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Unit 2 Cloning ‎ ‎1.undertake(vt.)      着手;从事;承担 ‎2.cast(vt.)  扔;投;掷 ‎3.obtain(vt.)  获得;赢得 ‎4.attain(vt.)  获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)‎ ‎5.forbid(vt.)  禁止;不准 ‎6.owe(vt.)  欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……‎ ‎7.retire(vi.)  退休;离开 ‎8.bother(vt.)  打扰 ‎(vi.)  操心 ‎(n.)  烦扰 ‎9.strike(vi.& vt.)  打;撞击;罢工 ‎(n.)  罢工 ‎10.vain(adj.)  虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的 ‎11.merely(adv.)  仅;只;不过 ‎12.adore(vt.)  崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 ‎13.differ(vi.)不同;相异→different(adj.)不同的→difference(n.)不同;差异 ‎14.object(vi.)反对;不赞成→objection(n.)不赞成;反对;异议→objective(adj.)真实的;客观的;无偏见的 ‎15.medium(n.)媒介;手段;工具→media(pl.)‎ ‎16.resist(vt.)抵抗;对抗→resistance(n.)抵抗;对抗→resistant(adj.)有抵抗力的;抵制的 ‎1.pay_off          得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 ‎2.cast_down  沮丧;不愉快 ‎3.in_favour_of  赞成;支持 ‎4.(be)_bound_to_(do)...  一定或注定(做)……‎ ‎5.strike...into_one’s_heart  使……刻骨铭心 ‎6.from_time_to_time  不时;偶尔 ‎7.bring_back_to_life  使复生;使复活 ‎8.in_vain  白费力气;枉费心机 ‎9.in_good/poor_condition  状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)‎ ‎10.have_a_great_impact_on  对……有很大影响 ‎1.The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.‎ 看来多莉是在正常地成长着,这很令人鼓舞。‎ 名师指津:that引导同位语从句。‎ 例句仿写:这些年来地球逐渐变暖的事实,使科学家们非常担心。‎ The fact has worried many scientists that_the_earth_is_becoming warmer and warmer these years.‎ ‎2.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。 ‎ 名师指津:then位于句首,句子用全部倒装语序。‎ 例句仿写:山顶上有一座300多年历史的古老城堡。‎ On the top of the mountain stands_an_old_castle which has a history of more than three hundred years.‎ ‎3.The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die,but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation.‎ 其优点是如果发生某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死掉,但是另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这种免疫力传给下一代。‎ 名师指津:The advantage is that...其优点是……,that引导表语从句。‎ 例句仿写:其优点是如果你能讲流利的英语,你更有可能找到好工作。‎ The_advantage_is_that if you can speak English fluently,you are more likely to find a good job.‎ ‎4.However,scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.‎ 科学家一直致力于研究克隆到底会有助于我们还是会伤害我们,它们将我们引向何方。‎ 名师指津:whether...or无论……还是……‎ 例句仿写:经济危机是否会很快结束,短时间内不会明朗。‎ It is not immediately clear whether the financial crisis will_soon_be_over.‎ undertake (undertook;undertaken) vt.着手;从事;承担 ‎(牛津P2197)The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the ‎ accident.‎ 公司已经宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。‎ undertake a task承担任务 undertake to do sth.同意、答应或着手做某事 undertake thatclause保证……‎ ‎①University professors both teach and undertake research.‎ 大学教授既要教学又要从事研究工作。‎ ‎②We are supposed to undertake_the_responsibility to lead a lowcarbon lifestyle,which is of great significance.‎ 我们应该承担过低碳生活的责任,这意义重大。‎ ‎③I can undertake that you will enjoy the trip.‎ 我保证你会喜欢这次旅行。‎ object vi.反对;不赞成;n.物体;目标 ‎(牛津P1372)If anybody objects,we’ll postpone the meeting till next week.如果有人反对,我们就把会议推迟到下周。‎ ‎(1)object to反对……‎ ‎(2)raise an objection to sth.对……提出异议 have/make an objection to (doing) sth.‎ 对(做)……表示反对 ‎①As far as I’m concerned,I really object_to_being_charged_for parking.就我个人而言,我非常反对收停车费。‎ ‎②As long as it benefits them,they really don’t object to the project.只要对他们有利,他们并不真地反对这个项目。‎ ‎③(牛津P1372)The main objection to the plan was that it would cost too much.反对这个计划的主要理由是费用过高。‎ forbid (forbade/forbad,forbidden) vt.禁止,不准 ‎(2013·天津卷阅读理解)Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library,but you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.请注意食物和水果禁止带进图书馆,但是你可以带饮料和糖果。‎ ‎(1) ‎(2) ‎(3)It’s forbidden to do sth.做某事是禁止的 ‎①I will forbid you to leave unless you apologize for what you have done.如果你不为自己所做的事情道歉,我不允许你离开。‎ ‎②He has even forbidden_me_from_meeting my friends online at the Internet cafe!他甚至禁止我去网吧会见我的网友!‎ ‎③The law forbids smoking in public buildings.‎ 法律禁止在公共场所吸烟。‎ owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于……,应感谢 教材原句P13:You owe the lady an apology.‎ 你必须向这位女士道歉。‎ ‎(1)owe sb.an apology该向某人道歉 owe sb.sth.=owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物 ‎(2)owe...to...把……归功于……‎ owe it to sb.that...多亏某人……‎ ‎(3)owing to因为,由于 ‎①Mary will take care of the baby—she owes me a favor.‎ 玛丽会照看孩子的——她欠我一个人情。‎ ‎②These early settlers owned_their_survival_to_hard_work and determination to succeed.这些早期移民把他们的幸存归功于艰苦劳动和追求成功的决心。‎ ‎③Was it owing_to_bad_weather that they had to change the schedule of leaving?‎ 当时是由于天气恶劣,他们才不得不改变离开的时间的吗?‎ bother vt.打扰;vi.操心;n.烦扰;令人烦恼的事或人 教材原句P14:However,the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered scientists.‎ 然而,之后她患上了严重的肺病的问题使科学家们困扰。‎ ‎(1)bother sb.with/about sth.为某事打扰或麻烦某人 bother to do/doing操心做某事 It bothers sb.that/to do sth.使某人苦恼的是……‎ ‎(2)put sb.to any bother给某人添乱 why bother没有必要吧;何苦那么麻烦 ‎①What_bothers_me_most is that he seems to take no interest in his work.最使我伤脑筋的是,他似乎对自己的工作毫无兴趣。‎ ‎②I don’t want to put him to any bother,so I try doing it by myself.我不想给他添乱,所以,我试着靠自己做这件事。‎ ‎③—I’ll go to the post office to mail this parcel to Ann.‎ ‎——我要去邮局给安寄这个包裹。‎ ‎—Why_bother?I’ll see her at dinner this evening.‎ ‎——不必麻烦了吧?今晚吃饭我能见到她。‎ Ⅰ.完成句子 ‎1.The conductor______________________________________(禁止我们把手伸出窗外) when the bus was moving.‎ 答案: forbade us to stick our hands out of the window ‎2.I__________________________ (应该向你道歉) having been so rude to you last night.‎ 答案: owe you an apology for ‎3.Who do you think is the right person__________________________________(承担这项任务)?‎ 答案: to undertake the task ‎4.The wellknown scientists always says that he________________________(把所有成功归功于) the support of his family.‎ 答案: owes all his success to ‎5.Thinking they have grown up,the boys________________________ (反对像孩子一样被对待).‎ 答案: object to being treated like children ‎6.Since he ____________________________(从公司退休),he has done voluntary work for a charity.‎ 答案: retired from the company Ⅱ.单项填空 ‎1.(2014·皖北协作区联考)—We have no objection________the new project again.‎ ‎—I can’t agree more.‎ A.to discuss B.to discussing C.to having discussed D.to have discussed 解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意为:——我们不反对再一次讨论这个新计划。——我非常同意。have no objection to (doing) sth.不反对(做)某事,to是介词,后面接名词或动词的ing形式。且discuss这一动作尚未发生,故排除C项。‎ 答案: B ‎2.(2014·石家庄质检)—How do Americans like to be called?‎ ‎—Most of them don’t object________them by their first name.‎ A.to call B.for calling C.to calling D.that I call 解析: 考查动词短语。object to doing sth.反对做某事。‎ 答案: C ‎3.(2014·安徽皖南联考)Why________to go abroad to study,when there are so many good universities at home?‎ A.imagine B.bother C.consider D.prevent 解析: 句意为:在国内有这么多好大学,为什么还要费力地去国外学习呢?bother to do sth.费力/麻烦做某事。imagine和consider后不能直接跟动词不定式;prevent意为“阻止”,不符合句意。‎ 答案: B ‎4.The students are forbidden,unless they have special passes,________after 11 pm.‎ A.in staying out B.to stay out C.staying out D.stay out 解析: forbid sb.to do sth.意为“禁止某人做某事”,为固定短语,此处为其被动结构。‎ 答案: B ‎5.(2013·兰州质检)He is a successful businessman;he________ his success more to luck than to ability.‎ A.attaches           B.adapts C.owes D.fastens 解析: 句意为:他是一个成功的商人,他把他的成功更多地归功于运气而不是能力。owe...to...把……归功于,符合句意。‎ 答案: C ‎6.(2014·泰安高三质检)However difficult the plan is to carry out,I don’t believe they’re going to________it.‎ A.desert B.abandon C.undertake D.remain 解析: 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:不管那个计划执行起来多么困难,我认为他们将不会放弃它。desert遗弃,抛弃,离开(某地);abandon放弃(计划等);undertake承担,着手做;remain保留,依然。‎ 答案: B pay off得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 ‎(2012·安徽卷)The athlete’s years of hard training paid off when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.‎ 当这个运动员最终获得奥运会金牌时,她多年的刻苦训练总算得到了回报。‎ ‎①What made him happy was that after all these years he at last paid_off_all_his_debts.‎ 使他高兴的是几年之后他终于还清了所有的债务。‎ 辨析:pay for,pay back与pay off ‎(1)pay for表示“付……的钱,因……而受惩罚”。‎ ‎(2)pay back偿还;报复 ‎(3)pay off意为“还清(债务)”“结算清薪水解雇”“成功”等。‎ ‎②He had to work parttime so as to pay for his education.‎ 他必须做兼职工作来支付学费。‎ ‎③That I can pay_back the help people give me makes me happy.‎ 能够回报人们给我的帮助让我感到很开心。‎ in favour of支持;赞成 教材原句P12:Is it in favour of cloning or against it?‎ 它是赞成克隆行为还是反对克隆行为?‎ ‎(1)in sb.’s favour对某人有利的 out of favour失宠的,不流行的 ‎(2)do sb.a favour=do a favour for sb.帮某人忙 do sb.the favour to do sth./do sb.a favour by doing sth.‎ 帮忙做某事 ‎(3)owe sb.a favour欠某人情 ‎①My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was in favour of it.我姐姐反对我的建议,然而我弟弟却赞成。‎ ‎②The exchange rate is not in__our_favour at the moment.‎ 目前汇率对我们不利。‎ ‎③Do_me_a_favour and turn the radio down while I’m on the phone,will you?‎ 劳驾,我打电话的时候把收音机的音量调小点好吗?‎ in good/poor condition状况很好/坏;情况很好/坏 ‎(朗文P412)The car has been well maintained and is in good condition.这辆车一直保养得很好,车况极佳。‎ out of condition健康状况欠佳 working/living/studying conditions工作/生活/学习环境 on condition (that)...在……条件下;倘若……‎ on no condition一点也不;决不(放在句首时,用部分倒装语序)‎ ‎①On no condition should_you_tell him what happened.‎ 你决不应该告诉他发生了什么事。‎ ‎②They agreed to lend us the car on condition that we returned it before the weekend.‎ 他们同意把车借给我们,条件是我们必须在周末前归还。‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 be cast down;be bound to;strike...into one’s heart;in vain;on condition that;in favour of;pay off ‎1.I would consider studying abroad,____________________I get a scholarship.‎ 答案: on condition that ‎ ‎2.His parents tried to persuade him not to give up his wellpaid job,but their efforts are____________________.‎ 答案: in vain ‎ ‎3.We____________________meet with difficulties in carrying out this research.‎ 答案: are bound to ‎4.—Li Feng won the first prize in the national English competition.‎ ‎—Oh,really?I’m glad that her efforts at last____________________.‎ 答案: paid off ‎5.I have told her about our plan,and she is________ ________________ it.‎ 答案: in favour of ‎6.He____________________because he was scolded.‎ 答案: was cast down ‎7.Mountain Tai________ its beauty __________________and she decided to visit it again the next year.‎ 答案: struck;into her heart Ⅱ.单项填空 ‎1.(2014·黑龙江哈尔滨四校高三检测)Liu Jianfu,a senior researcher with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,said he was________reducing the homework burden on students.‎ A.in charge of B.in terms of C.in favor of D.in honor of 解析: 句意为:刘建福,广东外语外贸大学的一位高级研究员,说他赞成减少学生的家庭作业负担。根据句意可知,应选in favour of赞成,支持。in charge of主管,负责;in terms of就……而言;in honor of为了向……表示敬意。‎ 答案: C ‎2.The doctor advised her to eat more bean products________meat which might be harmful to her heart.‎ A.for lack of B.by means of C.in place of D.in favour of 解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:医生建议她多吃豆类食品来代替可能对她的心脏有害的肉类。in place of代替,顶替,符合句意。for lack of缺乏,短缺;by means of借助……手段,依靠……方法;in favour of支持,赞同。‎ 答案: C ‎3.Minetta was in________poor condition last week in hospital;therefore,her parents were in________favour of performing an operation.‎ A.the;the B./;the C./;/ D.the;a 解析: in poor condition为固定词组,意思是“状况很坏,情况很坏”;in favour ‎ of为固定词组,意思是“赞成,支持”。‎ 答案: C ‎4.I agree to his suggestion________the condition that he drops all charges.‎ A.by B.in C.on D.to 解析: 句意为:我同意了他的建议,条件是他撤销所有的指控。本题考查介词搭配。on the condition that固定搭配,意思是“条件是……”。‎ 答案: C Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.‎ 接着传来了令人烦恼的消息——多莉得了重病。‎ ‎(1)表示方位、时间或方式的副词或介词短语,如:here,there,now,then,up,down,in,away,off,out,in the room,on the wall等置于句首时,句子倒装。‎ ‎①For a moment nothing happened.Then_came_voices all shouting together.一会儿什么也没发生,接着传来一齐的喊声。‎ ‎②Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away fled_the_thief.‎ 听到狗叫的厉害,小偷吓跑了。‎ ‎(2)本句中的news 与that Dolly had become seriously ill是同位语关系。常见的后接同位语从句的抽象名词:fact,news,hope,truth,idea,suggestion,thought,question,order,problem,belief,fear等。‎ ‎③(2012·浙江卷)I made a promise to myself that this year,my first year in high school,would be different.‎ 我向我自己下了保证,今年,我在高中的第一年,要有所不同。‎ ‎④(2014·长沙市南雅中学模拟)It is reported that there is still possibility that the bad weather will continue.‎ 据报道恶劣天气仍有可能继续。‎ ‎⑤The question whether_we_should_continue_to_do the experiment has not been answered yet.‎ 我们是否该继续实验的问题还没有被解决。‎ The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die,but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation.‎ 其优点是如果发生了某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死掉,但是另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这种免疫力传给下一代。‎ The advantage is that...“其优点是……”,that引导表语从句。‎ ‎①The advantage is that smiling can not only make us happy,but also please others.‎ 其优势在于微笑不仅仅让我们高兴,还能取悦别人。‎ The advantage/strength of...is that...……的优势是……‎ The disadvantage of...is that...……的不足是……‎ The drawback of...is that...……的缺点是……‎ The problem of...is that...……的问题是……‎ The chance is that...有可能……‎ ‎②The_advantage_is_that we have a good command of English.‎ 其优点是我们很好地掌握了英语。‎ ‎③The_chance_is_that our team will finish at the top,as our remaining matches aren’t too difficult.由于我们队余下的比赛不太艰难,我们队在结束时有可能名列前茅。‎ ‎④The drawback of the popularity of cars is that it brings about so much air pollution.‎ 汽车普及的缺点是它带来了严重的空气污染。‎ Ⅰ.完成句子 ‎1.骑自行车上学的优势是强身健体。‎ ‎____________________going to school by bike____________it can build up your strength.‎ 答案: The advantage of;is that ‎2.母亲许诺,如果我通过高考,她将给我买一个手机。‎ Mother made a promise______________________the College Entrance Examination,she would buy me a mobile phone.‎ 答案: that if I passed Ⅱ.单项填空 ‎1.(2014·江西上饶市一模)Up went prices,________.‎ A.down came the living standard B.came down the living standard C.came the living standard down D.down the living standard came 解析: 考查倒装句。句意为:物价上涨,生活标准就会降低。表示地点、方向、时间等的副词位于句首且主语为名词时,句子要用完全倒装结构。本句的句子结构应与“up went prices”相同。‎ 答案: A ‎2.(2014·江西鹰潭市一模)—I’m really depressed after so many failures.I can’t see any hope.‎ ‎—Cheer up!Behind every misfortune________!‎ A.lies an opportunity B.does an opportunity lie C.an opportunity lies D.is an opportunity lying 解析: 考查倒装句。句意为:经历了这么多失败,我真的非常沮丧。我看不到任何希望。振作起来!每次不幸之后都跟着成功的机会。当表示方位的副词位于句首时,句子需要用全部倒装形式。B和D两项是部分倒装结构;C项是陈述语序,可排除。‎ 答案: A ‎3.(2014·南京一模)Scientists have found evidence from their research________painful early experiences can make the nervous system experience pain more strongly in the future.‎ A.where B.what C.that D.when 解析: 考查同位语从句。分析句子成分可知,空处引导同位语从句解释说明evidence的内容,且从句中不缺少成分,故用that引导。‎ 答案: C ‎4.(2014·吉林一模)The fact________this country spends more on its military than on education and health care combined is a serious and worrying thought.‎ A.where B.which C.that D.why 解析: 考查同位语从句。句意为:这个国家在军队上的投入超过教育和健康投入的总和,这是一个很严重且令人担心的事实。that引导同位语从句,解释说明fact的具体内容。‎ 答案: C differ vi.不同;相异 differ from...=be different from...与……不同 differ in...在……方面不同 The expectations and pressures on athletes differ from school to school and sport to sport.‎ 对于运动员的期待和压力,每个学校和体育项目都不尽相同。‎ strike vi.& vt.打;撞击;罢工;袭击;报时;划(火柴);n.罢工 It strikes sb.that...某人突然意识到 be struck by...被……打动;深受感动 The visitors were struck by the beauty of the tourist area.‎ 游客被旅游区的美景迷住了。‎ resist vt.抵抗;对抗;抗拒;抵制;忍住 resist (doing) sth.抵制(干)某事 can’t/couldn’t resist doing sth./can’t help doing sth.‎ 忍不住干某事 Lucy is overweight,but she can’t resist the temptation to eat more delicious food when dining out.‎ 露西体重超重,但是吃饭时她抵制不住美味佳肴的诱惑。‎ ‎(be) bound to (do)... 一定或注定(做)……;有责任或义务(做)‎ Facing so many people,you are bound to have disagreements.‎ 面对这么多人,你一定会遇到不同意见。‎ ‎【写作素材】‎ ‎1.很多人反对克隆人,甚至有的国家禁止科学家对克隆人进行研究。‎ ‎2.他们很沮丧,因为克隆人在道德上不合理。‎ ‎3.然而,另外一些国家不同,他们支持医学克隆。‎ ‎4.事实上,很多国家都在进行着医学克隆,并取得了很大的突破。‎ ‎5.因此,我们不能抵制它。‎ 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。‎ ‎【连句成篇】‎ Many people object to cloning humans,and some countries forbid scientists to do research into human cloning.They feel cast down because it is not morally reasonable.However,other countries quite differ.They are in favour of medical cloning.Actually many countries are undertaking it and have obtained great breakthroughs.So we are unable to resist it.‎ 同位语从句 ‎1.(2014·江西重点中学协作体第一次联考)________was known to them that the boss had broken his promise________he would give them a rise.‎ A.What;what B.It;which C.It;that D.As;that 解析: 考查固定句型及名词性从句。句意为:他们知道,老板违背了给他们涨工资的承诺。第一空为It be known to sb.that...结构,意为“某人知道……”,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的that从句;第二空用that来引导同位语从句,来解释说明promise的具体内容。‎ 答案: C ‎2.(2014·江西上饶市一模)—Jane gets on well with her classmates.‎ ‎—Yes,I have no idea________she gets on well with her classmates.‎ A.how B.what C.that D.which 解析: 考查同位语从句。句意为:Jane和她的同学们关系融洽。是的,我不知道她是如何和同学相处的。根据句意可知,应用how来引导同位语从句 ,解释说明idea的具体内容。‎ 答案: A ‎3.(2014·南京名校阶段考试)—Are you in favour of Tom’s suggestion________we work around the clock to meet the deadline?‎ ‎—No.But________Jimmy suggested to me sounds practical.‎ A.which;what B.that;that C.which;that D.that;what 解析: 考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,第一空引导同位语从句,是对suggestion的解释,且从句中不缺成分,故用that来引导。第二空引导主语从句,并在从句中作动词的宾语,故用what引导。‎ 答案: D ‎4.(2014·江苏南通调研)A project has recently been launched by the charity organization________people should donate books to remote mountainous schools.‎ A.that B.what C.which D.as 解析: 考查同位语从句。句意为:那个慈善机构最近发起一项活动,即人们应该向偏远山区的学校捐书。根据句意可知,空后的内容是对A project的解释说明,且句子不缺少成分,故用that引导同位语从句。‎ 答案: A ‎5.(2014·吉林省部分重点中学检测)The problem will appear________a different welfare system will be created.‎ A.unless B.whether C.until D.if 解析: 考查同位语从句。句意为:是否创立一个不同的社会福利体系这个问题将会出现。这是一个分隔式的同位语从句,根据句意可知用whether来引导此同位语从句,表示“是否”。if一般不引导同位语从句,故排除D项。如果选A的话,后半句应该用一般现在时,即The problem will appear unless a different welfare system is created。‎ 答案: B

