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高考英语常用句型(100)背诵 ‎1. Although/Though…, yet/still…虽然……但是……‎ Although they tried their best, yet they lost the game.尽管他们尽了最大的努力,但还是输了比赛。‎ Although /Though it was raining, the children were still playing football on the playground.尽管天在下雨,孩子们还是在操场上踢足球。‎ Note:‎ (1) 句中although/though引导让步状语从句时,两者都不可再与but连用。‎ (2) although 的用法较为正式,though的用法较为通俗,常见于非正式语体或口语。‎ Although he was tired, he kept on working.(正式文体中)‎ Though he was tired, he kept on working.(口语或非正式文体中)‎ (3) although可以单独作副词置于句末用,表示“可是;然而;不过”等意,而although不能;though还可构成as though(似乎),even though(即使),而although不能。例如:‎ even though it was to late, I would go back home.尽管天气太晚,我还是要回家。(even though 表强调)‎ It isn’t as though he were poor.‎ 他看起来不像穷困的样子。(as though从句中用虚拟语气)‎ Physics is really difficult. I like it, though.‎ 物理真的很难,不过,我喜欢。(句中though不能与although换)‎ (4) though引导让步状语从句,可以用倒装语序,而although引导从句不能用倒装结构。例如:‎ Poor though I am, I am happy and healthy.‎ 虽然我穷,可我健康快乐。‎ ‎2. A+ v.+ time+比较级+than + B A比B……倍 This garden is three times larger than that one.这个园子比那个大三倍。‎ ‎3. A+ v.+ time as+形容词/副词原级+as+ B A是B的……倍 Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。‎ ‎4. A+ v.+ times + the +n. + of + B A是B的……倍(长/宽/高)…‎ 此句型中常用的名词有:length(长度),width( 宽度),height(高度)depth(深度),size(大小),age(年龄)等。‎ Paper produced every year is three times the weight of the world’s production of vehicles.‎ 每年生产的纸的重量是全世界生产车辆的重量的三倍。‎ Note:()‎ (1) 此三种句型可以转换,但要注意倍数及说法上的细微变化。例如:‎ This river is 4 times as long as that one.(这条河是那条河的四倍长)‎ ‎=This river is 4 times the length of that one.‎ ‎=This river is 3 times longer than that one.‎ (2) 此三种句型中的倍数均可改为分数、百分数、half等其它程度的状语。如:‎ This box is half the weight of that one.这个箱子是那个箱子的一半重。‎ ‎5. A is different from B A不同于B The fact is different from what she said.‎ 事实与她所说的不一样。‎ ‎6. There+ be+ difference(s)+between(A and B) (在……之间)有……差异)‎ There are many differences between the two languages.这两种语言之间有许多差异。‎ ‎7. make sb./sth. different from 使某人(物)不同于……‎ You are rich, but that doesn’t make you different from others.你的确很富有,不过那并不能使你不同于其它人。‎ ‎8 It makes no difference + wh-clause It doesn’t matter + wh-clause 做……并不重要,无关紧要,没个么不同 It makes no difference to me what you do.‎ ‎=It doesn’t make any difference t me what you do.你做什么对我无关紧要。‎ ‎9 Not all…并不是所有的……‎ not与all, both或every等词连用,表示部分否定,而不是对全句的否定。如:‎ Not all the answers are right.‎ 并不是所有答案都是正确的。‎ Not both his parents are workers.‎ 并非他的父母都是工人。‎ Not everyone likes this film.‎ 并不是人人都喜欢这部电影。‎ Note:‎ All…not…也表示部分否定。如:‎ All my friends do not smoke. = Not all my friends smoke.我有朋友并不都抽烟。‎ 要表示全部否定,应将以上代词分别替换成:none, neither和nobody。如:‎ They were al very tired, but none of them would stop to have a rest.他们都很累,但没人停下来休息。‎ I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but neither of them came.‎ 我邀请了汤姆和安妮来吃饭,但他们俩都没来。‎ ‎10 adj. / adv. /n. + as /though+主语+谓语 虽然/尽管……‎ Child as he is, he knows a lot.‎ 虽然他是个小孩,他懂得很多。‎ Hard as he tried, he still failed the exam.‎ 虽然努力了,他考试还是未及格。‎ Young as he is, he is very clever.‎ 尽管他年纪小,他却很聪明。‎ Cold though it was ,he went out without hesitation.尽管天很冷,他还是毫不犹豫地出去了。(though不能改为although)‎ Poor though I am, I am happy and healthy.‎ 虽然我穷,可我健康快乐。‎ Note:‎ 从句要部分倒装。该句型可改为though或although引导的让步状语从句。‎ Though he is a child, he knows a lot.‎ ‎11 adj. /adv.(比较级)+ and +adj./adv.(比较级),越来越……‎ 该句型是一种双重比较结构,表示持续不断的变化。在句中常用做状语、定语或表语。如:‎ People are getting more and more excited.‎ 人们变得越来越激动了。(作状语)‎ More and more people are beginning to learn English nowadays.‎ 当今愈来愈多的人开始学习英语。(作定语)‎ Now it is getting warmer and warmer.‎ 现在天气越来越暖和了。(作表语)‎ ‎12 as…as…和……一样 John plays football as well as, if not better than, David.约翰足球如果没有大卫好看话也和他踢得一样好。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) as … as…即可用于肯定句中,也可用于否定句中;so…as…只能用于否定句中。‎ I haven’t seen a car as this for years.‎ ‎=I haven’t seen a car as old as this for years.‎ 我好多年没有见过这么旧的车了。‎ Tom is not so tall as his brother.‎ 汤姆没有他弟弟高。‎ ‎(2) as+ adj./adv. + as sb. can尽力/尽量…‎ I shall come to see you as often as I can.‎ 我将尽量经常去看你。‎ 当as…as…中间为形容词时,该形容词后面还可以接名词。‎ We must make as few mistakes as we can.‎ 该句型中as后面的sb. can也可以换成possible。‎ ‎13 be about to do sth. … when …正要做……,恰好 I was about to go out, when the telephone rang.‎ 我正要出去时,正在这时电话铃响了。‎ 14 be of + 抽象名词= be +抽象名词的形容词 该句型中常见的抽象名词+ value, importance, use, interest, significance,且在抽象名词前面可以加little, some, any, no, great等副词。如:‎ This invention is of great value to mankind.‎ 这项发明对人类很有价值。‎ The decision is of great importance.‎ 这个决定很重要。‎ Such a book is of no use.‎ 这样一本书毫无用处 Sports and games can be of great help to us.‎ 体育运动对我们很益处。‎ 15 be of+ adj. + n. (age, color, height, kind, price, size, shape, type, way, weight)具有……的特征 Coins may be of different shapes.‎ ‎=Coins may be different in shape.‎ 硬币有不同的形状。‎ 16 be of + a/an + height/size/age/price+ be+ of the same+ height/size/age/price 同样的……‎ We are both of an age.‎ ‎=We are both of the same age.‎ 我们俩同龄。‎ This one and that one are of a price.‎ ‎=This one and that one are of the same price.‎ 这样东西和那样东西的价格相同。‎ 14 祈使句+and/or+含有一般将来时的陈述句 Take more exercise and you’ll feel healthy.‎ ‎=If you take more exercise, you’ll feel healthy.‎ 多锻炼身体,你就会身体健康。‎ Start early, or you will miss the early bus.‎ ‎-If you don’t start early, you will miss the early bus.早点出发,要不然你就赶不上早班车。‎ 15 Do /Would you mind if…表示“请求许可”‎ Do you mind if I smoke here?‎ 我在这儿抽烟好吗?‎ Would you mind if I smoked here?‎ 我在这儿抽烟好吗?(从句要用虚拟语气)‎ 16 Do/Would you mind + one/one’s + v.-ing…?用来请求允许,或请求别人做某事。‎ Do you mind shutting the door?‎ 请你关上门好吗?‎ Would you mind me/ my taking your dictionary?‎ 我拿你的字典你介意吗?‎ Not:()‎ ‎(1) 对以上句型的回答,如果同意其请求,即不介意,则可以说:‎ Certainly not.当然可能。‎ Of course not.当然不介意。‎ Not at all.一点也不介意。‎ No, I don’t mind.我不介意。‎ Sure. Go ahead.当然可以,请吧。‎ No, I wouldn’t.当然不介意。‎ ‎(2) 对以上句型的回答,如果是确实“介意”,也应委婉地回答,绝对避免生硬地用“Yes”回答。如:‎ Please don’t.请别。‎ I’m sorry, but…对不起,。。。(先道歉,再解释理由)‎ Sorry, but I do.很多抱歉,但我确实不赞成。‎ Sorry, you’d better not.对不起,你最好别这样做。‎ I’m afraid not.恐怕不行吧。‎ 17 feel/find/think it+形容词/名词+to do I find it difficult to work with him.‎ 我发现和他地块工作很困难。‎ She thinks it her honour to be invited to speak here.她觉得应邀到这儿演讲是她的荣幸。‎ Note:‎ 这一句型可扩写为think, find, feel引导的宾语从句。‎ I find it is difficult to work with you.‎ 18 feel like + doing sth.意欲做某事 I feel like going to a museum.我想去博物馆。(feel like表示意愿)‎ Note:‎ would like+ to do sth.想要(做)某事 ‎---Would you like a cup of tea?‎ ‎---Yes, please!(征询意愿)‎ 14 have+宾语+省略to 的不定式,表示使某人做某事,要某人做某事。其宾补动词不可带to。‎ He would have you know that.‎ 他想要你知道那件事。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) 这类动词还有:make, let, see, hear, notice, watch, look at, listen to等。改为被动语态时应用带to的不定式。‎ We used to be made to work long hours every day.过去我们常常迫每天长时间地工作。‎ ‎(2) have sb. do sth.= get sb. to do sth.=let sb. do sth.都是“让某人做某事”的意思,没有make sb. do sth.的语气那样强烈。‎ 15 have+宾语+过去分词,表示使某人做某事;受到某种影响;蒙受。这个结构中的宾语与补语有逻辑上的被动关系。‎ You’d better have that bad tooth pulled out.‎ 你最好把那颗坏牙拔掉。‎ He had his pocket picked.‎ 他遭受到扒窃。‎ Have I made myself understood?‎ 我把意思说清楚了吗?‎ Note:‎ 可用于该结构的词还有:get, leave, keep, find, discover, see, observe, notice, hear, made等。‎ 16 have+宾语+现在分词,表示使某人一直做某事;听任,雇用 Don’t have the light burning all day.‎ 不要让灯整天亮着。‎ Note:‎ 可带同样结构的常见动词有:leave, get, keep, set, send, catch, see, find, watch, discover, hear, listen to, feel等。‎ The next morning she found the man lying in bed, dead.第二天早晨她发现那个人躺在床上死了。‎ 17 have some trouble/difficulty (in) dong sth.在……有困难 Do you have any difficulty (in) translating this sentence into English?‎ 你把这句了翻译成英语有困难吗?‎ We had no difficulty in finding his house yesterday evening.‎ 昨晚,我们毫不费劲地就找到了他的家。‎ Note:‎ 其中介词in常可省略。在此句型中difficulty是用做不可数名词,所以前面不能加不定冠词不达意“a”,也不能改为复数形式。但difficulty前可加any, no等词。‎ 18 Hardly/Scarcely+ had+主语+p.p. + when +主语+过去时/No sooner + had + 主语+p.p. + than +主语+ 过去时 一…就…‎ No sooner had I taken a quick breakfast than I ran out of my home to the school.‎ 我一吃完早餐就冲出家门向学校跑去。‎ Hardly had the thief seen the policeman when he ran away.小偷一看见警察就逃开了。‎ He had no sooner got to the lab than he set out to do the ‎ experiment.他一到试验室就开始做试验。‎ Scarcely had he gone out when it began to rain.‎ 他刚一出门,就下雨了。‎ 14 How long have you had the car?‎ 这辆小车你买了多久了?‎ 句中had(买)延续性动词,可与时间段连用,但不可将它改为bought,因为buy是短暂性动词。短暂性动词在肯定句和疑问句中不能与时间段状语连用,但当把它变成相对应的延续性动词后则可以。如:‎ How long have you been here?‎ 你来这儿有多久了/‎ 句中的be就是由短暂性动词come变来的。其他类似的还有:‎ come to—be in (at) 来到某处 go out—be out 外出 die—be dead死亡 buy—have 买 borrow—keep 借 begin (start)—be on 开始 leave—be way 离开 catch a cold—have a cold 感冒 fall asleep—be asleep 睡着 marry—be married结婚 join—be in 加入 15 How/What about+ sth./sb./doing sth.?……怎么样?常用于征求意见或询问情况。‎ How about taking a walk after supper?‎ 晚饭以后去散散步怎么样?‎ 16 How do you find/like /feel…?‎ What do you think of…?‎ 你觉得……怎么样/如何?‎ How do you find the talk this morning/‎ 你觉得今天上午的报告如何?‎ 17 How+ adj./adv.+主语+谓语!‎ How lovely the boy is!‎ 这个男孩真可爱!‎ How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better voice.‎ 她唱得多好啊!我从来没有听过这么好的声音。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) How + adj. + a/an + n.+主语+谓语!‎ How clever a boy he is!‎ 他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊!‎ ‎(2) How +主语+谓语!‎ How time flies!‎ 时间过得真快!‎ ‎(3) What + (a/an) + adj. + n.+ (主语+谓语)!‎ What a clever boy he is!‎ 他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊!‎ What great progress you’ve made!‎ 你取得的进步真大!‎ 14 It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到…干…‎ It’s your turn to be on duty today.‎ 今天轮到你值日了。‎ 15 It is said that…据说。。。‎ It is said that China is going to send up a spaceship.据说中国打算发射宇宙飞船。‎ It is reported that seven astronauts have lost their lives in the space accident in America.据报道,在美国在及空事故中有七名宇航员丧生。‎ Note:‎ (1) 该句型中it是形式主语,that引导的是主语从句。常用有还有:‎ It is reported that…据报道……‎ It is believed that…据报道……‎ It is thought that…据认为……‎ It is hoped that…大家希望……‎ It has been decided that…众所周知 It is suggested that…据建议^‎ ‎(2) 该复合句型可转变成为发下简单结构:‎ They / People say that…‎ Sb. / Sth. be said to…‎ 例如:It is said that Mr. Smith has gone to Japan.‎ ‎=They / People say the Mr. Smith has gone to Japan. = Mr. Smith is said to have gone to Japan.‎ (2) 该复合句改写为简单句时,“be said to”后的不定式可依据原从句中谓语动词的一般式、进行式、完成式,而分别用不定式的一般式、进行式或完成式。例如:‎ It is said that he is a miser.据说他是个小气鬼。‎ He is said to be a miser.(原从句be 为一般时态,简单句中不定式用一般式to be)‎ It is said that she is writing a novel.据说她正在写一部小说。(从句中谓语动词用了进行式)‎ She is said to be writing a novel.(简单句不定式进行式to be writing)‎ It is said that he has been rich.据说他发财了。(从句中谓语动词用完成式)‎ He is said to have been rich.(简单句不定式也用完成式to have been)‎ 16 It is +adj. +of sb. to do sth.用来表示对某人做某事的评价,侧重评价“人”;句型中的形容词描述人的性质征,且与介词of后的名词有逻辑上的主系表关系。这类形容词有:kind, nice, good, right, wrong, stupid, silly, wise, clever, polite, bad, brave等。该句型可以改写为“sb. is + adj. + to do sth.”。‎ It’s right of you to do so.‎ 你这样做是对的。‎ You are wrong to say so.‎ 你这样说就不对了。‎ 17 It is +adj. + for sb. to do sth.也用来表示对某人做某事的评价,但侧重于评价“事”;句型中的形容词描述是整个for sb. to do sth.。‎ I think it is impossible for you to come.‎ 我认为你不可能来。‎ 14 It’s time for sth. ……是……的时候了 It’s time for class.‎ 是上课的时候了。‎ 15 It’s time (for sb.) to do… 是…的时候了 It’s time for you to go home.‎ 是你回家的时候了。‎ 16 It’s (high/about) time + that clause是……的时候了 It’s time that we went home.‎ 是我们回家的时候。(从句中谓语动词用过去式形式)‎ 17 It is the first (second, third…) that + 主语+ have + done ‎---Do you know our town at all?‎ ‎---No, this is the first time that I have been here.‎ ‎---你知道我们镇吗?‎ ‎---不,这是我第一次来这里。‎ 18 It is likely that…可能。。。‎ It isn’t likely that he will succeed.‎ 他的世功没有多大可能性。‎ Note:‎ 该句型可改为:‎ He is not likely to succeed.‎ 19 It’s just/ not like sb. to do sth.‎ It’s just like him to be late for school.‎ 他就是那种上学迟到的人。‎ 20 It is +时间+ since…自从……以来多久 ‎---What was the party like/‎ ‎---Wonderful. It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much.‎ ‎---晚会怎么样/‎ ‎---好极了,我有好几年没有玩得这么高兴了。‎ It is ten years since he left here.‎ ‎=It is ten years since he stayed here.‎ 他在这里工作10年了。‎ 21 It is +被强调成分+ that / who…强调句式 I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.‎ 我觉得孩子被娇惯了,要受责备的是你丈夫。‎ It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.‎ 第一座有钟面和时针的钟是在600年前造的。‎ 22 It looks as if…好像……‎ It looks as if it is going to rain.‎ 天好像要下雨。‎ The old man works as if he were a young man.‎ 那位老人家工作起来像个年轻人。‎ 23 It seems +( to sb.) + (that)…(在某人看来)好像,似乎 It seems that he is lying.‎ ‎=He seems to be lying.‎ 好像他在撒谎。‎ 14 It seems + as if (as though) 看样子似乎是……‎ It seems as if he has been at the seem of the crime.‎ 看样子他好像到过犯罪现场。‎ It seems as if it is pure gold.‎ 看起来,这好像是纯金的。‎ 15 It takes sb. some time to do sth.花…时间做……‎ It took him two hours to do his homework.‎ 他花了两个小时做家庭作业。‎ 16 cost sb. sth.(使)花费(金钱、时间、劳动等);值(多少钱);(使)付出(代价)。其主语通常为事物。‎ How much does this suit cost/‎ 这套衣服值多少钱?‎ The invention cost him a lot of time.‎ 这项发明使他花了大量的时间。‎ The heroic deed cost him his life.‎ 这一英雄行为使他付出生命的代价。‎ 17 pay (sb.) money to do sth./for sth.花/付钱;给……报酬 I paid ten yuan for the dictionary.‎ 我花了十元钱习这本字典。‎ I will pay you twenty dollars to clean my room.‎ 我出20无钱请你给我收拾房子。‎ I will pay you for your help to me.‎ 对你给我的帮助,我会付报酬给你的。‎ 18 spend…(in) doing sth.花……做……‎ They spent much time (in) reviewing English.‎ 他们花了很多时间复习英语。‎ 19 spend…on…在……上花费(钱、时间)‎ He doesn’t spend much time on his homework.‎ 他没花多少时间做家庭作业。‎ I spent sixty yuan on the book.‎ 工花了60元钱买这本书。‎ 20 It is will (won’t) be +时间+ before clause………多少时间以后才……‎ It will be two days before he comes back.‎ 他要两天以后才回来。‎ 21 It is worthwhile to do/doing sth. 干……是值得的 It is not worth while quarrelling/ to quarrel with each other.不值得相互争吵。‎ 22 be worthy to be done/of + n./being done值得……‎ The date is worthy of being remembered.‎ The date is worthy to be remembered.‎ 这个日子值得记住。‎ 23 not…until直到……才……‎ They didn’t leave until the game was over.‎ 直到比赛结束,他们才离开。‎ Last night I worked until/ till midnight.‎ 昨晚我一直工作到午夜。‎ Note:‎ (1) Until/ till用做介词或连词,引导时间状语或时间状语从句。修饰“终续性动词“;用于肯定句时,所修饰的动词应为”连续性动词“,表示该动作持续到……时候为止。‎ (2) 当not until位于句首时,主句要用倒装语序。‎ Not until(he was) 30 years old did he marry.‎ 直到30岁,他才结婚。‎ Not until the game was over did they leave.‎ 直到比赛结束,他们才离开。‎ 14 It’s not until …that…是not until句型的另一强调结构 It was not until the game was over that they left.‎ 直到比赛马结束,他们才离去。‎ 15 Neither/Nor+助动词+主语,用于否定句中,表示另一个人也不怎样。‎ ‎---Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?‎ ‎---I don’t know, nor do I care.‎ ‎---你知道吉姆跟他弟弟争吵了吗?‎ ‎---我不知道,我也不在意。‎ 16 So +助动词+主语,用于肯定句中,表示另一个人也怎么样。‎ If he goes there, so will I.‎ 如果他去,我也去。‎ She is fond of football, so am I.‎ 她爱好足球,我也爱好足球。‎ 17 So it is with sb.既可用于肯定句中,也可用于否定句中,陈述两种或两种以上情况。表示另一个人也一样。‎ Mary is clever but she doesn’t work hard. So it is with Tom.‎ 玛丽很聪明但学习不努力,汤姆也是这样。‎ 18 So+主语+助动词,表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的赞同或证实。‎ ‎---David has made great progress recently.‎ ‎---So he has, and so have you.‎ ‎---大卫最近取得了很大进步。‎ ‎---确实是,你也一样。‎ 19 One moment…and now…刚才(一会儿)……,现在却又……‎ One moment she was reading, and now she fell asleep.刚才她不在看书,现在却又睡觉了。‎ 20 prevent sth./sb. (from) doing sth.阻止……做某事 ‎ They did what they could to prevent the soil (from) being washed away be water.‎ 他们尽了最大的努力,防止土壤被大水冲走。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) 句中的“from”在口语中常可省略。类似的词组有“stop sth./ sb. (from) dong sth./,“keep sb./ sth. from doing”,意思都是“阻止某人做某事”,但用keep sb. from doing sth.时不能省略from。‎ You must stop her (from) telling the truth.‎ 你一定要阻止她说出事实的真相。‎ No one can keep the wheel of history from going forward.没有人能阻止历史的车轮前进。‎ ‎(2) stop和prevent用于被动语态时,其后的from不能省略。‎ We were prevented by the heavy rain from coming.‎ 14 prefer sth. (to sth.) 更喜欢……/宁愿要……而不愿做……‎ I prefer tea (to coffee).‎ 我宁愿喝茶(而不愿喝咖啡)。‎ I prefer rice.我更喜欢吃米饭。‎ He prefers basketball to football.‎ 他比较喜欢篮球而不喜欢足球。‎ 15 prefer to so sth. (rather than sth.) 更喜欢/宁愿做……而不愿做……‎ Many people prefer to send e-mails rather than write letters to their friends.许多人宁愿发电子邮件,而不愿打电话给他们的朋友。‎ 16 prefer sb. to sth.宁愿某人去干什么 ‎---Shall I clean the window?要我来擦窗户吗?‎ ‎---I’d prefer you to clean it.还是让你来擦好。‎ 17 Prefer doing sth. (to doing) 宁愿干什么……而不愿做……‎ She prefers singing and dancing.‎ 她比较喜欢唱歌、跳舞。‎ She prefers listening to music to watching TV.‎ 她喜欢听音乐胜过看电视。‎ 18 would rather…than…; would… rather than…宁愿这样做……而不愿那样做……‎ I would go to school by bike rather than by bus.‎ 我宁愿骑自行车而不愿坐公共汽车去上学。‎ The soldiers would rather die than surrender.战士们宁死也不投降。‎ Note:‎ would rather不接含有不定式的复合结构,即不能用“would rather sb. to do sth.”。‎ 19 would rather +从句,宁愿某人做……, 从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气 I would rather you didn’t tell a lie.‎ 我宁愿你没有说谎。‎ I would rather you came tomorrow than today.‎ 我宁愿意你明天来,而不是今天来。(从句中用动词过去式表示现在或将来的情况)‎ I would rather you had come earlier.‎ 我宁愿你早点来了。(从句中动词过去完成式表示一个过去的动作)言外之意,即:You didn’t come earlier.你没有早点来。‎ 20 so that…以便,为了,使能够 he got up early so that he could catch the first bus.他起床早以便赶上头班车。‎ Note:‎ 引导目地状语从句。从句中往往带情态动词,可用in order that改写。‎ Please speak louder so that everyone can hear you.‎ Please speak louder in order that everyone can hear you.‎ 请再大声说,以便大家都能相信他的话。‎ 21 so that…因此 he often told lies, so that no one believed him.‎ 他常常说谎,因此没有人相信他的话。‎ He turned up the radio, so that everyone heard the important ‎ news.他把收音机的音量调大了,结果大家都到这条重要新闻了。‎ Note:‎ 引导结果状语从句,主句和从句是原因与结果的关系,从句中没有情态动词。so that前通常有逗号。‎ 14 so + adj./adv. + that…如此……以致……,that引导的是结果状语从句 Tom is so young that he can’t join the army.‎ 汤姆太小不能参军。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) 此句型可用too…to…或enough to 结构来表达。‎ Tom is too young to join the army.‎ Tom is not old enough to join the army.‎ ‎(2) 类似的句型有:‎ so + adj. + a/an+ n.(单数)+ that…‎ so + many /few + n. (复数) + that…‎ so + much /little (少) + n. (不可数)+ that…‎ He is so honest a boy that he never tells a lie.‎ 他很诚实,从来不说谎。‎ He made so little money every month that he had to live a simple life.‎ ‎ 他每月赚钱不多,生活得很清贫。‎ 15 such + a/an + adj. n. (单数)+that…如此……以至于……‎ He s such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.‎ 他很诚实,从来不说谎。‎ 16 such + (adj.) + n. (可数名词复数或不可数名词) +that…如此……以至于……‎ He made such rapid progress that the teacher praised him.他取得了很大的进步,老师表扬了他。‎ 17 S(主语)+be + adj. + to do…做起来……‎ A colour TV is expensive to buy and expensive to repair.彩电买起来贵,修起来也贵。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) 该句型中to do与前面的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,即该主语往往可充当该不定式的逻辑宾语。‎ ‎(2)上述例句相当于:‎ To buy a color TV is expensive.‎ To repair a colour TV is expensive.‎ ‎(3)用于这一句型常见的形容词有:expensive, cheap, difficult, nice, hard, easy, heavy等。如:‎ This question is difficult to answer.‎ 这种食物好吃。‎ The question is difficult to answer.‎ 这个问题难回答。‎ Such a big box is heavy to carry.‎ 这么大一个箱子难扛。‎ ‎(4)该句型中不定式含有被动意义,但不能用被动表式。如:‎ The machine is easy to be repaired. (错误)‎ 那台机器容易修理。‎ The machine is easy to repair.(正确)‎ (1) 当不定式的动词为不及物动词时,后面必需跟上相应的介词。如:‎ The pen is nice to write.(错误)‎ The pen is nice to write with. (正确)‎ 那支钢笔好写。‎ 14 S(主语)+weigh + 数词 ……重多少 How much does the pig weigh?‎ 那头猪有多重?‎ 15 S(主语)+ be + 数词+in weight……重多少 The bag of apples in 20 kilograms in weight.‎ 那袋苹果重20公斤。‎ 16 S(主语)+be + 数词+(长、宽、高的)形容词(long, wide, high) ……多长、宽、高 Our class room is 12 metres long.‎ 我们的教室有12米长。‎ How wide is the meeting hall?‎ 这个会议厅有多宽?‎ 17 S(主语)+be+数词+in +(长、宽、高的)名词(length, width, height) ……多长、宽、高 The meeting hall is 10 metres in width.‎ 这个会议厅有10米宽。‎ 18 ‎(长、宽、高的)名词+ of + sth. + be +数词 ……多长、宽、高 What is the height of the mountain?‎ 这座山有多高?‎ 19 suggest + that clause (should + do) 建议做……‎ who do you suggest be sent to work there?‎ 你认为应派谁去那儿工作?‎ 20 It is suggested that + 主语(should) + 动词原形 有人建议……‎ It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off.有人建议推迟会议。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) 表建议、要求、命令(suggest, demand, require, order..)意义的词后面所带的宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句、同痊语从句中的谓语动词要用should+动词原形,should可省略。‎ My suggestion is that we (should) go to the cinema together.‎ What do you think of my suggestion that we (should) go to the cinema together?‎ ‎(2)当suggest表示“暗示,表明”时,后面所带从句用所需要的时态。‎ Her smile suggested that she agreed with me.‎ 21 tell…from… 把……与……区分开 I can’t tell Tom from his twin brother.‎ 我分不清汤姆和他的双胞胎哥哥。‎ Note:‎ Tell the difference between A and B. 说出……和……的区别 Can you tell the difference between “see” and “watch”?你能说出“see”和“watch”的区别吗?‎ 22 There/ Here is … for sb. 有……给某人 Here is a letter for you.‎ 这里有封你的信。‎ Note:‎ There放在句首为引导词,除了与动词be连用之外,还可与seem, appear, live, stand, come, rise, lie等动词连词。如:‎ There comes the bus.公共汽车来了。‎ There seems something wrong about it.它好像有点不对头。‎ There he comes.他来了。‎ Here you are.给你。‎ 14 The +比较级(从句),the + 比较级(主句),越……越……;愈……就愈……‎ It’s believed that the harder you work, the better result you’ll get.‎ 人们认为你越努力,取得的结果就会更好。‎ The busier she is, the happier she feels.‎ 她越是忙,越是感受到快乐。‎ Note:‎ (1) 该句型中的比较级可以是一样,也可以不一样;可以是形容词也可为副词。‎ The more one practices, the better it will be.‎ 我们干得越快越好。‎ The more you praise him, the harder he works.‎ 你越表扬他,他工作越努力。‎ ‎(2) 该句型 在时态上,若主句为将来时或现在时,从句可用现在时代替将来时。例如:‎ The more I watch, the more I laugh.我越看越发笑。‎ The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.工作越努力,成绩就越大。‎ The more one has, the more one wants.‎ 人越有越贪。‎ ‎(3)在谚语或俗语中,该句型中常省去相同的成分。如:‎ The less said about it, the better (it will be).‎ 少说为佳。‎ The more haste, the less speed.‎ 欲速则不达。‎ The sooner (you do it), the better (it will be).‎ 越快越好。‎ The more, the better.‎ 多多益善。‎ 15 the +形容词比较级+of the two两个中较……的一个 The taller of the two is his brother.‎ 两个中那个较高的是他的兄弟。‎ Note:‎ Which is the better shirt, the blue or the yellow one?蓝色和黄色的衬衫,哪个较好?‎ 16 There is (no)… left for sth./ doing sth.余下(没余下)……来干某事 There is no place left for the table.‎ 没有留出余地来放桌子。‎ There is a litter money left for food/ buying food.还剩下一点钱来买食品。‎ 17 There is no need (for sb.) to do…没有必要 We have plenty of time. There is no need to hurry.我们有足够的时间,没有必要这么着急。‎ 18 There is some/no doubt of/about/ as to + n./ wh-clause(没)有疑问 There is no doubt o his success.‎ 毫无疑问,他一定会成功。‎ There is some doubt as to what happened.‎ 对所发生的事有些疑问。‎ There is some doubt (as to, about, of) whether he will come on time.说不准他是否会按时来。‎ Note:‎ doubt 前有no或not时,其后的从句要用that引导。‎ There is no doubt that he will succeed.‎ 14 There is something/ nothing wring with… ……有(没有)故障 There is nothing wrong with my bike.我的自行车没有故障。‎ Note:‎ ‎…be wrong with…‎ ‎…be the matter with…‎ ‎…be the trouble with…‎ 有什么病;出了什么事;有什么不正常;有什么不舒服;出了什么故障 What’s wrong with you?你怎么了?‎ Is there anything wrong with the TV set?‎ 这台电视机出了什么故障吗?‎ 15 the same…as/that… 与……相同 This is the same pen as I bought yesterday.‎ 这与我昨天买的钢笔相同。(不指同一支钢笔)‎ This is the same pen that I bought yesterday.‎ 这是我昨天买的那支笔。(指同一支钢笔)‎ 16 think sb. /sth. to be…认为某人或某物……,其被动结构为“sb./sth. be thought be …”, 意为“某人/某物被(人们)认为是……”‎ We think Yao Ming to be the best basketball player in China today.‎ 我们变人姚明是当今中国最好的篮球运动员。‎ She was thought to be the best student in her class.她被认为是班上最棒的学生。‎ Note:‎ 类似的结构还有:‎ consider sb. to be/as…把某人/某物认为是…‎ be considered to be/as…被认为 think of sb./sth. as…把……看做……‎ look upon sb. as…把某人视做……‎ I consider you to be/as my best friend.‎ 我把你当做我最好的朋友。‎ He was considered to be honest/as an honest man.他被认为是诚实的。‎ The officer always thought of himself as a common soldier.‎ 那军官官总是把自己当做很普通的一名士兵。‎ Doctor Wang was regarded as the best one in town.王医师被认为是城里最好的医生。‎ We look upon teachers as friends, for they are all kind to us。我们把老师当做朋友,他们都对我们很好。‎ 17 too… to…= not…enough to…太……而不能……‎ The child is too young to go to school.‎ ‎=The child is not old enough to go to school.‎ 这孩子太小,不能上学。‎ Note:‎ ‎(1) too…not to…句式中,too后面加上形容词apt, eager, easy, ready等,意为very;或too之前有only, all, but, quite等词时,无否定意义。‎ He is too ready to talk.‎ 他爱说话。‎ I am only too delighted to accept your kind invitation.我非常高兴地接受你的邀请。‎ 14 can’t (can never)… too/ enough…怎么……也不过分 You can’ praise the theory too highly.‎ 这理认不管你怎样赞扬也不会过分。‎ You can’t be careful enough.‎ 你无论怎么细心也不过分。‎ 15 with + 宾语+非谓语动词 He will do it with us to help him.‎ 有我们帮助,他愿做这件事。‎ The teacher came in with some students following her.老师走了进来,后面跟着几位同学。‎ She sat there, with her arms folded.‎ 她双手交叉,静静地坐在那里。‎ 16 with +宾语+介词短语 They left with their daughter at home.‎ 把女儿留在家,他们走了。‎ 17 with + 宾语+形容词/副词 Don’t sleep with the door and windows open.‎ 不要开着门准备睡觉。‎ I stood there with my dog behind.‎ 我丫在那里。我的狗跟在我后面。‎ 18 Would you please…?表地问对方是否愿意做某事的客气说法。‎ Would you please lend me a bike?‎ 请你借给我一辆自行车好吗/‎ Would you please fetch me the book?‎ 请你去给我取来那本书好吗?‎ Note:‎ ‎(1)肯定回答:Certainly./Yes, of course./ I’d love to./I’ll be glad to.‎ 否定回答:I’d like to, but…/ I am sorry I can’t./ No, I am afraid I can’t.‎ ‎(2) 类似表“请求”意义的句型结构有:‎ Will/Would/Can/Could you +v. for me?‎ Will/Can/Could you please + v. …?‎ I should like to … if I may.如果可以的话,我想……‎ May/Might I …?‎ Will you allow me to…?你能允许我……?‎ ‎(3)句型中could, might语气都更委婉客气。‎ ‎--Could you look after my cat while I’m away?‎ ‎--With pleasure.‎ ‎---我不在家时,请帮我照看我的猫好吗?‎ ‎---非常乐意。‎ 14 I wonder if+从句表示“靖求许可”,即“请求对方允许自己干某事”的意思。‎ ‎---I wonder if I could use your telephone?‎ ‎---Sure./ Sure, go ahead./ Of course.‎ ‎---我能不能用一下你的电话。‎ ‎---当然可以。‎ ‎---I wonder if you’d give me some advice?‎ ‎---Sorry,/I am sorry, but…/ I’m afraid I can’t.‎ ‎---不知道你能否给我提些意见?‎ ‎---对不起……‎ 14 Why don’t you+ 动词原形……?是一个表示忠告和建议的句型,其省略结构为:Why not +动词原形……?‎ Why don’t you go out for a walk?‎ ‎=Why not go out for a walk?‎ 为何不去散散步呢?‎ Note:‎ 类似用法的句型还有:‎ (1) What/How about (doing) sth.?‎ (2) You’d better + 动词原形 (3) I suggest that you (should) do…‎ (4) I advise you to do…‎ (5) I advise that you (should) do…‎ (6) Have you considered doing sth. …?‎ (7) Have you thought of doing sth. …?‎ (8) I wonder if you’d like to do…?‎ (9) Shall we…?‎ (10) Let’s…‎ 15 连词+分词。这样一种省略结构,常见于状语从句。在主从复合句中,当主从句的主语一致时,从句中的主语往往可以省略.‎ He had one of his fingers burnt when (he was) cooking in the kitchen.‎ 在厨房做饭时,他烧伤了一手指。‎ Though lacking money, his parents managed o send him to university.‎ 尽管缺钱,他父母还是设法送他上大学。‎ I won’t go to the ball unless (I am) invited.‎ 除非受到邀请,我是不会去参加舞会的。‎ He said nothing when (he was) asked.‎ 当被问起时,他什么都没说。‎ The first country singers sang while (they were) playing the guitar.‎ 最早的一批乡村音乐歌手是边弹吉他边唱歌的。‎ Note:‎ 当从句中主语或谓语之间为主动关系时,从句往往用“连词+v.-ing”省略结构,当从句中主语与谓语之间为被动关系时,从句用“连词+p.p.”省略结构。当主从句中主语不一致时,若从句子主语为“it”且谓语含有be动词时,状语从句可以省略主语和be。例如:‎ If (it is) necessary, I’ll play the tape again.‎ 如果有必要的话,我要以再放一遍磁带。‎ If (it is) necessary, I’ll drop in on him.‎ 如果可能,我会顺便拜访他。‎ 14 否定前移句型 We don’t believe what she said is true.‎ 我们认为她说的不是真的。‎ ‎---Do you think it will rain tomorrow?‎ ‎---I don’t think so. It’s so warm.‎ ‎---你觉得天会下雨吗?‎ ‎---我看不会,天气很暖和。‎ Note:‎ 英语中否定转移现象除动词think外,还有believe, suppose, expect, guess, imagine等。‎ I don’t believe it will snow tonight.‎ 我认为今晚不会下雪。‎ I don’t suppose she will join us in the game.‎ 我想她不会与我们一起参加比赛的。‎

