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The Olympics The Olympus The mountain where the gods and goddesses live. Greek Mythology The most powerful God. God of thunder & lightening He is the father of many gods and goddesses. Hera The Goddess of Marriage. Zeus’ wife. Poseidon The God of Sea The trident is his best-known symbol. Athena The Goddess of Wisdom and War The protector of Athens Venus The Goddess of Love The Story of Atlanta What is this story mainly about? Hippomenes decided to ________ Atlanta and tried to _______ a race with a Goddess’ ______. marry help win skimming Read the passage again and answer these questions. (1) What was Atlanta good at? (2) What was Atlanta’s bargain with her father? (3) What did Hippomenes think of the men who competed against Atlanta at first? (4) What did Hippomenes do in order to win Atlanta? Scanning (1) What was Atlanta good at? Running. (2) What was Atlanta’s bargain with her father? Anyone who wanted to marry her must run against her. If they couldn’t run faster than her, they would be killed. (3) What did Hippomenes think of the men who competed against Atlanta at first? He thought they are foolish to let themselves be killed because they cannot run as fast as the princess. (4) What did Hippomenes do in order to win Atlanta? He went to ask the Greek Goddess of Love for help. Would Hippomenes win the race? Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. Did Hippomenes win the race? What did he do when Atlanta was in front of him during the race? Did Hippomenes win the race? Yes, he won the race. What did he do when Atlanta was in front of him during the race? He threw the golden apples one after another to attract Atlanta’s attention and make her slow down. D C E A C E A D B B After listening, put the pictures into the correct order. Brainstorm useful words and expressions run faster than any man be (not) allowed to win glory so…that marry sb. make a bargain with sb. let sb. do sth. change one’s mind promise to do 3 golden apples pick up one after another… retelling Sample Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Greek princess, Atlanta, who could run faster than any man in Greece. She was not allowed to run and win glory in the Olympic Games. She was so angry that she made a bargain with her father and… Useful words and expressions run faster than any man be (not) allowed to win glory so…that marry sb. make a bargain with sb. let sb. do sth. change one’s mind promise to do 3 golden apples pick up one after another… retelling Make up a short play about the ending of the story according to your understanding. Time: after the race Place: in the palace Plot( 情节 ): Another runner told the King and Atlanta the secrets of Hippomenes’ winning… Characters: Atlanta, Hippomenes, the king, and another runner Acting Your play should be within 3 minutes. You can use some tools. You can write some key words on a piece of paper to help you act in the front. TIPS Will you marry me? I … I agree/ disagree to…because… I’m happy to / I won’t marry my daughter to you because… He cheated all of you. He doesn’t deserve to win the race! useful words hopeless foolish win glory compete against sb. as well make a bargain with sb. deserve (doing) sth. marry sb. be ( not ) allowed to do sth. Comments Acting Plot Language I think… In my opinion, … To my understanding, … I feel that… English idioms from Greek Mythology Pandora's box The Trojan horse Achilles’ heel Penelope’s web Home work Surf on the Internet and find out one of the stories behind the following idioms. a. Pandora's box b. the Trojan horse c. Achilles’ heel d. Penelope’s web Thank you!

