人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10测试题及答案

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人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10测试题及答案

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10测试题及答案 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)‎ 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ ‎( D )31.—Does Miss Black have much __________   of teaching?‎ ‎—Of course.She has been a teacher for 10 years.              ‎ A.service B.suggestions ‎ C.information D.experience ‎( C )32.—Why are you so ________,Karen?‎ ‎—Oh,my grandmother fell ill yesterday and I'm worried about her.‎ A.angry B.bored  C.upset  D.surprised ‎( B )33.—How are you going to celebrate Easter?‎ ‎—We have decided to ________a concert for it.‎ A.accept B.organize  C.solve  D.catch ‎( A )34.To keep healthy,we ________ take more exercise and eat less junk food.‎ A.should B.might C.shouldn't  D.mightn't ‎( D )35.—Who helped Mike finish the work?‎ ‎—He finished it by ________.No one helped him.‎ A.he B.him  C.his  D.himself ‎( C )36.—You can't let anyone else know about it.‎ ‎—I won't talk it to anyone ________you say I can.‎ A.if B.so  C.unless  D.because ‎( B )37.—I wonder if the film star will come to our school this weekend.‎ ‎—If he ________,we will be very excited.‎ A.come B.comes C.will come  D.is coming ‎( A )38.—Hey,Bill! Just now Mark called to say he would come to your party.‎ ‎—Really? Did he say ________ on the phone?‎ A.anything else B.everything else C.else anything D.else everything ‎( C )39.— What's his advice?‎ ‎— He advises me ________ some medicine.‎ A.take B.takes  C.to take  D.to taking ‎( D )40.—There will be a sports ________tomorrow.‎ ‎—Yes.And I hope our team will win.‎ A.travel B.calendar C.celebration D.meeting ‎( B )41.—I want to stay healthy.Could you give me some ________,doctor?‎ ‎—Sure.It's better to get enough exercise and eat healthily.‎ A.peace B.advice C.medicine D.experience 7‎ ‎( D )42.—Do you think Mike will win first prize in the English speech competition?‎ ‎—Yes,he'll ________ do.‎ A.lately B.hardly C.probably D.certainly ‎( B )43.—Cut the apple ________.One is for you and the other is for your mother.‎ ‎—OK,Dad.‎ A.in danger B.in half C.in fact D.in future ‎( D )44.He is a ________ student, because he always makes ________ in exams.‎ A.careful;mistakes B.careless;mistake C.careful;mistake D.careless;mistakes ‎( B )45.—I think if someone wins the game,you should give him or her a gift.‎ ‎—________.‎ A.Never mind B.That's a great idea C.Thanks for your invitation ‎ D.I hope not 三、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。‎ 给孤独人的建议(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ If you are going to study in a foreign country,what can you do to feel less lonely (孤独的)? Well,here I will give you some 46 to help you.‎ Always say yes.Of course, 47 you feel uncomfortable in any way,don't agree.I mean,try not to 48 an invitation.By saying yes,you can get the chance (机会) to meet lots of people and learn a lot 49 them.‎ Find a hobby or try something new.Join a dance class,a chess club or a cooking class.This is a good way of making your life 50 .‎ Another way is to take language classes.By taking them,you can 51 your language and you can meet a lot of people who are also looking forward to making new friends.‎ Get out of your house! Spending long hours in front of your computer will make 52 more lonely.Go out to 53 new and exciting places in your neighborhood.‎ Lastly,don't be a wallflower (局外人).When you are at a party or in a group,don't be shy.Be 54 others.Try to talk with them.You can also ask your friends to introduce (介绍) new friends to you.‎ If you follow the above (上述内容),I'm 55 you'll have a good time in a foreign country.‎ ‎( B )46.A.money  B.advice ‎ C.activities  D.questions ‎( A )47.A.if  B.or C.until  D.though ‎( C )48.A.write  B.give  C.refuse  D.plan ‎( C )49.A.into  B.for  C.from  D.without ‎( D )50.A.slow  B.simple ‎ C.normal  D.interesting ‎( C )51.A.forget  B.accept  C.improve  D.believe ‎( B )52.A.me  B.you  C.her  D.him 7‎ ‎( A )53.A.find  B.miss  C.break  D.leave ‎( D )54.A.afraid of  B.surprised at C.upset about D.friendly to ‎( D )55.A.serious  B.quiet  C.happy  D.sure 四、阅读理解(一)(每小题2分,共30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。‎ A(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ 生活中的烦恼 Anna,11:I've got two invitations from two friends.One is from Lucy and the other is from Lisa.Lucy invited me to go camping and Lisa asked me to go to her birthday party.They chose the same day,this Sunday.In fact,I want to go to the movies with my parents that day.I don't know how to refuse them without making them angry.‎ Tina,14:I always say yes to everything.For example,today it was Wendy's duty (责任) to clean the classroom after school,but she wanted me to help her.I had planned to help my mother do some housework after school.However,I just couldn't say no to Wendy.I wish I could learn to say no.‎ Jim,13:My parents always make decisions for me.For example,they asked me to go camping with them this winter holiday,but I want to go skating with my friends.They said skating was dangerous.And they also didn't trust my friends.What should I do?‎ Sally,12:I'm a girl who wants to be a dancer.But my parents want me to be a doctor.They always tell me what to do and don't care what I think.I don't want to listen to my parents in all things.I just want to be true to myself.‎ ‎( D )56.What does Anna want to do this Sunday?‎ A.To go camping. B.To go climbing.‎ C.To go to a party. D.To go to the movies.‎ ‎( D )57.What problem does Tina have?‎ A.She has too many invitations.‎ B.She has too much housework to do.‎ C.She doesn't know how to help her friends.‎ D.She doesn't know how to turn others down.‎ ‎( B )58.Who does Jim want to go skating with?‎ A.His parents.  B.His friends.‎ C.His classmates.  D.His brothers.‎ ‎( C )59.Who wants to be a dancer?‎ A.Wendy. B.Anna. C.Sally. D.Lucy.‎ ‎( B )60.Jim and Sally both have problems with their ________.‎ A.friends  B.parents  C.study  D.health B(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ 心理问题及处理方法 I'm Rence,28,a school counselor(顾问) from the USA.‎ 7‎ PartⅠ Check out(查看) this list If you have some or many of these symptoms(症状) for most of the time during the last two weeks,then it is time for you to do something.‎ ‎●Feeling hopeless with nothing to look forward to.‎ ‎●Not interested in anything.‎ ‎●Feeling tired all the time.‎ ‎●Crying and not knowing why.‎ ‎●Feeling lonely(孤独的).‎ ‎●Feeling angry or_anxious.‎ ‎●Staying away from people you usually enjoy being with.‎ ‎●Spending more time alone(单独) in your room.‎ PartⅡ What you can do ‎●Talk to your parents,grandparents,teachers or school counselors.No one can get the help unless they talk to others about their problems.‎ ‎●Keep on doing all the normal things in life,like going to school,doing housework and getting lots of exercise.‎ ‎●…‎ ‎( D )61.The underlined word “anxious” means feeling ________.‎ A.happy  B.interested C.normal  D.worried ‎( A )62.Part Ⅰ is to find out if ________.‎ A.you have problems ‎ B.you're at school C.you have fun at school D.you have best friends ‎( B )63.Which of the following can be added to Part Ⅱ?‎ A.Not wanting to eat or wanting to eat all the time.‎ B.Hang out with your friends and you will find you are not alone.‎ C.Not being able to get to sleep,or waking too early and not being able to get back to sleep.‎ D.Try to do your homework by yourself.‎ ‎( C )64.We can learn that Rence's job is ________.‎ A.to teach a person to do a sport B.to treat(治疗) people who are not ill C.to help students with problems D.to catch criminals for the police ‎( D )65.Where do you think this passage is from?‎ A.From a guidebook.  B.From a diary.‎ C.From a storybook. D.From the Internet.‎ ‎(核心素养)C(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ 人生感悟 In our everyday life,sometimes we should not hesitate(犹豫) to refuse when someone asks us for help.For one thing,when it is beyond(超出) our ability(能力),we should give a direct reply ‎ 7‎ ‎“no”.For another,when the thing we are asked for is unreasonable or even illegal(非法的),we should say “no” without hesitation.‎ However,it is not so in our real life.Many people like to say “yes” better when they should say “no”.Some are afraid to lose their face,because they think refusing means they are unable.Some people are afraid to offend(得罪) their friends or relatives.‎ In fact,doing so is bad.If you agree to do the things beyond your ability,the result will only be worse.And if you agree to do the unreasonable or even the illegal things,such as cheating in the exam,you are in fact not helping the other but hurting(伤害) him.You yourself will get into trouble,too.‎ ‎( D )66.In our daily life,we should say “no” without hesitation ________.‎ A.when the thing is beyond our ability B.when the thing is unreasonable or even illegal C.when the thing is easy to do ‎ D.both A and B ‎( C )67.Many people like to say “yes” better when they should say “no” because ________.‎ A.they want to lose face B.they want to try their best C.they are afraid to make others think they are unable D.they really want to help their friends or relatives ‎( A )68.What will happen if you agree to do what is beyond your ability?‎ A.You will get things worse.‎ B.Your friends will be happy.‎ C.It will bring out the best in you.‎ D.You won't lose face.‎ ‎( B )69.The underlined word “unreasonable” means “________” in Chinese.‎ A.有道理的  B.不合理的 ‎ C.无意义的  D.不规则的 ‎( C )70.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?‎ A.How to Make Your Friends or Relatives Happy B.Learn How to Say “No”‎ C.Don't Be Afraid to Say “No”‎ D.Don't Refuse Others 第Ⅱ卷(共35分)‎ 五、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 根据句子中所给的单词首字母或中文提示,填写正确的单词。‎ ‎71.As a t eenager ,I think we should work hard to build our country.‎ ‎72.Mr.Smith looked a ngry this morning because many students in his class were late.‎ ‎73.It's n ormal to feel tired after such a long trip.You need to get some rest now.‎ ‎74.(原创)The girl asked her parents to help s olve the problem.‎ ‎75.There are many things to be done for the trip,but I think the first s tep is to make a plan.‎ ‎76.Laura is lucky to have such understanding (善解人意的) parents.‎ ‎77.How about watching a video (录像) at home this weekend,Sarah?‎ 7‎ ‎78.“Never eat chocolate (巧克力) before dinner,” the doctor told me.‎ ‎79.You must be very careful (小心的) when you go across the street.‎ ‎80.I can't trust (信任) my memory.I'd better write everything down.‎ 六、选词填空(每小题1分,共5分)‎ 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、完整。每词限用一次。‎ 听音乐的好处(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ Do you enjoy happy music?Listening to happy music usually improves our moods(心情),but according to a new study,some happy music can even help us become more creative at work.The study said 81. listening to some happy music could help us think of more ways to solve a problem.If we know and like the happy music,it will work better for us and make us much 82. happier .‎ Sam Ferguson,from the University of Technology Sydney,Australia,is one of the 83.scientists who do the study.He says that people can use music as a 84. useful tool.But he stresses(强调)that not all the“happy music”will make people more creative.Lots of studies show that some music is not good for attention,so it can't be used widely(广泛地).‎ Ferguson says that he hopes to find out the roles of other kinds of music and to know how music 85. plays a role in the brain function(脑功能).‎ 七、阅读理解(二)(每小题2分,共10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。‎ 青少年问题(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ A report says almost all the teenagers often have worries.About 88% of them worry about their schoolwork, and some have problems with people like their parents and classmates.‎ Zhang Qiang, a Junior 2 student, can't understand his teachers in class and is afraid of exams.When he looks at the exam paper, he can't think of anything to write.‎ Another 15yearold girl, Wu Yan often gets angry with her classmates even her parents because of some different ideas.She became so angry that she cut her finger with a knife last week.‎ However,few students will ask for help.Some think other students will laugh at them if they go to see a doctor.Others just want to keep the problems to themselves.But this will make things worse.‎ Here is some advice:‎ ‎•Share your problems with parents or teachers often.‎ ‎•Play a part in group activities and make more friends.‎ ‎•Go to see a doctor if you feel really worried.‎ ‎86.How many percent of the students worry about their schoolwork?‎ About 88%.‎ ‎87.What is Zhang Qiang afraid of?‎ He is afraid of exams.‎ ‎88.Why does Wu Yan often get angry with others?‎ Because of some different ideas.‎ ‎89.Do many students ask for advice or help?‎ No./No,they don't.‎ ‎90.Who does the writer think a student should share his problem with?‎ 7‎ His parents or teachers.‎ 八、书面表达(共10分)‎ ‎91.本周五下午两点到四点,Dr.Brown将在你校图书馆进行演讲(give a talk),演讲主题为How to be a popular person?请你将这一消息通知给同学们,并说明演讲的纪律。‎ 要求:1.说明讲座的时间、地点以及主题;‎ ‎2.列出两条参加讲座的纪律,并说明违反纪律的后果;‎ ‎3.词数80左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Boys and girls,‎ This Friday Dr.Brown will give a talk in our school library from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.He will talk about how to be a popular person.If you go,you will learn a lot.But remember these two rules.‎ Don't be late.If you are late,the teacher won't let you in.‎ Don't speak loudly with others when Dr.Brown is giving the talk.If you do,you have to leave.‎ That's all.Thank you!‎ 7‎

