专题03 形容词和副词

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专题03 形容词和副词

高中英语专题训练 专题03‎ ‎1.(2020年天津卷,10)The secretary arranged a(n)________time and place for the applicants ‎ to have an interview.‎ A.important B.spare C.public D.convenient 解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:秘书安排了方便的时间和地点让这些申请人参加面试。convenient“方便的”;important“重要的”;spare“空闲的”;public“公开的;公共的”所以答案为D。‎ 答案:D ‎2.(2020年北京东城区联考)Children are________to meet with setbacks as they grow up,so ‎ their parents don't have to worry about it.‎ A.possible B.due C.necessary D.bound 解析:句意:孩子们在成长的过程中一定会遇到挫折,所以父母不必担心。be bound to注定,一定,固定搭配。‎ 答案:D ‎3.(2020年浙江六校联考)-Were you satisfied with the exam result?‎ ‎-Not a________.I should have done much________.‎ A.little;better B.bit;bad C.little;bad D.bit;better 解析:句意:——你对考试成绩满意吗?——一点也不,我本应该考得好得多。not a bit=not at all一点也不;not a little非常。第二空:much后修饰比较级而非原级(bad),根据句意也可知此处为“好得多”,故选D。‎ 答案:D ‎4.(2020年辽宁卷,22)We used to see each other ________,but I haven't heard from him ‎ since last year.‎ A.especially B.regularly C.particularly D.approximately 解析:考查副词的用法。especially“特别地,专门地”;regularly“定期地”;particularly“特别;尤其”;approximately“大约”。句意:过去我们定期见面,但是从去年开始我就没有收到他的来信。‎ 答案:B 3‎ ‎5.(2020年山东临沂模拟)I am very sorry we made such a________decision,but there was ‎ really no time left for us.‎ A.precise B.worthy C.casual D.tight 解析:句意:很抱歉,我们做出了这么一个草率的决定,但我们的确是没有时间了。casual临时的,随便的,武断的;precise精确的;worthy值得的,有价值的;tight紧的,牢固的。‎ 答案:C ‎6.(2020年江苏调研)-Were you disappointed when you received the book bought through ‎ the Internet?‎ ‎-Well,yes,________.The back cover was a bit torn,but it didn't matter really.‎ A.sort of B.very much C.not at all D.never mind 解析:句意:——当你收到从网上买的那本书的时候失望了吗?——噢,是的,有点儿。封底有点破了,不过并无大碍。sort of有几分;very much修饰动词;not at all一点也不,与句意不符;never mind没关系。‎ 答案:A ‎7.(2020年东北三校二模)The volunteers will do________to help those injured in the ‎ earthquake.‎ A.everything possible humanly ‎ B.everything humanly possible C.humanly possible everything D.humanly everything possible 解析:句意:那些志愿者愿意做力所能及的事情来帮助地震中受伤的人。首先,不定代词的修饰词应置于其后,故C、D不对;其次,单个副词修饰形容词时置于其前,故选B。‎ 答案:B ‎8.(2019年安徽联考)-Wow!Jerry got full marks again!How lucky he is!‎ ‎—Not exactly!________.He makes full use of his time to study.‎ A.He is more lucky than hardworking B.He is not so much lucky as hardworking C.He is far less hard working than lucky D.His classmates are no more hard working than he 解析:‎ 3‎ 句意:——哇!Jerry又得了满分!他太走运了!——不完全是!与其说他走运不如说他刻苦,他充分利用一切时间来学习。not so much...as...与其……不如……。‎ 答案:B ‎9.(2020年湖北黄冈质检)It's wonderful to have a month in the faraway village,________all ‎ worries and responsibilities.‎ A.contrary to B.free from C.far away D.far from 解析:句意:在遥远的村庄过一个月真好,无忧无虑。free from没有,免于;contrary to与……相反;C、D两项中的far指距离远。‎ 答案:B ‎10.(2020年黑龙江二模)His humorous closing speech was a welcome addition to the ‎________dull meeting.‎ A.therefore B.meanwhile C.otherwise D.nevertheless 解析:句意:他幽默的结束语在这次其他方面比较沉闷的会议上受到了欢迎。otherwise在其他方面,除此以外;therefore因此;meanwhile同时;nevertheless然而。‎ 答案:C 3‎

