高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 5 Using Language

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高中英语人教版选择性必修一课件:Unit 5 Using Language

Unit 5 Working the Land Using Language Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1. ________ ( 化学的 ) change 2. ________ ( 减轻 ) the sufferings 3. out of _______ ( 贫穷 ) 4. _______( 有机的 ) farming 5. a __________ ( 分布广的 , 流行的 )disease chemical alleviate poverty organic widespread 6. ______( 领会 ) the contents of the book 7. smoking is __________( 禁止 ) 8. food is ________( 极其重要的 ) to life 9. __________ ( 可替代的 )energy 10. agree _______( 完全地 ) digest prohibited essential alternative entirely Ⅱ. 根据语境 , 选词填空 in addition,   in turn,   because of,   as for,   as well,   for instance 1. I’ll do some reading for fun, and for knowledge ______.   2. Theory is based on practice and ______serves practice.   as well in turn 3. I met some friends and other acquaintances __________.   4. ______parents, nothing can be compared with their children’s physical and mental health.   in addition As for 5. There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving; ___________, training lions.   6. __________the help you gave me that summer, my life changed.   for instance Because of Ⅰ. 文本整体理解 : 理清文章架构 Ⅱ. 文本细节理解 : 探寻语篇细节信息 1. Why did many farmers welcome the introduction of chemical farming? A. They can fight crop disease and increase production. B. They harm both the land and people’s health. C. They can help produce rich soil. D. They are not expensive. 2. What concerns many people about the use of pesticides? A. Pesticides can damage the land. B. Chemicals can stay in the soil for a long time. C. Pesticides can kill harmful bacteria and insects. D. Chemicals may make people ill and even cause cancer. 3. Why do organic farmers change the kind of crop grown in each field every few years? A. It helps put important minerals back into the ground. B. It can avoid damage to the environment. C. It can help increase output. D. The writer didn’t tell us. 4. Why can’t we stop the use of man-made chemicals in agriculture entirely? A. Organic farming cost us a lot of money. B. Organic farming can meet people’s need. C. Chemical farming brought us huge profit. D. Chemical farming helps serve the need for food. 答案 : 1 ~ 4. ADAD Ⅲ. 文本素养提升 : 阅读技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 译文 : 为什么种植不同的作物是因为它们把重要的矿 物质放回地下 , 使它为下一批作物再次做好准备。 分析 : 本句 is 前面是 why 引导的主语从句 , is 后面是 because 引导的表语从句。主语从句和表语从句中的 语序都是陈述句语序。 making 在这里是动词 -ing 形式 短语作结果状语。 2. 课文概要填空    With the development of society, chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers have been in __________ use in farming for many years. They can help fight crop ______ and increase production. However, they can cause many problems ______. For instance, pesticides can kill _______ bacteria and widespread disease as well helpful insects and crops grown with chemical fertilisers usually grow _______to be full of nutrition. As a result, many people worry they may make them ill and even cause cancer.      To tackle this problem, farmers use natural waste as ________ and they often change the kind of crop grown in each field every few years and they also too fast fertiliser plant diverse crops that use different ______ of soil to help keep it rich. But organic farming is nowhere near able to _____ the high demand for food. Therefore, there is still a long way to find a _______ solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the environment as _______ as possible. depths meet suitable healthy 3. 阅读主题活动    Talk about the following questions in pairs, and share your ideas with your classmates. (1)What other disadvantages of chemical farming do you know? List as many as you can. ________________________________________ ____________________________________________ As the saying goes, “Each coin has two sides. ” Although Chemical farming serves us enough food, ____________________________________________ _______________________ they brought us too many problems as well. Firstly, they destroyed the soil. . .   (2)Do you have a good idea that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the environment as healthy as possible? __________________________ In my opinion, we should. . .   1. widespread adj. 分布广的 , 普遍的 , 广泛的 * Chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers have been in widespread use in farming since the middle of the 20th century. 自 20 世纪中叶以来 , 化学杀虫剂和人工肥料在农业中 被广泛使用。 *(2019· 浙江高考 )Mclntyre and his colleagues documented a widespread death of big trees that was evident even in wildlands protected from woodcutting or development. Mclntyre 和他的同事发现大树的广泛死亡 , 即使在禁 止砍伐和开发的野生土地上也很明显。 【 词块积累 】 (1)a widespread disease    流行病 in widespread use 广泛应用 (2)widely adv. 广泛地 , 大大地 *English is widely spoken in the world. 英语在世界上被广泛使用。 【 即学活用 】 (1)The consequence of a rising sea level would be __________________( 到处洪水泛滥 ).   (2)Warm winter may cause a _________________( 流 行病 ).   widespread flooding widespread disease (3) _________________________( 影响是广泛的 ). More than 90% of Microsoft’s 2, 280 employees in Japan later said they were impacted by the new measures, according to the company.   (4) _________________________for the new proposals.   新提议获得了广泛的支持。 The effects were widespread There is widespread support (5) ___________________________in some African countries.   在某些非洲国家食物短缺的情况很普遍。 Food shortages are widespread 2. prohibit vt. 禁止 ; 阻止 (prohibited, prohibited) *In fact, some pesticides like DDT have been prohibited in most countries because of the damage they cause to people and the environment. 事实上 , 一些杀虫剂 , 如 DDT, 因为它们对人和环境造成 的损害 , 在大多数国家已经被禁止。 *(2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ) The professor was deaf and any talking was prohibited . 那个教授是个失聪的人 , 并且任何交谈都受限制。 【 词块积累 】 prohibit sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 【 即学活用 】 语法填空 (1)Travel from or to Wuhan city should be __________ (prohibit)before the spread of the novel coronavirus outbreak. (2)His small size prohibits him from _________ (become) a policeman. prohibited becoming (3)Dr. King encourages us to fight against this unfair system which prohibits us from ______(sit) where we like. (4)So if you don’t want your personal, yet __________ (prohibit), belongings to land on next year’s Christmas tree, better check out the baggage requirements before you pack for your next flight. sitting prohibited 3. essential adj. 完全必要的 ; 极其重要的 * They may look beautiful on the outside, but inside there is usually more water than essential minerals, and they often have less flavor as well. 它们外表看起来可能很漂亮 , 但里面通常含水比必需 矿物质多 , 而且它们的味道也往往较淡。 *(2019· 天津高考 )History is much more than the study of dusty old objects and events long past. It is an essential part of who we are today and who we will become. 历史不只是研究满是灰尘的古董和很久以前的事件。 它还是搞清楚我们今天是谁和我们将成为谁的重要部 分。 *Food is essential to life. 食物对生命是必不可少的。 【 词块积累 】 be essential to/for 对 …… 很重要 It is essential that . . . (should) do. . . “ 做 …… 是完全必要的” It is essential for sb. to do. . . “ 对某人来说做 …… 是完全必要的” 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① Sun and water are essential __ the growth of crops. ②It is essential for us _____(set) our goal realistically.   ③It is essential that you ____________(learn) Chinese history.   to to set (should) learn (2) _______________you should come home early.   你有必要早点回家。 (3)A rich and varied cultural life _____________this couple.   丰富多样的文化生活对这对夫妇而言是至关重要的。 It is essential that is essential for 4. alternative n. 可供选择的事物 adj. 可供替代的 , 非 传统的 * As an alternative , some farmers have switched to organic farming, and many customers have turned to organic food when they shop at the local grocery. 作为一个选择 , 一些农民已经转向有机农业 , 而且许多 顾客在当地杂货店购物时也转向了有机食品。 【 词块积累 】 (1)have no alternative but (to do)   除 ( 做 ) …… 外别无选择 (2)( 同义词 )choice n. 选择 , 选择权 make a choice 做选择 have no choice but to do 别无选择只好做 【 即学活用 】 (1)As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of __________ ______( 替代能源 ), such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.   alternative energy (2)If you don’t like the school lunch, you _____ _______________bringing your own.   要是你不喜欢学校的午餐 , 你可以自己带饭。 (3)Finding himself under fire from all quarters, he ______________________abandon his scheme.   在这四面楚歌的情况下 , 他除了放弃他的计划没有别 的选择。 have the alternative of had no alternative but to (4)Vilnius Airport in Lithuania has unveiled its __________ festive tree—made entirely of items confiscated from passengers. 立陶宛的维尔纽斯机场的另类节日树亮相 —— 都是用 乘客那里没收的物品做成的。 alternative 5. instance n. 例子 , 实例 , 事例 * For instance , they may grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next. 例如 , 他们可以一年在田里种植玉米或小麦 , 然后下一 年在那里种植豆类。 * (2019· 天津高考 )Most food webs, for instance , consist of many weak links rather than a few strong ones. 例如 , 大多数食物网由许多薄弱链接组成 , 而不是几个 强有力的链接。 【 词块积累 】 for instance      例如 in the first instance 第一 , 首先 【 即学活用 】 语法填空 (1)There are a number of improvements, ___ instance, both mouse buttons can now be used. for (2)Let your child make some of the small decisions concerning his daily routine. ___________( 例如 ), allow him to choose what clothes he wears at the weekend.   For instance 6. depth n. 向下 ( 或向里 ) 的距离 , 深 ( 度 ) *Organic farmers also plant diverse crops that use different depths of soil to help keep it rich. 有机农民还种植不同的作物 , 使用不同的土壤深度来 帮助保持其肥沃。 *(2019· 全国卷 Ⅱ)You also need to judge the quality and depth of your motivation. 您还需要判断动机的质量和深度。 【 词块积累 】 (1)in depth    完全地 , 深入地 (2)deep adj. 深的 adv. 深深地 (3)deeply adv. 深深地 , 强烈地 (4)deepen v. ( 使 ) 变深 , ( 使 ) 加深 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① There isn’t time to dig ______(deep) and put in manure or compost. ②If you _______ (deep) your knowledge or understanding of a subject, you will learn more about it and become more interested in it. deeply deepen (2) _________________________, many things I did with my father still live.   在我记忆深处 , 我与父亲一起做过的很多事仍然存 在。 (3)This subject will be covered ________next term.   这个话题将在下学期深入讨论。 In the depths of my memory in depth (4)On June 27, 2012, the Jiaolong reached _______ __ 7062 meters in the Pacific Ocean.   2012 年 6 月 27 日 , “ 蛟龙”号潜入到太平洋 7062 米的深 度。 a depth of 【 要点拾遗 】 1. in turn 相应地 , 转而 , 依次 , 轮流 * This affects the crops grown on the land and, in turn , the animals and humans who digest them. 这会影响在土地上种植的作物 , 进而影响消化它们的 动物和人类。 *People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and in turn this creates further problems. 人们通过使用自己的小汽车努力去避免公共交通的延 迟 , 而这又反过来产生进一步的问题。 【 词块积累 】 by turns     轮流 , 交替 take turns 轮流 , 依次 【 即学活用 】 用含有 turn 的词块填空 (1)There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke ______.   (2)Mary and Helen _________at sitting up with their sick mother.   in turn took turns (3)The book is, ________, funny and very sad.   (4)The girls took it ______to wipe down the tables after meals.   by turns in turn 2. focus on/upon 集中 ( …… ) 于 , 聚焦 ( …… ) 于 * Organic farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease through natural means. 有机农民注重通过自然手段保持土壤肥沃和免于疾 病。 *(2019· 全国卷 Ⅱ)The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. 教练能够专注于孩子 , 而其他父母则为能脱身去准备 另一个赛季而松了一口气。 【 即学活用 】 语法填空 (1)(2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ)You will want to continue __ _____ (focus) on positive choices.   (2)George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he focused more ___ its culture. to focus on (3)You should stop________(focus) on whom to blame and start focusing ___ how to remedy the situation. focusing on 3. in addition 另外 , 此外 * In addition , these chemicals can stay in the soil and underground water sources for a long time. 此外 , 这些化学药品可长期停留在土壤和地下水源 中。 *(2019· 全国卷 Ⅲ) In addition , most newspapers had little in them that would appeal to a mass audience. 此外 , 大多数报纸几乎没有吸引大众的内容。 【 词块积累 】 in addition to     除 …… 之外 ( 还 ) additional adj. 另外的 【 即学活用 】 (1) 语法填空 ① __________, we’ll discuss the question of division of labour.   ②In addition __ the awards themselves, there are also performances by famous artists at the ceremony. In addition to (2)(2017· 全国卷 Ⅰ )Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options, ____________( 除了 ) seasonal specials.   in addition to (3) ____________reducing working hours, managers urged staff to cut down on the time they spent on meetings and responding to emails.   除了缩短工作时间外 , 经理还敦促员工减少开会和回 复电子邮件的时间。 In addition to 4. as for 关于 , 至于 * As for chemical fertilisers, crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition. 至于化学肥料 , 用它们生长起来的作物通常生长得太 快 , 营养不足。 *(2018· 全国卷 Ⅱ) As for cherries ( 樱桃 ), they are so delicious who cares? However, they are rich in Vitamin C. 至于樱桃 , 它们是如此美味 , 谁在乎呢 ? 然而 , 它们富 含维生素 C 。 【 词块积累 】 as for ( 用于介绍谈论的话题 ) 至于 , 关于 as to 关于 , 至于 (=concerning) 【 即学活用 】 (1) 选词填空 (as for/as to) ①______Laura and me, the color of our skin has never mattered.   ②The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions ____how I could improve my diet.   As for as to (2) ____________—well, he was very mysterious about it.   至于他的工作 —— 嗯 , 他总是显得非常神秘。 (3) ______________told to me in confidence, well, my lips are sealed.   至于私底下告诉我的任何事情 , 那么 , 我会守口如瓶 的。 As for his job As for anything 【 文体感知 】 如何写表达观点的文章  高考英语应用文写作中 , 发表观点 , 议论情景是常 见的书写手法。发表议论就是通过议论或说理来表达 作者的见解和主张 , 作者对某一问题持有一种看法 , 为了使读者同意自己的看法 , 提出若干理由 , 试图 说服他人。 发表议论时 , 我们要注意三个要素 : 论点、论据、论 证。 议论文的类型 : 1. “ 一分为二”的观点 : 从两方面去分析一个问题 , 然后 阐述自己的观点。 2. “ 两者选一”的观点 : 分析两种食物的优劣势 , 阐述自 己的观点。 3. “ 我认为 …… ” 型 : 阐述对某事物的客观看法。 4. “ 看图 ( 表 )” 作文 : 通过阅读图表中的数字与项目得 出一个结论或形成一种看法。 如 : 我们要写一篇关于支持有机农业的议论文 , 需要注 意哪些方面呢 ? (1) 说明、论述时要注意动词时态 , 属于过去发生的用 一般过去时 , 属于经常发生的应用一般现在时。 (2) 句子结构要有变化 , 不要总是用一个句型“ I am. . . and I agree. . . and I. . . ” (3) 熟练掌握一些固定句型和表达方式。 (4) 熟练使用一些数据、百分比等作为观点的支撑。 (5) 注意将作文的论据分层次展示 , 然后列举出相应的 细节去支撑主要观点。一个中心论点通常有几个分论 点支持 , 不同层次之间要分明 , 过度清晰自然。 (6) 观点要鲜明 , 一篇文章要有一个明确的中心论点。 最后一段总结 , 得出结论。整篇文章语言要简洁有力 , 一般不采用口语。 【 典题演练 】 关于有机农业和化学农业 , 你们班举行了一场辩论。 请结合你们的讨论结果 , 写一篇支持有机农业的英语 作文 , 词数不低于 80 。 注意要点 : 1. 化学农业的危害 ; 2. 有机农业的优点及理由 ; 3. 讨论的结果和大家的期待 ; 4. 根据自己掌握的相关知识 , 批判性地发表自己的 观点。 【 谋篇立意 】 【 遣词造句 】 完成句子 1. Chemical agriculture and organic agriculture ________________.   化学农业和有机农业是两个关键词。 are two key words 2. There are ____________________chemical agriculture and organic agriculture.   关于化学农业和有机农业有各种观点。 various opinions about 3. ____________________the chemicals staying inside the crops can lead to cancer or other illnesses. The vegetables grow __________they contain little nutrition.   毫无疑问 , 残留在农作物中的化学物质会导致癌症或 其他疾病。蔬菜生长得太快 , 几乎没有营养。 There is no doubt that so fast that 4. The first reason is that _________________, they attach great importance to health. The second reason is that organic produce simply uses natural fertilisers, _________________________________________.   第一个原因是 , 随着人们越来越富裕 , 他们非常重视健 康。第二个原因是有机农产品仅使用天然肥料 , 使蔬 菜和水果既美味又营养。 as people are richer making vegetables and fruit tasty and nutritive 5. ______________, health is the first wealth. And it is wiser to choose organic food.   俗话说 , 健康是第一财富。选择有机食品是更明智 的。 As a saying goes 词句升级 6. 请用主从复合句连接 1 、 2 两句话。 _______________________________________ __________________________________________ ________.   Chemical agriculture and organic agriculture are two key words, over which there are various opinions 7. 请使用合适的衔接词将 3 改写 , 使其逻辑清晰 , 层次 分明。 ________________________________________ _______________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________________________.   Above all, there is no doubt that the chemicals staying inside the crops can lead to cancer or other illnesses. Besides, the vegetables grow so fast that they contain little nutrition 8. 使用适当的衔接词 , 变化 4 的结构 , 使其层次分明 , 避 免口语化。 _________________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________________________ _________________________________________.   There are many reasons for this. The first one is that as people are richer, they attach great importance to health. Secondly, Organic produce simply uses natural fertilisers, making vegetables and fruit tasty and nutritive 9. 用因果关系改写 5, 使其更具逻辑性。 _______________________________________ ____________________________.   As a saying goes, health is the first wealth, so it is wiser to choose organic food 【 完美成篇 】   In terms of the development of modern agriculture, chemical agriculture and organic agriculture are two key words, over which there are various opinions.    It is obvious that using chemical fertilisers has many disadvantages. Above all, there is no doubt that the chemicals staying inside the crops can lead to cancer or other illnesses. Besides, the vegetables grow so fast that they contain little nutrition.    Organic foods are becoming increasingly popular with customers. There are many reasons for this. The first one is that as people are richer, they attach great importance to health. Secondly, Organic produce simply uses natural fertilisers, making vegetables and fruit tasty and nutritive. Moreover, the produce grows in clean water and never uses pesticides, which is beneficial for our health.    As a saying goes, health is the first wealth, so it is wiser to choose organic food. 【 素材积累 】 话题词汇 (1)introduction( 引言 ): Nowadays more and more people. . . /. . . plays an important role in. . . /. . . have both advantages and disadvantages. . . /Generally speaking, the favorable aspects/advantages can be listed as follows. . . (2)main body( 主体 ): Firstly. . . Secondly. . . In addition/What’s more/Moreover. . . /Every coin has two sides. . . / To make things worse. . . (3)Conclusion( 结论 ): Through above analysis/All things considered, we can see. . . /Therefore. . . 议论文的写作步骤 : 1. 引言 (introduction) 。由于英语作文受时间和字数的 限制 , 因此 , 审清题意之后在引言段中作者就必须简单 解释要讨论的问题 , 并明白地亮出自己的观点 , 如提倡 什么 , 支持什么 , 反对什么。 2. 主体段 (main body) 。主体段是议论的过程 , 作者必 须有足够的证据 ( adequate proofs) 来论证自己的观 点。一般可提出一个或两个 proofs, 并对此用几句话 分别进行阐述。 3. 结论 (conclusion) 。结论段可以用一两句话来结束文 章。同时要注意与引言段呼应 , 但不能照搬前面的原 话。 表达不同观点的套语 : 总起 : Different people hold different opinions/The opinions are divided/People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards/People have different opinions on this problem/People take different views on this question 表达不同观点 : of them hold the opinion that/of them are in favor of the idea that/People who are for/against the idea think/Some people believe that. . . Others argue that 不同观点之间的衔接 : However, some of them hold a different view /hold the opposite opinion/People who are against it don’t think so/However, each coin has two sides/Different from those, people think/On the other hand. . . /People object that. . . 并列关系 : and, as well as, also 递进关系 : besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more 比较、对比 : like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand Ⅰ. 语用功能表达 表达观点常用 In my eyes/opinion/view. . . I’d rather. . . Without a doubt. . . It’s a pity that. . . I think/guess/believe. . . The advantages are. . . I’d prefer. . . because. . . I agree/disagree. . . I think so. I have a feeling that. . . My impression is that. . . My view/opinion/belief is that. . . Ⅱ. 话题情景交流 班会上 , 同学们就 organic farming 和 chemical farming 的利与弊进行辩论 …… Gina: 1. _____________, organic farming is good to our health. And chemical farming has many disadvantages. So, I think we should say no to chemical farming.   In my opinion Lisa: 2. ___________________. Although chemical farming will do harm to us, we can’t feed so many people in the world without chemical farming. They serve the high demand for food around the world.   Tom: The advantages of organic farming are green and healthy and we can live without disease. So, 3. _________organic food.   I don’t agree with you I’d prefer Frank: 4. _____________chemical farming brought us disadvantages but it also helped us human beings a lot. I believe we can find a better way to produce rich soil and also we can find a way to keep people and the environment as healthy as possible.   Ted: I can’t agree more. It’s a pity that 【 导语 】 作为美国十九世纪的现实主义文学的奠基人 , 马克 · 吐温的小说素以幽默风趣见长 , 他的短篇小说是世 界文学中的瑰宝。 《 运气 》 正是一篇幽默的精巧之作 , 丰厚寓于简单之中。 Luck (excerpt)    I was at a dinner in London given in honor of one of the most celebrated English military men of his time. I do not want to tell you his real name and titles. I will just call him Lieutenant General Lord Arthur Scoresby.    I cannot describe my excitement when I saw this great and famous man. There he sat, the man himself, in person, all covered with medals. I could not take my eyes off him. He seemed to show the true mark of greatness. His fame had no effect on him. The hundreds of eyes watching him, the worship of so many people did not seem to make any difference to him.   Next to me sat a clergyman, who was an old friend of mine. He was not always a clergyman. During the first half of his life he was a teacher in the military school at Woolwich. There was a strange look in his eye as he leaned toward me and whispered “Privately—he is a complete fool. ” He meant, of course, the hero of our dinner.   This came as a shock to me. I looked hard at my friend. I could not have been more surprised if he had said the same thing about Napoleon, or Socrates, or Solomon. But I was sure of two things about the clergyman. He always spoke the truth. And his judgment of men was good. Therefore, I wanted to find out more about our hero as soon as I could. Some days later I got a chance to talk with the clergyman, and he told me more. These are his exact words:    About forty years ago, I was an instructor in the military academy at Woolwich, when young Scoresby was given his first examination. I felt extremely sorry for him. Everybody answered the questions well, intelligently, while he—why, dear me—he did not know anything, so to speak. He was a nice, pleasant young man. It was painful to see him stand there and give answers that were miracles of stupidity. 【 译文 】 《 运气 》( 节选 )   我在伦敦曾参加过一个为当时最著名的英国军事 将领之一举办的宴会。我不想告诉你他的真名和头 衔。我将称他为陆军中尉阿瑟 · 斯考兹比勋爵。   当我见到这位伟大而著名的人物的时候 , 兴奋之 情无以言表。他独自一人坐在那里 , 浑身戴满了勋 章。我的注意力无法从他身上挪开 , 他好像就是真正 伟大的标志。他的名望对他根本没什么影响 , 成百上 千双的眼睛注视着他 , 那么多人的崇敬似乎对他没有 一丝影响。   坐在我旁边的是一位牧师 , 我的一位老朋友。他 并不一直是个牧师 , 他的前半生在伍尔维奇的军校当 一名老师。当他向我斜着身子轻声说话的时候 , 眼睛 里有一种奇怪的神情 : “ 别跟别人说 —— 他是个十足的 傻子。”他 , 当然指的是宴会上的那位英雄。   他的话使我感到很震惊。我努力注视着我的朋 友。这比他说拿破仑或者苏格拉底或者所罗门王是傻 子更令我吃惊。但是 , 对于这位牧师 , 我有两点可以确 信 : 他总是说实话并且他对人的判断总是对的。因此 , 我想尽快找出我们那位英雄更多的秘密。几天以后 , 我找到了一个和这位牧师谈话的机会。他告诉了我更 多。下面是他确切的措辞 :   “大约四十年前 , 我在伍尔维奇军事学院任教的时 候 , 年轻的斯考兹比参加了他的第一次考试。我感到 他那么可怜 , 每个人都出色机智地回答了问题 , 而他 — — 我的天 , 不知道为什么 —— 也就是说 , 他什么也不知 道。他是个友善的、和蔼可亲的年轻人。看着他站在 那儿 , 给出一些愚蠢的回答 , 真是一件痛苦的事。”

