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www.ks5u.com 学业质量测评卷(四)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.How does the woman feel about the man's idea?‎ A.Excited. B.Shocked.‎ C.Disappointed.‎ ‎2.What are the speakers talking about?‎ A.A play. B.A newspaper.‎ C.A writer.‎ ‎3.Where are the photos?‎ A.On the bookshelf. B.On the table.‎ C.On the TV.‎ ‎4.What is the woman planning to do first?‎ A.Visit the man. B.Have a coffee.‎ C.Get a haircut.‎ ‎5.What does the woman care most about the gym?‎ A.The swimming pool. B.The weight room.‎ C.The relaxation room.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6.What did the woman forget to do this morning?‎ A.Turn off the stove. B.Wash the pan.‎ C.Walk the dog.‎ ‎7.Who might Maria be?‎ A.The man's wife. B.The man's neighbour.‎ C.The man's daughter.‎ 请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8.What will the speakers write about in the report?‎ A.The National Science Museum. B.The History Museum.‎ C.The War Museum.‎ ‎9.How will the speakers do the research?‎ A.By making calls. B.By sending emails.‎ C.By interviewing passersby.‎ 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.Why did the woman arrive early at the school?‎ A.To get her timetable. B.To look around the school.‎ C.To be free from her parents.‎ ‎11.What is the man's major?‎ A.English Literature. B.European History.‎ C.Human Geography.‎ ‎12.What will the man buy?‎ A.Some food. B.Some notebooks.‎ C.Some pencils.‎ 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.How long will the performance last?‎ A.For five days. B.For eight days.‎ C.For ten days.‎ ‎14.For which day are the tickets available now?‎ A.Wednesday. B.Saturday.‎ C.Sunday.‎ ‎15.How much is a ticket now?‎ A.£6. B.£18.‎ C.£30.‎ ‎16.How will the man book the ticket?‎ A.By phone. B.By post.‎ C.By the Internet.‎ 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17.What is being held in the new sports stadium?‎ A.A match. B.A conference.‎ C.A concert.‎ ‎18.What do we know about the City Theatre?‎ A.It seldom hosts big shows. B.It has poor air conditioning.‎ C.It lacks enough seats.‎ ‎19.Which place is normally not on the route of the tour?‎ A.The park. B.The theatre.‎ C.The market.‎ ‎20.What does the speaker advise tourists to do in the end?‎ A.See some animals. B.Watch a movie.‎ C.Visit some shops.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共2节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在该答案上将该项涂黑。‎ A I've been really into surfing(冲浪) for more than fifteen years. I started learning in England, then I began going on surfing holidays abroad with my friends — we went to Bali in Indonesia, and also South Africa. After that I started wanting bigger challenges (挑战), so five years ago I decided to try the really big waves in Hawaii. Of course they can be dangerous, but it's worth it for the excitement you get when you're riding them. It's a magical feeling, like flying above the ocean, and for those few seconds you totally forget everything else in your life.‎ ‎—James I started climbing about twenty years ago, and I've now climbed three of the highest five mountains in Europe. It can be dangerous, and I've had some scary moments, but the sense of achievement when you reach the top is amazing.‎ ‎——Mike Part of me had always wanted to try skydiving (跳伞), but I was really afraid the first time. The worst bit was just before I jumped out of the plane — I wanted to be back on the ground, not 4,000 metres up in the air. As a beginner you don't do it on your own — you're attached to the professional (职业的) instructor who helps you land safely. That first time was five years ago, and since then I've done more than twenty jumps on my own.‎ ‎—Susan I became interested in snowboarding the very first time I tried it. I soon realised I had a natural talent (天赋) for it, and it wasn't long before I was winning competitions and getting a bit of prize money. My dream is to be able to make my living just from boarding, so I now take three months off work every winter to perfect my skills.‎ ‎—Teresa ‎21.What was the main purpose for James to go surfing in Hawaii?‎ A.To find himself. B.To challenge himself.‎ C.To learn from his friends. D.To experience flying above the ocean.‎ ‎22.How long has Susan been skydiving?‎ A.Three months. B.Five years.‎ C.Fifteen years. D.Twenty years.‎ ‎23.What's Teresa's dream?‎ A.To discover her natural talent. B.To have a sense of achievement.‎ C.To become a professional sportswoman. D.To take part in a national competition.‎ B Secondgraders at Plummer Elementary School in Southeast Washington are shouting out insults (侮辱) in their school library.‎ ‎“Stupid!”“Skinny!”“Fat!”...‎ It's part of a visit from Rick Daniels, a local author who writes books as part of his fight against bullying (霸凌). These kids are learning what kinds of words can harm others.‎ Daniels knows a lot about bullying. When he was growing up in the city's Fort Totten neighborhood, he had a learning disability. So he got made fun of and hated going to school.‎ ‎“Kids would pick on me because I couldn't read or write too well,” Daniels told the children.‎ After introducing Plummer's secondgraders to Remy, Daniels had them sign an “I Don't Bully”pledge (誓言).‎ In 2014, his experiences encouraged him to write the book“Little Remy:The Little Boy Who Doesn't Want to Go to School,” about a thirdgrader who gets picked on because of his learning disability. Helped by his mom and his teacher Remy starts fighting bullying and that turns him into a school hero.‎ Even though Daniels still has trouble with spelling, he writes books at his apartment in Northeast, making sure to use the spellchecker on his computer. Back when he had just a dictionary, it was hard for him to write anything.‎ ‎“If I had to look up the word‘frozen’, I'd have to turn every page in the dictionary until I saw it,”he said.‎ Fighting bullying is actually Daniels's third career. Years ago, he was a fashion designer in New York City, making shirts for famous people. When that business closed, he was offered a job at the fashion magazine GQ — which lasted about 15 minutes, when his bosses realized he couldn't write well.‎ After that,_he got a job renting (租) cars and even worked at Reagan National Airport. He retired in 2007 and now spends as much time as he can creating coloring books and talking to kids about bullying.‎ ‎24.Why are insulting words heard from the library?‎ A.Kids are making a promise to fight against bullying.‎ B.Kids are welcoming a visitor in a special way.‎ C.Kids are learning the harm of these words.‎ D.Kids are bullying a disabled student.‎ ‎25.What gave Daniels the idea of writing his book in 2014?‎ A.The scientific knowledge he has about bullying.‎ B.A story he heard about a thirdgrader.‎ C.His experience of being bullied.‎ D.His mother's encouragement.‎ ‎26.How does Daniels deal with his spelling problems when writing?‎ A.By looking words up in dictionaries. B.By recording all spelling mistakes.‎ C.By turning to his teacher for help. D.By using a spellchecker.‎ ‎27.What does the underlined word“that”in the last paragraph refer to?‎ A.He worked in New York City as a designer. B.He was refused by a fashion magazine.‎ C.He was suffering a learning disability. D.He worked at an airport.‎ C I sometimes find that watching a film adaptation (改编作品) of a book helps me to understand the story of a book. This is especially true for books from a different period or with a difficult dialect. My favourite example of these is Pride and Prejudice, which is also my favourite book.‎ Film and TV adaptations of books also mean that books reach a wider audience, prompting (促使) people to read the book if they really liked the film. In terms of language learning, watching film or TV adaptations of books can help to provide an understanding of a story that may have otherwise (否则) been difficult to understand. They also help to give a story a more modern twist (转折), for example Oliver! as an adaptation of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist. The language in the book can be enough to reduce a native speaker to tears, but the adaptation allows everyone to enjoy the story of the child Oliver. Similarly, the 1996 film Romeo and Juliet, an adaptation of the Shakespeare play of the same name, enables those of us who haven't studied Shakespeare to still enjoy his play.‎ Of course, there are limitations and not every story that is translated onto the screen is liked by the many fans of the book, or even the author. For example, the author of the book Mary Poppins,P. L. Travers, hated Disney's adaptation, but it is now a wellloved work. One of my least favourite adaptations is that of Still Alice by Lisa Genova. They changed the location from Boston to New York for no real reason, which for some readers changes the whole feel of the book. ‎ In my opinion, adaptations are a great way to introduce people to the story and characters of a book before reading it. They're also a good way for people who may not feel confident enough to read a whole novel in a different language, but still want to enjoy a specific story.‎ ‎28.The film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice helps the author ________.‎ A.develop an interest in the book B.understand the story of the book C.learn history of a different period D.understand the dialect in the book ‎29.How does the author mainly support his ideas?‎ A.By listing facts. B.By giving examples.‎ C.By making comparisons. D.By offering explanations.‎ ‎30.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?‎ A.The film Still Alice. B.The book Still Alice.‎ C.The film Mary Poppins. D.The book Mary Poppins.‎ ‎31.What is the author's attitude towards books being translated onto the screen?‎ A.He pays little attention to it. B.He has doubts about it.‎ C.He is in support of it. D.He is against it.‎ D Three French students, using the name “Obvious”, have produced the first artwork created mainly by a computer program to be sold at auction (拍卖). Using artificial intelligence (AI), Obvious created 11 portraits (肖像画) of an imaginary family they called Belamy.‎ Obvious used 15,000 real portraits to train an AI program which has two parts. One part tries to create pictures that look real. The other part judges the work. If the portrait doesn't look real enough, the first part goes back and changes its decisions until it comes up with a better picture. These decisions are controlled by an algorithm (计算程序). The students made many choices, helping guide the AI's decisions. But even so, the painting is “signed” by the algorithm, instead of the students.‎ On October 25, Obvious's picture, Edmond de Belamy, was sold at auction at Christie's in New York. The final price for Edmond de Belamy was $432,500 — about ten times more than Christie's ‎ expected.‎ This is not the first AI artwork, just the first one sold at auction. In fact, many people are not impressed with the portrait. “The work isn't interesting, or original,”says 19yearold Robbie Barrat. He should know. He wrote much of the program that created the pictures.‎ But he doesn't like the idea of Obvious selling the picture. He thinks it's too simple and gives a bad idea of what real AI artists are doing. He points out that he created many pictures like these over a year ago.‎ Obvious doesn't hide the fact that it used Mr. Barrat's work, or even that its portrait is not the best AI artwork ever. Pierre Fautrel of Obvious said,“... the goal of our project was to do something that was simple enough for... my mother or brother to understand.”‎ Obvious got the attention of Christie's by selling another work, Le Comte de Belamy, for over $11, 000 in February. One reason Christie's chose to auction Obvious's work is because AI art is unusual now. In the future it will be much more common.‎ ‎32.What does Paragraph 2 mainly explain?‎ A.How Obvious made its decisions.‎ B.How Obvious named its AI artwork.‎ C.How Obvious's AI program did paintings.‎ D.How Obvious got the idea to become AI artists.‎ ‎33.What can we learn about Edmond de Belamy?‎ A.It's Obvious's first AI artwork. B.It's Obvious's best AI artwork ever.‎ C.It's the first AI artwork highly praised. D.It's the first AI artwork sold at auction.‎ ‎34.What does Robbie Barrat think of the AI artwork sold at auction?‎ A.It is of little artistic value. B.It is worth more than the price paid.‎ C.It is a good example of real AI artwork. D.It is hard for common people to understand.‎ ‎35.How does Christie's feel about AI art now?‎ A.Worrying. B.Enjoyable.‎ C.Meaningless. D.Moneymaking.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Testtaking tips Passing tests is a huge part of succeeding at school. Clearly, if you want to do well on a test, you need to prepare by learning the material (资料). __36__‎ Just breathe.‎ Even the best prepared student sometimes gets nervous before a test. Nervous feelings can cause people to forget facts that they know. __37__ Breathing deeply is helpful for this. So is moving your body slightly, such as by rolling your shoulders around. Try to arrive for a test a few minutes early, so you can relax before it starts.‎ ‎__38__‎ When you are handed a test, look over all the questions before you begin. Read them carefully, noticing details. Also pay attention to how many points each question is worth. Divide your time based on the percentage of your grade each question is worth.‎ First answer questions you know and then go back to the difficult ones. __39__ But try to write an answer for every question on the test, even if you're not sure of the answer. The only exception (例外) is if you will lose points for wrong answers.‎ ‎__40__ If you're not sure whether you should change an answer, it's best not to. More often than not, your first instinct (本能) will be correct.‎ Try your best.‎ Above all, study well and try your best. If you do that, you can be proud of whatever score you get.‎ A.Pay attention to the time.‎ B.Read the test through first.‎ C.So one important testtaking tip is to try to relax.‎ D.But other actions can help make testtaking easier.‎ E.That way you don't spend too long on one question.‎ F.Check to make sure you have completed the whole test.‎ G.Try to finish early so you have time to review your answers and correct mistakes.‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ If you ask your parents to babysit (照看小孩) regularly then you should pay them. They don't have to __41__ you out for nothing.‎ Of course, most grandparents will __42__ the cash, but don't let that __43__ you - you must find other ways to show your __44__.‎ Many grandparents don't have a regular income and some have to __45__ every dollar to make ends meet. Not only are they giving you their __46__ for free, they're also probably spending a lot of money on travel, food and other things.‎ I asked my mum why she doesn't charge to __47__ our kids and she said she loves them and __48__ to be a part of their daytoday lives. We're trying to put __49__ in her bag to pay for petrol, and are always __50__ her not to bring treats with her. We help her in other ways, mainly gardening. She used to enjoy working in her garden, but as she gets older, it gets __51__ for her.‎ Gardening might not be a __52__ for you, but there are other ways to say thank you.‎ You could cook up meals and pop them into the refrigerator __53__ they'll have delicious food to eat when they don't have the energy (精力) to __54__.‎ You could do a __55__ with them to exchange babysitting for cleaning: either pay for a cleaner to visit their home monthly or help them with some of the more difficult __56__ in their houses like changing bed linen (织品), cleaning the bathroom, etc.‎ And most __57__, remember to listen to and __58__ your parents. Ask them how their day's been, check in with them regularly and let them __59__ they're a big part of your family, not __60__ a parttime childcare worker.‎ ‎41.A.take B.help C.pick D.send ‎42.A.pay B.expect C.refuse D.get ‎43.A.stop B.hurt C.surprise D.judge ‎44.A.value B.trust C.appreciation D.excitement ‎45.A.spend B.raise C.give D.watch ‎46.A.time B.advice C.answer D.order ‎47.A.listen to B.look after C.educate D.protect ‎48.A.pretends B.agrees C.continues D.wants ‎49.A.money B.food C.pictures D.presents ‎50.A.inviting B.telling C.promising D.training ‎51.A.quicker B.stranger C.harder D.later ‎52.A.hobby B.dream C.gift D.choice ‎53.A.so B.but C.though D.or ‎54.A.speak B.buy C.finish D.cook ‎55.A.talk B.deal C.project D.check ‎56.A.jobs B.ideas C.games D.researches ‎57.A.commonly B.clearly C.importantly D.amazingly ‎58.A.depend on B.learn from C.wait for D.care for ‎59.A.prove B.know C.imagine D.accept ‎60.A.yet B.even C.just D.still 第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎[2019·山东菏泽第二学期期末]When meeting people at the airport, most people smile and shake hands with people they meet. We know that a smile is usually a sign that people feel friendly and happy, __61__ what if we don't know who the new person is? What if we are not __62__ (introduce) by a friend? Sometimes people are dangerous and humans have to find ways to ‎ protect __63__ (them). We have to make sure we can trust people we do not know, and we have to show that we are not dangerous, showing our hands means that we are not armed. In many cultures today, the Western custom of __64__ (shake) hands is used. We use our right hand, which is usually __65__ (strong) than the left one. If we are using our hand this way, it cannot be holding a knife or a gun. It shows that we can trust each other.‎ Not all cultures use the handshake, and people in many Asian cultures do not always touch another person. Japanese people might cover one hand with __66__ other hand, depending on __67__ they are greeting, bow __68__ (slight) or quite low. A Muslim will touch his heart, mouth and forehead __69__ (show) respect. They are all keeping their hands busy. In almost all cultures, to smile and show an open right hand __70__ (mean). “Welcome, you are safe with me.”‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ My grandpa was a firefighter for a long time. Besides controlling and put out fires, he saved people from burning buildings. He did a lot of another things, too. After the fire, he had to check and clean his tools so that they were always ready to the next fire. He also learned of new ways to put out fires and new things to help him did his job. Now, he has new job. He does not go into burning buildings anymore. Grandpa visits schools to share knowledges about fire safety. He showed students the burn marks on his old coat. He tells everyone how to prevent fires and how to do if there is a fire and how to be safely. My grandpa is a hero.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假如你是李华,请你写一封邮件给你的英国朋友Henry,邀请他参加你校国庆节举办的建国70周年庆祝活动。内容包括:‎ ‎1.时间和地点;‎ ‎2.有关活动:“歌颂祖国”歌舞晚会、“改革开放成就”图片展……‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:anniversary周年纪念日 ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 学业质量测评卷(四)‎ 第一部分 听力 答案:‎ ‎1~5 AABCC 6~10 ABABB 11~15 BCCAB ‎16~20 ABCAC 听力材料 Text 1‎ M:Why don't you join me for a walk in the park?‎ W:What a pleasant way to end the day!‎ Text 2‎ M:He is crazy about the play in the Sunday newspaper. He thinks it's the best. I heard it was written by an American.‎ W:I do too.‎ Text 3‎ W:Have you seen my new passport photos? I put them on the bookshelf. Oh, here they are, with your coffee cup on the kitchen table. I hope they're not dirty.‎ M:Oh, sorry. I was showing them to Peter. He said they make you look like that famous newsreader on TV.‎ Text 4‎ M:Hi, Mary. Where are you heading?‎ W:Oh, hi, Chris. I'm off to the hairdresser's. I think I need a new hairstyle.‎ M:Well, have a good time! Why don't you come over to my house afterwards for a coffee?‎ Text 5‎ W:I hear you joined a gym. How is it?‎ M:It's really good. Well, it has a weight room and you can do free weights there. It also has a pool.‎ W:OK, so what about a relaxation room? I always like to get a coffee after I've done the gym.‎ Text 6‎ M:Julie, did you cook something for our little daughter this morning?‎ W:Yes, I did. So what?‎ M:I think you left the stove on.‎ W:Oh, no. Was there any damage?‎ M:The frying pan overheated, and the handle got damaged, but nothing serious happened.‎ W:I'm really sorry. It won't happen again.‎ M:Also, one of the neighbour's dogs keeps leaving his mess in our yard.‎ W:Oh, that's Maria's dog. I'll talk to her about it.‎ Text 7‎ M:Ann, we really need to get working on this report.‎ W:Right. How about getting started now?‎ M:First, we must search for one museum or gallery.There are lots online.‎ W:What are they?‎ M:The National Science Museum, the History Museum, the War Museum, the Tate Modern ‎ Art Gallery, and so on.‎ W:Well, I'd like the first one.‎ M:After visiting there, we have to use research methods, such as telephone interviews, questionnaires on the street or sending out emails.‎ W:Actually, we don't have a choice. We have to send the email.‎ M:Right, we don't have to waste time deciding among them.‎ Text 8‎ M:Jenny! Why did you come so early? We don't have to be here until tomorrow. Couldn't wait to be free from your parents, I bet.‎ W:Very funny! I wanted to move my things into my flat and take a look around the school . So, did you decide to take English Literature in the end?‎ M:No, I changed my mind and decided on European History instead. You said you were going to take Human Geography, right?‎ W:Yes. What kind of information have you been given about your courses?‎ M:I've got my timetable and a reading list.‎ W:Hey, I'm on my way to the shops. Coming?‎ M:Sure. What are you going to buy? Food?‎ W:Well, I might pick up a few things, but I was really going to buy some notebooks for taking lecture notes and some printer paper.‎ M:I need some pencils. I always seem to lose them!‎ Text 9‎ M:So could you tell me some details about the next performance?‎ W:We've got a play we're very proud of - “The Old Man and the Sea”. It starts on the 15th of August and runs until the 25th. We used to begin all our performances at 7 p.m. but as it was hard for audiences to go home by public transport, we changed the start time to 6:30 p.m. The play is due to finish at 9 p.m. Surprisingly, tickets are selling like hot cakes. The Saturday and Sunday performances have sold out already. Actually, now we have only tickets for Wednesday, but those will be sold out soon.‎ M:How much does it cost?‎ W:Ticket prices used to range from £6 to £30 but now they're all £18. Also, they're available from the box office in person, by phone, fax, post, or online.‎ M:Great, Sandy, now if you'd like to tell us the telephone number for the theatre...‎ Text 10‎ Welcome to this tour bus. The bus is now turning into Queens Road. From this road we can see a very modern building. This is the town's new sports stadium. All the big matches happen there but at the moment, a company is using it for a conference.‎ Now look to your left. We're now passing the City Theatre. It's very pretty, but it doesn't have enough seats for big shows. We've got a new entertainment centre in Victoria Park. We don't pass it on the bus, but you may be interested to know it's got a cinema and a concert hall. Most people prefer it because it's got air conditioning. Now, on your right, is the High Street. This bus normally goes along the High Street into Market Place. But now some musicians are practising for an outdoor concert there. We're driving round a different route. The market was an important local trade centre before. Farmers bought and sold their cows and sheep there. However, we don't see animals here these days. The market area's got some good shops. Why don't you have a walk round there later on?‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A ‎【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。四个极限运动爱好者各自介绍了他们所从事的极限运动。‎ ‎21.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。由第一部分中的“wanting bigger challenges... decided to try the really big waves in Hawaii”可知,詹姆斯去夏威夷冲浪是因为那里海浪大,可以有更大的挑战。‎ ‎22.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。由第三部分中的“That first time was five years ago, and since then I've done more than twenty jumps on my own”可知,苏珊已经有五年的跳伞经历。‎ ‎23.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由最后一部分中的“My dream is to be able to make my living just from boarding”可知,特蕾莎的梦想是成为一名职业滑雪运动员。‎ B ‎【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作家Rick Daniels结合自己被霸凌的亲身经历写书,与霸凌作斗争,帮助人们反对霸凌。‎ ‎24.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由第一段中的“Secondgraders at Plummer Elementary School in Southeast Washington are shouting out insults in their school library”以及第三段中的“These kids are learning what kinds of words can harm others”可知,他们通过大声说出带有侮辱性质的话语,感受这些话语所带来的伤害。‎ ‎25.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由第七段中的“In 2014,his experiences encouraged him to write the book”可知,他被霸凌的经历促使他写书。‎ ‎26.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由第八段中的“Even though Daniels still has trouble with spelling, he writes books at his apartment in Northeast, making sure to use the spellchecker on his computer”可知,他写书的时候需要借助电脑中的拼写检查功能。‎ ‎27.答案与解析:B 篇章结构题。划线词所在句起承上启下的作用,故that指代上文所述Daniels被GQ时尚公司所拒的经历。‎ C ‎【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。人们对改编自文学作品的影视作品爱憎不同,作者就此发表了看法。‎ ‎28.答案与解析:B'细节理解题。由第一段中的“I sometimes find that watching a film adaptation of a book helps me to understand the story of a book”可知,作者有时觉得观看改编自书的电影有助于他理解书的故事情节。接下来作者举“Pride and Prejudice”这个例子说明了自己的观点。‎ ‎29.答案与解析:B'推理判断题。前三段中,作者在每一段开头直接表明观点,紧接着通过举例来支持自己的观点。‎ ‎30.答案与解析:C'篇章结构题。划线词所在句句意:例如,Mary Poppins一书的作者P. L. Travers曾经讨厌改编自该书的迪士尼电影,但现在它(该电影)很受人们喜爱。‎ ‎31.答案与解析:C'推理判断题。作者在第一段就提出观看改编自书的电影作品有好处,在最后一段总结时,作者再次强调了影视改编作品的优势,因此可推断,作者支持将书改编成影视作品。‎ D ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。一幅由人工智能创作的画像在纽约佳士得拍卖行以43.25万美元的价格被卖出。‎ ‎32.答案与解析:C 段落大意题。本段是对艺术组织Obvious所设计的人工智能程序如何创作绘画的介绍——该程序由生成和鉴别两种算法组成,整个系统以1.5万幅真实的肖像画所包含的数据点作为参考,生成算法负责创作新的画面,鉴别算法则会分析这些画面。‎ ‎33.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。由第四段中的“This is not the first AI artwork, just the first one sold at auction”可知,Edmond de Belamy是第一幅运用人工智能技术创作而被拍卖的画作。‎ ‎34.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。由第四段中的“The work isn't interesting, or original”和第五段中的“He thinks it's too simple and gives a bad idea of what real AI artists are doing”可知,早就用人工智能技术创作过画作的Robbie Barrat认为这幅作品既不新颖、又过于简单,也不能代表真正的人工智能艺术家所做的,因而没有太大的艺术价值。‎ ‎35.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。由最后一段中的“One reason Christie's chose to auction Obvious's work is because AI art is unusual now”可知,现阶段,佳士得拍卖行认为拍卖人工智能艺术是有利润的。‎ 第二节 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了几个应考诀窍。‎ ‎36.答案与解析:D 该空前的“prepare by learning the material”与下文提到的考试前呼吸放松、注意答题时间分配都是D项中所提make testtaking easier的办法。‎ ‎37.答案与解析:C 由本段小标题Just breathe和该空前的“Nervous feelings”可知,该空后的“Breathing deeply和moving your body slightly”以及“arrive for a test a few minutes ‎ early”都是对C项中的try to relax的举例说明。‎ ‎38.答案与解析:A 由下文列举根据分值多少合理分配答题时间、做题先易后难、留出时间检查答案等可知,本部分建议留意考试时间。A项中的the time与下文中的“Divide your time”相呼应。‎ ‎39.答案与解析:E E项中的That way指该空前的“First answer questions you know and then go back to the difficult ones,”这样做可以让你不必在一道题上花费太多的时间。‎ ‎40.答案与解析:G G项中的“review your answers and correct mistakes”与该空后的“change an answer”相呼应。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用 第一节 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。如果我们请父母照看小孩,应不应该给他们支付工资呢?‎ ‎41.答案与解析:B'由上文中的“If you ask your parents to babysit regularly then you should pay them”可知,此处表示父母没有义务免费“帮(help)”你照看孩子。‎ ‎42.答案:C ‎43.答案:A ‎44.答案与解析:C'由上文中的“you should pay them”以及本句中的but和“you must find other ways”可知,当然,大多数帮忙给子女照看孩子的父母都“不会要(refuse)”工资。但是,不要因为这样就“不(stop)”表达你对他们的“感激之情(appreciation)”,你应该换用其他的方式。‎ ‎45.答案与解析:D'由语境可知,有些父母必须精打细算,才能收支平衡,watch(当心,留意)符合语境。‎ ‎46.答案与解析:A'父母帮助照看小孩,不仅无偿地投入了自己的“时间(time)”,还会额外增加花销。‎ ‎47.答案:B ‎48.答案与解析:D'由本句中的“she loves them”以及下文的描述可知,“我”问母亲她为什么要无偿地帮“我”“照顾(look after)”孩子,她说她喜欢他们,“想(wants)”成为他们日常生活中的一部分。‎ ‎49.答案与解析:A'由本句中的“to pay for petrol”可知,我们会经常往母亲包里塞“钱(money)”。‎ ‎50.答案与解析:B'结合第一段中作者的观点以及下文中的“We help her in other ways, mainly gardening”可知,作者不希望母亲在帮忙照看孩子的时候,还给他们花钱。故此处表示“我”不断“告诉(telling)”母亲不要给孩子们买东西。‎ ‎51.答案与解析:C'由上文中的“We help her in other ways,mainly gardening”以及本句中的“she gets older”可知,母亲年龄越来越大,对她来说,园艺工作也变得“比较吃力(harder)”。‎ ‎52.答案与解析:D'由本句中的“but there are other ways to say thank you”可知,此处表示如果你不需要帮助父母做园艺工作的话,choice符合语境。‎ ‎53.答案:A ‎54.答案与解析:D'由上文中的“there are other ways to say thank you”可知,你可以给父母做些饭菜冷藏起来,“这样(so)”当他们没有精力“做饭(cook)”时,就可以吃到可口的饭菜。‎ ‎55.答案与解析:B'由上文可知,许多父母无偿地帮自己的子女照顾孩子。结合下文中的“either pay for a cleaner to visit their home monthly or help them... cleaning the bathroom,etc.”可知,反过来,我们也可以替父母做一些清洁工作,deal表示“交易”,符合语境。‎ ‎56.答案与解析:A'由下文中的“changing bed linen, cleaning the bathroom, etc.”可知,此处表示一些比较难做的“家务(jobs)”。‎ ‎57.答案与解析:C'上文和本段罗列了我们可以为父母做的几件事,相比之下,本段讲述的事最“重要(importantly)”。‎ ‎58.答案:D ‎59.答案:B ‎60.答案与解析:C'结合上文以及本段中的“Ask them how their day's been, check in with ‎ them regularly”可知,我们应该聆听父母的心声、“关心(care for)”父母,让父母“知道(know)”他们是家里的重要成员,而不“只(just)”是临时照顾孩子的保姆。‎ 第二节 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了世界各地几种常见的问候礼仪。‎ ‎61.答案与解析:but 考查连词。句意:我们知道微笑通常是人们感到友好和快乐的标志,但如果我们不知道这个新面孔是谁呢?根据句意可知前后是转折关系,故填but。‎ ‎62.答案与解析:introduced 考查语态。句意:如果不是通过朋友介绍又会怎样呢?we与introduce 之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,故填introduced。‎ ‎63.答案与解析:themselves 考查代词。句意:有时候人是危险的,人们需要想办法保护自己。根据句意可知此处表示“他们自己”,故填themselves。‎ ‎64.答案与解析:shaking  考查非谓语动词。句意:在今天的许多文化中,都使用了西方握手的习俗。作介词of 的宾语用动名词,故填shaking。‎ ‎65.答案与解析:stronger 考查形容词比较级。句意:我们通常用右手,右手比左手更有力。“than”表明此处用形容词比较级,故填stronger。‎ ‎66.答案与解析:the  考查冠词。句意:日本人可能会用另一只手捂住另一只手,这取决于他们在和谁打招呼,鞠躬的幅度也不同(轻微鞠躬还是把腰弯得很低)。the other 表示“两者中的另一个”,故填the。‎ ‎67.答案与解析:whom/who 考查宾语从句。句意参考上题解析,分析句子结构可知此处为宾语从句,从句中的greeting缺少宾语,故填whom/who。‎ ‎68.答案与解析:slightly 考查副词。句意参考第66题解析,修饰动词bow用副词,故填slightly。‎ ‎69.答案与解析:to show 考查非谓语动词。句意:穆斯林会触摸自己的心、嘴和前额来表示尊重。此处表示目的,应该用不定式作目的状语,故填to show。‎ ‎70.答案与解析:means 考查时态和主谓一致。句意:几乎在所有的文化中,微笑和伸出右手都表示“欢迎,你和我在一起很安全”。讲述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,不定式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数,故填means。‎ 第四部分 写作 第一节 答案:‎ My grandpa was a firefighter for a long time. Besides controlling and out fires, he saved people from burning buildings. He did a lot of things, too. After the fire, he had to check and clean his tools so that they were always ready the next fire. He also learned / new ways to put out fires and new things to help him his job. Now, he has new job. He does not go into burning buildings anymore. Grandpa visits schools to share about fire safety. He students the burn marks on his old coat. He tells everyone how to prevent fires and to do if there is a fire and how to be . My grandpa is a hero.‎ 第二节 One possible version:‎ Dear Henry,‎ With China's National Day approaching, our school will hold some activities in celebration of China's 70th anniversary. I'm greatly delighted to invite you to join us.‎ We will appreciate various activities on National Day, Oct. 1st. A singing and dancing evening will be hosted in the school hall to honor our motherland. Besides, there will be a photo display in the school gallery which witnesses the great achievements of China's reform and opening up. To our amazement, such activities as speech competitions and Calligraphy exhibitions will be also available. ‎ I definitively believe that it will be a fantastic opportunity for you to further understand China's development.‎ I'm looking forward to your coming. Best wishes!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

