人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 4

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人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 4

1 人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题 Unit 4 第二卷 笔试部分(95 分) 二、单项选择(每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 26. —Do you like____ TV show Readers? —Yes. I think it's____ most interesting TV show. A. the; / B. a; the C. the; the D. a; / 27. —Let's go to Sun Cinema____ Blue Street. It's close____ our home. —Good idea. A. in; at B. at; on C. to; in D. on; to 28. ____ taught the old lady how to use WeChat. She learned it all by herself. A. Someone B. Anyone C. Nobody D. Everyone 29. —What do you think of the____ of the restaurant? —Pretty good. All the waiters are very nice. A. prize B. service C. menu D. seat 30. —I paid only 20 yuan for all of the fruit! —Wow! Where did you buy it so____? A. cheaply B. clearly C. hardly D. loudly 31. —Why did you____ Mike for the job? —Because he is serious enough. A. play B. act C. share D. choose 32. —Sandy won the 800metre race again this year. —Yes, she runs ____ in my school. A. faster B. fastest C. slower D. slowest 33. Mrs. Wang always asks us to____ conversations in English classes. A. make up B. turn up C. give up D. look up 34. —I think Yang Li is one of ____in our class. Do you think so? —Yes, of course. A. more talented dancer 2 B. the most talented dancer C. the most talented dancers D. more talented dancers 35. —Bill, thanks for helping me move the box. —____. A. No problem B. Not much C. I think so D. That's for sure 三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,计 10 分) The Talent Show Day in our school was a day to remember! It was a great__36__. We had a good time. Students, parents and teachers danced, sang, played instruments (乐器 ) and gave performances. There were more than twenty __37__. David Green, the school president (主席), played a piece. Michael Johnson won the first prize for the __38__ performance. When a reporter from our school magazine interviewed him, he said that singing was __39__ interesting to him. He sang all the time in his room alone or for his family, but __40__ for so many people. The prize __41__ the funniest act went to Peter White and his dog. They __42__ a cute song together. His classmates said he was the __43__ boy in the class. Many thanks to the parent and student volunteers ( 志 愿 者 ). They made this__44__ show possible. Many thanks to all of the people who helped. We look forward to (期待) __45__ show! 36. A. success B. song C. exam D. action 37. A. exams B. games C. acts D. lessons 38. A. good B. most C. best D. first 39. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something 40. A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never 41. A. to B. for C. in D. at 42. A. sing B. sang C. danced D. wrote 43. A. smart B. laziest C. funniest D. boring 44. A. talent B. talk C. fashion D. quiz 45. A. this year B. this year's C. next year D. next year's 3 四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,计 30 分) A What do you think is the best place to relax in your city? Here are three students' answers. Jason I think Oscar Cinema is the best place to relax in my city, though it's a little noisy there. Oscar Cinema is not far from my home. It has the most comfortable seats and the best sound. I go there to watch movies with my friends two or three times a month. Alice I think the best place to relax in my city is Center Park. l take a walk there three to five times a month. Sometimes I go there to play badminton (羽毛球). It is my favorite sport. And sometimes I go there to skate with my brother. Li Lei I think Green Library is the best place to relax in my city. There people can read all kinds of books. There is also a computer room in the library. People can watch videos or play computer games there. Every Saturday afternoon after I finish my piano lessons, I go to the library to read books with my sister. 46. From the material (材料), we know Oscar Cinema____. A. is a little crowded B. is very far from Jason's home C. has the biggest screens D. has the best sound 47. How often does Jason watch movies in Oscar Cinema? A. Two or three times a month. B. Two to four times a month. C. Three to five times a month. D. Three or four times a month. 48. What is Alice's favorite sport? A. Volleyball. B. Badminton. 4 C. Tennis. D. Basketball. 49. What does Li Lei do every Saturday afternoon? A. He goes to see a movie. B. He goes to Center Park to relax. C. He goes to Green Library to read books. D. He goes skating with his sister. 50. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Jason often goes to Oscar Cinema to see movies with his brother. B. Alice goes for a walk in Center Park three to five times a week. C. Li Lei has piano lessons every Saturday afternoon. D. People can't play computer games in Green Library. B These days, teens are heavily influenced by the media. Many of them have watched TV for thousands of hours. That's more time than they spend with teachers at school. And we haven't yet considered the hours they spend using the Internet or reading newspapers. However, several studies have shown a serious problem: Today's teens have no media literacy( 媒 体 素 养 ). In other words, they have difficulty critically thinking about the information they see. One study, which pays attention to the middle school students, has found more than 80 percent of them can't tell the differences between real news stories and ads that look like news. Stanford professor Kevin John teaches a class called Media Effects. He tries to help his students learn media literacy. The professor gives an example that shows why media literacy matters. In the example, two news stations report a snowstorm. One cares about the terrible road conditions. The other pays attention to the kids playing in the snow. “With a news story, news stations tell you the important details in their eyes. These details largely depend on the opinions of the news director,”said John. “A person who has media literacy would realize that each story is about one field at one point. ” Some experts think school is the best place to teach media literacy. The others 5 believe everyone—from parents to news reporters, should help teens learn the skill. As for the best time to start learning media literacy, many experts suggest being at the age of 12. But some basic ideas can be taught even earlier. “It's never too early to start learning media literacy, ”said John. 51. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us young people ____. A. don't have media literacy today B. don't consider some information C. have difficulty in studying well D. can compare real news with ads 52. Kevin John explains the importance of media literacy by ____. A. showing his own opinion B. giving an example C. showing a science study D. telling a story 53. All of the following can help teens learn media literacy EXCEPT ____. A. teachers B. parents C. policemen D. reporters 54. From the last paragraph, we can know that teens start learning media literacy ____. A. only at the age of 12 B. the earlier, the better C. when they go to school D. before they learn basic skills 55. The passage probably comes from ____. A. a public ad B. a storybook C. a school board D. a science magazine C 6 Many people think that TV programs have little or no educational value (教育意 义). It is true that lots of programs are meaningless. However, some programs are good and we can learn many things from them. Here are a few of my favorite programs. Blue Peter When I was a child, this was the only program I could watch. I watched it three times a week. You can learn about different countries around the world from it. As the show is for children, the language in it is easy. The Great British Bake Off This show is about making bread, cakes and so on. The show wants to find Britain's best amateur baker (业余烘焙师). You can watch the show to get some ideas of new things to try baking and you can always find the recipes online. Frozen Planet This one is about life in cold places. There are many special animals in this show. I love this show not because of the cute animals, but because it teaches us about the impact we have on these animals and what we need to do to save them. Pointless This show is great for making you think. It is a quiz (知识竞赛) show. It may be about sports, weather, movies and so on. I learned lots of things from this show. 56. How often did the writer watch Blue Peter when he was a child? A. Three times a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a month. D. Twice a month. 57. What does the underlined word“recipes” mean in Chinese? A. 请柬 B. 协议 C. 餐券 D. 食谱 58. If Sarah is interested in animals, which of the following shows may she be interested in? A. Blue Peter. B. The Great British Bake Off. C. Frozen Planet. 7 D. Pointless. 59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material? A. Pointless is a quiz only about sports. B. Blue Peter tells about different countries around the world. C. The writer always watches The Great British Bake Off online. D. The writer likes Frozen Planet because of the lovely animals in it. 60. The material mainly talks about ____. A. movies B. magazines C. TV programs D. talent shows 五、任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,计 10 分) There are always many things to do for us thirdyear university students. Usually we go on a job interview for the first time in this year. I was so excited when I went on my first interview. But would I get the job? My appearance isn't a problem. I'm a beautiful girl. But dressing well may help me. So I surfed the Internet for clothes stores. The Lord's sells very good things. People say it sells the best and the most original ( 新 颖 的 ) clothes in town. And the assistants there are the most helpful. However, people don't often shop there because it's the most expensive. Meison's is the cheapest in town. However, it isn't the most popular. People don't often shop there because the clothes are of bad quality. Some people even say they are the worst in town. The Super is the most popular in town. It isn't the cheapest, and (A) ____. It isn't the worst, either. You can always get what you want with less money. I knew where I should go. I went shopping at once and came back happily. Two weeks later, I was told I got the job. Oh, thanks to the Super! People say,“(B) Clothes make the man. ” So it does. 任务一:选择填空。 61. The underlined word “appearance” means “____” in Chinese. A. 举止 B. 才能 C. 外貌 D. 性格 8 任务二:在文中(A)处填入一个恰当的句子,使文章内容完整、通顺。 62. _________________________________________________________________ 任务三:将文中画线部分(B)处翻译成汉语。 63. _________________________________________________________________ 任务四:回答问题。 64. Why did the writer need to buy clothes? _________________________________________________________________ 65. Where did the writer buy clothes? _________________________________________________________________ 六、根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词(每小题 1 分,计 6 分) 66. Bill became a________(记者) for a newspaper two years ago. 67. I think Best Clothes Store has the ________(最糟的) service in town. 68. Your answer to the math question is not right. Please think about it________ (细 致地). 69. I bought two movie________ (票) to Amazing China yesterday. 70. Maria likes wearing sports shoes because they are more________(舒适的). 71. The ________(获胜者) of the competition is a sixteenyearold boy called Billy. 七、根据汉语意思及括号内所给的英语提示,完成句子(每小题 1 分,计 7 分) 72. 到目前为止,一切都好。(so) ________ ________ everything is all right. 73. 那就是我和莉莉的共同之处。(common) That's what Lily and I ________ ________ ________. 74. 人们看像这类的节目时,通常承担着评判优胜者的角色。(role) When people watch the shows like this, they usually ________ ________ ________ ________ deciding the winners. 75. 《星光大道》给人们提供了实现梦想的平台。(come) The Avenue of Stars gives people a way to make their dreams ________ ________. 76. 这不是一个玩笑,你们必须认真对待它。(take) This isn't a joke. You must ________ ________ ________. 9 77. 该由你来决定我们要去哪儿度假。(up) It's ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ where we will go for a trip. 78. 你能给我编个有趣的故事吗?(make) Can you ________ ________ a funny story for me? 八、综合填空(每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,完成短文中的单词。 I have a good friend. His name is Nick. Both of us like watching movies and all 79. k________ of talent shows. Last Sunday afternoon, we went to the cinema together. The cinema is the 80. c________ to our homes. So we walked there. It has the biggest 81. s________ and the most comfortable 82. s________ in town. You can sit there comfortably, watch great movies and 83. e________ your time with your friends. We saw a funny movie called Mr. Bean. I think it's the 84. f________ movie I've seen. After we got out of the cinema, we went to a restaurant near the cinema to have a 85. m________. The food was really delicious. What's more, it's the cheapest in town and it has the friendliest 86. s________. Then we watched a 87. t________ show on TV. It was very interesting. Every 88. p________ was good at something, but some of them were truly talented. 九、书面表达(12 分) 假如你是 Susan,你的好友 Tom 在校园才艺秀中获得了最佳歌手奖。请你根 据提示及要求给 Tom 写一封信表示祝贺,并描述一下你在校园才艺秀上的所见 所感。 提示:1. 上周去学校礼堂观看了校园才艺秀; 2. 所有表演者的演出都很精彩; 3. Tom 唱了一首快歌,获得了最佳歌手奖; 4. Tom 的愿望是做一名优秀的歌手。 要求:1. 包括所有提示内容,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 2. 70 词左右(开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。 10 Dear Tom, Congratulations (祝贺) to you on winning the prize for the best singer at the school talent show. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Yours, Susan 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 二、26. C 解析:第一空处是特指“Readers”这个电视节目;第二空处考查形容词 最高级前要有 the。 27. D 解析:表示“在某大街上”用介词 on;close to…表示“靠近……”。 28. C 29. B 解析:根据答语中“所有服务员都很好。”可知,问句意为“你认为这家 餐馆的服务怎么样?”。 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. C 解析:one of…结构中的形容词常用最高级,且名词用复数。 35. A 三、36. A 37. C 38. C 39. D 40. D 解析:由前面“他总是独自在他的房间里或为家人唱歌”及 but 可知 “他从未为这么多人唱歌”,故用 never。 41. B 解析:the prize for…表示“为……的奖”。 42. B 43. C 解析:根据 in the class 及前文可知“他是班上最滑稽的男孩”,故用最 高级 funniest。 44. A 45. D 四、46~50:DABCC 51~55:ABCBD 56. A 57. D 解析:第二个节目是介绍烘焙师制作糕点的,从节目中你可以注意到 制作方法和过程,从而推测出 recipes 与食物相关。故 D 符合。 11 58. C 59. B 解析:从第四个节目的第二、三句可知 A 项错误;从第一个节目的 第三句可知 B 项正确;从第二个节目的最后一句“……你在网上总能找 到食谱”可知 C 项错误;从第三个节目的第三句可知 D 项错误。故选 B。 60. C 五、61. C 62. it isn't the most expensive 63. 人靠衣装。 64. Because she wanted to dress well for her first interview. 65. At the Super. 六、66. reporter 67. worst 68. carefully 69. tickets 70. comfortable 71. winner 七、72. So far 73. have in common 74. play a role in 75. come true 76. take it seriously 77. up to you to decide 78. make up 八、79. kinds 80. closest 81. screens 82. seats 83. enjoy 84. funniest 85. meal 86. service 87. talent 88. performer 九、One possible version: Dear Tom, Congratulations (祝贺) to you on winning the prize for the best singer at the school talent show. Last week I went to the school hall to watch the school talent show. It was a great show. All the performers gave wonderful shows to us, but I thought you were the best. Your fast song was so exciting that we all liked it. I was happy to know that you won the prize for the best singer. I know your dream is to be an excellent singer. I hope your dream will come true. Yours, Susan

