陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 5 part C优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 5 part C优质课件

Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now 陕旅六年级上册 Part C Review 描述过去和现在的对比 It was ... , but it is ... 询问过去某处是否有某物及其答语 —Was/Were there ... ? —Yes, there was/were./No, there wasn’t/weren’t. Listen and match Listening material Mr. Zhao: Hello, boys and girls! Were you at home yesterday? Students: No, we weren’t. Mr. Zhao: Where were you, Kitty? Kitty: I was at the cinema. There was a great film yesterday. Mr. Zhao: How about you, Colin? Where were you ? Colin: I was in the library. There were many interesting books. Mr. Zhao: And you Alice? Where were you? Alice: I was in the park. There were many beautiful flowers there. Mr. Zhao: Great! What about you, Kevin? Where were you? Kevin: I was on my uncle's farm. Listening material Choose and fill in the blanks 1.A: Where ____ my sunglasses, Mom? B: I don’t know. They _____ on the table just now. 2.A:_____ you at home last night? B:No.I ____ at Jim’s birthday party. are were Were was 3.A:____ there a map on the wall? B:No,but there ____ one last year. 4.A:Hello, Peter! ____ you at school now? B:No.I ____ at the cinema with Tom. Is was Are am Order and act ( ) I was at the zoo with my parents. ( ) New animals? ( ) Yes, there were. And there were some new animals. ( ) Where were you yesterday, Sally? ( ) Were there many people at the zoo? ( ) Yes! An elephant and two pandas. ( ) Really? I’ll go to see them this weekend. 2 5 4 6 3 1 7 Read and put the things back This was my room five years ago. There was a kite on the wall. Behind the door, there was a raincoat. And my school bag was next to it. The desk was near the window. The computer was on the desk, and there was a wallet on the desk, too. The bed was clean, and the ball and the rain boots were under it. My room was small but nice. 请你以“ My house” 为题,用英语写一篇你家房子去年和今年的对比,不少于五句话。 时态:围绕“我”的房子去年和今年的对比为话 题来写作,应该选用一般过去时态和一般 现在时态来写作。 思路:先写去年“我”家房子的状况,使用一般 过去时态 ; 再写今年“我”家房子的状况 , 使用一般现在时态。 句型: There is/are ... There was/were ... My House I lived in the countryside last year. My house was very big at that time. And it had a yard. There were trees, flowers and some animals in the yard. There were four bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room and a study. But now I live in the city this year. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. And there is no yard, trees or animals. The house is very small. Exercise 一、按要求写单词。 1.sunglass (复数形式) ____________ 2.is (过去式) _________ 3.big (反义词) ___________ 4.lose (过去式) ___________ 5.cloud (形容词) ___________ sunglasses was small lost cloudy

