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unit 1 人教版七年级英语下册单元全套课件 Can you play the guitar? Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section A 1a-1c uTo learn to talk about abilities by using “can”. uTo learn the new words and expressions: sing,swim,dance,draw,play the guitar,play chess,speak English,join the club. sing dance draw swim speak English play the guitar play chess Can you Can she Can he Yes, I can./No, I can’t. Yes, she can./No,she can’t. Yes, he can./No, he can’t. Match the activities with the people. 1. sing ____ 2. swim ____ 3. dance ____ 4. draw ____ 5. play chess ____ 6. speak English ____ 7. play the guitar ____ e b a c g d f b a c e d g f 1a Can you sing? Can you play the guitar? Can you dance? I want to join the music club. No, I can’t. No, I can’t. Yes, I can. A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can. Listen and number the conversations. 2 3 1 1b A: Can you swim? B: No, I can’t. A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you draw? A: Yes, I can. Practice the conversations above with your partner. Then make your own conversations. I want to join...Can you …? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 1c Ø can 意为“能够”,这里用来谈论人的能力。 Ø否定形式:can’t = can not 不能够 Ø can 是个情态动词,不能独立存在,必须与 动词原形构成句子的谓语。 Ø can 没有人称和数的变化。 1) can 的用法: 1. Can you play the guitar? eg. I can speak English well. 我能讲英语很好。 Jack can swim, but I can’t. 杰克会游泳但我不会。 She can’t play chess. 她不会下棋 。 Ø play 后跟体育运动时,不用冠词。如: play soccer 踢足球 play basketball 打篮球 Ø play 后跟乐器时,要加定冠词 the。 如:play the guitar 弹吉它 play the piano 弹钢琴 2) play 意为“玩,打;演奏(乐器)” 1.下国际象棋 _______________ 2. 说英语 _______________ 3. 想要做某事 ________________ 4. 参加美术俱乐部 _________________ 5. 英语俱乐部 _______________ play chess speak English want to do sth. join the art club English club Ⅰ.写出下列词组。 6. 音乐俱乐部 ______________ 7. 象棋俱乐部 ______________ 8. 游泳俱乐部 ______________ 9. 弹吉他 ______________ music club chess club swimming club play the guitar 1. Can you ______ (dance), Jane? 2. I want _______ (join) the music club. 3. Let’s _____ (join) the English club. 4. Alice can’t ______ (speak) Chinese well. 5. Well. You can join the __________ (swim) club. 6. Jane ________ (want) to join a sports club. dance to join join speak swimming wants Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. play, brother, the, your, guitar, can? 2. play, you, the, can, guitar? 3. guitar, sing, the, I, play, can, and. 4. to, club, join, music, do, want, you? Do you want to join music club ? Can your brother play the guitar? Can you play the guitar? I can sing and play the guitar. Ⅲ.连词成句。 【2019·北京 】 — Lily, _____ you finish the letter in ten minutes? — Yes, I can. A. must B. should C. need D. can Ø 中考链接 D Introduce yourself to the class. Model: My name is …. I can sing and dance. I can play the guitar and violin. I want to join the music club. Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section A 2a-2d uTo learn to talk about abilities and clubs. uTo learn the new words and expressions: tell,story,be good at... play the guitar sing danceI can I want to join the music club. I can draw. I want to join the art club. draw art club English clubspeak English I can speak English. I want to join the English club. play chess chess club I can play chess. I want to join the chess club. swimming clubswim I can swim. I want to join the swimming club. swimming club art club chess club music club English club club a. English club b. art club c. music club d. chess club e. swimming club Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.2a 1. Lisa wants to join the ______ club, but she can’t play ________. 2. Bob wants to join the _________club. He likes to speak __________. 3. Mary likes music. She can ______ and _______. Bob likes music, too. They want to join the _______ club. Listen again. Complete the sentences. chess chess English English sing dance music 2b Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.2c Name What he/she can or can’t do Clubs Lisa can’t play chess the chess club Bob can speak English the English club Mary can sing and dance the music club Bob likes to … He wants to … Bob likes …, too. He wants to … Lisa can’t play chess, but she wants to join the chess club. Mary likes … She can … She wants to … Listen to the conversation. Then answer the questions below. 1. What club does Bob want to join? _____________________________ 2. Who wants to join two clubs? _____________________________ He wants to join a sports club. Jane. 2d Role-play the conversation. Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join? Bob: I want to join a sports club. Jane: Great! What sports can you play? Bob: Soccer. Jane: So you can join the soccer club. 2d Bob: What about you? You’re very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club. Jane: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too. Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club! Jane: OK, let’s join now! Read the conversation in 2d. Fill in the chart. Name What can do Clubs Bob Jane play soccer a sports club tell stories draw the story telling club the art club Read the conversation and fill in the blanks. Jane: Hi, Bob. What _____ do you want to join? Bob: I want to join a ________ club. Jane: Great! What sports can you _____? Bob: Soccer. Jane: So you can ______ the soccer club. club sports play join Bob: What about you? You are very ________ ______________. You can _________ ______________club. Jane: _____________. But I like to _____ , too. Bob: Then join two ______ , the story telling club and the ____ club! Jane: OK, _______ join now! telling stories story telling Sounds good draw clubs art good at join the let’s 1.What club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部呢? 1)what在此处用于修饰club。 2)want后接动词不定式做宾语,意为“想做某事”。 3) join意为“参加;加入”。join后面常接表示团体的 名词,表示加入某团体或成为 某团体的一员;也常 接人称代词的宾格形式,表示和某人一起进行某活动。 如: Tom wants to join the army(军队). 汤姆想参军。 We want to go to a movie. Do you want to join us? 我们想去看电影,你和我们一起去吗? 辨析:join & take part in 1. join v. 参加;加入;作……成员 join + 团体/组织,表示成为……的一员 2. take part in 参加(群众性活动、会议等) ------------------------------------------------------------- Typical exercises 1. What club do you want to _______? 2. To keep healthy, we should ______________ school activities. join take part in 4)俱乐部名称的写法 • the swimming club • the dancing club • the singing club • the music club • the art club • the English club • the chess club • the sports club • the basketball/tennis/golf club 2. story 故事 → stories(复数) 词组:write stories 写故事 tell stories 讲故事 Jack’s favorite story is Three Little Ducks. 杰克最喜欢的故事是三只小鸭子。 Her grandpa tells two stories every weekend. 每个周末她的爷爷都会讲两个故事。 3. You are very good at telling stories. 你很擅长讲故事。 be good at sth./doing sth. … 表示“擅长 于 ……;精通 ……”,后面可接名词或动 词的ing形式。例如: Mr. Li is good at languages. He can speak eight languages. 李先生精通多种语言,他会说八种语言。 1. I can ______ English well. I want to join the English club. 2. — What ______ can you play? — Basketball. 3. — What _____ do you want to join? — Soccer club. club can’t sounds like speak can sports draw Ⅰ.选词填空。 speak sports club 4. — _________ Jack swim? — No, he ________. 5. — You can _______ well. You can join the art club. — __________ good. 6. Linda _______ music. She wants to join music club. Can can’t draw Sounds likes club can’t sounds like speak can sports draw 1. My grandpa _________ play chess. (likes/likes to ) 2. My sister wants ________ (join/to join) the art club. 3. Mr. Wu can’t sing _____ (and/or) dance. 4. Our Chinese teacher always tell ________ (story/stories) to us. likes to to join or stories Ⅱ.根据题意选择括号内的正确形式填空。 5. — You can join the chess club. — _________ (Sounds/Sound) good. 6. Linda can’t play volleyball, ____ (and/but) she can play soccer. 7. Can you play the guitar _____ (well/good)? Sounds but well 1. Can Mary and Linda play chess? (作肯定回答) _____________________ 2. I can play volleyball. (对划线部分提问) ______ _______ can you play? 3. They can write stories and tell stories. (变否定句) They ______ write stories _____ tell stories. 4.Tony plays the guitar very well.(同义句) Tony is ______ __ _______ the guitar. What sports can’t or g od at playing Ⅲ.句型转换。 Yes, they can. Ø 中考链接 【2019·济南】 C — My favorite sport is baseball. — So you can ______ the baseball club. A. give B. play C. join D.meet — It’s nearly lunch time. How about having some noodles and dumplings? — _________________. A. You’re welcome B. That’s all right C. That’s nice of you D. That sounds good 【2019·湖北黄石】 D 1. Write the new words and expressions in Section A. 2.Make a survey, write down what club your friends want to join. Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section A Grammar Focus-3c u To learn to use modal verb “can” to ask and answer questions about abilities. u To learn the new words and expressions: write, show, or, talk to..., kung fu... speak English play the guitar sing dance swim draw play chess speak Chinese play tennis play volleyball tell stories Can you swim? Yes, I can./No,I can’t. Can he play chess? Yes, he can./ No,he can’t. Can you and Tom play chess? Yes, we can./ No,we can’t. Can Jane and Jill swim? Yes, they can./No,they can’t. What can you do ? I can dance./I can’t sing. What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club. Grammar Focus 1. — 你会游泳吗? _______________ — 不,我不会。 _______________ 2. — 你们会说英语吗? ______________________ — 是的,会。 ______________________ 用 Can …? 句型询问能力 阅读 Grammar Focus 部分,完成下列句子。 No, I can’t. Can you swim? Can you speak English? Yes, we can. 3. — 她会下棋吗? _____________________ — 不会。 _________________ 4. — 贝尔和简会跳舞吗? ___________________________ — 是的,会。 _________________ 5. — 你会做什么事情?___________________ — 我会弹吉它。 _____________________ No,she can’t. Yes,they can. Can she play chess? Can Bill and Jane dance? What can you do? I can play the guitar. Can + _____ + __________ + 其他? 肯定回答: _________________ 否定回答:_________________ What + can + Yes, 主语 + can. No, 主语 + can’t. _____ + ____? 主语 动词原形 主语 do Can的用法探究 汉语 English Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he can’t. But he can speak Chinese. Can Mike play...? No, he can’t. But he can ... 1. Wu Jun/speak English/speak Chinese _________________________________ _________________________________ 2. Mike/play basketball/play tennis _________________________ _______________________________ Write questions and answers with the words and phrases. Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he can’t, but he can speak Chinese. Can Mike play basketball? No, he can’t, but he can play tennis. 3a 3. Jane and Jill/dance/sing ___________________________ ____________________________________ 4. Grace/play soccer/play volleyball ________________________ ______________________________________ 5. Bill/write stories/tell stories ____________________ ______________________________ Can Jane and Jill dance? No,they can’t, but they can sing. Can Grace play soccer? No,he can’t, but he can play volleyball. Can Bill write stories? No,he can’t, but he can tell stories. Complete the poster with the words in the box. play sing tell dance sing dance play tell 3b Writing: 假设你擅长音乐或讲故事,你很想参加学校公演, 现在给你的英语老师写一封信说明你的特长和愿望。 Dear Ms. Jiang, I am Jane from Class ... __________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Yours sincerely, Jane Dear Ms. Jiang, I am Jane from Class 9. It is nice to read the poster for school show. I want to take part in it very much. I am good at music. I can sing and dance. Besides, I can play the guitar well. By the way, I can be good with (与......和得来) other students. Please write to me soon! Yours sincerely, Jane What can your group do in the school show? Make a list. School Show Sunday 6:00 p.m. in the music room. What can you do? Come and show us! Name What can you do? Li Xin do kung fu What can you do, Li Xin? I can do kung fu. 3c 1. speak、tell、say、talk 的区别用法。 1) speak 说(某种语言);说话 speak English 说英语 speak French 说法语 Mr. Smith can speak Chinese well. 史密斯先生说汉语说得很好。 2) tell 讲述;告诉 Can your grandma tell stories? 你奶奶会讲故事吗? tell sb. 告诉某人; tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 Let’s go and tell our teacher. 我们去告诉老师吧。 Tell Eric to bring his basketball to school. 告诉埃里克把他的篮球带到学校来。 3) say 说(强调所说的内容, 常跟一个句子) Mr. Lin says “I’m your new teacher. ” 林老师说,“我是你们的新老师。” “I don’t know.” Linda says. 琳达说:“我不知道。” 4) talk 说话;交谈(强调与他人进行语言交流) talk to sb. 与某人说话 talk with sb. 与某人交谈 You can talk to Mr. Black. 你可以和布莱克先生谈一下。 Mary is talking with Jenny. 玛丽正在和詹妮谈话。 2. show 名词 演出;节目 动词 给……看;展示 school show 校园演出 talent show 才艺表演 We want students for the school show. 我们需要学生参加我们的校园演出。 Come and show us. 来给我们(表演)看一下。 Can you show me your new iPad? 你能让我看一下你的新的平板电脑吗? show sb. (sth.) 给某人看(某物) 3. and 和 or 的用法辨析。 1) and 和、且(用于肯定句中) Tom and Jack can play soccer well. 汤姆和杰克能打足球打得很好。 2) or 或者;也不(用于疑问句中或否定句中) Can you sing or dance? 你会唱歌还是跳舞? My sister can’t play basketball or soccer. 我姐姐不会打篮球也不会踢足球。 4. want (想要)的用法: 想干什么用want to … I want to play ping-pong. They want to join the sports club. He wants to play basketball. She wants to join the chess club. Li Xiaweng wants to play the piano. wanted 是want的过去式和过去分词 “sb. wanted” 结构常用于招聘或启事等的标题。 如:Teacher Wanted 招聘教师 Cook Wanted 招聘厨师 Help Wanted 寻求帮助 Students Wanted for School Show 学校公演招募学生 Ⅰ.选词填空。 1. Ms. Wu wants to _______ to his son. 2. Jenny and Mary can _______ English well. 3. Can you _______ your new photo, Grace? 4. Bob _______ “I can play chess well.” 5. Mr. Li often _______ us interesting stories. talk speak show says tells speak, tell, say, talk, show 1. Li Juan can speak English. (改为一般疑问句) _____ Li Juan _______ English? 2. They can play volleyball well. (改为否定句) They _____ _____ volleyball well. 3. Tom can do Chinese kung fu. (对划线部分提问) ______ can Tom ____? Can speak can’t play What do Ⅱ.按要求完成句子,每空一词。 4. Jenny wants to join the music club. (对划线部分提问) ______ _____ does Jenny want to join? 5. Bill does well in sports. (改为同义句) Bill ____ _____ _____ sports. What club is good at Tony/sing/dance 例: — Can Tony sing? — No, he can’t, but he can dance. 1. you / play tennis / play basketball —                 —                 2. Lingling / speak English / speak Chinese —                 —                Can you play tennis? No, I can’t, but I can play basketball. Can Lingling speak English? No, she can’t, but she can speak Chinese. Ⅲ.根据提示词,仿照例句编写对话。 1.他们将如何和对方对话?  2.把这篇文章剪下来拿给你的老板看。 3. 你会唱歌或者跳舞吗? How will they talk to each other? Cut out this article and show it to your boss. Can you sing or dance? Ⅳ.翻译下列句子。 —Which sport do you prefer, volleyball ______ basketball? —I prefer volleyball. A. or B. and C. but Ø 中考链接 【2019·哈尔滨】 A Write something about what you can do and what club you want to join. Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section B 1a-1f uTo learn to listen for the details. uTo learn to use modal verb “can” to talk about abilities about the instruments. guitar play the guitar piano play the piano violin drums play the drums Draw lines to match the words with the pictures. drums ____ piano ____ guitar ____ violin ____ 1a drums ____ piano ____ guitar ____ violin ____ Listen and number the words in the order of the sounds you hear in 1a. 1 2 3 4 1b Ask and answer questions about the instruments. Can you play …? No,I can’t. 1c Can you play the piano? No,I can’t. But I can play the drums. Can you play the violin? No,I can’t. But I can dance well. Listen and circle the words and phrases you hear. play the violin sing play the guitar dance play the drums draw play the piano tell stories 1d Can Can’t Bill sing Cindy Frank Listen again. Fill in the chart with the words and phrases in 1d. play the guitar sing, play the drums play the piano play the piano sing or dance 1e Talk about what Bill, Cindy and Frank ca n and can’t do.1f ?Can Bill play the g uitar? Yes, he can, but he can’t sing. play的用法: 1) play with 玩…… 2) play sth. for sb.= play sb. sth.为某人播放…… 3) play +球、棋、牌 4) play +the +乐器 5) play sth. on the +乐器: 用……乐器演奏…… 总结 play 的用 法 play sports play basketball play baseball play volleyball play computer play a game play chess play the violin play the piano play the trumpet play the guitar play the drums 1.Beethoven _____ hear(听见). But he ____ ____ ____ _____. 2.They _____ ______. But they ____ ______. 3.They ______ stand up(站立). But they____ ____ _________. can’t can can can’t can play basketball Beethoven play the piano 贝多芬 can’t speak dance Ⅰ. 填空 1.参加俱乐部 ______________ 2.弹钢琴 ______________ 3.拉小提琴 ______________ 4.讲故事_____________ 5.弹吉他 ______________ 6.擅长于…… ______________ 7.踢足球 ______________ 8.跟……说 __________ Ⅱ.翻译 join the club play the piano play the violin tell stories play the guitar be good at... play soccer talk to... Ⅲ.完成句子 1. 我的朋友喜欢弹吉他。 My friend likes to _____ ____ ______. 2. 我们学校的音乐会是在星期天。 Our _______ ________ is on Sunday. play the guitar school concert 3. 你想加入摇滚乐队吗? Do you _______ to join ______ ______? 4. 麦克喜欢和我交谈。 Mike likes to _____ ____ ____. 5. 我们怎么联系你? _______ can we ________ you? want rock band talk with me How contact Ⅳ.句型转换 1. I can play chess. (改为一般疑问句) 2. She can speak Chinese. (改为否定句) 3. Can your brother play basketball? (作肯定回答) Can you play chess? She can’t speak Chinese. Yes, he can. 4. We want to join the English club. (划线提问) 5. Can Tom and Amy paint? (作否定回答) What club do you want to join? No, they can’t. Ø 中考链接 【2019·湖南常德】 51. — Can you play _____ violin? — No, I can't. 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1 个单词),使句子通顺正确。 the 简要介绍你们学校乐队有多少人,以及 每个人的特长。 提示词: school band talented favourite best well sing dance violin drum piano Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section B 2a-2c Ø Objectives uTo learn to describe people using modal verb “can”. uTo learn to read the ads to get the main idea. uTo learn to write a poster. piano violin guitar drums play the drums play the piano play the violin play the guitar -Can you play the drums? -Yes, I can. -No, I can’t,but I can... Read the three descriptions about Peter, Alan an d Ma Huan. Underline what they can do. Hello, I’m Peter. I like to p lay basketball. I can speak English and I can als o play soccer. My name’s Alan.I’m in the school music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too. Hi, I’m Ma Huan. I can play ping- pong and chess. I like to talk and play games with people. 2a 1. Who likes to play basketball? 2. Who likes to talk and play games with people? 3. Who is in the school music club? Peter. Ma Huan. Alan. 1. What does Peter like to do? 2. What can he do? 1. What club is Alan in? 2. What can he do? 1. What can Ma Huan do? 2. What does she like to do? He likes to play basketball. He can speak English and play soccer. She can play ping-pong and chess. She likes to talk and play games with people. He is in the school music club. He can play the guitar and the piano. He can also sing and dance. A. Help for Old People B. Music Teacher Wanted C. Help with Sports in English Read the ads. Match the titles with the ads.2b We need help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today! Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English?Yes? Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please come to the Students’ Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742. Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. Read the ads and answer the questions. 1) If you want to help the old people, what can you do? 2) If you want to help with sports for English-speaking students, who can you call? 3) If you want to be a music teacher, what telephone number can you call? I can talk to them and play games with them. I can call Mr.Brown. I can call 555-3721. Peter Alan Ma Huan C B A 2c Match a person in 2a with an ad in 2b. Ø also 意为“也;而且”,与too意思相同。 Ø also 在句子中常放在句子的中间。 Ø too 常放在句子的末尾,并用逗号与前句分 开。 1. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. I can swim well. My brother can also swim well. 我游泳很好,我弟弟游泳也很好。 Mike is also in the soccer club. 迈克也在足球俱乐部。 Her sister can play chess, too. 她妹妹也会下棋。 Can you help me with my English? 你能帮助我学习英语吗? 也可以说help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事 Can you help me learn English? 2. Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. help (sb.) with sth. 在某方面帮某助某人 3. Are you good with old people? be good with 意为“善于应付……;对于……有办法”。 Ms. Brown is good with kids. 布朗女士善于应付孩子们。 Jack is not good with people. 杰克不太擅于与人相处。 4. They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. make friends 意为“交朋友”。 You can join a club and make friends. 你可以参加一个俱乐部并且交一些朋友。 make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友 Linda wants to make friends with them. 琳达想和他们交朋友。 I can’t swim with you today. 今天我不能和你一起去游泳了。 They want to play chess on the weekend. 他们想在周末去下棋。 Jack always go to the soccer club on weekends. 杰克总是在周末去足球俱乐部。 5. today 今天 on the weekend = on weekends 在周末 这两个词都是表示时间的,常放在句末。 Ⅰ.按要求写出下列各词或词组。 1. too (同义词) ________ 2. music (人物) ________ 3. teach (人物) ________ 4. teach (第三称单数形式 ) ________ 5. busy (反义词) ________ 6. on the weekend (同义词组) ______________ 7. help sb. do sth. (同义词组) __________________ also musician teacher teaches on weekends help sb.with sth. free Ⅱ.根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. Are you __________ (善于应付) children? 2. I want ________ (join) the music club. 3. Mr. Lin is very busy ___________________ (在周末). 4. They’re friendly. I want to _______________ ( 交朋友) with them. good with to join on the weekend make friends 5. Can you ____ ____ _____(帮我学习音乐) my music? 6. Please ____ Jane ___ (打电话)321-5497. 7. Beethoven is a ___________(音乐家). help me with call at musician 8. __________(夏天) is very hot. 9. Do you want to get more ____________ (信息)?Look at the poster. 10. --Can you_________(弹)the piano? --No, I can’t. Summer information play Ⅲ.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。 有两项多余。 A. Hello, I’m a teacher in the school. B. Can you play the piano? C. I can sing and dance. D. Well, do you like children? E. Can you sing? F. What’s your name, please? G. Can I help you? A: Morning. (1) ______    B: Yes, please. I want to be a music teacher in your school. A: (2) ______    B: Yes, I do. I like playing games with them. A: Great! (3) _______    B: No, I can’t. G D B A: Then what can you do? B: (4) ______     A: (5) ______    B: My name is Dave Smith. And my phone number is 321-5728. A: OK. We’ll call you later. C F Can you dance? Can you play the p ______? Can you play the guitar o ___ the drums? Are you good w ______ kids? We n _____ two good musicians for the School Day. It’s very relaxing and interesting. Please c _____ Mr. Wang at 733-9905. Ⅳ.根据首字母提示,用适当的单词完成下 面的招聘广告。 iano r ith eed all Musicians Wanted for School Day Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Beijing! And if you need any help, please call me ________ 010-5558 6390. A. at B. on C. with D. by 【2019·江苏泰州】 Ø 中考链接 A Write your own poster for a sports day. What can you do for our sports day? Welcome to join us in all kinds of sports! Can you swim? Can you play basketball? Can you play tennis? Can you play ping-pong? Then you can be in our sport team. Please call Zheng Xiao at 543-8889 before Friday this week. Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 人教版七年级英语下册 Section B 3a-Self Check uTo learn to talk about abilities. uTo learn to make a poster. Ø Objectives Say something about yourself. Ø Warming Up My name’s Jack. I like to play sports.I can play soccer.And I’m good at speaking English. I’m Jerry.I like music.I like to listen to pop songs.I can play the violin. I am good with old people. Complete the ad with the words in the box. guitar can call dance music play Musicians Wanted for School Music Festival Do you like ? Can you sing and ? Can you the piano or the violin? Can you play the or the drums? Then you be in our school music festival. Please Mr. Zhang at 622-6033. dance play guitar music call can 3a Make a poster. Ask for help with an event at your school. You can use: sports players(运动员) school sports day(学校体育活动日) play soccer/basketball/ping-pong/tennis swim run fast(跑的很快) Please call…at… 3b ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Students Wanted for the 6th School English Talent Show 为学校第六届英语才艺展示招募学生 We want students for the 6th School English Talent Show. Can you speak English well? Can you sing English songs? Can you tell stories or write stories in English? Can you act? If you can, please write to your English teacher. Come and join us! 1 Add more words and phrases in each box. Music and arts Languages Sports Other abilities play the violin tell storiesswimspeak English Abilities 2 Add as many words as you can to make phrases. 1.play the drums _______________________________ 2.speak English _______________________________ 3.help with math ____________________________________ 4.be good at telling stories __________________________________ 5.be good with old people _______________________________ the piano, the guitar, the violin Chinese, Japanese, French Chinese,science,history,physics children, kids, students writing stories,speaking English 3 What can you do? What can’t you do? What about the people you know? Write at least five sentences. names I mom dad sister Can you play the guitar? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you draw? Can you speak English? … Report: Hello, everyone, I’m …, I can … but I can’t … My mom can …, and … but she can’t … My dad can …, but he can’t … My sister can … but she can’t … Then try to make a report to your class. Ⅰ.连词成句。 1. chess, to, you, like, play, do (?) __________________________________ 2. you, can, the, play, piano (?) __________________________________ 3. you, club, our, be, music, in, can, then (.) ____________________________________ Do you like to play chess? Can you play the piano? Then you can be in our music club. 4. is, old, good, Linda, people, with (?) ____________________________________ 5. help, can, with, your, and, music, English, I (.) ______________________________________ 6. tell, his, draw, can’t, or, stories, brother (.) _____________________________________ Is Linda good with old people? I can help with your English and music. His brother can’t draw or tell stories. Ⅱ.选词补全招聘广告。 Help for kids Are you good _____ kids? Do you like to ____ games with kids? Do you like music? Do you like ______? Can you draw ___ play chess? Can you sing or _______? Can you tell _______? Please come to the Children’s _______. ____ Ms Black at 578-3210. with play sports or stories dance or, Sports with Call stories play dance Center Center Call 1. Tom wants ________ to you. Are you free? A. to tell B. tells C. to talk D. talks 2. Can you help me ________ my English?  A. with B. of C. learning D. about 3. Here ________.  A. is some informations B. are some informations C. are some information D. is some information Ⅲ.单项选择。 4. Bob can play ____ tennis but can’t play ___ violin. A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. / ; the 5. Can you paint? ________. A. Yes, a little B. Yes, little C. No, a little D. No, little 6. Please call me _______ 8989766. A. in B. at C. about D. with 7. ____ like to go swimming _____summer. A. Children; on B. Children; in  C. A child; on D. A child; in 8. Miss Read is good ______ music. She can be good ____ children in the music club. A. at; at B. with; with C. at; with D. with;at 9. The young _____ plays the ____ very well.  A. pianist; piano B. piano; pianist C. pianist; pianist D. piano; piano 10. --What can you do, Lin Tao? -- ________.   A. I like sports B. I am well C. I want to join the music club   D. I can do Chinese kung fu 11. Hi, can I help you? ________.   A.Yes, please B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I can D.You are welcome 12. ______ you can _____ our school concert. A. Maybe; in B. Maybe; be in   C. May be; in D. May be; be in 你们学校的体育俱乐部招聘一位体育老师来帮助学生 练习体育运动。请你来写一个招聘广告。要求: Ø 擅长与孩子们交往。 Ø 会多种体育项目。 Ø 打电话337-6013联系吴老师。 P.E. Teacher Wanted for the School Sports Club. ________________________________ _____________________________________.

