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‎2016-2017学年第二学期闵行区初三模拟考(2017二模)‎ 英语 试卷 2017.4‎ Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)‎ A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)‎ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)‎ ‎()7. A) Tonight. B) This afternoon.‎ ‎ C) Tomorrow morning. D) Tomorrow evening.‎ ‎()8. A) At the cinema. B) At the railway station.‎ ‎ C) At the airport. D) At the restaurant.‎ ‎()9. A) He's helping his brother work on the farm.‎ ‎ B) He's living in a village with his brother.‎ ‎ C) He's looking for a new house for his brother.‎ ‎ D) He's trying to find a place to live in.‎ ‎()10. A) John. B) Johnson. C) Ben. D) Peter ‎()11. A) Doctor and patient. B) Policewoman and driver.‎ ‎ C) Husband and wife. D) Waiter and customer.‎ ‎()12. A) Because there is someone in the house.‎ ‎ B) Because there is something wrong with it.‎ ‎ C) Because the man turned it on just now.‎ ‎ D) Because the man forgot to turn it off when he left ‎()13. A) Once a day. B) Twice a day.‎ ‎ C) Three times a day. D) Four times a day ‎()14. A) She wants more fish. B) She wants to leave now.‎ ‎ C) She doesn't like the fish. D) She doesn't want to eat more.‎ C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)‎ ‎()15. Mr. Brown lived in a large house by himself.‎ ‎()16. Mr. Brown was rich and money was his favorite.‎ ‎()17. Mr. Brown was robbed on the way home in the afternoon.‎ ‎()18. The robbers took him to the forest and left him some food and drink.‎ ‎()19: The old woman helped Mr. Brown and shared her food with him.‎ ‎()20. Mr. Brown would probably become a better man D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(10分)‎ ‎21.A lot of people go to     for their holidays.‎ ‎22. Arrangements were made for a band(乐队)to play outdoors in a public park      for a week.‎ ‎23. The man was     a chair, wearing a waterproof(防水)hat and coat.‎ ‎24. After     ,the conductor of the band went to this man and asked whether ‎ he had a special request ‎25. The man was the keeper of this park, and he wanted to lock the gates and     ‎ Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar ‎(第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)‎ ‎26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others ?‎ ‎ A. Smoking is harmful to our health.‎ ‎ B. There is a warning a sign on the wall .‎ ‎ C. Tom is a big fan of cartoon films ‎ ‎ D. My mother bought some fish in the market .‎ ‎27. Kitty is _______honest girl . She never tells lies and we like her very much .‎ ‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎28. Some Chinese tourists lost _________lives in Malasin’s boat accident.‎ A. them B. themselves C. their D. theirs ‎29. Many young people enjoy drinking coffee while _________prefer to drink tea.‎ A. others B. other C. another D. the others ‎ ‎30. Look , there are so many ________on the farm in the countryside .‎ A. duck B. sheep C. horse D. pig ‎ ‎31. All students must wear summer uniforms ________September , early October , late April , May and June .‎ A. in B. by C. at D. of ‎ ‎32. Sam’s father travels to Tokyo , the capital of Japan , ________business once a month .‎ A. from B. about C. to D. on ‎ ‎33. ---_________is fifteen minus five ?‎ ‎ ----Fifteen minus five is ten .‎ A. How long B. How soon C. How much D. How often ‎ ‎34. _________interesting it is to welcome the first snow in the Year of the Rooster!‎ A. What B. How C. What a D. What an ‎ ‎35. The young dancer from France looks ________in the long skirt .‎ A. happily B. gently C. beautifully D. lovely ‎ ‎36. The two men used to argue with each other to prove who is ________.‎ A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest ‎37. The plan ________be discussed any more . We have made our decision .‎ A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. oughtn’t ‎ ‎38. Beijing has made history in winning the bids to host both the summer ________winter Olympic games.‎ A. but B. or C. so D. and ‎ ‎39. ___________the training in the wilderness is not easy , I still want to have a try .‎ A. If B. Although C. When D. Until ‎ ‎40. The hit show Chinese Poetry Competition on CCTV _________a nationwide popular program since last winter holidays.‎ A. is becoming B. has become C. became D. becomes ‎ ‎41. The ceremony of the 89th Oscar(奥斯卡) Awards _______in Los Angeles on February 27, 2017.‎ A. is held B. was held C. has held D. hold ‎ ‎42. He’d rather ________the underground to the city center because it’s fast and convenient.‎ A. to take B. taking C. takes D. take ‎ ‎43. Stop _________. It is easier to cut your friends off than help.‎ A. to complain B. complain C. complaining D. complained ‎ ‎44. ----I’m so nervous , I’m afraid I can’t remember everything .‎ ‎ -----____________.‎ A. Take it easy . B. Don’t say so C. That’s a good idea D. What a pity !‎ ‎45. -----Thank you so much for helping us with our luggage .‎ ‎-------__________‎ A. The same to you B. I’d love to ‎ C. Thank you D. You are welcome ‎ Ⅲ.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)‎ A. clean B. lamp C. changed D. special E. On the other hand ‎ There have been some strange laws in the past . In the times of Peter Great in Russia , rich people weren’t allowed to have beards (胡子). If they wanted to keep their beards , they had to pay a _______tax (税) to the government .‎ ‎ In eighteenth-century England , people had to pay “window tax” for each window in their houses. However , this law was finally _______because many people chose to live in houses without windows so that they didn’t have to pay !‎ In the nineteenth century, female teachers in the USA couldn’t get married , or even go out with men .‎ ‎ If they got engaged (订婚), they had to give up their jobs immediately .‎ ‎_________, male teachers could get married and have children without any problems !‎ If you travelled in any motor vehicle in nineteenth-century Britain , the law said that ‎ here must be someone in front of you, waving a red flag, or at night time a red ___49___. This meant, in practice, that you couldn’t travel at more than about eight kilometers per hour!‎ ‎46. _________ 47. __________ 48. __________ 49. ___________‎ A. only B. problem C. hot D. leave E. stayed ‎ In the Midwest of the USA in the 1880s, you were not allowed to eat ice cream sodas on Sunday. Restaurant owners solved this ___50___ by serving ice cream without soda, which became known as a “Sunday”or “sundae”.‎ ‎ Also there are some more unusual laws from around the world. In Singapore, people who like to chew gum(口香糖)must ___51___ Singapore. The government really wants to keep the city clean and will fine you for chewing gum.‎ ‎ In Thailand it’s against the law to drive a car or motocycle without a shirt on, no matter how ___52___ it is. Punishments(惩罚)are different in different areas and can include warnings and tickets costing about $10. No joke - the local police will stop you.‎ ‎ Don’t buy things using coins in Canada. The Law of 1985 doesn’t allow using ____53____ coins to buy things. Even the use of the dollar-coin is limited. The shop owner has the right to choose whether to take your coins or not.‎ ‎50. ________ 51. _________ 52. __________ 53. __________‎ IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(8分)‎ ‎54. Be careful with the ________. They may cause a fire.(match)‎ ‎55. The reference book with _______ chapters will help you a lot in the examination.(ninth)‎ ‎56. The smart sweeping robot can clean the floor by _________.(it)‎ ‎57. Ben is interested in physics and wants to be an _________ in the future.(invent)‎ ‎58. The city government has decided to ________ this street because of the heavy traffic.(wide)‎ ‎59. My grandmother tells me to _______ the ingredients together in a bowl.(mixture)‎ ‎60. Free WiFi makes it possible for customers to surf the Internet ______ in malls.(easy)‎ ‎61. Many people _________ the new president and don’t agree to his new laws.(like)‎ V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67题,每空格限填一词。)(14分)‎ ‎62. The new car cost Mr. Smith a lot of money.(改为否定句)‎ ‎ The new car _______ _______ Mr. Smith much money.‎ ‎63. His aunt has never been to another country.(改为反意疑问句)‎ ‎ His aunt has never been to another country, _______ _______?‎ ‎64. John didn’t have his dinner and went to bed last night.(保持句意基本不变)‎ ‎ John _______ to bed _______ his dinner last night.‎ ‎65. They got up early in the morning to see the sunrise.(对划线句部分提问)‎ ‎ ________ ________ they get up early in the morning?‎ ‎66. According to the plan, we will plant more trees this spring.(改为被动语态)‎ ‎ According to the plan, more trees will _______ _______ this spring.‎ ‎67.“Have you got enough time to finish your homework?” Mum asked May.(改为宾语从句)‎ ‎ Mum asked May ________ she ________ got enough time to finish her homework.‎ ‎68. be possible, for, it, would, visit my company, you, to, next time(连词成句)‎ ‎ _____________________________________________________________________________‎ Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)‎ VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解):(共50分)‎ A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)‎ Here is a report on school in the United States of America.‎ ‎1 Introduction ‎ Some of you may wonder : What are schools in the US like ? Are there more activities than schools in Hong Kong ? Are there more teachers ? This report aims to answer some of these questions ‎ ‎2. Education system ‎ ‎ There are two types of schools in the US: public and private schools . Students studying at public schools do not have to pay tuition fees (学费) because the schools get funding (资金) from the government . Private schools ,however , have to seek their own funding , so they may charge parents a high fee.‎ Students in the US have three years of preschool education . They enter elementary school at the age of six . There are four different ways for them to get their high school diploma(学位证书)。‎ ‎3. Student-teacher ratio (比例)‎ In the US, the student-teacher ratio in secondary schools is about 10:1 . That means each teacher has to take care of about ten students . In Hong Kong , the ratio is roughly 25:1.‎ ‎4. School uniforms ‎ ‎ Most schools in Hong Kong require students to wear uniforms with school badges (校徽) on them . Students who are improperly dressed are punished . Unlike Hong Kong , only 13% of schools in the US require students to wear uniforms.‎ ‎5. Extra-curricular activities ‎ American schools give a high priority (优先)to sports , clubs and activities . The two major sports for American students are football and basketball . Schools may sell “spirit” shirt to wear to inter-school competitions and raise money .‎ There are also some cultural groups such as music groups , marching bands and debate teams .‎ ‎6. Conclusion ‎ There are some differences between schools in the US and Hong Kong , but the schools in these two places have one common goal: to provide an enjoyable learning environment for students .‎ ‎69. According to Section 2 of the report , what is the major difference between public and private schools in the US?‎ A. Students studying at public schools have to pay a higher fee.‎ B. Private schools do not get money from the government ‎ C. There are more students studying at private schools ‎ D. Parents prefer private schools to public schools .‎ ‎70. The underlined word “ them “ in Section 2 refers to _______.‎ A. American students ‎ B. elementary schools in the US ‎ C. high schools in the ‎US D. the four ways to get a high school diploma ‎71. The underlined word “roughly “ in Section 3 means ________‎ A. already B. also C. altogether D. about ‎ ‎72. ________in the US require students to wear uniforms.‎ A. All of the schools B. Half of the schools C. More than half the schools D. Less than half of the schools ‎ ‎73. According to Section 5, the two major sports for American students are ________.‎ A. football and volleyball B. football and basketball ‎ C. basketball and cycling D. football and skating ‎ ‎74. According to the conclusion of the report , schools in the US and Hong Kong ______‎ A. are completely different ‎ B. get funding from the government ‎ C. want to create a good learning environment ‎ D. do not have any common goals ‎ B. Choose the words of expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)‎ Do you know who Lewis Carroll is ? Yes! You are right . He is the writer of the famous story ----Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Many people described Lewis Carrol as shy . He wasn’t very good in social situations. He didn’t talk much . One of his college students even said his classes were extremely _____75___. But children thought very differently of him . When he was with children , he was funny and imaginative . He ____76____puzzles and games , and created stories that children loved . Those children included Alice , the daughter of a colleague , and her two sisters , Lorina and Edith .‎ ‎ It seems that Lewis Carrol was a wild flower that only bloomed when children were around .‎ ‎“ Tell us a ____77___, please , Mr. Dodgson,” the three girls asked .‎ ‎‘ Alice was beginning to get very ___78____-sitting by her sister on the side of the river and of having nothing to do . She wanted to do something new and happy . Suddenly , a white rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her .,’ he began . He continued for a few minutes , and then stopped . That’s all until next time.‎ The girl complained ,so he offered to go on . That day the stories came out __79_____. He seemed relaxed in his role as storyteller and told many stories.‎ Lewis Carroll included Alice and her sister in the stories with Alice as the most important character . The other character included an Englet(named for Edith) and a lorry ( a kind of parrot ) named after Lorina. That day , in particular , Lewis Carroll’s stories were really interesting .‎ Later , Alice begged Lewis to write the stories down , and he agreed ._____80_____, it wasn’t until two and a half years later that Lewis finally gave her a dark ,green leather notebook ----Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.‎ ‎75. A. simple B. boring C. pleasant D. helpful ‎ ‎76. A. invented B. played C. solved D. found ‎77. A. poem B. song C. book D. story ‎ ‎78. A. angry with B. excited about C. tired of D. fond of ‎ ‎79. A. one after another B. again and again C. with great care D. sooner or later ‎ ‎80. A. Especially B. Instead C. Immediately D. However ‎ C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分)‎ The South Lakes Mall Opening hours ‎ shops Mon-Fri ‎10 a.m ---9 p.m ‎ Sat ‎9a.m------8p.m ‎ Sun 10. a.m ----5 p.m Park ‎9 a.m –5 p.m in winter ‎ ‎ 9. a.m ----8 p.m in summer ‎ We have thousands of visitors every day . Our b____81_____day of the week is Friday . To avoid the crowds , come on a Monday or Tuesday .‎ Inside the mall ‎ When you arrive , go to one of our information offices to get a m______82____. It can show you where the shops and restaurants are . There is one information office by the main bus stop and another at the bottom of the escalator which goes up to the cinema.‎ The shops are a___83____on the ground floor and you will find everything , from specialized furniture stores to clothes shops and department stores as well as restaurants , a bowling alley and a swimming pool. On the first floor above the pool you will find a 12- screen cinema and two nightclubs . If you wish , you can buy entrance tickets for any of these facilities except the nightclubs from the information centers. Before 5 pm , prices of entrance tickets are r___84____for students and the over-sixties . They pay less money for the tickets .‎ If you wish to stay overnight , the information centers can give you a list of accommodation in the area , ranging from grand hotels to Bed and Breakfast accommodation .‎ O____85____the mall ‎ Make time to visit the 30 acres of parkland which surround the mall . Boats for up to six people can be hired and taken out for $21 an hour.‎ Travel ‎ The mall is located one mile from the main road . Just follow the signs from the junction (会和处). There is free parking for 10,000 cars and there are six car parks . Car parking spaces are quite near. W___86______for less than five minutes and you can find one. Remember where your car is parked by looking at the colored signs ----No car parks uses the same color and each level in the car parks is ‎ numbered.‎ It is just easy to visit the mall by t___87______. There is a railway service every 15 minutes from Central London . When you reach Barnwell station , jump on a number 19 bus to the mall . It’s a five-minute journey and there’s a bus every 15 minutes .‎ D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(共12分)‎ Justin Trudeau , the 23rd Prime Minister (总理) of Canada was born on December 25,‎1971 in Ottawa. He is the second youngest Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.‎ Justin Trudeau clearly liked to be in school , and was reported to have been a good student , attended ‘ College Jean-de-Brebeuf and graduated from McGill University in 1994 and the University‎ of ‎British Columbia in 1998 . After graduating , he taught primary school math and high school French , humanities and drama on the West Coast . In 2005 he began a master’s degree in environmental geography at McGill‎ ‎University but gave up after one year. He used his public profile (形象) to become popular for various causes and acted in the 2007 TV mini-series . The Great War , Eight years after his father’s death , Trudeau entered politics , Trudeau won the leadership of the Liberal Party (自由党) in April 2013and went on to lead his party to victory in the election.‎ ‎ Trudeau’s wife, Gregoire was classmate and childhood friend of Trudeau’s youngest brother, Michel. They first met when they were both children growing up in Montreal. They married on May 28,2005, at a Roman Catholic Church. Now they have three children.‎ Last year, he took an official trip to China for a week. In Beijing, he talked about trade and investment with the most-powerful men in the Chinese leadership, including President Xi Jinping. Trudeau also visited Shanghai. He coached a kids’ basketball team when he was visiting a high school. Justin Trudeau gave instructions from courtside to his team, called the Raptors. The team faced an opponent(对于) coached by former National Basketball Association star Yao Ming. “It’s important to take a stand on issues that matter to you,” Trudeau, a former teacher, told hundreds of cheering kids who crowded around the court before the friendly game. In Hangzhou he attended G20 meeting. Trudeau was expected to continue efforts to promote Canada as an international forward in the fight against climate change.‎ ‎88. Justin Trudeau is the second youngest Prime Minister in Canada, isn’t he?‎ ‎89. When did Trudeau graduate from McGill‎ ‎University?‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎90. How many Chinese cities did Trudeau visit last year according to the article?‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎91. Which team did Trudeau’s team fight against in a high school in Shanghai?‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎92. What did he encourage other countries to do at G20 meeting?‎ ‎ _______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎93. What do you think of Justin Trudeau? Why?(Give at least two reasons.)‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Ⅶ. Writing(作文)(20分)‎ ‎94. Write a letter to your American pen-pal Tony in at least 60 words according to the given situation(根据所给情景给你的美国笔友Tony写一封不少于60词的回答。要求内容适切,意思连贯,标点符号不占格。信的开头、结尾和署名已给,不计入总字数。)‎ ‎ 假设你是小明(Xiao Ming),是美国中学生Tony的笔友,你收到了他的来信。请给Tony写一封回信,回答他的问题,介绍上海良好的公共交通服务。‎ ‎(注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)‎ ‎2016-2017学年第二学期闵行区初三模拟考(2017二模)‎ 英语 试卷 2017.4‎ ‎2017闵行区中考二模答案:‎ ‎1-6 FBADEC ‎7-14 DCCABDBD ‎ ‎15-20 TTFFTT ‎21. the seaside 22. every evening 23. sitting in 24. an hour 25. go home ‎ ‎26-30 BBCAB 31-35 ADCBD ‎ ‎36-40 BCDBB 41-45 BDCAD ‎ ‎46-49 DCEB 50-53 BDCA ‎ ‎54. matches 55. nine 56. itself 57. inventor 58. widen 59. mix 60. easily 61. dislike ‎ ‎62. didn’t cost 63. has , she 64. went, without 65. Why , did 66. be planted 67. if/ whether , had ‎ ‎68. It would be possible for you to visit my company next time.‎ ‎69-74 BADDBC ‎ ‎75-80 BADCAD ‎ ‎81. busiest 82. map 83. all 84. reduced 85. Outside 86. Walk 87. train ‎88. Yes , he is .‎ ‎89. In 1994‎ ‎90. He visited 3cities ‎ ‎91. The team coached by (former National Basketball Association star) Yao Ming ‎92. He encouraged other countries to move forward in the fight against climate charge .‎ ‎93. He is well-educated (intelligent , wise , friendly ,etc) Because he learned a lot and established his goals in life and became a successful man. Besides , being a leader , he encouraged other countries to move forward in the fighting against climate change ----(any reasonable answer is ok )‎ 听力文本 ‎ 闵行区中考英语质量抽查试卷 Part 1Listening (第一部分听力) ‎ I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解} ‎ A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片,每个句子念 两遍。) ‎ ‎1. The boys like to play basketball at weekends. ‎ ‎2. My younger brother is fond of collecting stamps. ‎ ‎3. Smoking is not allowed in public now. ‎ ‎4. They live happily in a big house in the countryside. ‎ ‎5. Jack and Tom often meet each other when they drive home. ‎ ‎6. Mr. Jones quickly took his old bag and threw it out of the window. ‎ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,对话和问题都念两遍。) ‎ ‎7. M: Alice, would you like to go shopping with me this evening? ‎ W: I‟m afraid not, Bill. I'm busy tonight. But tomorrow evening is OK. ‎ Q: When will Alice go out with Bill for shopping? ‎ ‎8. M: Excuse me, when is the next flight to New York? ‎ W: The next flight to New York is two hours from now. ‎ Q: Where are they talking? ‎ ‎9. W : Has your brother found a house yet? ‎ M: No, he's still living in a village far away from the city, and I'm looking for a new house for him. ‎ Q: What is the man doing? ‎ ‎10. M: I think John runs faster than Ben, doesn't he? ‎ W: Yeah, I agree with you. But Ben runs faster than Peter. ‎ Q: Who runs fastest of the three? ‎ ‎11. W: Your driving license, please! ‎ M: Sorry, madam, I've just begun to learn to drive, so... ‎ Q: What's the possible relationship between the two speakers? ‎ ‎12. W : Look at the light. Somebody must be in the house. ‎ M: Nobody. I forgot to turn off the light when I left this morning. ‎ Q: Why is the light in the house still on? ‎ ‎13. W: You don't look alright. What's wrong with you? ‎ M: I'm afraid I have got a bad cold. ‎ W: Sorry to hear that. Well, don't worry. Take the medicine twice a day and you'll befine soon. ‎ Q: How often will the man take the medicine? ‎ ‎14. W: Dear, this restaurant is very nice. Let‟s come here more often,shall we? ‎ M: No problem, honey. Have some more fish. ‎ W: Thank you,dear. The fish is very delicious, but I've had enough. ‎ Q: What does the woman mean?  ‎ C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列 句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示,短文念两遍。)  ‎ Mr. Brown lived alone in a large house. He was rich and greedy. Everyone knew him as the most greedy man. He spent his clays counting his money. Money was what he liked best in the world, and never shared or spent. He never invited anyone home and never gave a gift to others. He only drove out once a year to collect money from the poor farmers. ‎ ‎   One day, when Mr. Brown returned home in the evening, coming from a successful day of collection of money, the car was stopped by robbers. He shouted for help, but failed. The robbers took off his clothes, forced him to wear broken ones, and took him to the forest far away in the countryside. They left him without food or drink. He was cold and hungry. Luckily, he was saved by an old woman nearby. She was poor and lived in a small house. She shared her food with Mr. Brown although she had so little. Mr. Brown felt sorry for his behavior over all those years. He decided to change his life and promised to be a better man. ‎ D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词,短文念两遍。) ‎ ‎    A lot of people go to the seaside for their holidays, and the various towns try to organ¬ize performances for them. ‎ ‎     In one seaside holiday town in the south of England, arrangements were made for a band to play outdoors in a public park every evening for a week. Unfortunately it rained the first evening,and although the band performed well,there was only one person in the audience because the band was under cover, but the audience were not.‎ The man was sitting in a chair,wearing a waterproof (防水)hat and coat. After an hour, the conductor of the band went to this man and asked whether he had a special re¬quest.‎ ‎    The man said that he had the special request. He wanted them to finish the perform¬ance as soon as they could. The man was the keeper of this park, and he wanted to lock the gates and go home. ‎

