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10 Australia Module Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football . Scenery Food games Animals Warming -up What do you know about this country? Scenery Ayers Rock Great Barrier Reef Sydney Opera House Food ham beef salad Animals sheep kangaroo koala games Lead- in riding surfing football Kangaroo is a kind of special animal in Australia. Surfing is popular in Australia. There are lots of sheep in the fields. People use the scissors to cut the wool off the sheep. 1. 掌握下列单词和短语: period, relative, salad , grape lazy, spirit, surf, relationship 2. 理解 that 引导的定语从句 (1)The food that Australia like most are ham and beef with lots of salad. (2)The game that they like most is Australian football. (3) The Aborigines are the people that have lived in Australia from the earliest times, and their ancient stories describe the spirits that created the world. 3. Learn to introduce a country that you have travelled. 4. 阅读技巧:标注和扫读 学习目标 grape s ham salad beef Australia is a big country that produces lots of delicious food. surfing Australia football lying in the sun Australia is a beautiful country that is popular for.... horse riding swimming 阶段;时期 n. period relative 亲戚 n. relationship 关系 n. spirit 精灵;神灵;精神 n . be surprised at 对 ... 感到惊奇 New words and expressions 懒惰的 adj. lazy Reading and vocabulary Look at the pictures , guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. Pre-reading an Aborigine Ayers Rock Look at the pictures and describe them. This is an Aborigine that lived earliest in Australia. This is a kangaroo that is a special animal . Surfing is a sport that is very popular in Australia. We can see many sheep in the fields. Now guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. According to these pictures, Tony is going to _____ _____ ________ in his letter. Australia introduce 2. Read passage again and find: five colours: 2. three animals: 3. four kinds of food: 4. four sports: sheep; kangaroo; horse ham; beef; salad; grapes Australian football; swimming; surfing;lying in the beach dark blue, yellow , purple, red , green Read para and complete 1 Notes about Australia Ayers Rock _______ kilometres long and _____metres high, during different _______, it turn blue,purple ,yellow, and red colours. A _____ of local Aboriginal culture. The Aborigines the people that have lived in _______ from ____ ____ times. 3.6 348 centre Careful- reading periods Australia the earliest Australian way of life The food that ____ _____ ______ are ham and beef with lots of salad. They also grow ______ and other fruits. They love all sports, but the game that they like most is ________ _______. They also love going to the beach for swimming and _____ or just ____ in the sun. Australians like most grapes Australian football Read para and complete 2 Careful- reading surfing lying Weather Although it is December, it is ________ over here.The sun is_____. The countryside is_____ There are lots of______ in the fields and on the hills. summer bright green sheep Read para and complete 3 Language Australians speak ______ ,but ___ ___ ___ ____ English in their own way Read para and complete 4 Careful- reading Tony is staying near Ayers Rock. They took a plane tour over the rock, and he was_______ (surprise) at how big it was! During different periodsof the day, the colours of the rock ___ ( 动词) dark blue, purple, yellow and red. Ayers Rock is a centre of Aboriginal culture. The Aborigines have a close ________ ( 名词) with the British and their ancient stories describe the spirits that______ (creat) the world. They like going to the beach for surfing or just ____( lie) in the sun.The game that they like ___ (副词) is Australian football. they are like us in many ways .There are lots of ______( sheep ) in the fields and on the hills.They speak English but in their ____ ( 形容词 ) way. 语法填空 surprised turn relationship created lying most sheep own surfing Summary Homework 1.Finish the exercises in the workbook.

