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www.ks5u.com 学业质量测评卷(一)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.What color pants does the woman like best?‎ A.Brown. B.Grey.‎ C.Blue.‎ ‎2.What are the speakers talking about probably?‎ A.A hotel room. B.A parking lot.‎ C.A TV program.‎ ‎3.Who will send the report?‎ A.Sam. B.Carol.‎ C.Lucy.‎ ‎4.What kind of soup will the man have?‎ A.Chicken soup. B.Fish soup.‎ C.Mushroom soup.‎ ‎5.When does the man plan to get to the party?‎ A.Around 7:00 p.m. B.Around 7:30 p.m.‎ C.Around 8:00 p.m.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6.How many children does the man's grandmother have?‎ A.Two. B.Four.‎ C.Six.‎ ‎7.What does the woman think of the man's grandmother?‎ A.Hardworking. B.Welleducated.‎ C.Energetic.‎ 请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8.Which place did the woman fail to visit?‎ A.Disneyland. B.Dolby Theatre.‎ C.Universal Studios Hollywood.‎ ‎9.What is the man doing here probably?‎ A.Visiting the woman. B.Picking up the woman.‎ C.Seeing off the woman.‎ 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.What does the man care least about?‎ A.The living room. B.The bedroom.‎ C.The kitchen.‎ ‎11.How much rent does the man want to pay each month?‎ A.At most $600. B.At most $700.‎ C.At most $800.‎ ‎12.How did the man use to go to work?‎ A.By car. B.By bus.‎ C.On foot.‎ 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.What does the man plan to buy?‎ A.A book. B.A computer.‎ C.A film.‎ ‎14.Where is the bookstore?‎ A.On the first floor. B.On the third floor.‎ C.On the fourth floor.‎ ‎15.What is on the second floor?‎ A.The food court. B.The movie theater.‎ C.The computer store.‎ ‎16.When will the man go to the mall most probably?‎ A.On Thursday. B.On Saturday.‎ C.On Sunday.‎ 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17.What was Lise Meitner good at as a kid?‎ A.Music. B.Math.‎ C.Physics.‎ ‎18.When did Lise Meitner start studying at college?‎ A.In 1898. B.In 1899.‎ C.In 1890.‎ ‎19.What did Lise Meitner do in 1906?‎ A.She found a job. B.She learned the piano.‎ C.She got a doctor's degree.‎ ‎20.Who is Otto Hahn?‎ A.A lawyer. B.A teacher.‎ C.A scientist.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共2节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在该答案上将该项涂黑。‎ A ‎[2019·中山第二学期期末统考]Yinqixing Indoor Skiing Site, formerly known as Hokkaido Indoor Ski Resort, is the first indoor skiing site in Asia, which covers an area of 100.8 thousand square meters and the ski track is 380 meters in length and 80 meters in width, with the maximum drop of 42 meters. There are three sections of snow runs and a huge platform for practicing, which are suitable for skiing enthusiasts of various skiing degrees. The temperature in the skiing site maintains below -2℃ all the year round. Snow thickness ranges from 30 cm to 50 cm.‎ Solo Adventure Tips:‎ Location:No, 1835, Qishen Road, Qibao Town, Shanghai How to Get There?‎ Public Bus: 91, 92, 803, 953‎ Free Scheduled Bus:‎ Location: North Square, Xinzhuang Station, Subway Line I Departure time: from 9:00 to 21:00, operating every half an hour Ticket Price:‎ Adults: ¥138; Children: ¥80 (Ordinary time)‎ Adults: ¥158; Children: ¥100 (On weekends)‎ Opening Hours:‎ ‎9: 30 to 22: 30 from Monday to Thursday and Sunday; 9:30 to 24:00 on Friday and Saturday;‎ It will stop selling tickets after 21:00.‎ More Tips:‎ Bathing fees: ¥6 per person Stay overnight: ¥20 per person Private room of 2 people: ¥58 per person Private room of 3 people: ¥68 per person Meal: ¥50 per person For more information, you can click here Yinqixing Indoor Skiing Site or directly call 021-64788666/021-63816698.‎ ‎21.Who is Yinqixing Indoor Skiing Site suitable for?‎ A.People who are good at climbing.‎ B.People of high skiing degrees only.‎ C.People of different levels of skiing skills.‎ D.People who are enthusiastic about outdoor sports.‎ ‎22.How much will a couple with their kid spend on a Wednesday, lunch included?‎ A.¥506 B. ¥566‎ C.¥356 D.¥456‎ ‎23.Where does this passage probably come from?‎ A.A newspaper. B.A website for travel.‎ C.An entertainment magazine. D.A travel guide.‎ B It was a cold morning, and Eduardo Ortega was nervous. He held a large envelope. In it was his dream.‎ ‎“This is everything,” he said. “I've worked for this since I was a young boy.”‎ Eduardo remembered the long hours working in the fields, picking strawberries and beans. After the workday, his tired friends drank coffee or slept. Eduardo studied, read, and wrote poetry and short stories. Although he missed many classes, he became the school's best student.‎ One school year, Eduardo wrote an essay (文章) and won a prize - a flying trip to San Francisco. As he flew, he felt free from his life of hard work in the fields. He promised himself not to return to that life. He loved to fly.‎ This morning, Eduardo caught the school bus and went to school with the envelope. He walked past his classmates and sat down at his desk. He opened the envelope and began reading the letter inside. It was the answer to his application to the state university. It was also the answer to the beginning of his dream of becoming a pilot.‎ Even though Eduardo worked to help his family, his father always encouraged him to go to school. So, while he worked, he also studied.‎ Eduardo knew that his dream was his father's dream, too. His father was a smart man, but he was too poor to go to college. He loved to read, but never had time, because he worked long hours.‎ Now, as Eduardo read the words, “Congratulations... you have been accepted,” he knew that his dream was not lost. One day, he would be a pilot, flying every day to all the exciting places in the world.‎ ‎24.What did Eduardo do when his friends drank coffee or slept?‎ A.He attended classes. B.He studied and wrote.‎ C.He worked in the fields. D.He helped around his home.‎ ‎25.What was Eduardo's dream?‎ A.Becoming a pilot. B.Becoming a writer.‎ C.Traveling around the world. D.Realizing his father's dream.‎ ‎26.What was Eduardo's father's attitude toward his dream?‎ A.Supportive. B.Unconcerned.‎ C.Doubtful. D.Unclear.‎ ‎27.What was in the envelope?‎ A.An invitation to a flying trip. B.Encouragement from his father.‎ C.Congratulations from his friends. D.An admission notice from a university.‎ C For 10 years, Columbia professor Sheena Iyengar has been studying choice. For her research paper, they ran two tests:‎ At first, they set up a free tasting booth in a store, with six different jams (果酱). 40% of the customers stopped to taste. 30% of those bought some.‎ A week later, they set up the same booth in the same store, but this time with twentyfour different jams. 60% of the customers stopped to taste. But only 3% bought some!‎ Lessons learned: Having many choices seems attractive (40% vs 60% stopped to taste). Yet having many choices makes customers 10 times less likely to buy (30% vs 3% actually bought).‎ Surgeon Atul Gawande found that 65% of people surveyed said if they were to get cancer (癌症), they'd want to choose their own treatment. Among people surveyed who really do have cancer, only 12% of patients want to choose their own treatment.‎ So, if you ask your customers if they want more choices, they will say they do - but they really don't.‎ Online stores often offer too many choices on their front page, lists of dozens of new arrivals, top sellers, sale items, and categories (类目). Artists showcasing their art (music, essays, photos) often present a long list of everything they've done. ‎ But all of us could possibly come to these conclusions:‎ Only present 3 to 6 choices at a time. No less than 3. No more than 6. Only show your deep selection when people are searching for something specific.‎ My favorite example of this is Firefox's about: config feature. There are hundreds of frightening choices that are hidden from most people, but they are there for the few who need them.‎ ‎28.How is the second test different from the first one?‎ A.It sold more jams. B.It had more booths.‎ C.It offered fewer jams. D.It attracted more customers.‎ ‎29.What conclusion can we draw from the two tests led by Sheena Iyengar?‎ A.More choices lead to more sales.‎ B.More choices result in fewer sales.‎ C.Customers don't like being given lots of choices.‎ D.Sales don't have anything to do with choices available.‎ ‎30.What does the author want to tell us by mentioning Atul Gawande's survey?‎ A.People don't like too many choices actually.‎ B.People don't have many choices to treat cancer.‎ C.People always look for different kinds of choices.‎ D.People would rather treat cancer in their own ways.‎ ‎31.What's special about Firefox's about: config?‎ A.It attracts a variety of users. B.It serves a specific group of users.‎ C.It offers many choices on its front page. D.It provides limited choices for most people.‎ D Public transportation is beneficial for many reasons: it helps reduce traffic and air pollution, and supports more efficient (有效的) land use means. Moreover, public transportation is cheaper than driving: It's reported that a household can save around $9,823 a year by taking public transportation and living with one less car.‎ If you need another reason to consider using public transportation more often, consider this: taking public transit instead of driving your own vehicle (车辆) reduces your chance of being in a traffic accident by more than 90%. According to the National Safety Council, there were 40,327 motor vehicle deaths in 2016. The majority of these deaths (23,714) were occupants in cars and light trucks. Only 249 passenger deaths in 2016 were the result of train accidents, and there were only 40 deaths of bus occupants in 2016.‎ Unfortunately, ridership on public transit is declining across the United States. One possibility may be the popularity of ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft, although studies on that differ: some say ridesharing services increase public transit usage, while others say they reduce it.‎ Even as ridership in the rest of the country decreases, the Orange County Transportation Authority's OC Bus 360° system has seen a 19.6% increase since September 2017. They achieved this by adding services to the northern part of the county, where ridership was higher, and cutting some lesserused routes in other parts. In those areas, they are instead trying OC Flex, an ondemand shuttle (按需班车) service offering unlimited rides for a few dollars per day.‎ To encourage people to take public transportation, the government has its part to do. Meanwhile, ‎ you can also take part. Try using public transportation to get to work or school once a week. Take some time to learn more about the bus routes and other public transportation choices in your area, and find ways to use it. You'll be doing your part to reduce pollution, and decreasing your risk of being injured in an accident.‎ ‎32.What do the numbers in Paragraph 2 show?‎ A.Taking buses is safer than taking trains.‎ B.People can save money by using public transit.‎ C.Motor vehicle deaths have been on the rise in recent years.‎ D.Taking public transit is safer than driving one's own vehicle.‎ ‎33.What does the underlined word “declining” in Paragraph 3 mean?‎ A.Changing. B.Growing.‎ C.Dropping. D.Disappearing.‎ ‎34.What has happened in Orange County since September 2017?‎ A.Public transit services are being provided for free.‎ B.People are increasingly choosing to take public transit.‎ C.The government is adding bus routes across the county.‎ D.The government is putting more money into public transit services.‎ ‎35.What's the author's purpose in writing this text?‎ A.To encourage people to use public transit.‎ B.To introduce a new public transit system.‎ C.To give suggestions on how to travel safely on the road.‎ D.To call for the government to improve public transit services.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Kate will never forget the day “the list” went up. The 12yearold stepped into the cafeteria (自助食堂) for lunch at her school in Wisconsin. __36__‎ ‎“Assigned (分配的) seating?” she wondered, staring at a paper taped to the wall. She looked around the room for her new table, hoping to see at least one friend there. But it was a group of strangers.‎ ‎__37__ Just finding a seat can be embarrassing (尴尬的). Kids often walk around the room, hoping that someone will move over to make room.‎ Then there's a lot of noise and it's hard for teachers to notice everything. That makes it easy for bullies (恃强凌弱的人) to pick on other kids.‎ At Kate's school, a computer program assigns students to tables every few weeks. This way, students have to sit with kids they might not normally talk to. __38__ Kate ate quickly so she could leave as fast as possible.‎ But the lunchroom got calmer. Bullying nearly disappeared. __39__ “I met kids I had never had the chance to talk with,” she says. “I made new friends.”‎ Assigned seating has its disadvantages. Lunch is one of the few chances kids have to enjoy free time during the school day. It's a chance to relax, trade snacks (点心), and catch up with friends in other classes.‎ ‎__40__ For example, kids can sit at round tables instead of long ones. That way, everyone can see and hear each other. More kids can take part in conversations. There's also “Mix It Up at Lunch Day.” Thousands of schools take part in this program. Once a year, every student must eat with someone new. It's a small but meaningful step toward making lunchtime better.‎ A.Kate changed her mind.‎ B.And that's when Kate saw it.‎ C.Students didn't like the system at first.‎ D.Lunchtime is the one time when kids have freedom.‎ E.For some students, lunch is the hardest time of day.‎ F.And there are other ways to deal with lunchroom problems.‎ G.But some people say kids should be able to make their own seating choices.‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分)‎ 第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) ‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ ‎[2019·张家口市第二学期期末质量监测]Little was road testing his mountain bike outside of Columbus, when his riding partner, Dixon, stopped suddenly. Something in the distance moving among the trees had __41__ her attention. It __42__ to be a fivemonthold dog.‎ ‎“He was really thin and had a __43__ leg,” Little told CBS News. The cyclists fed the dog and __44__ their water. They realized that the dog was coming with them, although they had no __45__ how they could do. They were more than seven miles from downtown and riding bikes. “We couldn't __46__ him,” Little told the LedgerEnquirer. “Out there, he was going to __47__ others' food.”‎ Little had an idea. He carefully __48__ up his new friend and slipped (使滑入)the dog's hind (后面的)legs into the back __49__of his cycling clothes. Then he put the dog's front paws (爪子)over his __50__.‎ ‎“He was injured, so he wasn't trying to __51__”, Little says. “He was also __52__ that we were there and ready to help.”‎ They came to a __53__. There they got more water and food for the dog. That was when Shaw passed __54__. The dog __55__ her, licking (舔)her, Shaw found the dog was lovable and, after learning what had happened, __56__, “I am keeping this dog.”‎ Shaw named him Columbo __57__ the town where they'd met and scheduled a (n) __58__ on his broken leg. Today, Columbo is living on a farm with a horse and a sixyearold boy to keep him __59__. As Dixon said, “He is the __60__ dog alive.”‎ ‎41.A.paid B.caught C.kept D.demanded ‎42.A.seemed B.came out C.happened D.turned out ‎43.A.special B.dirty C.broken D.strong ‎44.A.shared B.treated C.drank D.dropped ‎45.A.idea B.hesitation C.interest D.problem ‎46.A.take B.help C.leave D.beat ‎47.A.eat up B.end up as C.put up with D.come up with ‎48.A.warmed B.showed C.turned D.picked ‎49.A.seat B.baskets C.pockets D.buttons ‎50.A.nose B.shoulders C.arms D.hands ‎51.A.argue B.overcome C.survive D.fight ‎52.A.happy B.frightened C.curious D.confused ‎53.A.school B.store C.hallway D.playground ‎54.A.by B.on C.off D.out ‎55.A.escaped B.avoided C.approached D.attacked ‎56.A.refused B.admitted C.debated D.declared ‎57.A.for B.on C.from D.after ‎58.A.visit B.operation C.chance D.cure ‎59.A.alive B.happy C.company D.clean ‎60.A.luckiest B.ugliest C.cleverest D.biggest 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Playing video games can be a fun way __61__ (relax) or spend time with friends. It can even __62__ (use) as a learning tool in some cases. But for some players, gaming is an unhealthy habit. They are glued to a screen. The videogame world seems a __63__ (friendly) place than the real one to them.‎ In June 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) __64__ (add) gaming disorder to its list of diseases and health conditions. A person may have the disorder if gaming has damaged his or her ‎ relationships __65__ family and friends, and if it has affected his or her daily activities.‎ Clifford Sussman, a specialist in treating gaming addiction (上瘾), says, “__66__ (child) often have feelings of anxiety (焦虑). They get angry when a parent asks __67__ (they) to stop gaming. It becomes a selfdestructive (自毁的) activity.”‎ Sussman suggests __68__ (record) how long you play. He says you should take at least an hourlong break after every hour of play, as the brain needs time to recover. Young gamers __69__ think they might have a problem should ask a grownup for help. He also suggests you should first answer a simple question:“Are you in control, __70__ is the game in control?”‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Last weekend, I visited a center for traditional arts in my city with my parents. It's a huge place, and you really need many than one day to see it. There are lots of old buildings, restaurants and shops what you can buy traditional thing like toys and clothes. And we eat some delicious food! For me the most interested part was a beautiful old town inside the center. The whole town were built in a traditional style. So when I went to inside I felt as if I was walking into different world. I took lots of pictures but I couldn't wait to show it to my friends.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 你校最近开展了读书周活动,请你根据下面的内容给英文校报写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的一位名人,内容主要包括:‎ ‎1.对该人物的简单介绍;‎ ‎2.喜欢该人物的理由;‎ ‎3.从该人物身上得到的启示。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 学业质量测评卷(一)‎ 第一部分 听力 答案:‎ ‎1~5 BABCC 6~10 CACBA 11~15 CABCB ‎16~20 ABBCC 听力材料 Text 1‎ M:How about these pants in brown or in dark blue?These two colors are coming in this season.‎ W:Well, I'd actually really prefer grey.‎ Text 2‎ W:So how is your room?‎ M:Well, it's not as large as I expected. But there is a TV in it and I can use the Internet for free. And there is a parking place outside.‎ Text 3‎ M:Hello, Lucy. This is Sam. I'm on my way to the train station. I forgot a report. It's on my desk.Could you send it to me by overnight delivery?I'll be staying at the Hilton Hotel in Sydney.‎ W:OK, I'll get Carol to do that for you right away.‎ Text 4‎ M:What's the soup of the day today?‎ W:It's chicken soup or fish soup.‎ M:Oh, I want some light soup instead. So I'll have some mushroom soup.‎ Text 5‎ W:Are you coming to the party tonight?‎ M:Yes. When does the party begin, please?‎ W:At seven p.m..‎ M:Then I'm afraid I'll be late for about an hour. I have too much work to do today.‎ Text 6‎ W:Who is your hero, Mike?‎ M:My hero? Well, I'd like to say it's my grandmother.‎ W:Why?‎ M:She has two sons and four daughters. She brought them up alone after my grandfather died early. All of her children received a good education.‎ W:That's hard to believe! How could she afford all the costs?‎ M:She did three jobs. And she slept for just about five hours every night.‎ W:She's really something!‎ Text 7‎ M:Hi, Maria. So how was your trip?‎ W:It was much better than I had expected. Though it was a long trip, I enjoyed my time very much.‎ M:How was your time in Los Angeles?‎ W:It couldn't be better. I went to the Disneyland, I saw the Hollywood Sign, and I visited the Dolby Theatre. But it's a pity I didn't visit Universal Studios Hollywood. But I'm planning to visit it next summer. Will you join me next summer?‎ M:Certainly I will if I have time. Oh, here is my car. Let's go.‎ Text 8‎ W:Good morning, sir.‎ M:I'm looking for an apartment. Do you have any information?‎ W:Certainly. What kind of apartment are you looking for?‎ M:I want an apartment just for myself. So I don't need a big one. I think a small one with one ‎ bedroom, one bathroom and one kitchen is good for me.‎ W:What about the sitting room? Do you want it to be large?‎ M:That's unnecessary. I usually don't have any guests.‎ W:And how much do you plan to pay for rent each month?‎ M:600 dollars. But I don't mind paying 200 dollars more if the apartment is really satisfying. By the way, I work downtown and I've got tired of driving. I hope the apartment will be in the downtown.‎ W:Sorry, but we don't have such an apartment in the downtown. We just have one with a 15 minutes' bus ride to downtown. Do you want to go and have a look?‎ M:A 15 minutes' bus ride? I think I can accept that.When can I go and have a look please?‎ W:Anytime you like.‎ Text 9‎ M:So Katie, have you been to the new mall?‎ W:Yeah, I actually went there just yesterday.‎ M:Is there a computer store?‎ W:Yes, there's a Mac store on the first floor.‎ M:Oh, that's perfect. I want to buy a new Mac. And is there a bookstore with English books?‎ W:Er, there's a huge bookstore on the fourth floor where you can find lots of English books.‎ M:Oh, great. How about the food there?‎ W:The food's okay. There's a big food court on the third floor, and you can get a Subway.‎ M:Oh, that's good. Is there a movie theater?‎ W:Mm. There's a movie theater on the second floor.‎ M:Oh, good. Do they have English movies?‎ W:Yes, they have English and Japanese movies.‎ M:Oh, great. I should watch some Japanese movies too.‎ W:Oh, nice. When's a good time to go?‎ M:I think the best time to go is probably weekdays. If you go on the weekend, there are so many children there. It's hard to walk around.‎ W:Got it. Thank you.‎ Text 10‎ Lise Meitner was born in Vienna, Austria on November 7,1878. She was the third child of eight children in the family. Her father Philip, who was a lawyer, hired personal teachers to teach the children, and she learned mathematics very well. Music was important to the family, and all the children learned to play the piano. The children were taught to listen to their parents, but to think for themselves. When Lise Meitner finished school at the age of 14, she could not go to college for higher education. However, inspired by the discoveries of two scientists, she was determined to study science. When she turned 21, women were finally allowed into Austrian universities. Meitner was admitted into the University of Vienna; there she did very well in mathematics and physics and earned her doctor's degree in 1906. After leaving university, she worked with German chemist Otto Hahn. Their work helped Hahn win the Nobel Prize in 1944. Meitner wasn't given the prize. Though she couldn't accept the result, she continued her research into her 80s.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 A ‎【语篇解读】 这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了上海银七星滑雪场的规模、场景以及与去滑雪相关的一些注意事项。‎ ‎21.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由文章第一段中的“There are three sections of snow runs and a huge platform for practicing, which are suitable for skiing enthusiasts of various skiing degrees.”可知,银七星滑雪场有三段坡道和一个练习大平台,可供不同程度的滑雪爱好者使用。所以不同水平的滑雪爱好者都可以去银七星室内滑雪场去玩。故选C。‎ ‎22.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。由Ticket Price 下边的内容可知,周内去滑雪,成人票价138元,儿童票价80元。由“Meal: ¥50 per person”可知,一顿饭每人50 元。题干中一对夫妻和小孩周三去滑雪,包含午餐,就应该列出算式为138×2(两个成人票价)+80(‎ 一名小孩票价)+150(三个人午餐钱),合计506元。故选A。‎ ‎23.答案与解析:B 推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的“you can click here...”可知,这篇应用文来源于网站上,只有在网页上才可以“click”以获取更多信息。选项B中的“website”与这句话呼应。A.A newspaper (报纸);C.An entertainment magazine (娱乐杂志);D.A travel guide (旅游指南)都是书,不能click 获取更多信息。故选B。‎ B ‎【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。男孩家境不好,需要打零工帮助家里维持生计,但他并没有放弃自己的梦想。他坚持学习,通过不懈的努力终于考上了大学,缩短了与梦想的距离。‎ ‎24.答案与解析:B'细节理解题。由第三段中的“After the workday, his tired friends drank coffee or slept. Eduardo studied, read, and wrote poetry and short stories”可知,工作结束后,他的朋友们或喝咖啡或睡觉,而他却在学习和写作。‎ ‎25.答案与解析:A'细节理解题。由第五段中的“It was also the answer to the beginning of his dream of becoming a pilot”和最后一段中的“One day, he would be a pilot, flying every day to all the exciting places in the world”可知,他梦想成为一名飞行员。‎ ‎26.答案与解析:A'推理判断题。由倒数第三段中的“his father always encouraged him to go to school”可知,他父亲鼓励他上学,因此推断他父亲支持他的梦想。‎ ‎27.答案与解析:D'推理判断题。由第五段中的“It was the answer to his application to the state university”和最后一段中的“as Eduardo read the words, ‘Congratulations... you have been accepted,’ he knew that his dream was not lost”可推断,信封里是他所申请的大学发来的录取通知书。‎ C ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。在我们进行消费时,是不是选择越多越好呢?本文通过研究发现告诉我们答案。‎ ‎28.答案与解析:D'细节理解题。根据第二、三段可知,第一次测试吸引了40%的顾客来品尝果酱,而第二次测试吸引了60%的顾客来品尝果酱。‎ ‎29.答案与解析:B'推理判断题。根据第二、三段可知,第一次测试提供给顾客6种果酱,吸引了40%的顾客,其中有30%的顾客选择购买;第二次测试提供给顾客24种果酱,吸引了60%的顾客,但其中只有3%的顾客选择购买。因此,增加顾客的选择反而降低了最终购买率。‎ ‎30.答案与解析:A'细节理解题。根据第五、六段可知,表面上人们喜欢多一些选择,而事实上并非如此——他们并不喜欢选择太多。‎ ‎31.答案与解析:D'推理判断题。根据最后两段可知,作者认为,选择不是越多越好,3到6个最佳。他列举Firefox's about: config就是为了证明自己的这一观点。Firefox's about: config隐藏了很多可有可无的选择,展现给大多数用户的应该是很有限的选择。‎ D ‎【语篇解读】 本文是议论文。作者主要分析了乘坐公共交通工具的益处,劝说人们多乘坐公共交通工具,并给出了相应的建议。‎ ‎32.答案与解析:D'推理判断题。第二段的主旨句是“taking public transit instead of... traffic accident by more than 90%”,下文列举数据是为了论证该主旨句,即乘坐公共交通工具比驾驶私家车更安全。‎ ‎33.答案与解析:C'词义猜测题。第一和第二段阐述了乘坐公共交通工具的好处,第三段用“Unfortunately”开头,说明下文涉及的内容出现了转折;且由第四段中的“Even as ridership in the rest of the country decreases”可知,虽然公共交通工具有益处,但乘坐公共交通工具的人数却在下降。‎ ‎34.答案与解析:B'细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“the Orange County... 19.6% increase since September 2017”可知,近来,橙县乘坐公共交通工具的人数有所上升。‎ ‎35.答案与解析:A'写作目的题。作者首先阐述了乘坐公共交通工具的好处,紧接着介绍了人们乘坐公共交通工具的现状,最后呼吁人们尽可能地使用公共交通服务。作者写前半部分内容是为后面的内容做铺垫,因此,本文作者的主要写作目的是鼓励人们乘坐公共交通工具。‎ 第二节 ‎【语篇解读】 ‎ 本文是议论文。十二岁女孩凯特所在的学校食堂实施了午餐座位分配制度,这引发了人们对是否有必要分配食堂就餐座位的讨论。‎ ‎36.答案与解析:B'B项在此处起承上启下的作用。B项中的when指代该空前的凯特走进食堂看到名单的那一天;it指代the list以及下一段中的“a paper taped to the wall”。‎ ‎37.答案与解析:E'E项中的“lunch is the hardest time of day”与该空后的“finding a seat can be embarrassing”相呼应。‎ ‎38.答案与解析:C'由就餐座位分配制度导致的结果“students have to sit with kids they might not normally talk to”和凯特起初对该制度的反应“Kate ate quickly so she could leave as fast as possible”可知,一开始学生们并不喜欢这个制度。‎ ‎39.答案与解析:A'由上文中的“Kate ate quickly so she could leave as fast as possible”和下文中的“I made new friends”的对比可知, 随着食堂越来越安静以及欺凌现象几乎不再出现,凯特对就餐座位分配制度的态度发生了转变。A项中的her mind指代她对该制度的态度。‎ ‎40.答案与解析:F'由上文中的“Assigned seating has its disadvantages”和下文中的“step toward making lunchtime better”可知,除了座位分配制度,还有其它办法可以解决食堂里的问题。该空后提及的方法“sit at round tables instead of long ones”是对F项中的“ways to deal with lunchroom problems”的一个例举。‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用 第一节 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了Little与朋友Dixon在测试其山地车时,发现了一只受伤的狗,他们带走它,并给它买了食物和水。Shaw收养了它,以小镇名Columbo给它命名,并给它治好腿。Columbo有了很多小伙伴,是世上最幸运的狗。‎ ‎41.答案与解析:B'考查动词短语。句意:远处树丛中有什么东西引起了她的注意。A.paid 支付;B.caught 抓住;C.kept 处于;D.demanded 强烈要求。catch one's attention, 吸引了……的注意。故选B。‎ ‎42.答案与解析:D'考查动词短语。句意:原来是一只五个月大的狗。A.seemed 似乎;B.came out 出版;C.happened 发生;D.turned out 结果是,原来是。根据空后a fivemonthold dog,可知,他们都知道树丛里是什么了。结合选项,D 项符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎43.答案与解析:C'考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他真的很瘦,还摔断了一条腿。A.special 特别的;B.dirty 肮脏的;C.broken 断裂的;D.strong 强壮的。根据最后一段中on his broken leg,可知此处为broken。故选C。‎ ‎44.答案与解析:A'考查动词词义辨析。句意:骑车子的人喂给这条狗食物,并分享他们的水。A.shared 分享;B.treated招待,款待; C.drank 喝;D.dropped 掉下。本句主语为The cyclists,他们与这条小狗分享他们的水。故选A。‎ ‎45.答案与解析:A'考查固定搭配。句意:尽管他们不知道该怎么办。A.idea 主意;B.hesitation 犹豫;C.interest 兴趣;D.problem 难题。have no idea不知道,不清楚。故选A。‎ ‎46.答案与解析:C'考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们不能丢下他。A.take 拿;B.help 帮助;C.leave 丢下;D.beat 打败。根据后文可知,他把小狗带走并给小狗食物和水,而不是丢下小狗。故选C。‎ ‎47.答案与解析:B'考查动词短语。句意:在那里,他最终会成为别人的食物。A.eat up 吃光;B.end up as 以…… 而结束;C.put up with 忍受;D.come up with 提出。如果小狗继续留在那里,很可能成为别人的食物而遇险,所以他们带走了小狗。结合各选项的意义,B 项符合题意。故选B。‎ ‎48.答案与解析:D'考查动词短语。句意:他小心翼翼地抱起他的新朋友。warm up 热身;show up 出现;turn up 出现;pick up 拾起,抱起。根据后面slipped the dog's hind legs into the back __49__ of his cycling clothes 可知,他把小狗的腿塞进衣服的口袋里。故可知此处说的是他把小狗从地上抱起来了。故选D。‎ ‎49.答案与解析:C'考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把狗的后腿塞进他骑行服的后兜里。A.seat 座位;B.baskets 篮子;C.pockets 口袋;D.buttons 纽扣。根据句意可知,他应该是把狗的后腿放在口袋里。故选C。‎ ‎50.答案与解析:B'考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后他把狗的前爪搭在他的肩膀上。A.nose 鼻子;B.shoulders肩膀;C.arms臂;D.hands手。根据常识可知,抱起狗时,其前爪应该是搭在人的肩膀上。故选B。‎ ‎51.答案与解析:D'考查动词词义辨析。句意:他受伤了,所以他没有试图与Little 战斗来反抗。A.argue 辩论;B.overcome 克服;C.survive 幸存;D.fight 战斗。根据语境可知,小狗受伤无法反抗。故选D。‎ ‎52.答案与解析:A'考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们很高兴,我们当时就在那里并准备提供帮助。A.happy 高兴;B.frightened 害怕的;C.curious 好奇的;D.confused 困惑的。Little 应该是高兴他们能出现在那里,帮助小狗的。故选A。‎ ‎53.答案与解析:B'考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们来到一家商店。A.school 学校;B.store商店;C.hallway 走廊;D.playground 运动场。根据后文中“There they got more water and food for the dog.”在那里他们给狗弄了更多的水和食物,可知他们去的应该是商店。故选B。‎ ‎54.答案与解析:A'考查动词短语辨析。句意:就在那时,Shaw 路过这里。pass by 经过;pass on 传递;pass off 停止;pass out 昏倒。根据语境可知,此时Shaw 恰巧路过这里。故选A。‎ ‎55.答案与解析:C'考查动词词义辨析。句意:狗走近她。A.escaped 逃离;B.avoided 回避;C.approached走近;D.attacked 攻击。根据后面licking her,小狗后来舔了舔Shaw,可知此处为小狗走近了她。故选C。‎ ‎56.答案与解析:D'考查动词词义辨析。句意:Shaw 发现这只狗很可爱,在知道发生了什么之后,她说: “我要养这只狗。”A.refused 拒绝;B.admitted 承认;C.debated 争论;D.declared 宣称。根据句意可知,此处Shaw 宣称她要养这条小狗。故选D。‎ ‎57.答案与解析:D'考查固定搭配。句意:Shaw 给他起名叫Columbo,以他们相遇的那个小镇命名。name after,以…… 名字来命名。根据空后内容,可知Columbo 是他们相遇的那个小镇。Shaw 以小镇名为他命名。故选D。‎ ‎58.答案与解析:B'考查名词词义辨析。句意:她计划为他的断腿安排手术。A.visit 访问;B.operation 手术;C.chance 机会;D.cure 疗法。根据句意可知,她想帮小狗治好腿,故应该是为他安排手术。故选B。‎ ‎59.答案与解析:C'考查形容词词义辨析。句意:今天,Columbo 和一匹马以及一个六岁的男孩住在一个农场里,和他作伴。A.alive 活泼的;B.happy 高兴的;C.company 陪伴D.clean 干净的。根据提到的a horse and a sixyearold boy,可知Columbo 有了小伙伴与他作伴。故选C。‎ ‎60.答案与解析:A'考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他是世上最幸运的狗。A.luckiest 最幸运的;B.ugliest 最丑的;C.cleverest 最聪明的;D.biggest 最大的。根据上文可知,Columbo 被收养后,受伤的腿被治疗,并且有了很多伙伴,故他是最幸运的狗。故选A。‎ 第二节 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。游戏障碍被世界卫生组织正式收录进新版《国际疾病分类》。如果你患有游戏障碍或者正沉迷于游戏,应该采取什么措施呢?‎ ‎61.答案与解析:to relax'考查不定式作定语的用法。way后常跟不定式作定语,表示“……的方式”。‎ ‎62.答案与解析:be used'考查被动语态。use与It(指代Playing video games)之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,因为设空处前有can,故填be used。‎ ‎63.答案与解析:friendlier'考查形容词比较级。由上文中的“They are glued to a screen”以及本句中的“than the real one”可知,设空处所在句意为“网络游戏世界似乎比现实世界更友好”,故填friendlier。‎ ‎64.答案与解析:added'考查一般过去时。由In June 2018可知,设空处表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填added。‎ ‎65答案与解析:with'考查介词。relationship后常跟介词with, 表示“和……的关系”。‎ ‎66.答案与解析:Children'考查名词复数。设空处作主语,表示“孩子”,由谓语动词have可知,此处应用名词复数形式,故填Children。‎ ‎67.答案与解析:them'考查代词。设空处作宾语,表示“他们”,故填them。‎ ‎68.答案与解析:recording'考查动词ing形式作宾语的用法。suggest doing sth.意为“建议做某事”。‎ ‎69.答案与解析:who/that'考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰gamers,且在从句中作主语,故填who/that。‎ ‎70.答案与解析:or'考查连词。此处表示“你操控游戏还是游戏操控你”,故填连词or。‎ 第四部分 写作 第一节 答案:‎ Last weekend,I visited a center for traditional arts in my city with my parents. It's a huge place, and you really need man than one day to see it. There are lots of old buildings, restaurants and shops wha you can buy traditional thin like toys and clothes. And we ea some delicious food! For me the most intereste part was a beautiful old town inside the center. The whole town wer built in a traditional style. So when I went inside I felt as if I was walking into different world. I took lots of pictures bu I couldn't wait to show i to my friends.‎ 第二节 One possible version:‎ William Shakespeare, a great British writer, was born in 1564 and passed away in 1616. Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice are two of his famous works.‎ All his life, Shakespeare wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world. I like him because his comedies and tragedies bring me into a fantastic world. Besides, I can really enjoy the beauty of the English language when reading his poems. I also admire him for his works teach me how to lead a meaningful life.‎ I do agree with his saying “All the world's a stage”. We are actually all actors and actresses. On this stage, everyone has his own role to play and I should try my best to play my role well.‎

