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短文填空解题技巧 姓名:_______________ 班级:_____________座号:_________________‎ ‎ 解题技巧一:动词变形 解题技巧:‎ ‎1.如何确定是谓语还是非谓语?‎ (1) He _____ born in 1785 in Fujian Province.‎ (2) It ________ him a month to collect the opium(鸦片)from the foreign traders.‎ (3) The market wasn’t too far away, so they ______ a bus to the market.‎ (4) In May ,1918, Lu Xun used his pen name for the first time and published the first short story _______ A madman’s diary.‎ (5) He wanted to find something to________ but failed. There wasn’t anything in the fridge.‎ ‎2.动词作谓语时注意其时态与语态(被动)的形式变化 ‎(1)The company says the watch can be ________ in different ways.‎ ‎(2)It is difficult for children under eight to remember what to do at certain. The smart watch is _________ to help them. ‎ ‎(3)At the same time , we can see how seriously the water is __________. There isn’t enough clean water for people to drink.‎ ‎3.所添动词作非谓语动词时三种基本形式(do, doing ,done):与前一个动词要搭配一致。‎ ‎(1)Every runner ran as fast as he could , and I tried my best to run faster. I could hear my classmates and teachers cheering for me. It made me ________ with energy and I ran faster and faster.‎ ‎ (2)On weekdays, he has to ______ at least three hours finishing his homework every day.‎ 解题技巧二:修饰限定(组词)——形容词、副词、限定词、代词在短文填空中应用 解题技巧:‎ 判断考点 → 想基础知识 ‎1. When he grew up, he was______ official in13 province for more than 40 years.( 可数名词前有_________修饰)‎ ‎2.Lu Xun was not only a short story writer, an editor, but also a translator and a poet. People all over the world love _____ works. ( 名词前还可以有_________)‎ ‎3.He was the _______ hard-working in the company.(形容词的_______级)‎ ‎4.To improve my grammar, I listen to the teacher ________ and take notes in class. (修饰动词常用-ly副词) ‎ ‎5.I was so _______ because I won the first prize for my class.【系(be/feel/seem/sound等)+表(adj)】‎ ‎6.Everything is ______ as long as you try your best to do it.(系+表)‎ ‎7.When holidays comes, thousands of Chinese people will travel to other countries. They want to relax __________.(搭配:relax oneself . 用反身代词代替oneself)‎ ‎8.All in all, if we are polite______, no foreigners will look down upon us.(副词________修饰形容词)‎ ‎9.When we learn a foreign language , we should read as ________books as we can. (as+原级+as)‎ ‎10.They tell children it is time for _______ to do some everyday activities like brushing teeth, feeding the cat, watching the flowers and getting ready for school.(句型:it is time for sb. to do sth.)‎ ‎11.When the film group meet_____ Smiths, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs Smith and their two sons are so crazy about technology that they hardly do things together.(一家人:the+姓氏复数)‎ ‎12.Next, don’t go home alone at once. You are __________ in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift.(than提示:用所填形容词的比较级)‎ 解题技巧三:“连”天下——并列连词和状语从句连词在短文填空中应用 ‎1.并列连词: and, or(否则), but, not (only)…but (also), neither…nor ‎ ‎2.时间状语从句:when/ while/ as , before, after, since, until(till), as soon as ‎3.原因状语从句:because ‎4.条件状语从句:if , unless, as long as ‎ ‎5.让步状语从句:although/though, even if/even though ‎6.目的状语从句:so that ‎7.结果状语从句:so…that…, such…that…‎ ‎8.比较状语从句:than, as…as…‎ 解题技巧:‎ 判定所需要的连词→ 句意确定连词→代入连词,检查复核 练习一:根据句意判断两个句子的关系,填写所缺的连词。‎ ‎1. It is important to protect yourself ______ you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed.‎ ‎2. However,_______ you like the mobile phone or not, it has already affected our lives and played an important role in the history of human beings.‎ ‎3. As______as he arrived, he ran to his mother happily and offered his wild strawberries.‎ ‎4. __________she had many marathons(马拉松)before, Mrs. Smith still spent months in running training.‎ ‎5. As teenagers, we should always keep safety in mind. But how can we keep safe? ______ we remember the following information, our life will be much safer.‎ ‎6. A kilo of rice needs 1,000 kilograms of water. Farmer need water to water the plant, _____ we will be in hunger.‎ 练习二:根据所填空的前后部分之间的关系来填写所缺的连词。‎ ‎ At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. We call the day “Volunteer Day”. On the day, we often go to the old people’s home (1)__________ help them do the housework. The old people are very happy (2)______________ every year we organize this kind of activities several times. (3)_________________ we don’t do much for them, they are thankful to us. They are lonely, and they need people to accompany(陪伴) them often and chat with them. (4)_______________ everyone can do something for the lonely old people, they will be happier.‎ 解题技巧四:固定搭配法——短语、句型和常用搭配在短文填空中应用 解题技巧:‎ 寻找搭配→ 补全短语(句型)→代入固定搭配,检查复核 ‎ With the environment becoming worse and worse, more and more people realize the ‎ importance of protecting the environment . But there are still some people paying less (1)_________ to it. They are still doing something harmful to the environment.‎ ‎ Last Sunday, I went to the Plant Garden to enjoy (2)________. When I stepped into the gate of the garden, I felt comfortable at first because I could enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful flowers and trees. To my (3)__________, I saw a man lying in a sleep net that is hanging(4) ________ two trees. I thought this kind od behavior would hurt the trees. How could he protect the environment by hurting the trees like that? Without trees, how could we get the fresh air? I don’t know how to express my anger. I think (5)_________is our duty to protect the environment . So something must be done to stop this kind of behavior. ‎ 解题技巧五:上下文寻词——根据上文或下文的提示,填入一个相关的名词和代词。‎ 解题技巧:‎ 寻找关联词→ 填入相关的名词或代词→检查复核 ‎ 1.Josh and Amy’s parents worked to be able to provide for their _____. They need money to pay for their home and to pay their bills. Next year they want to buy a new car. The family also wants to go on a vacation to California. Josh and Amy need clothes, books and other things for school.‎ ‎ 2.Josh and Amy’s mother leaves for work at 7:00 in the morning and does not get home most days until 6:30 pm. The same is true for their father, but _____ leaves home in the morning even earlier.‎ ‎ 3.Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of _________.‎ ‎ 4. Today many people visit Chinatown. ______ has special Chinese gates and walking areas for visitors.‎ ‎ 5.We usually speak to ______ closest friend or our dearest family member during time of unhappiness to feel better.‎

