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Unit 6 It’s raining. The first period wind y -How is the weather? -It’s wind y . sun ny How's the weather? It’s sunny ! rain ing How's the weather? It’s raining ! cloud y How's the weather ? It’s cloudy ! snow ing It’s snowing ! How's the weather? How is the weather in Dayi ? It’s sunny. 淮南 How is the weather in FengTai ? It’s sunny. 出江 How is the weather in FengTai ? It’s cloudy. 凤台一中 西岭 How is the weather in Xiling ? It’s snowy. 新场 How is the weather in Xinchang ? It’s raining. 三坝 How is the weather in Sanba ? It’s sunny. 花水湾 How is the weather in Huashuiwan ? It’s cloudy. 新场 How is the weather in Xinchang ? It’s raining. 鹤鸣 How is the weather in Heming ? It’s sunny. How’s the weather in ______ ? It’s ______. 新场 花水湾 三坝 出江 淮南 凤台一中 新场 西岭 鹤鸣 cloud y rain ing snow ing wind y sun ny - How’s the weather? - It’s … How’s the weather in Beijing? It’s sunny in Beijing . Beijing How’s the weather in Moscow? It’s snowing in Moscow. Moscow How’s the weather in Toronto ? Toronto It’s windy in Toronton. How’s the weather in Boston? It’s cloudy in Boston. Boston 1a Match the words with the pictures 【a-e】. 1.raining 2.windy 3.cloudy 4.sunny 5.snowing a e d b c Listen and write down the name of the cities in the box. Moscow Boston Shanghai Toronto Pairwork How’s the weather in… ? It’s… Boston Moscow Toronto Beijing Shanghai play ing soccer What’s he doing ? is playing computer games. is cooking. is watching TV. What’s he/she doing ? 2 1 4 3 2a Listen and number the pictures (1-4) as you hear them . 2b Listen again,Match the names with the activities. 1. Uncle Joe a.is playing computer games. Jeff b.is cooking. Mary c.is playing basketball. 4. Aunt Sarah d.is watching TV. a d b c Summary We learned: 如何询问天气 : -How is the weather? (What’s the weather like?) -It is … New words: rain ing wind y cloud y sun ny snow ing Moscow Toronto Boston cook ing study ing Home work Group A: key words, key sentences. Group B: take some your family photos, talk about the activities and the weather. 一、根据要求完成单词 . 1. sun ( 形容词 ) ____________ 2. cook (-ing 形式 ) ____________ 3. study ( 单数第三人称 ) ____________ 4. wind ( 形容词形式 ) ____________ 二、选择题 . ( ) 5. ______ Jeff like oranges? A. Is B. Do C. Does D. Are ( ) 6. Aunt Sarah ______ every day. A. play computer games B. plays computer games C. is playing computer games D. playing computer games sun ny cook ing stud ies wind y C B ( ) 7.-How’s the weather in Harbin? -It’s ______. A. snow B. snowing C. snows D. snowed ( ) 8. Tom is ______ lunch. A. have B. haveing C. having D. has ( ) 9 .What’s the weather like today? A. It’s is very cloud. B. It is snow. C. It’s rainy. ( ) 10. What is Tom doing? He is ___________. A study B studying C a student D to study B C C B 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 11 、 How’s the weather there? It’s (rain). 12 、 The is shining( 灿烂的 ). It’s .(sun) 13 、 It often (rain) in summer in my hometown. 14 、 The weather is (wind) and cold. 15 、 --What he (do)? --He is playing computer (game). 16 、 What are you doing? I’m (watch) TV. 17 、 Look ! They’re (stand) under the tree. raining sun sunny raining windy does do game watching standing 18.Do you like (wind) days? 19.Today is (sun) in Moscow now? 20. it (snow) in Moscow now? 21.My friend always (study) hard at school. 四、句型转换 . 22.  I’m playing computer games. ( 变否定句 ) I ________ ______ ________ computer games. 23.   They are watching TV. ( 变一般疑问句 ) ________ ________ watching TV? windy sunny Is snowing studies am not playing Are they 24.   It’s cloudy . ( 对划线部分提问 ) ________ is the weather? 25.  We are playing basketball . ( 对划线部分提问 ) ________ are you ________ ? 26. My brother is reading a book.( 否定句 ) My brother ______ ______ _ _ reading a book. 27. It is sunny in Beijing today. ( 划线提问 ) —__ _ ______ __ __ ___ the weather in Beijing today? —_______ is the weather_____ in Beijing? How What doing is not How is What like 五、汉译英 28 .北京的天气怎样?正在下雪。 -How in Beijing? -It . 29. 杰夫正在做什么?他在玩电脑游戏? -What Jeff doing? -He’s . 30.My brother ( 在学习 )in the room now. is the weather is snowing is playing computer games is studying 31. 这里的春天经常下雨。 It here in spring. 32. 汤姆的父母在做什么?他们正在做饭。 What Tom’s parents ? They . often rains is doing are cooking Goodbye!

