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‎ 2019年北京市九年级英语中考模拟试卷含答案 英 语 试 卷 学校 姓名 准考证号 ‎ 知识运用(共14分)‎ 一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)‎ 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎1. — Is that ________book ? — No, it’s not mine . It’s Mary’s. ‎ A. her B. my C. your D. his ‎2. — When will Mr. Black come to Beijing? ‎ ‎ — ______ September 5.‎ ‎ A. In B. At C. Of D. On ‎3. —__________ are you going next Sunday?‎ ‎ —I’m going to Shanghai.‎ A. Where B. What C. When D. Who ‎4. — Who sings ______, Lily or Jane? ‎ ‎ — Jane, of course.‎ ‎ A. well B. better C. best D. the best ‎ ‎5. —Must I return this book tomorrow? ‎ ‎ —No, you ________. You can keep it until next week.‎ ‎ A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t ‎6. I like taking photos, _____my cousin doesn’t like it.‎ ‎ A. and B. but C. or D. so ‎7. — I ____________at this time yesterday. ‎ ‎—Me, too.‎ ‎ A. will cook B. is cooking C. cooked D. was cooking ‎8. Every year many foreigners ________ to China to learn Chinese.‎ A. come B. have come C. came D. will come ‎ ‎9. Don’t go out! It __________now. ‎ A. rains B. will rain C. is raining D. was raining ‎10. —Your Chinese is pretty good, Tom . ‎ ‎—Thanks a lot. Because I________ it for about three years.‎ A.learn B.have learned C.will learn D.learned ‎11. — Who’s the little baby in the photo, Susan? ‎ ‎— It’s me. This photo __________ten years ago.‎ A. takes B. is taken C. took D. was taken ‎12. Great changes have taken place in China. Who can tell ____ in another five years?‎ A. what it will be like B. how it looked like C. what will it be like D. how did it look like 二、完形填空(共8分,每小题1分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。‎ Barry was going through a very difficult time in his life. His wife recently died. She and Barry had many happy years together. Without his wife, Barry felt that life was meaningless.‎ For months, Barry stayed in his house all day. Feeling 13 . . His friends and his family tried to get him out of the house and encourage him to start doing things, but they were not successful.‎ One day, Barry s neighbor, a very old woman named Gertrude, called him to come to the fence in front of her house.‎ ‎“Hello, Barry! Look at this fence. it's 14 . You are a strong man, and you have some free time. I want you to fix this fence for me, " said Gertrude __15__.‎ Barry wasn't happy. He thought he was the one who 16 help and support, because ‎ he recently lost his .wife. He thought the old lady was being very rude. However, he knew she was too old to fix the fence herself, so he agreed to fix her fence.‎ Barry worked on the fence for days. When he finished, Gertrude was very thankful, and Barry_17 for the first time in months.‎ ‎“Barry, you did such a wonderful job fixing my fence. Do you think you could 18 it for me?”Gertrude smiled at him .‎ Barry couldn’t believe she was asking for more 19 . Didn’t she know how sad he was? But because they had been neighbors for years, Barry agreed. He worked hard painting the fence. He felt proud of the beautiful fence he was painting.‎ Over the next few weeks, Gertrude kept giving Barry jobs. He repaired her door and even built a beautiful patio(露台)for her. Barry no longer felt that life was meaningless. He finally 20 that she was never being rude. Instead, she was wise and she saved him.‎ ‎13. A nervous B. excited C. sad D surprised ‎14.A.new B broken C. strange D. beautiful ‎15. A. angrily B. carefully C. rudely D. directly ‎ ‎16. A needed B. got C. offered D. refused ‎17. A cooked B smiled C slept D. traveled ‎18. A paint B buy C build D. clean ‎19.A. advice B. money C. help D. attention ‎20.A hoped B. worried C remembered D. realized 阅读理解(共36分)‎ 三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)‎ A ‎ ‎ Silver Star Movie Theatre Johnny the Superhero Mrs Blaze looks at her son angrily and says, “Your dad and I are super heroes. Your little sister’s a superhero. Even the dog!” But young Johnny knows that things will be different when he goes to Super School. Or will they?‎ Rated 12‎ Today’s showtimes:‎ ‎11:20 | 1:30 |3:40 |5:50 |8:05 | 10:20‎ Star girl ‎ A young girl sees something fall to Earth one night. When she discovers its secret, her life can never be the same again. Meanwhile, a crazy scientist is busy planning an experiment that could make him a very, very rich man…‎ Rated 15‎ Today’s showtimes:‎ ‎11:30 | 1:20 |3:10 | 5:00 |6:50 |8:40 |10:30‎ ‎ Super Three: Game Over The exciting team is back! But so is the evil(邪恶的) Doctor Max, who has formed a new group of Alan the Alien It is a heart-warming story by the best-selling children's author Ella Wood. Alan, an alien boy who comes to Earth to learn about ‎ powerful creatures to help him. Can Power-Man, Speedster and Elastico stop him this time?‎ ‎ ‎ Rated 15 ‎ Today’s showtimes:‎ ‎11:00 | 2:30| 4:30 | 6:30 | 8:30 | 10:30‎ ‎ human society, travels the plane and discovers many problems facing the environment. A touching story with a clear green message…‎ Rated 12 ‎ Today’s showtimes:‎ ‎11:30 | 2:00| 4:00 | 6:20 | 8:30 ‎ Adults – $12.50 | Students & Seniors --$9.00 | Children under 12 – $6.50‎ Don’t forget HALF-PRICE MONDAYS and TWO-FOR-ONE TUESDAYS!‎ G General—Suitable for all audience(观众)‎ PG Parental guidance – Audience under 12 must be with a parent ‎12 Audience must be 12 or over ‎15 Audience must be 15 or over R Restricted – Audience must be 18 or over ‎21. Which movie has the most showtimes?______.‎ A. Johnny the Superhero B. Star girl C. Super Three: Game Over D. Alan the Alien ‎22. A student wants to watch a movie on Sunday, he should pay ______ for it.‎ A. $12.50 B. $6.50 C. $4.50 D. $9.00‎ ‎23. Alan the Alien is about__________.‎ A. an alien boy B. a family of superheros ‎ C. a young girl and a crazy scientist D. an exciting team B A Passion(热情)for Driving It was a Friday morning, 7:30 am. I felt too lazy to drive my car, so my son booked an Uber. In five minutes, the Uber reached our door. I checked the cab number and got inside the car. I was busy searching my bag for an important paper, so I just said, “Please, go quickly! I’m in a hurry!” The driver replied, “Yes, ma’am!” I was surprised when I heard a female voice. I stopped for a second and looked at the driver. She was a young lady. Maybe around 30 or 32 years old. I had never had a female Uber driver before. I became interested in why she chose this job. I started the conversation, “If you don’t mind, can I ask you some questions?” “Yes, ma’am! No problem,” she said. “I guess you are well-qualified,” I said. “Yes, ma’am! I have completed my education. I have even gotten my MBA.” “What made you choose to do this job?” I could see her smiling face in the rear-view mirror(后视镜). I love driving. I don’t care how big or small my job is. I wanted a job where I can get satisfaction. I haven’t made much money from it yet, but as I told you, I love ‎ driving! That’s all there is to it.” Very politely, she said, “Driving has been my passion since childhood. Of course, I respect each and every job. In this case, at least I realized my dream. 24. When the author first got into the cab, she was surprised because ___________. A. she entered the wrong cab B. she couldn’t find an important paper C. she was running late D. she noticed the driver was a woman 25. Which of the following is NOT true about the driver? A. She was well- qualified. B. She was young. C. She earns good money by driving. D. Her childhood dream was to be a driver. 26. What do you think of the driver?‎ A. Well-educated. B. Lazy. C. Impolite. D. Funny.‎ C ‎ When you're not at home,many worries may start to crowd your mind.Did I turn the coffee maker off?Did I lock the door?Are the kids doing their homework or watching television?With a smart home,you can quiet all of these worries.‎ A smart home is a home with a communication network.This network connects devices(装置),such as lights and TV sets,and allows them to be controlled from far away through electrical wiring,mobile phone communication or WiFi over the Internet.‎ More and more people may start to consider owning a smart home,because it makes life much more convenient.It can help keep your room at a certain temperature.It can record what happens inside the home and send the video to your phone.When you are on vacation abroad,you can use a smart home controller to switch on or off the electricity ‎ when necessary.Some smart homes can receive a visitor,allowing him to come in and offering him a drink.They can even feed the cat and water the plants.‎ Besides,smart homes are easy to fix.Most smart home technology and devices are wireless and can be set up with a minimum of tools,using only the guiding information.When a problem appears,you can deal with it yourself without paying a professional.‎ However,for home﹣users,the smart home technology is far from perfect.It can be rather expensive to own the technology and the devices.Also,because the smart home system allow its owner to get home information from anywhere,it leaves the home easy to be attacked by hackers,who may secretly use or change the information in the system.‎ Now,many scientists are excited at the future of smart home technology.Imagine being able to get fashion advice from your mirror,or receive food shopping suggestions from your refrigerator.While there are others who worry that those smart devices will make people lazier and lonelier.Whatever it is,one thing is for sure—smart home technology will change the way we live and work.‎ ‎27.According to the passage,what can a smart home lock the door through? ‎ A.Electric lights.‎ B.Mirror technologies.‎ C.Mobile phones.‎ D.Shopping programs.‎ ‎28.What is the third paragraph of the passage mainly about? ‎ A.The steps to use smart systems.‎ B.The prices of smart programs.‎ C.The advantages of a smart home.‎ D.The tools for setting up smart devices.‎ ‎29.What's the writer's opinion according to the passage? ‎ A.People will become less happy in the future.‎ B.People's life style will be different in the future.‎ C.Mobile phones are the most important in smart homes.‎ D.Smart homes are much better than other smart systems.‎ D Building Kids’ Fun ‎ Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, Snow White and Winnie the Pooh...every kid dreams of the day they’ll get to visit these famous characters, and ,most important of all, the magical world of a Disney theme park. And five very lucky kids get to experience all the excitement as often as they’d like in their grandpa’s backyard—no waiting in lines necessary.‎ A Fullerton, California grandfather was inspired to create something so fun in his own backyard that his grandkids would always want to visit.‎ Steve Dobbs, 68, said his grandchildren got easily bored with a toy train that he got them to play with in his backyard. Lucky for them, he happened to be an amazing aerospace engineer(航空工程师).‎ ‎“My younger grandkids are nuts about Disneyland,” Dobbs told The Orange County Register website.” I wanted to give them a reason to come over to my house to ‎ spend time with me, and Disneyland is tough to compete with.”‎ It all started with a “Small World” themed ride and it’s only grown from there over time. The mini theme park is full of the same kind of princesses, castles(城堡), trains and tunnels(隧道) you’ll see at the actual Disneyland park, which happens to be not too far from the Fullerton home.‎ It’s now complete with attractions inspired by Disney movie favorites such as Finding Nemo and Frozen.‎ And as the kids got older, their grandpa was sure to provide them with the full theme for a roller coaster(过山车). Dobbs is a professor at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and he asked his students to help him build the ride.‎ All in all, the theme park has cost him about $6500(43470yuan) but it’s well worth it. “It’s an old man’s hobby,” Dobbs said.‎ But to his family, it’s so much more than that.‎ ‎“Dobbsland might be miniature(微型的) in size, but it’s huge in the hearts of our family and friends,” Dobbs’ daughter Cori Linder wrote in a blog for the Babble website. “The best part about Dobbsland? Getting in is free”.‎ ‎30. Steve Dobbs built a park in his backyard because __________‎ A. he wanted to create a magical world that was better than Disneyland B. his grandchildren would want to pay him more visits C. his grandchildren asked him to build it for them to play in D. he wanted to show his talents as an aerospace engineer ‎31. What does Dobbs mean by saying “My younger grandkids are nuts about ‎ Disneyland”?‎ A. His younger grandkids are foolish for loving Disneyland.‎ B. His younger grandkids get bored with Disneyland.‎ C. His younger grandkids really love Disneyland.‎ D. His younger grandkids have never been to Disneyland.‎ ‎32. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the grandfather’s theme park?‎ A. It started with a roller coaster.‎ B. It is only open to family members.‎ C. It was built by the grandfather with the help of his students.‎ D. It is located in an area where there is no Disney theme park.‎ ‎33. What’s the most important thing about the backyard theme park?‎ A. Dobbs has tried out his grandchildren’s inspirations.‎ B. Dobbs is proud to have turned his hobby into something huge.‎ C. Admission is free for Dobbs’ family.‎ D. It is highly valued by Dobbs’ family and friends.‎ ‎ ‎ 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)‎ Erden Eruc has rowed across the Pacific Ocean in a rowboat since he left California in November last year. He has been heading for Australia with only birds, fish, and sharks ever since.‎ Crossing the Pacific is only part of journey. Eruc has decided to go all the way around the world using his own energy. He will row, bike, walk and climb the world ‎ without help from any motors at all. His plan includes climbing the tallest top on six of the continents along the way.‎ For the first part of his trip, he rode 5,546 miles from Seattle, Washington to Mount McKinley in Alaska and back, walked 67 miles to base camp, and climbed 20,320 feet to McKinley’s top. Now in the second part of his adventure, he is rowing to Australia.‎ Why would he try to go around the world this way? He explains that he wants to encourage kids to realize their dreams and to get their own goals. He wants to show kids that there might be hard parts along the way, and sometimes they might not even get that final goal. But they can have great adventures and learn a lot along the way.‎ Eruc has already faced some difficulties. For example, winds and waves keep pushing him westward when he wants to go south towards the Solomon Islands. If his luck doesn’t change, he will cheerfully change his plan, and aim to land at Papua New Guinea. In one way or another, he’s sure he’ll get to his next goal: Australia. ‎ When his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people – especially children. He has already visited many schools and shared his story. Eruc encourages all kids to set their eyes on a goal and not give up. He says, “With goals, we will make progress, and we will be farther along than when we started, even if we don’t get some goals. That’s called life!”‎ ‎34. Has Erden Eruc rowed across the Pacific Ocean ? ‎ ‎35. What has Erden Eruc decided to do using his own energy? ‎ ‎36.How many miles did Erden Eruc walk to base camp?‎ ‎37.Where is he going to in the near future? ‎ ‎38. Why would he try to go around the world this way?‎ 书面表达(共10分)‎ 五、文段表达(10分)‎ ‎39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。‎ 假如你是李华,为了帮助贫困地区的人们,你们学校下周五将组织以“友爱、互助”为主题的献爱心捐赠活动。请你给你们班交换生Peter同学写一则捐款通知,告诉他活动的目的,捐赠的时间和地点,以及需要做的准备。 ‎ 提示词语:donate(捐赠), poor children, old people, clothes, books, money ‎ 提示问题: ● Why are you going to hold the activity?‎ ‎ ●When and where are you going to donate the things?‎ ‎ ● What do you advise Peter to prepare for the activity?‎ Dear Peter,‎ How is it going? ‎ I’m writing to tell you to take part in Caring Activity. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 假如你是李华,为了帮助贫困地区的人们,你们学校上周五组织了献爱心活动。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英文网站投稿,谈谈你在这次活动中做了什么,为什么这样做,以及你的感受。‎ 提示词语:donate (捐赠), book, schoolbag, clothes, toy, help, proud 提示问题: ● What did you do in this activity? ‎ ‎ ● Why did you do that?‎ ‎ ● How did you feel?‎ At my school, we held Caring Activity to help the people in the poor areas last Friday. ‎ ‎ ‎ 英语试卷参考答案 一、单项填空 ‎ C D A B CBDAC BDA 二、完形填空 CBDABACD ‎ 三、阅读短文,选择最佳选项。‎ ‎(A)BDA ‎(B)DCA ‎(C)CCB ‎(D)BCCD ‎ 四、阅读短文,回答问题。‎ ‎34.Yes, he has.‎ ‎35.He has decided to go all the way around the world (using his own energy).‎ ‎36.He walked 67 miles to base camp.‎ ‎37.To Australia.‎ ‎38.Because he wants to encourage kids to realize their dreams encourage kids to get their own goals / With goals, we will make progress, and we will be farther along than when we started, even if we don’t get some goals. That’s called life!/To encourages all kids to set their eyes on a goal and not give up.‎ 书面表达 五、文段表达 ‎39.参考范文(略)‎ ‎ ‎

