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课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 1 How can I get there? Lesson1 A Let’s learn & Make a map and talk 教学 目标 1.能够听、说、读、写: science museum , post office, bookstore, cinema , hospital 2.能够听、说、认读短语:near 在……附近 next to 与……相邻 3. 能够听、说、认读句型:“Where is the cinema?” “ It’s next to the bookstore.” 并进行关键词的替换操练。 教学重、难点 1、掌握Let's learn部分的四会单词和短语。 2、准确书写四会单词和掌握单词museum的发音。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step1.Preparation 教师放三年级下册第六单元的歌曲“They Are in the Zoo.'’师生齐唱。 Step 2.Presentation 1单词呈现 (1)“请你猜猜”活动 教师课前在黑板上画一个框,将hospital,post office,bookstore,cinema,science museum,park,library,school等单词卡片反面朝外贴在黑板上作为地图,每张卡片面都写着数字。教师指着其中一张卡片说:“Now I am in No·l. Please{what place it is.Is it a ZOO/school/park…?”教师要注意先出示两个学生的场所,第三次再让学生猜的时候,他们首先会考虑学过的词汇,这时再呈现新词cinema。教师示范朗读,学生跟读。教师带领学生拼读并cinema。 (2)继续做“请你猜猜”活动。教师说:“No.3 is a cinema.We can see a film’ cinema.”接下来教师拿出一封信,说:“1 want to post the letter·Shall I go to the cinema? Where shall I go? Yes!Post office.”教师继续利用黑板上的卡片让学生猜:“Is it a post office?”并领读post office。教师指着黑板上post office的位置说:“Look at the map.The post office is here.”然后问:“Where is the postoffice in our town?”让学生根据实际情况回答。 (3)同法教授hospital,bookstore,science museum。 (4)整合读五个新单词和句型。 2、听音正音 教师放A部分Let's learn的录音,学生跟读。 教师请学生重点读单词next to和句子“Where is the cinema?” “ It’s next to the bookstore.”并注意纠正其发音。 3、Pair work 教师请学生先在方框里填上单词或短语,再根据所填写的地图进行描述,如:The post office is near the museum.The cinema is next to the post office.”等。 Step3 .Practice 1、 听音贴图。 2、 看图快读单词。 3、根据板书呈现的地图,利用句型“Where is the ---?” “ It’s next to the ----.”自编对话 Step4. Production “小小设计师”活动 教师先带领学生认读六个表示场所的单词或短语:library,post office,hospital,science museum,cinema,bookstore,接着告诉学生:“现在你们都是城市设计师,请大家设计一张地图,设计之后会有记者来采访。”让学生利用单词卡片设计城市规划图,并在班级里选几名学生充当小记者去采访“设计师”,逐个提问:“Where is the hospital/…?”由“设计师”来回答问题。 Step5.Progress 1、 做配套相应的练习。 2、 Summary:what have you learned today ? Homework :学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词。 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 1 How can I get there? Lesson2 A Let’s try &Let’s talk 教学 目标 1. 能够听、说、认读句子,并能在情景中进行运用。 2. 能够四会掌握句子:“Where is the museum shop?” “ It’s near the door.” 教学重、难点 本课时的教学重点和难点是使学生掌握句型:“Where is the museum shop?” “ It’s near the door.” 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step1.Preparation 1、“寻宝藏”活动。 请学生根据教师的描述猜单词,如果猜对了,他们将会得到“宝藏”。该活动也可以在两人组内进行。 2.Let's try 教师放Let's try时部分的录音,学生做出正确的选择。Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and tick. 1. Where are they? A. In the museum. B. In the bookstore. 2. Is Grandpa there? A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t Step 2.Presentationw 1、教学I want to buy a postcard . 出示实物postcard,让学生根据发音规律试读,教师领读。接着老师走到一名学生旁边问:I want to buy a postcard 2、教学I want to send it today 买到卡片之后,老师在接着提出I want to send it today 引导学生理解send 含义,教师领读,学生在小组内练读。 3、带着问题听录音 出示两个问题Questions: Where is the museum shop? _________________________________ Where is post office? http://w _________________________________________ ※ Let’s talk. Wu Yifan: Robin, where is the museum shop? I want to buy a postcard. Robin: It’s near the door. Wu Yifan: Thanks. Where is the post office? I want to send it today. Robin: I don’t know. I’ll ask. Excuse me, Sir. Man: Wow! A talking robot! What a great museum! Robin: Where is the post office? Man: It’s next to the museum. Robin: Thanks. Step3 .Practice 1、 听音答题 Questions: Where is the museum shop? _________________________________ Where is post office? _________________________________________ 2、听音跟读 1、 角色朗读:师生、生生、同桌分角色朗读,注意语音语调。 2、 角色表演,上台展示。 Step4. Production Talk about the places in your village. Is there a …? Where is it ? It’s near next to behind… Step5.Progress 1、 做配套相应的练习。 2、 Summary:what have you learned today ? 3、Homework :学生熟读对话并背诵重点句型。 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 1 How can I get there? Lesson3 B Let’s learn & Be a tour guide 教学 目标 1.能够听、说、读、写短语:crossing, turn left,turn right,go straight。 2.能够听、说、认读句型:“Where is the Italian restaurant ?”并能进行回答。 教学重、难点 1.本课时的教学重点是掌握四会短语:crossing ,turn left, turn right, go straight. 2.本课时的教学难点是straight的发音和拼写。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step1.Preparation 热身(Warm-up) 教师准备“兔子舞”的录音带。师生共同跳“兔子舞”,跳的时候要注意强调单词left和right,师生一起跳一跳、乐一乐。 Step 2.Presentation 1. 单词呈现 (1)教师伸出两只手介绍说:“This is my left hand and this is my right hand.”请两名学生分别站在自己两侧介绍说:“A is on the left.B is on the right.”然后提问一学生:“Where is A/B?”引导学生回答:“…is on the left/right. (2)教师给自己发指令并做动作:Turn left.Turn right.Go straight ahead. (3)图片教学crossing 2、听音正音 教师放B部分Let's learn的录音,学生跟读 1、 合作学习 学生小组内读,教师把合作要求讲清楚,一生说单词,其他同学指图并拼出该单词,同时及时纠正发音,发音好的同学及时鼓励评价。 2. Step3 .Practice 新 课 标 第 一 网 1、 listen and do, 师说指令,生快速做动作,如turn left 2、 快看快读快记:教师指板书上的图片学生说单词,然后教师用词卡让学生快速认读,给学生几秒钟让他们知道拼读,看谁记得快。 Step4. Production Be a tour guide Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing ,Can you help her ? Step5.Progress 1、 做配套相应的练习。 2、Summary:what have you learned today ? 3、Homework :学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 1 How can I get there? Lesson4 B. Let’s try &Let’s talk 教学 目标 1. 能听说,读,写单词和词组:pizza, street. get. 2能听说,读,写句子:I like„ How can I get to the„? Turn right at„并能在实际情景中正确使用。 教学重、难点 1.重点:能听说,读,写单词和词组: I like„ How can I get to the„? Turn right at„并能在实际情景中正确使用。 2.难点:正确选用介词at 和on 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 一.热身(warm-up) 1.师生问候。 2.sing a song:Where is the hospital? 二.复习(Revision) 1.全班抽读单词或词组:science, museum, post office,bookstore, crossing, cimema, hospital, turn ,right , left , straight,并选择一些单词让学生拼读。 2. 游戏:贴鼻子 活动方式:每组派上一名同学,根据同组其他同学发出的指令:go straight ,turn right ,turn left ,stop„将鼻子插到指定的位置,用时最少的组获胜。 三、新课呈现(Presentation) 1.教学单词pizza, street 教师出示pizza的图片介绍说:This is pizza. It’s a kind of Italian food and is very popular in the world now. 板书:pizza, 带领学生用升、降调度单词,然后采用“大小声”的游戏操练单词。 教师出示street 的图片介绍说:This is a street. Our school is on„Street. 板书:street,带领学生用升、降调度单词。 2. 教学句子How can I get to the„? Turn right at„ 教师出示自己绘制的学校周边示意图,与学生进行对话: T:I’m hungry now. Is there a restaurant near our school? S:Yes, there is. TPlease tell me how I can get to the restaurant. S:Turn right. Go straight . Turn left at the crossing. T:Thanks. S:You’re welcome. 板书:How I can get to the„?Turn right /left at„并带读。 3. 活动:“红领巾指路小分队” 4. 活动方式:学生两人一组,一人扮演问路的行人,一人扮演热心指路的“红领巾”,根据黑板上张贴的学校周边示意图展开对话,如: S1: Excuse me. Is there a pet hospital near here? S2:Yes, there is. S1: How can I get there? S2:Go straight and turn right at the post office. You’ll see a shop. The pet hospital is next the shop. S1:Thanks. S2:You’re welcome. 两两对话后,教师请一些学生到台前表演对话。 4. 教学B. Let’s talk (1) 教师播放B Let’s talk的视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:Where is the restaurant? How can they get there?视频播放完后,让学生来回答这两个问题。 (2) 教师播放A Let’s talk的视频,在 What an interesting film! It’s next to the park on Dongfang Street.处暂停,让学生说说这两个句子的意思并带读。 (3)播放B Let’s talk的视频,每句后暂停,全班跟读。 四、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 1. 两人一组,分角色扮演B.Let’s talk部分的内容,然后请一些学生到台前表演。 2. Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? 活动方式:告诉对方你喜欢的影院或餐馆,并说说该怎么走。教师先与一位 学生示范回答: T:I like Jinyi Cinema. S:How can you I there? T: Turn left an Jiang bin park. Then turn right at Dongfang Restaurant. Go straight . You’ll see a museum. Jinyi Cinema is next to the museum. S:Thanks. 然后学生两人一组进行问答练习。 3. 活动: I’m GPS. 活动方式:教师将班级的桌椅重新摆放,模拟出一些街道,在街道两旁摆放一些单词卡,如:公园、动物园、博物馆、商店、医院等代表路旁的一些公共场所。学生两人一组,一人模拟开车司机,一人模拟GPS为其导航。如: How can get to the zoo? Go straight . Turn left at the school. Then go straight and Turn left at the park. The zoo is next to the park. 五、家庭作业(Homework) 1. 听录音,跟读对话和单词。 2. 完成活动手册配套练习。 3. 用英语为家长描述如何从学校走回家里。 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 1 Part B Read and write & Tips for pronunciation, 教学 目标 1.能够在图片、实物等媒体的帮助下听说认读单词,能理解会用表示方位的介词和介词短语等表达某物在某处。 2.了解map,compass,GPS,stars等的作用。 教学重、难点 教学重难点:本课时的教学重点和难点是理解会用表示方位的介词和介词短语等表达某物在某处。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step 1: warm-up 1. Play a game: listen and do.(review the words: go straight, turn left, turn right) 2. Can you say and spell? ( review the words and put the words on a map: cinema, hospital, post office, bookstore, Italian restaurant, science museum, museum shop, library, park, school) 3. Let’s talk according the map A: I want to go to the …. How can I get there? B: Turn right/ left at the …. The … is next to / behind /in front of … Step2: Presentation 1. Teach: map, compass, GPS, stars T: If we get lost. What should we do? What can we use? Ss: We can use map. / We can see stars. T: Yeah, we also can use compass in the past. Ss read: compass. T: But now we can use GPS to fine our way quickly. Ss read GPS T: Where can we see GPS? Ss: in the car./on the phone T: We also can use it on the robots. 2. Teach: a new feature. T: What can robot do? S1: He can do housework…. T: Look, this robot has GPS. So he has a new feature. Ss read: a new feature. Ss learn to say: He has a new feature. 3. Listen to “Part B Read and write”. (1)You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place? Listen and choose. Ss listen and choose. T checks and let Ss to read the words. (2) Listen again and underline the words we can’t understand it gave, follow me, far, my new GPS works. tell (3) listen again and order. ( ) turn left at the bookstore. ( ) behind the hospital ( ) in front of the cinema ( ) a restaurant 4. Read the text and answer the questions (1) What’s Robin’s new feature? (2) How many places did they pass by? (3) Which word under the fourth picture means “奏效,起作用”? 5. Read the text in groups. 6. Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story. Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant. They ______ and ______ . they _______ and then turn right again. 7. Can you read? ( Tips for pronunciation) Step 3 : Consolidation 1.Play a game: Where is it? (act a robot has GPS) Group 1 and 2: write the name of places 1 Group 3 and 4 : write the name of places 2 Group 3: write: beside, in front of … E.g. : The hospital is next to the cinema 2. Do workbook Step 4:Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the text . 2. Copy the new words 4 times. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 1 Part B Let’s check, Let’s wrap it up & Part C Story time 教学 目标 1、复习巩固本单元所学的知识,检测掌握情况。X |k | B| 1 . c|O |m 2、培养学生的听力能力。 3、能熟练运用next to,beside,near等方位词。 4、能读懂、理解storytime部分的故事。 教学重、难点 1、复习巩固本单元所学的知识,检测掌握情况。 2、能熟练运用所学语言礼貌地问路和指路。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step 1: warm-up 1. Let’s enjoy a song: Where is the hospital? 2. Can you say and spell? ( review the words and put the words on a map: cinema, hospital, post office, bookstore, Italian restaurant, science museum, museum shop, library, park, school) 3. Let’s talk according the map A: I want to go to the …. How can I get there? B: Turn right/ left at the …. The … is next to / behind /in front of … Step2: Presentation 1. Let’s check (1) Listen and tick the places you hear. Write the words under the pictures. (2) Listen again and answer the questions. A. Where does the boy want to go? B. How can he get there from the post office? 2. Let’s wrap it up: I can say. (1)T: I can say: next to. What about you? S1: I can say: near S2: I can say: beside…. (2) T: I can say: The hospital is near the park. S1: I can say : the bookstore is next to the… 3. Teach: Story time (1) Look at the picture, answer the questions. A. Who is in the picture? Zoom, Zip & a boy B. What are they talking about? They are talking about where can buy tanghulu (2) Listen and judge A. The London Eye is next to the film museum. ( ) B. The Thames isn’t far from here ( ) C. My teeth hurt. ( ) (3) Listen again and choose Where can I buy the tasty things? A. Near the London Eye. B. Near the film museum. Is the Thames far from here? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. (1) Read the funny story and answer the questions. Where is the London Eye? How can I get to the Thames? What’s the matter with Zoom? What does Zoom want to eat? (2) Listen and read after the tape Step 3 : Consolidation 1. Review the words we have learnt in Unit 1 2. Choose one of the talks in unit1 and act it. 3. Do workbook Step 4:Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the story times. 2. Read “Let’s wrap it up” and make a sentence. 3.Copy the 4 sentences 4 times. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit2 Ways to go to school Lesson 1 A. Let’s learn 教学 目标 1. 1能够听说朗读how do you come to school?询问别人的出行方式。 2.能够听说表演let’s talk的内容,并在场景中进行交流和运用。 3.在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯。 教学重、难点 学生能够运用how do you come to school?询问别人的出行方式。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step1. Warm –up 1. Let’s chant of Unit 1 2. free talk(Review Unit1): T: Where is the bookstore? Where is Australian?(…) Practise in pairs. 3. Teacher present her friends Linda’s travel plan to Hangzhou for the National holiday and ask the students for help to figure out the transportation for her. Step2.Presentation Present the topic: “Linda’s Plan” and draw a map for her by plane Hangzhou Wenhua by bus by taxi Germany by subway West Lake on foot Intime Xianlin by train Germany by ship Zhoushan by plane Ningbo 1. Let’s learn 1)Present “by plane” L: How can I get to Hangzhou? T emphasizes when you are using some transportation by is using. And let students try to spell plane. 2)Present “by taxi” L:How can I get to Wenhua hotal? T figures out the reason: It’s late. 3) Present “by bus” L:How can we get to the West lake? If possible students should tell the reasons. 4)Present “on foot” S: How can I get to Intime? T emphasizes on foot is very special because the foot is myselves. 5)Present “by subway” S:How can I get to Xianlin? T: In _________, I can see _________. 6) Present “by train” S:How can we get to Ningbo? 7) Present “by ship” S:How can we get to Zhoushan? T tell the difference of a boat, a ferry and a ship. Step3. Practice. 1. listen and number 2. Let’s chant. You go by subway. And I’ll go by taxi. And I’ll be at school before you. You go by airplane. And I’ll go by a big ship. And I’ll be in Scotland before you. 3. Play a game “Can you remember”. P S1: How can Linda go ____ from _____? S2: By ____. 1. the real situation How can I get ___ from ____? Step four Consolidation and Extension 1. Make a travel plan Step4. Assessment. 1) T explains the meaning of the task in the activity book. 2) Homework: Listen to tape and read the new words and the chant 5 times. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit2 Lesson 2 Part A let’s talk 教学 目标 1.能听、说、读、写四会掌握句子“How do you come to school? Usually I come to school on foot. Sometimes I come by bike.”并能在情景中正确运用。 2.能够表述自己以何种方式上学并简单陈述原因,如:Usually I come to school by bus because it's fast. 3.能够听董Let's try的录音内容并选出正确选项。掌握Let’s talk and read and write部分的句型。 4.学会调查和统计、分析数据,并能表示出来。 教学重、难点 书写四会句子并能简单陈述选择某种交通方式上学的原因。 听、说、读、写句How do you come to school? Usually Sometimes I come by…新|课新|课 | 标|第 | 一| 网 |标|第 |一| 网 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1. Let’s chant. 2. Play a game: Hanging ghost. Divide the class into boys and girls. Spell the new phrases 3. daily talk T: let’s go to the nature park? S:_____. T: How do we get there?? S: _______. Step Two: Presentation 1.let’s talk 1)Free talk: T:How do you come to school? T emphasizes come. And tell the difference of come and get? And gives some examples. 2) Present the dialogue a Watch the VCD and match:How does Mike go to school? How does Amy go to school? And How does Mrs Smith go to school? 3) Read it after the tape. 4)read by themselves 5)act it out Step Three: Practice and consolidation 1) do a survey 2) while filling the blanks students have to ask: How do you come to school?..... 3) report it ______ usually come to school______________.______ often come to school______________. ______sometimes come to school______________.______ never come to school______________. Step Four: Assessment 1. Class Exercises: Do the exercises on the AB. 2. Homework: Read the dialogue after the tape and practice 5 times, Recite it. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit2 Lesson 3 Part B Let’s learn 教学 目标 1.能够听、说、认读以下短语:Stop at a red light.Wait at a yellow light.Go at a green light.能够听、说、读、写短语和单词:stop,wait,traffic lights,traffic rules。 2.能够了解基本的交通规则,即红灯、黄灯、绿灯的功能;并能听懂英语指令做出相应的动作。 教学重、难点 掌握四会短语和单词:stop,wait,traffic lights,traffic rules。 书写短语traffic light,traffic rule和理解动词stop,wait的含义。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1) Let’s sing. 《Colour song》 2) Memory game T. shows the colours. Ss. Remember and repeat. Step Two: Presentation 1) present the topic by showing a pic of a crossing rod T: Look! This is a cross. What can you see at the cross? SS: Car/ bus/ bike/ people/ taxi… T: What’s that?( point to the traffic lights) T: What’s its colour?(remember its color) SS: Red-yellow-green-yellow-red… T shows some different kinds of traffic lights. T: They are all traffic lights. 2) learn the traffic rules: T: What does the colour mean? Red means: Stop and wait. So stop and wait at a red light. Yellow means: slow down and wait. So slow down and wait at a yellow light. Green means: Go. So go at a yellow light. 3) Let’s play T: Can you go at a red light? No, it’s against the traffic rules. You’ll be fined. So, let’s play a game. We should do different actions according to the light’s colour. T. say-ss do. S say-ss do. Step Three: Practice and consolidation 1)Let’s chant yellow light , yellow light ,Slow down and stop. red light , red light Stop and wait . green light green light Go,go,go. 2) Good to know Let’s match the signs with their meanings. crosswalk 行人穿越道 no entry 禁止通行 turn right 右转 no bikes 禁止自行车通行 one way 单行 no left turn 禁止右转 1) play a scean four students as a group and act out the real situation by saying the traffic rules we learn today. T tells the students the importance of obeying the traffic rules and figures out which group is the best to do this. Step Four: Assessment 1. T explains the meaning of the task in the activity book. 2. Homework: Read the new words and listen 5 times. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit2 Lesson 4 Part B Let’s talk 教学 目标 1.能够听懂、会说并能书写句型:“How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go by the No.15 bus.”能够在情景中正确运用。 2.能够在对话中正确使用礼貌用语,比如:“Excuse me.Thank you.You're welcome.”等。 教学重、难点 掌握四会句型:How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go By the No.15 bus. 在实际情景中恰当地表达使用某一交通工具到达某一 目的地。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1.Greetings: 2.daily talk: How can I get to the _________? How do you come to school? 3.review the traffic rules(let’s do and judge) Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. Step Two: Presentation 1. Let’s try Listen and tick: what does Mrs Smith tell the children to do? 2. let’s talk 1)Listen and answer: Where does Wu Yifan go? 2)listen and match How to get to the Fuxing Hospital 3)listen repeat and teach the new words: helmet and pay attention to a.teach helmet Watch the video and choose what a helmet is. What color of a helmet do you like? I like the _______ helmet. b.teach pay attention to Choose the right answer of paying attention to A. look at the traffic lights carefully B. like T pay attention to the pronunciation of the phrase. 4)Let’s read by themselves 5)ask the top students to set an example 6) role acting and invite some couples Step Three: Practise In the other places like the school, the zoo, the supermarket First the teacher gives the students a map of a community 1. practice the sentecnce pattern take the number ___ bus. Students arrives to the new community and ask the police the way using the sentence pattern How can I get to the ________? You can take the _______ bus. Step Four: Extension 1) Make a new dialogue according to the map above. 2)Story time a. Listen and answer; Where are they? A. In Londen. B. In the UK C. In China b. Listen and repeat c. Read by your selves. d. Role play. Step Four: Assessment 1. Do the exercise on the activity book. 2.Homework: 1)Listen and read the dialogue 5 times 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit2 Lesson 5 Part B Read and write1 教学 目标 1、能够读懂Let's read部分,并能判断短文后的句子是否正确。 能够理解Story time的故事。 2、帮助学生建立自觉遵守交通规则的观念,并了解不同国家交通规则的异同。 教学重、难点 帮助学生理解句型:In China/the US,drivers drive on the right side of the road.In England and Australia,however,drivers drive On the 1eft side of the road. 对文化差异的了解:在中国和美国等国家车辆靠右行驶,但在有些国家车辆靠左行驶,比如英国、澳大利亚、新加坡等地。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1. Greetings between the teacher and the students. 2. Review the dialogue, perform the dialogue in pairs. 3. Review the sentences: (1) How do you get to the _________. You can take the _______ bus. (2) How do you come to school? I often_________. Sometimes by _________. Because _________. 4.learn the new words of sled and ferry by pictures. 5.Pay attention According to your experience and match Ways to go you must don’t On foot You must drive slowly Don’t go at a red light. By sled You must wear a life jacket. Don’t run at a ferry. By ferry You must stop at a red light. Don’t let the dog run too fast. Step Two: Presentation 1. Task 1: Read the passage and answer the questions How many ways to go to school can you find out in the text? T leads the students to underline them. 2. Task 2: Read the passage and answer the questions Does everyone in the text go to school? T tells the students to read carefully especially the dialogue irrelevant to the passage. 3.Task 3: Read the sentences after the recorder and pay attention to the pronunciation like Come and have a look. Picture of stop at a red light First teach the students the rules to obey 4. read by themselves and underline more. Step Three:Consolidation and Extension 1. According to the passage and retell it. Different ways to go to school In Munich, Germany some children go to school _________.In Alaska, USA, it ____ a lot. Some kids go to school by _______. It’s _____. In Jiangxi, China, some children go to school _________.In Papa Westray, Scotland. some children go to school _________. But in 2009 theu went to school by plane because____________________________. Step Five: Assessment 1. T explains the meaning of the task in the activity book. 2. Write down the words and sentences for 4 times for each and write them from memory . Prepare for the dictation. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit2 Lesson 6 Part B Read and write2 Let’s check 教学 目标 1、能正确听、说、朗读How does Wu Yifan go to the park? He goes by….等关于出行的句型。2、能正确听、说、认读单词或短语,如:miss, cross, different, left, right, double-decker, wrong等。3、帮助学生建立自觉遵守交通规则的观念,并了解不同国家交通规则的异同。 教学重、难点 1、阅读文章,理解文章大意。 2、理解句型:In China, drivers drive on the right side of the road. In the UK, drivers drive on the left side of thr road. 3、学生对文化差异的了解 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1. Greetings between the teacher and the students. 2. call some students to recite Let’s talk A and B. 3.dictate the new words of Unit2 4. Review the passage, retell it in pairs. Students can retell it according to the hints or without the hints. Different ways to go to school In Munich, Germany some children go to school _________.In Alaska, USA, it ____ a lot. Some kids go to school by _______. It’s _____. In Jiangxi, China, some children go to school _________.In Papa Westray, Scotland. some children go to school _________. But in 2009 theu went to school by plane because____________________________. 1. Review the sentences: (1) How do you get to the _________. You can take the _______ bus. (2) How do you come to school? I often_________. Sometimes by _________. Because _________. Step Two: Let’s check 1.Listen and number 1. listen again answer the right questions a. How does Wu Yifan go to the park? b. How does the girl’s father go to work? c. How does Amy go home? d. What will the woman do ? 2. Wrap it up 4. conclude the differences of come and go Step Three:Consolidation and Extension 1. review the whole unit by themselves. Step Five: Assessment 1.prepare for the test for Unit2 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit3 My weekend plan ( period 1 A. Let’s learn) 教学 目标 1. 学生能够听、说、读、写本课核心词组:visit my grandparents,see a film, take a trip, go th the supermarket 2. 学生能够运用核心句型What are you going to do today? I’m going to see a film.在真实的情境中进行交流周末计划。 3.学生能够合理安排和计划自己的周末生活。 教学重、难点 重点:三个四会词组和两个句型。 难点:能够合理和科学地安排自己的周末生活 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1. Sing a song together: What are you going to do? 2. Free talk: What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to… Step Two: Presentation and practice 1. Present “ this morning, this afternoon, this evening” (1) What are you going to do this morning/ this afternoon/ evening? S: I’m going to… (2) Make the students understand the meaning. (3) Write the words on the board, and spell the words. 2. Present “tonight” (1) I’m going to read a book tonight. What are you going to do tonight? (2) Understand the meaning: 通过日期和实践的选择让他们明白意思。 (3) Write the work on the board. 3. Ask the sentence What are you going to do _______? I’m going to _______. 在课件中给出单词银行,让学生进行句型操练。 (1) Read the words or phrases in the word bank. (2) Practice in pairs. (3) Feedback. 4. Sarah and Chen are talking about their plan, too. Let’s listen and answer. (1) What is Chen Jie going to do today? She is going to see a film. Choose the picture of “ see a film” Learn to say. Write it on the board. (2) What is she going to do next week? She is going to __________. ( take a trip) Choose the right picture of “take a trip” Read it and write it on the board. (3) What is Sarah going to do this afternoon? She is going to ________.( the supermarket) go to the supermarket------ be going to the supermarket Spell the word and write it on the board. (1) What is she going to do tomorrow? She is going to visit her grandparents Write the words on the board. 5. Read the new words after the tape. Step Three: Cosolidation and extension 1. A task: It’s Saturday morning now. Two girls are asking the plan Let’s help them make a plan. (1) Fill in when and what? (2) Talk about the weekend plan 2. Do the exercises on the AB. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit3 My weekend plan ( period 2 A. Let’s talk) 教学 目标 1.学生能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now. 2. 学生能够运用句型讨论自己的活动计划:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to 3. 学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演 4. 学生能够合理计划自己的活动。 教学重、难点 重点:学生能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. I have to do my homework now. 难点: 能够运用句型讨论自己的活动计划 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision Free talks: What do you often do on the weekend? I often… What are you going to do this weekend? 如果有学生回答,那么引出本单元的话题 My weekend plan. Step Two: Presentation 1. Let’s try (1)T: It’s Saturday moring. Sarah in on the phone with Mike. Listen and cirle the right answer. (2) Check the answers. 2. New sentence learning (1) What is Sarah going to do? She is going to… (2) 讲解:be going to 的意识是“打算做什么事情” (3) I have 5 weekend activities: go ice-skating; wash clothes; draw pictures; make a snowman; go for a picnic. Which activiy do you like? Please answer my question: T: What are you going to do this weekend? S: I’m going to… 3. Let’s talk (1) T: Mike is on the phone with Sarah now. Watch the video and answer the questions: a. What is Sarah going to do tomorrow? b. What is Mike going to do tomorrow? (2)Watch it again and fill in the blanks a. Sarah and her classmates are going to ___________ in Renmin Park. b. Mike have to ________now. (3) Read the dialogue after the tape. (4) Let’s act as Mike and Sarah. Step Three: Consolidation and extension 1. 情境设计:It’s Friday, you are talking the weekend plan with your friend. (1) A demo with a student What are you going to do this weekend/tomorrow? I’m going to…What about you? (Let’s …together.) (2) Practise with the partner (3) Feedback 2. Talk about our classmates weekend plan 根据刚才同学们的反馈信息,进行提问 What is… going to do? What are…going to do? 3. Let’s wrap it up 语法小结 (1) Be going to 表达的意思 “打算要做的事情” (2) Be 动词的用法复习 What ____ Sarah going to do? _____ _____ going to play the piano. What ______ John and Mike going to do? _______ ______ ______ to do homework. Step Four: Assessment and homework 1. Do the exercises on the AB. 2. Homework: 板书设计: Unit 3 My Weekend Plan What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to have an art lesson. What ___ _____ going to do? He/She is going to We/They are going to 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit3 My weekend plan ( period 3 B. Let’s learn) 教学 目标 1. 学生能够听、说、读、写本课的五个新单词: dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard; 2. 学生能够掌握并运用句型:Where are we going? To the bookstore. What are you going to buy? I’m going to buy … 3. 能够用What are you going to do? Where/when…?进行自由地表达与交流。 教学重、难点 重点:dictionary的拼写 难点:区分what where when并作自由的交流与运用 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1Sing a song: What are you going to do? 2. Free talks: talk about your weekend plan 讨论上一节课填写的周末计划表格 Step Two: Presentation 1. 情境导入 (1) Questions: After John and his cousin seeing the film, where are they going? Guess! A. bookstore B. school C. supermarket (2) Listen and check the answer. They are going to the bookstore. 2. Learn the new words (1) present “dictionary” Show them a thick book, listen to the tape. 拆音读:dic—tion—ary 听音填单词。 (2)Present “ comic book” Show them some comic books. Read after the tape. Spell the words and write them on the board. (1) Present “word book” Show them a word book: “ Is this a dictionary?” “No, it’s a word book.” Spell together: w—or—d b-oo-k (2) Present “ postcard” Show some pictures, can you tell me which one is the postcard? Listen to the tape. Spell the word. 3. Practice the words Listen to the tape and read after it. 4. Listen and write the words: 任务书写:John is going to buy a ___________. John’s cousin is going to buy a _______, a ________ and a _______ ______ for his sister. 1.任务展示: Today, Zhangpeng sarah and Amy are going to the bookstore. John is the shop assisstant. What are they talking? Listen and answer. What is Zhang peng going to buy? What is Sarah going to buy? 2.任务布置:Now you are going to the bookstore. What are you going to buy? Let’s perform in the four-student group. 3. Feedback. Step Four: Assessment 1. Do exercises on the AB book. 2. Homeowork: listen to the tape, copy the new words 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit3 My weekend plan ( period 4 B. Let’s talk) 教学 目标 1.学生能够听、说、认读句型:Where are you going? We’re going to… When are you going? We’re going to… We’re going to see a film about space travel. 2. 学生能够运用句型What are you going to do? Where are you going? When are you going?进行某项活动计划的讨论。 3. 学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演 教学重、难点 重点:学生能够区分并熟练运用句型What are you going to do? Where are you going? When are you going? 难点:能在实际情景中灵活运用以及正确的回答 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision:Brainstorm 1. Sing a song: What are you going to do? 2. Read the words quickly: tonight, this morning, this evening, this afternoon, see a film 3. Free talks: What are you going to do tonight? I’m going to … Step Two: Presentation 1. Let’s try (1) listen and answer: John is on his way home. He sees Amy. What is Amy going to do? ________________ Is there ice crea for John? _________________ (2) 校对检查,课件出示答案。 2.Let’s talk (1) 承接Let’s try 部分,导入对话学习。 T: What is John going to do next week? (2) Watch and answer 课件出示问题:What is John going to do next week? Watch the video (3) 校对答案 He is going to see a film. (4) About the film, Show the students the post of the film讨论关于电影的更多细节 The name of the film : Travel to Mars What time? Tuesday. The price is half. 40﹩, Now the half price is 20﹩. (5)Watch it again and answer the other questions? 教师板书到黑板 Where are they going? When are they going? (6)Read after the tape and imitate it. (7) Practice with the partner. (8) A report about John’s next weekend plan. John’s cousin is going to ______ John next week. They’re going to _________ and see a film about ________ ________. They are going ________ _________. But next Tuesday is better. Because it’s ______ ________ then. Step Three: Extension 1. Talk about “ What? Where? When?” 教师示范填写表格 T: Where are you going this weekend? S: I’m going to… T: What are you going to do? S: I’m going to T: When are you going? S: I’m going at… 1. Talk about with your partner and fill in the form. 2. Feedback 3. An exercises: choose “where, what , when” _______ are you going to do? I’m going to visit my grandparents. _______ are you going ? I’m going on Saturday morning. ________ are you going? I’m going to my grandparents’ home. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit3 My weekend plan ( period 5 B. Read and write) 教学 目标 1.学生能够读懂文章中的日记,并能够完成文中的信息表。 2. 学生能够用正确语音语调朗读语篇,并能够知道日记的格式。 3. 学生能够更多地了解Mid-autumn Festival的节日特征,以及相关家人团聚的一些节日文化。 教学重、难点 重点:学生能够理解短文。 难点:完成读后的信息表填空,了解节日文化 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up and revision 1. Greetings 2. Free-talks: Where are you going next weekend? What are you going to do? When are you going? Step Two: Pre-reading 1. Show the students some pictures and ask: What are these holidays? National Holiday Spring Festival Christmas What do your family do on these holidays? Give them some hints and choose: Set fire works go shopping get together buy presents have a big dinner. Step Three: While-reading (1) Show them another picture of “Mid-autumn Festival” What holiday is it? What do your family do on this holiday? (2 )Read and answer. 教师This is Wu Yifan’s diary. Let’s read the diary. 教师课件呈现以下问题: Ø What are Wu Yifan’s family going to do? 学生阅读后对问题 Ø His family will get together. Ø 讲解will = be going to (2)Read and finish the table. Ø What are Wu Yifan and Robin going to do? Ø What is Wu’s aunt going to do? Ø What is Wu’s grandma going to do? (3) Check the answers Step Four: post reading 1. 课文朗读(Listen and Read) (1) Have Ss listen to the tape. Tips: 仔细听录音,体会录音中的升降调、重音和意群的停顿。 (2) Listen again and read after the tape.. Tips: 听录音跟读, 听一听单词:lesson dinner tonight tomorrow 语音指导:单词的重音 (3) 重点指导 Poem F is for family. A is for autumn. M is for moon. I is for “I”. L is for love. Y is for you. Who can read it beautifully. (4) Read the whole poem in pairs. 2. 课本个性化书写活动 (1) Discuss with your partner. What are you going to do for Mid-autumn Festival? Ø 先让学生同桌口头交流。 Ø 教师将最后一位学生的回答在投影仪下示范书写,然后提出一星和两星要求,请学生个性化书写。 (2) Write down your plan. For Mid-Autumn Festival, I’m going to ___________ ______ . My partner is going to __________________ _____________. Step five: homework Listen and read the text. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit3 My weekend plan ( period 6 B. Let’s check, Let’s wrap it up, C. story time) 教学 目标 1.复习一般将来时态的三个核心问句以及回答:What are you going to do? When are you going? Where are you going? 2.巩固一般将来时的句法要点,能够用不同的主语进行be going to的造句以及自由表达。 3.能理解、听懂并讲Story time中的故事。 教学重、难点 重点:一般将来时的语法要点复习。 难点:能在实际情景中灵活运用以及正确的回答 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step One: warming up 1. Free talks: What are you going to do? When are you going? Where are you going? Step Two: Wrap it up 1.教师将提到的三个问题写到黑板上,并询问一般将来时的特点。 (1)be going to Review: I am going to/ He/She is going to/ We/They/You are going to… Practice: I _____ going to… He ____ going to see a film. They ____going to watch TV. (2)时间状语:this morning this afternoon this evening tonight tomorrow next week 2. How many sentences can you make? (1) Talk about it in pairs. (2) Feedback. 1. Do the exercises on the English book (1) Listen and tick. (2) Fill in the blanks: 1. John is going to ____ _____ ____ tomorrow afternoon. 2. This evening the boy is going to ______ ______ ______ _______. 3. The boy is ______ ______ ______ ______. 4. The woman is going to ____ _____ ____. Step Three: Story Time 1. Watch the video and answer the questions: What is Zoom going to do tomorrow? Where are they going to learn? 2. Watch it again and learn some new words (1) disturb me (2) be afraid of (3) learn by doing 3. Watch the video and read along 合口读 4.Perform the story. 5.What have your learned from the story? A. Go to the swimming pool. B. Learning by doing C.What are you going to do tomorrow? Step Four: Assessment 1. Review Unit 3, and prepare the unit test. 2. Prepare to have the oral test. 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Recycle 1 ( period 1) 教学 目标 1. 能够在交际活动中熟练运用前三单元的重点知识。 2. 能够听懂、理解本课两篇对话,并完成相关听、说、读、写练习。 3. 能够通过看图、识图、推测等方式发展理性思维解决问题的能力。 4. 在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音语调和语感。 教学重、难点 重点:学生能听懂本课两篇对话内容,并完成相关习题,达到对前三单元知识的巩固。 难点:能在交际活动中灵活地运用1-3单元的重点语言知识。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Warn-up 1. Let’s a song together. 师生共同演唱第三单元歌曲What are you going to do?教师将歌词做如下改编:What are you going to do this weekend? Hooray! I’m going to see a film! Hooray! Hooray! When weekend comes, I’ll take a trip. When weekend comes, I’ll go to the market. What are you going to do? 2. Free talk T: Do you like weekends? Ss: Yes! T: I like weekends, too. Because I can do a lot of things. And this weekend I’m going to see a flim. What about you? What are you going to do this weekend? Can you tell me? 学生可以利用Unit 3中所学内容,并结合自身实际,在真实情境中自然地进行语言的输出。 Presentation 1. Wu Yifan is going to visit his grandparents. 教师展示Wu Yifan和Robin的图片并介绍。 T: Look! Wu Yifan is going to visit his grandparents who have just moved to a new house. Can you help Yifan to find grandparents’ new house? (1) Look and say. 出示本部分挂图,让学生仔细观察并用所学语言介绍每一个箭头的含义。 (2) Listen and circle. 在初步识图的基础上播放录音,让学生圈出正确的路标箭头。再次播放录音,帮助学生核对答案。 (3) Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks. First . Then . At the traffic lights . (4) Listen again and answer. 再次播放录音,请学生仔细听并回答以下问题: Are they going by bus or on foot? When are they going> 在学生说出正确答案后,教师请学生2人一组练习这两组问答。 2. Yifan and Robin see a little boy crying on the street. (1) Look at the pictures and guess. T: On the way to grandma and grandpa’s home, Yifan and Robin see a little boy crying on the street. Now look at the pictures and guess. Why is the boy crying? Where will Yifan and Robin take the boy? How can they get there? (1) Listen and tick or cross. ( )The boy can’t find his dog. ( ) They are going to the police station. ( ) They should turn right at the crossing. (2) 出示听力材料,学生按小组操练对话,并进行表演。师生共同评价,选出表演最优秀的小组。 Consolidation 1. Play a game 游戏规则:用多媒体呈现一个社区图,每个小组选定一个要去的地方,然后组内进行真实问路与指路的问答交流。 2. Let’s survey 学生小组内互相调查How do you go to school?与What are you going to do this weekend?两个问题,并记录调查结果。 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Recycle 1 ( period 2 ) 教学 目标 1. 能够正确听、说、认读句子:Papa is going to buy you a little bird. How can I get there? You can come on foot.等句子,并能在口语交流中灵活使用。 2. 能够正确听、说、认读词组:get there, post office, go straight, turn left/right, on foot, by bus, next to , be going to等并能灵活使用。 3. 在对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音语调和与语感。 4. 培养学生养成良好的学习习惯并指导学生掌握一定的英语学习策略。 教学重、难点 重点:能够熟练掌握get there, post office, go straight, turn left/right, on foot, by bus, next to , be going to等单词组及Papa is going to buy you a little bird. How can I get there? You can come on foot.等句子并能在真实情境中灵活使用相应知识。 难点:学生能够灵活使用本课语言。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Warn-up 1. Sing a song. 师生共同演唱第二单元How do you get there?渲染课堂气氛。 2. Make weekend plans. 教室里用多媒体展示一张社区地图,地图上展示街道和各种建筑物,如cinema, supermarket等。教师向学生介绍:Weekend is coming. Let’s make our weekend plans.接着教师将全班分成若干小组,灭个系哦啊组根据地图内容讨论以下问题,制定本小组的周末活动计划。 Weekend Plan of Group Where are you going this weekend? What are you going to do? How can you get there? Can you tell us the way to get there? 在每个小组制定完毕周末计划后,教师组织学生进行展示。在这里采用组组问答的方式,使每个学生都能够参与到展示活动中。 Presentation 1. The little boy is waiting for his mother. Robin is singing a song to him. 教师语言过渡:Do you still remember what Wu Yifan is going to do on his weekend? Yes, he is going to visit his grandparents and on his way to their new house, he meets a little boy who is crying. Now Robin is singing a song to the boy. Let’s enjoy the song and see what Robin is singing. (1)先请学生自读歌词,教师指导学生学习hush, word, if, ring ,lost, looking glass, fall down, sweetest等生词,使学生能正确掌握读音。 (2)教师播放歌曲,采用整体感知、逐句跟唱的方式指导学生学习演唱此歌曲。在学生基本掌握后,进行男女生演唱比赛,比一比谁唱的好。 (3)Read and answer.仔细读歌词,回答问题。 In the song , what is Papa going to do? 1. 2. 3. (4)Read and circle 要求学生再次读歌词,选出下列问题的正确答案。 Who is the song for? A. For a sad kid. B .For a happy kid. What is the meaning of “hush”? A. Be nice B. Be quiet. 2. The little boy’s mother is on the phone. (1)教师语言过渡:Yifan and Robin take the boy to the police station. Now the little boy’s mother is talking with the policeman on the phone. Let’s see what they are saying. (2)Look at the map and fill in the blanks. (3)Read, answer and do. 指导学生小组合作,完成以下内容。 1. How can the boy’s mother go to the police station? 2.Circle the words for transportation. What other kinds do you know? Write them down. (1) Listen and read aloud. (2) Read and act. Consolidation Ask students to retell the story. 指导学生将Wu Yifan去拜访爷爷奶奶路上所发生的事用英语介绍一遍。 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 4 I have a pen pal ( period 1 A. Let’s learn, Do a survey) 教学 目标 1. 能够听、说、读、写短语:dancing, singsing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu,并进行现在分词的基本变化规律总结。 2.能够运用有关兴趣、爱好的英文表达What are your hobbies?和I like…进行问答。 3.能够根据实际情况运用本课重点句型表达自己的兴趣和爱好。 教学重、难点 重点:能够正确掌握单词、词组dancing, singsing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu, 并进行现在分词的基本变化规律总结。能够根据实际情况运用本课重点句型表达自己的兴趣和爱好。 难点:学生能够大胆创编和表演有关兴趣、爱好的小对话。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Warn-up 1.Let’s sing a song 播放本单元歌曲My new pen pal, 学生在教师的引导下跟唱。 2.随着愉悦的音乐,教师告诉大家我们要开一个主题是Hobby的Class Meeting,同学们必须成功“闯三关”。 Presentation 1.Challenge1: Guessing Time (1)呈现singing:播放My new pen pal的音频片段,让学生猜。 T: What are my hobbies? S:You like singsing. 认读sing, singing及其音标。 学生随教师重复I like singing.并用红色标注I like。 (2)呈现dancing:播放一段芭蕾舞视频片段,让学生猜。 同样的方法学习dance, dancing, I like dancing. (3)呈现reading stories:教师拿出一个盒子,让学生上前摸摸里面的物品。 T: What’s in the box? Can you guess? S: A book. 打开盒子,里面有一本故事书,学生恍然大悟。 S: You like reading stories. 同样的方法学习read stories, reading stories, I like reading stories. 操练I like reading stories. (4)呈现playing football:幻灯片出示足球的一角,让学生猜。 S:You like playing football. 同样的方法学习. 自编chant操练:I like playing football. Football, football, I like football. I like playing football. (5)呈现doing kung fu:教师摆出一个练武术的造型。 S:You like doing kung fu. 同样的方法学习. (1) Play a game What’s missing?出示一棵苹果树的图片,学生说出掉落的苹果中所示的词组。 1. Challenge2:Sum-up Time (1) 小组内朗读并讨论总结动词原型变现在分词的规律。 (2) 学生代表陈述总结,教师补充。 Consolidation Challenge3:Dialogue Time (3) 学习Let’s learn部分 看图,回答“Who are they?” (4) 听录音,分角色朗读课文。让2-3组学生上前展示对话。师生共同评价,鼓励表现优秀的组。 (5) Make a dialogue:幻灯片呈现重点句型和词汇,让学生练习造句和创编小对话。 (6) Play a game: Listen to the music and pass the box. 音乐停止时,其他同学一起拍手问“What are your hobbies?”。手持盒子的同学从盒子中抽出一张纸,根据纸上的动词短语回答“I like…”。 课后反思 课堂教学设计方案 月 日 星期 教学 内容 Unit 4 I have a pen pal ( period 2 A. Let’s talk, Let’s try ) 教学 目标 1.能够听、说、读、写与爱好有关的英文表达。X k B 1 . c o m 2.能够听说认读的单词和词组pen pal, hobby, jasmine, idea等。 3.能够听懂,会说,会表演main scene和Let’s talk的内容,并在真实情境中运用所学语言询问和描述他人的兴趣和爱好。 教学重、难点 1.能够在实际语境中运用有关兴趣和爱好的问答句.What are…hobbies? HeShe likes…交流. 2.能够表演并内化Main scene 和Let’s talk 的交际内容. 3.学生能够大胆创编和表演询问和描述他人兴趣,爱好的小对话. 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学再设计 Step1 Warming-up 1. Read &Think. 幻灯片出示本课main scene中关于Zoom和Zip的教学挂图,教师询问Who are they? What are they doing? What are they talking about?学生先在小组内读一遍,再展开合理的想象,集体讨论后回答老师的问题。 Step2 Presentation 1.学习重点句型What are ……hobbies?及其第三人称主语的回答 He/She likes…… (1)T: Every body has different hobbies, and I also have many hobbies.在幻灯片上出示教师游泳的图片,询问What am I doing? T: What am I doing? S: You are swimming. T: Yes, I am swimming. So I like swimming. 幻灯片出示I am swimming和I like swimming.两句,并用红色标注出两句不同的地方,通过颜色的对比,加强识记。 (2)What are you hobbies? 教师随机询问几个学生,两人进行操练,教师选2-3组进行展示,在最后一组表演后,指着其中一个同学说:what are his hobbies?其回答He/She likes ……。 (3)教师出示句型What are his/her hobbies?及图片,学生两人一组操练小对话,之后选择2-3组进行展示。 2.Main scene学习 (1)My friend Zhang Peng also likes making pen pal. He has a pen pal. Let’s know more about his pen pal, ok? 播放对话,学生听录音或看视频并回答老师的提问“Who is Peter?Where does Peter come from? (2)环球链接:教师带领学生领略新西兰的人文地理,并介绍南北二岛(the North Island and the South Island.) (3)听录音模仿朗读,进一步深化课文理解。 (4)分角色朗读,男女对话,师生对话。 3.学习Let’s try& Let’s talk (1)学生审题后,教师播放Let’s try中的录音,后教师纠正答案。 (2)看Let’s talk的课文插图,听录音,理解意思,并回答教师的问题。 This is a dialogue between ZhangPeng and Oliver, what are they talking about?They are talking about Peter’s hobbies. (3)听录音1-2遍,并说出Peter 都有哪些爱好。He likes reading stories, doing kung fu, swimming and singing. (4)教师提问细节性问题。 Where does Peter live?Why does Oliver say “Good idea!” Do you think Peter will like the Chinese song查看更多