纪不够大。”可 知选 A。 31. B 解析:根据回答“No”及“because she is shy and quiet”可知,她几 乎没有朋友。B 符合题意。 32. B 解析:考查 seem to do sth. 。句意为“——你似乎非常喜欢王菲的 歌。——的确如此。她是我最喜欢的歌手”。故选 B。 33. B 解析:一般疑问句中表示“某人”要用 anyone。 34. C 35. C 三、36. A 解析:根据 but 可知前后意思相反,good 的反义词是 bad,因此可知 本题选“bad”。 37. C 38. B 解析:根据“It was exciting ________ kind of scary. ”可知在瀑布下 划船非常兴奋但有点害怕,前后为转折关系,因此可知本题选“but”。 39. B 解析:根据“When night . . . , the falls looked beautiful because of colorful lights(灯). ”可知夜幕降临,瀑布由于五颜六色的灯看起来很漂 亮,因此可知本题选“came”。 40. A 解析:根据后一句“And it tasted bad!”可知尝起来很糟糕,说明前 文是说昂贵的食物,因此可知本题选“food”。 41. C 解析:reached“到达”;took“拿走”;stayed“停留,暂住”;had “有”,根据题意可知我们住在一个漂亮的宾馆里,因此可知本题选 “stayed”。 11 42. A 解析:根据短文第四段倒数第二句话内容“We also saw the White House. ”中的 also“也”可知前文意思应为“我们坐着观光车,看到了 这座城市周围的一切美好事物”。因此可知本题选“everything”。 43. C 44. D 解析:前文列举了两个旅游景点,最后一段提到 Ocean City,可知 这是作者要提的最后一个景点,因此可知本题选“last”。 45. B 解析:根据短文最后一句话中“my parents only bought me a hat!” 可知作者进入了商店,zoos“动物园”;shops“商店”;parks“公园”; hotels“旅馆”,因此可知本题选“shops”。 四、46. B 解析:由第一篇日记中的 Tian'anmen Square 可知。 47. B 解析:由第二篇日记的第一句可知天气是 cool。 48. A 49. C 解析:由第二篇日记的第二句及日记中左上角的星期可知。 50. D 解析:根据第一篇日记的倒数第三句可知 A 项错误;根据第三篇日 记的最后两句可知 B 项错误;根据第三篇日记的第一句可知 C 项错误; 根据三篇日记的描述可知 D 项正确。 51~55:CDBDA 56~60:AACBD 五、61. C 解析:根据前一句提出“远足”话题,故此处应当涉及“远足”方 面的事情,从选项可知 C 符合,且能与后句意思连贯起来。 62. A 63. D 解析:由前文“他们在电视上看到一条新闻”可知,此处应该说明 消息的内容。 64. B 65. E 解析:由“山狮跳出来并冲向 Deborah”可推测“就在那时,Buddy 叫着跳起来救她”。 六、66~70:DCGBA 七、71. keeps a diary 72. Because of 73. to walk around 74. felt like 75. nothing to do but 12 八、76. fun 77. told 78. seemed 79. our 80. wonderful 81. about 82. birds 83. really 84. So 85. shopping 九、One possible version: Sunday, April 12th It was sunny today. I had a trip with my family. In the morning, we climbed the hills. On the top of the hills we flew kites. We also planted trees. At noon, we enjoyed the food we brought in a big tent. The food tasted delicious. In the afternoon, we visited a big farm in the countryside. We fed hens and ducks. We also saw lots of baby pigs there. What a great day! All of us felt tired but really happy.

