人教PEP版六年级 英语下册-Unit 4 My holiday单元测试卷

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人教PEP版六年级 英语下册-Unit 4 My holiday单元测试卷

六年级英语单元测试卷(Unit4) Class_________ Name_________ NO._____ Mark________ 听力部分 一、 Listen and circle. (听录音, 将符合录音内容的图片序号画上 圈) 10% 1. A B 2. A B 3. A B 4.A B 5. A B 二、 Listen and tick or cross. (听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内 容相符,如相符,在括号内打√,不相符的打Χ) 10% 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 三、Listen and fill in the missing words. (听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词) 10% 1. What __________ he like? He ___________ singing. 2. What’s your ____________? I like ________________ stamps. 3. _____________ she teach English? No, she _______________. She ________________ us math. 4. I have a pen _____________. He _____________ ____________ the violin. 四、Listen and choose the best answer. (听对话,并回答所提的问题) 10% ( ) 1. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she isn’t. ( ) 2. A. He likes drawing. B.Her hobby is swimming.C. He is a doctor. ( ) 3. A. I like diving. B. No, he doesn’t. C. He likes diving. ( ) 4. A.Yes, I am. B. Yes, she is.C. Yes, he is. ( ) 5. A. No, she watches TV at night. B. No, she lives in Shanghai. C. No, she goes tobed at 10:00. 五、Listen and tick or cross. ( 听录音,判断对错。)(10 分) ( )1. Alice is Li Hua’s pen pal. ( )2. Li Hua is an American girl. ( )3. Li Hua’s mother works in a hospital. ( )4. Li Hua likes playing football. ( )5. Li Hua is a boy. 笔试部分 六、Fill in the missing words. (选择填空,每空一词) 10% goes, buy, fly, making, climb, live, swimming, on, dive, riding, singing, flying, likes, works, by I am Liu Yun. I _________ in China. I like ____________, _____________ and ____________ my bike. I have a new friend. She is Alice. She ___________ ____________ model(模型) ships and ______________ kites. Her father ____________ in a school. He is a teacher. He ________________ to work _____________ bus. 七、 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. (仔细看每幅图,回答下列问题) 10% 1. What is your brother’s hobby? ______________________________ (1) (2) 2. Does he like skating? ______________________________ 3. What does your father like? (3) (4) ______________________________ 4. What can you do? ______________________________ 5. How does your father go to work? (5) ______________________________ 八、Complete the conversation. (完成对话,使对话完整、通顺) 10% A: ______________________________, Tom? B: I like swimming. _________________________________? A: I like singing. _________________________________? B: Yes, my mother is a teacher. A: ______________________________________? B: No, she teaches English. A:_______________________________________? B: She likes listening to music 九、Read comprehension. (阅读理解) 10% The word sandwich is an English word . Sandwich was an Englishman . He lived 200 years ago(以前). Sandwich had lots of money . He was very rich(富有) . But he liked playing cards (玩扑克)for money . He often played all day and all night . One time , he played twenty-four hours and didn’t stop . He didn’t leave(离开)the card table to eat . He asked his servant(服务员) to bring(带来) him some meat and some bread . He did not want to stop playing while he ate . He put the meat between(在…中间)two pieces of bread . In this way , he could go on playing cards . From the name of this man , Sandwich , we have the word “sandwich ” today . ( )1. Sandwich was _________ before(以前) . A. English food B. an English car C. an Englishman ( )2. Sandwich __________ played cards . A. sometimes B. never C. often ( )3. He eats ____________. A. at the card table B. in a restaurant C. in a park ( )4. He played cards __________ . A. day and night B. all day C. all night ( )5. Sandwich is the name of __________ today . A. a man B. food C. drink 十、Composition. (英文作文) 10% 假如你叫 Jack,现在住在中国,你的爱好是游泳、玩电脑和踢足球, 周末经常和朋友一起踢足球。你有一个新笔友叫 Mike, 现在请你 写封电子邮件把自己的个人情况介绍给自己的新笔友 Mike. 不少 于五句话。每句话 2 分。 To: Mike @penpal.com From: Jack @penpal.com Dear ______________________, _________________________________________________________ ________ _________________________________________________________ ________ _________________________________________________________ ________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ________________ _________________________________________________________ ________ _________________________________________________________ ________ Your pen pal, ____________________.

