人教版八年级英语上册Unit 6测试题

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人教版八年级英语上册Unit 6测试题

人教版八年级英语上册Unit 6测试题 第二部分 笔试(满分95分)‎ 五、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎( B )21.—Look! They are ________.‎ ‎—Yes. We are proud of them.‎ A.man scientist B.women scientists C.woman scientists D.man scientists ‎( A )22.After she passed the entrance examination, she finally became ______ university student.‎ A.a B.an C.the D./‎ ‎( D )23.—Jack, let's have a picnic after school.‎ ‎—Sorry. I have ________ Frank to work on the biology report with him.‎ A.advised B.expected C.suggested D.promised ‎( A )24.—The sale of oilfueled vehicles(燃油车) will be stopped in Hainan province by 2030.‎ ‎—Well, it will help ________ the environment.‎ A.improve B.study C.pollute D.control ‎( B )25.Look! The boys are making the model boat by ________.‎ A.himself B.themselves C.ourselves D.yourselves ‎( B )26.These foreigners are practicing ______ Chinese.‎ A.to speak B.speaking ‎ C.speak D.speaks ‎( C )27.—My grandma ________ dancing as a hobby in her sixties, and she is really good at it now.‎ 9‎ ‎—Really? It sounds wonderful.‎ A.put up B.gave up C.took up D.looked up ‎( C )28.Tomorrow is Saturday. I______Longzhong with my classmates.‎ A.visit B.visits ‎ C.am going to visit D.visited ‎( B )29.He kept on ________ though we advised him to stop________.‎ A.smoking; to smoke B.smoking; smoking C.to smoke; to smoke D.to smoke; smoking ‎( C )30.—Wasn't Bob supposed to be here?‎ ‎—________. He will be here in five minutes.‎ A.No wonder B.All right C.Don't worry D.Enjoy yourself 六、▲完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 电脑时代(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ We live in computer age. People 31 scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, 32 couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 33 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 34 . But they can do a lot of work; many people like to use them. Some people 35 have them at home.‎ Computers become very important because they can work 36 than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can 37 people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to 38 . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to 39 . Computers can also remember what you 40 them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?‎ ‎( A )31.A.like B.as C.and D.with ‎ ‎( D )32.A.students B.scientists ‎ C.teachers D.computers ‎( A )33.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little ‎( B )34.A.cheap B.cheaper ‎ 9‎ C.more expensive D.expensive ‎( A )35.A.even B.still C.already D.yet ‎( B )36.A.fast B.faster C.slow D.slower ‎( A )37.A.help B.make C.stop D.use ‎( A )38.A.write B.play C.study D.learn ‎( B )39.A.sing B.study C.dance D.watch ‎( A )40.A.put in B.put on C.put into D.put up 七、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎▲A(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ 未来生活 What will things be like in the year 2100? No one knows. But it is fun to have a guess at it.‎ Let's make this story about you in the year 2100. Our story will be about one day only.‎ You wake up at seven in the morning. You get dressed. Guess what kind of clothes will we wear? Paper? Glass? Or something we don't even know about today?‎ The breakfast is no work to fix.Why? The food may be ready for eating. Now you start for work. But you don't go by car. You step onto a moving sidewalk. It moves you along to a train station. There you take a special train. How will it run? On one rail high over the street? Or will it ride in air? Three o'clock comes. Your work is over for the day. “I'll call Tony, a friend of mine,” you say.‎ Tony answers the videophone(视频电话). You and he can hear and see each other.‎ ‎“What shall we do this Saturday?” You ask. “Shall we put on your rocket belts(带子) and take a short trip? Or shall we go for a ride in a flying boat?”‎ Tony may say, “I want to ride in a rocket ship! Let's fly to the moon!”‎ ‎( B )41.What will things be like in the year 2100?‎ A.Some people know.‎ B.Nobody knows.‎ C.Scientists have found out.‎ D.Only a few people know.‎ ‎( D )42.In the year 2100, clothes we wear will be ________ those we are wearing now.‎ A.the same as B.heavier than 9‎ C.stronger than D.different from ‎( C )43.You may not need to spend any time ________ in the year 2100. ‎ A.eating B.sleeping C.cooking D.traveling ‎( A )44.You will take ________ to go to work.‎ A.a special train B.a bus C.a car D.a plane ‎( B )45.Probably you can travel to the moon ________ in the year 2100.‎ A.in a train B.easily C.with much difficulty D.in a car B(易读度:★★★☆☆)‎ ‎2050年的衣服 In the year 2050, there will be different kinds of materials(材料) for clothes. Special materials will keep the clothes clean forever. They will never get dirty or wear out(穿破). We will have less work because we won't have to wash them. So we can save water and money. And children won't worry about what to wear to school every day. They won't go to school. They'll stay at home in front of their computers to study. They can wear their favorite “Saturday clothes” every day. It will be fun. Do you think so? What do you think school clothes and school life will be like in 2050?‎ ‎( B )46.Maybe we __________wash clothes in the year 2050.‎ A.didn't B.needn't ‎ C.mustn't D.won't be allowed to ‎( C )47.Why won't the children go to school?‎ A.Because they'll play at home.‎ B.Because they hate to go to school.‎ C.Because they'll study on the Internet. ‎ D.Because they'll wash clothes to make money.‎ ‎( D )48.Will the clothes get dirty in the year 2050?‎ A.No, it won't. B.Yes, they will.‎ C.Yes, it will. D.No, they won't.‎ ‎( A )49.In the year 2050, the clothes will not ________for ever.‎ A.wear out or get dirty 9‎ B.wear well C.be thinner and thinner D.be fantastic ‎( C )50.From the passage,which of the following is NOT true?‎ A.There will be different kinds of materials for clothes.‎ B.The children can wear their favorite clothes.‎ C.The children always worry about what to wear.‎ D.The children can study at home in front of their computers.‎ ‎(核心素养)C(易读度:★★★☆☆)‎ 手机与学校生活 Mobile phone has become a problem for middle schools. Some middle schools in Australia have banned(禁止)students from carrying mobile phones during school hours.‎ Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts.Teachers said mobile phone use is a distraction(分心的事)to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.‎ Some schools had tried to ban mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't get in touch with their children.‎ Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students should not have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose from studies.‎ Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.‎ ‎( C )51.Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying mobile phones,________.‎ A.because they are students B.when they are free C.when they are at school D.because they are children ‎( C )52.We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from________.‎ 9‎ A.the makers and sellers B.the passersby and strangers C.their parents and friends D.some mobile phone users ‎( D )53.What does the underlined word “cheat” mean in the passage? ‎ A.聊天 B.核对 C.查询 D.作弊 ‎( D )54.Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't ________ during school hours.‎ A.use their mobile phones B.leave their mobile phones at school office C.help the teachers with their work D.get in touch with their children ‎( A )55.The passage tells us that________.‎ A.students shouldn't have mobile phones at school except for some special reasons B.it is impossible to ban students from using mobile phones at school C.some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't use their phones at school D.parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours 八、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ A.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎56.Most of the people have their__personal__(person) computers. They can work with them easily. ‎ ‎57.Some students don't know how to improve the__relationship__(relation) with their family and friends.‎ ‎58.The students have a lot of work to do every week. So they should make a__weekly__(week)plan for schoolwork. ‎ ‎59.If you're clever enough, you could guess the __meaning__(mean) of the text. ‎ ‎60.My mother isn't a__cook__(cook). But she can cook delicious food for us. ‎ B.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。‎ ‎61.我打算明年再学一门外语。‎ I'm going to learn__another__ __foreign__language next year.‎ 9‎ ‎62.一些同学把他们的新年计划和决心写下来。‎ Some students__write__ __down__ their resolutions and plans for the coming year. ‎ ‎63.(原创)房间里有许多书,你离开之前要确保锁好门。‎ There are many books in the room.__Make__ sure you lock the door before you leave.‎ ‎64.一些决心和更好的计划有关,像为学校作业制定每周的学习计划。‎ Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.‎ ‎65.当我们在年初开始下定决心时,我们希望我们将会改善我们的生活。‎ When we__make__ __resolutions__ at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.‎ 九、补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。‎ Peter:66. B ‎ Linda:I'm going to be a teacher when I grow up.‎ Peter:67. A ‎ Linda:I'm going to work harder in school this year.And 68. C ‎ Peter:69. E ‎ Linda:I want to put some money in the bank. I'll need money for college.‎ Peter:70. D ‎ Linda:I want to work with computer.‎ Peter: That sounds great!‎ A.What are you going to do this year?‎ B.Linda, what are you going to be when you grow up?‎ C.I'm going to get a parttime job.‎ D.What kind of job do you want?‎ E.Why are you going to get a parttime job?‎ F.Are you going to Beijing?‎ G.They are going to have a rest.‎ 十、短文还原(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 9‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ 美国人爱吃快餐(易读度:★★★☆☆)‎ Eating is important to everyone.71. C ‎ ‎“Fast food is easy,” says Sarah Hudson, a 14yearold high school student from the USA.She is enjoying her lunch at McDonald's. “It's quick and delicious.” She eats fast food about twice a week.‎ Now each American eats about three hamburgers and four bags of French fries(or potato chips) every week. That is 2 520 calories(卡路里). 72. E ‎ Most Americans know that fast food isn't good for them. But it seems that they can't give it up.73. B And fast food restaurants are part of American life. 96% of American school children know McDonald's. 74. D In America, 33% of them are overweight (or too heavy).That makes it hard for them to move around, go upstairs and even breathe.75. F Of course it's not just young people who are getting heavier. It's all Americans.‎ A.Do you often exercise every day? ‎ B.In fact, more and more people are eating fast food.‎ C.But not many people have time to think about what to eat.‎ D.Because they love the French fries, it's no surprise that children are getting heavier.‎ E.A person needs about 2 000 calories for a whole day.‎ F.They will probably have health problems later in life.‎ G.They will go there tomorrow.‎ 十一、短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或根据括号内的提示填入一个适当的单词。‎ 杰克的梦想(易读度:★★☆☆☆)‎ Jack is going to be a pilot. He wants to fly(驾驶) 76. a plane, but he isn't a rich man. He doesn't have a plane. He has only a chair.‎ Jack tied(系) 45 big balloons(气球) to his chair and then 77. sat (sit) in the chair. The chair went up. For a few minutes, everything 78. was (be) fine. Jack was very happy. He was flying!‎ The chair went up very high. Jack was afraid. “I don't want 79.__to__go__(go) very high,” Jack thought. “I should go down a little. ” 80. With a small gun, Jack wanted to shoot(射击) 10 balloons, 81. but the gun dropped, so the chair still went up and up. ‎ Planes flew over him and under him. Jack 82. took (take) out a small radio. “Help!‎ 9‎ ‎ Help!” he said through the radio, “I am 83.__flying__(fly) in a chair, and I want to come down!” People 84.__heard (hear) Jack, but they couldn't help him.‎ Jack flew in the chair for 45 minutes. Then the balloons began to lose(失去) air. 85.__Slowly (slow) the chair came down, and Jack was back on the ground. ‎ Jack said, “For 45 minutes, I was a pilot—the pilot of a chair.”‎ 十二、书面表达(满分10分)‎ ‎86.根据下面的表格,做一个班上同学们的新年计划调查,并写一篇短文。‎ New Year's Resolutions Number Work harder in school and get good grades ‎92%‎ Play sports ‎47%‎ Eat more healthy food and exercise more to keep fit.‎ ‎15%‎ Learn to play an instrument ‎28%‎ Communicate better with one's parents ‎100%‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.内容可适当扩展;‎ ‎2.80词左右;‎ ‎3.使用本单元学习的be going to 结构。‎ There__are__48__students__in__our__class.__92%__students__are__going__to__work__harder_in__school__next__year__and__they__want__to__get__good__grades.__47%__boys__are__going__to__play__sports__and__they__like__playing__football__very__much.__28%__girls__are__going__to__learn__to__play__an__instrument.__15%__student__are__also__going__to__eat__more__healthy__food__and__exercise__more__to__keep__fit.__Some__of__them__want__to__become__singers__or__actors__in__the__future.__We__are__all__going__to__communicate__better__with__our__parents.‎ 9‎

