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‎ Unit 11 What do you think of game shous?‎ StepⅠ Revision T: How’s the weather today?‎ ‎ What day is it today?‎ ‎ Whose turn to give duty report?‎ StepⅡ Presentation ‎ T: This class,we are going to learn Unit 11 What do you think of game shous?.‎ ‎ a﹑T: Have you seen “还珠格格”? ∕Do you know “还珠格格”?Well,it’s very interesting and relaxing, right?‎ ‎ It is a soap opera.. Can you guess its meaning? Now, read afer me,boys. “soap opera”‎ ‎ T:Have you seen “家有儿女”?Well,it’s very fun and it often makes us laugh.‎ ‎ It is a sitcom. It means “”. Now,read after me ,class.‎ ‎ “Sitcom” is short for “situation comedy”.‎ ‎ T: Do you know “鲁豫有约”? How about “芙蓉王背后的故事”? ‎ They’re talk shows. What do they mean? Have a guess. Now, read after me. Group 1.‎ ‎ T: Are you familiar with “篮球星期天”? In the show, we can see Yao Ming, right?‎ ‎ It is a sports show. Can you guess its meaning? Now, read after me. S1.‎ ‎ T: Are you interested in “快乐大本营” and “天天向上”?‎ ‎ They are game shows. What’s meaning? Can you guess? Now, read after me. Row 5.‎ ‎ All of these are TV shows.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Q: What’s this?‎ ‎ b、Please take out your English books and turn to page 65. Look at these pictures in Activity ‎1a on the right..‎ ‎ Q: What can you see in picture a,b,c…?‎ ‎ Answers: In picture a, we can see a person playing baseball.‎ ‎ In picture b, we can see two people are playing games.‎ ‎ In picture c, we can see three people are laughing.‎ ‎ In picture d, we can see a woman is crying.‎ ‎ In picture e, we can see two people are talking.‎ ‎ Please match the TV shows with the pictures. For example, in picture e, we can see two people are talking. So “talk shows” goes with picture e.‎ ‎ c、T: Now, please listen to me carefully. ‎ Do you like soap operas? Oh, you like soap operas.‎ Do you like game shows very much? Ok, you like game shows very very much, so you love game shows.‎ Do you like math? Oh, you don’t like it.‎ How do you like apples? Oh, you don't like them. While I don’t mind them.‎ How do you like the music? It’s very noisy,so we can’t stand it.‎ Step Ⅲ Game ‎ Look here. This is a bag. There are a lot of things in it. Do you want to know what they ‎ are?‎ ‎ At first, I will give you an example.‎ ‎ Xiao Hong, come here. Please put your hand in the box and get one thing. Have a guess. What is it? Please try to speak in English. If you can’t, you can speak in Chinese. Now, take it out. Do you like it? So what do you think of it?‎ Step Ⅳ Conversation ‎ T: Please look at Activity ‎1c. Firstly, read after me. Then read together.‎ ‎ Group 1 and Group 2, you are A. Group 3 and Group 4, you are B. Please practise the conversation by asking and answering.‎ ‎ Well done. Now, I need a partner to practise this conversation with me.‎ ‎ Please make your own conversation with your partner like this. Then I will ask four pairs to show their conversations.‎ Step Ⅴ Listening ‎ Let’s come back to 1b, listen.‎ ‎ Look at the five words and phrases. Read after me.‎ ‎ Now, listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in ‎1a.‎ ‎ I ask one student to come to the blackboard to write down answers.‎ Step Ⅵ Homework ‎ a、Recite the spellings of the key words and the conversation in ‎1c.‎ ‎ b、Make similar conversations in Activity ‎1c.‎

