Lesson 3 Let’s Play!

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Lesson 3 Let’s Play!

Lesson 3 Let’s Play!‎ 一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:‎ ‎1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . ‎ ‎2.Student can understand read say and practice the words heavy and light.‎ ‎3.Student can understand read say and follow the following directions: catch, hit and throw.‎ 二.The Importance and The Difficult point:‎ The importance: Practice the dialogue.‎ The difficult point: Four skills the verbs.‎ 三.Teaching Aids:‎ some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder 四.Allocation of time: one course 五.Teaching steps:‎ ‎ Step 1.Organizing the teaching ‎1.Greetings ‎2.Sing an English song. ‎ Step 2. Revision 1. Review learn and teach with a game. Ask for two volunteers. Whisper to them that you want to be a 3‎ ‎ teacher and the other to be a student. Ask the class to guess what the volunteers are acting out.Use questions such as:‎ Who is the teacher?‎ Who is the student?‎ What is the teacher doing?(Teaching)‎ What is the student doing?(learning)‎ Step 3.Key concepts:light-heavy catch hit throw ‎ 1. Introduce:‎ a.Demonstrate “heavy” and “light” with real heavy and light objects, such as a stone and a feather.‎ b.Use a ping-pong ball to demonstrate “throw”“catch”and “hit”. Perform the actions with the ball as the teacher say the words.‎ ‎2.Student book :‎ a.Review the story so far.Li Ming and Jenny went to the store to buy some clothes and some student book.Where are they now?What are they doing?What happens?‎ b.Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their books.‎ ‎3.Practice: Divide the class into small groups.Ask each 3‎ ‎ group to make up a dialogue about teaching each other a sport or sports.‎ ‎ 六.Students’ activity:‎ ‎1.Daily dialogue with each other.‎ ‎2.Game: Whisper.‎ ‎3.Imitation.‎ ‎4.Discuss the story in the student book.‎ ‎ 5.Group work :A dialogue about teaching sports.‎ ‎ 七.Blackboard:‎ Lesson 3 Let’s Play!‎ ‎ heavy light ‎ ‎ throw catch ‎ hit Teaching summing-up:‎ 3‎

