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宁夏回族自治区2021年初中学业水平暨高中阶段招生考试 英语模拟试卷(三)‎ 二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ When Charlie got up one morning,he looked from the window,and saw that the ground was covered with __16__ .On the side of the house,the snow was higher than Charlie.‎ ‎“We must have a path___17___this snow,” said his father.“I would make one if I had time.But I must be at the office early this morning.Do you think you could make the path,my son?” he asked little Charlie.“I?Why? The snow is higher than __18___ ! How could I ever cut a path through that snow?” “How? You can do it little by little.I hope you will __19__it,” said the father.Then his father __20__ his office.‎ Later,Charlie set to work.He threw up first one shovelful (满铲),and then another,but it was __21___work.“I don't think I can do it,Mom,” he said.“A shovelful is so little,and there is so much snow.” “Little by little,Charlie,” said his mother.“That snow __22___flake(片) by flake,but you see how much it has made.” “Yes,Mom,I see,” said Charlie.“The snow will soon be gone __23__ I throw it away little by little.” So he worked on.‎ When his father came home to dinner,he was __24__ to see the fine path.The next day was Charlie's birthday,the father gave little ‎ Charlie a pen as a __25__,with yellow letters “Little by Little” on it.‎ ‎(B)16.A.leaves B.snow C.ice  D.sand ‎(C)17.A.behind B.under C.through D.above ‎(A)18.A.me B.you C.him D.her ‎(C)19.A.get B.clean C.try D.pick ‎(B)20.A.looked after B.left for C.came into D.cleaned up ‎(B)21.A.easy B.slow C.funny D.strong ‎(A)22.A.fell B.grew C.flew D.arrived ‎(B)23.A.until B.if C.but D.before ‎(D)24.A.interested B.sad C.angry D.pleased ‎(B)25.A.toy B.gift C.lesson D.meal 三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)‎ A Boys and girls,we have some interesting and fun things for you this term.Have a good time.‎ English Club For the seventhgrade students Time:Tuesday afternoon and Friday evening Place:Room 301‎ Tele:77459312‎ Math Exam For the ninthgrade students ‎ Time:on Monday,March ‎ ‎20th Place:Room 306 ‎ PS:Top 10 will get a ‎ surprise A Talk For all students Time:14:30-16:30,April 25th Place:in the school hall Topic:How to Learn ‎ English Well Singing Competition For the eighthgrade students ‎ Time:on Thursday,May ‎ ‎23rd ‎ Place:in the music room ‎ Tele:58172352‎ ‎(C)26.Where will Tom,a ninthgrade student,probably be at 3:00 p.m.on April 25th?‎ A.In Room 301. B.In Room 306.‎ C.In the school hall. D.In the music room.‎ ‎(B)27.How often do the English club members ‎ practice spoken English?‎ A.Once a week. B.Twice a week.‎ C.Three times a week. D.Four times a week.‎ ‎(B)28.How many students will get a surprise after the math exam?‎ A.4. B.10. C.20. D.306.‎ ‎(A)29.Where may you see this notice?‎ A.In a school. B.In a shop.‎ C.In a hospital. D.In a restaurant.‎ B If you are easily angry or too tired,maybe you need better sleep.Start with the following simple sleep tips.It may help you get ‎ ‎ better sleep.‎ Keep a sleep schedule Go to bed and get up at the same time every day,even on weekends and holidays.If you don't fall asleep in 15 minutes,get up and do something helpful so that you can feel relaxed.Go back to bed when you're tired.‎ Care what you eat and drink Don't go to bed either be hungry or be full.Or it can keep you up.If something you eat has nicotine(尼古丁),caffeine(咖啡因) or alcohol (酒精),it can influence the quality of sleep.‎ Keep a bedtime habit Do the same things each night to tell your body it's time to calm down.You can take a warm shower,read a book,or listen to relaxing music.Don't use the TV set or other electronic devices as part of your bedtime habit.‎ Limit daytime naps If you have some naps during the day,you will be active and can't fall asleep quickly in the evening.Limit the naps in the daytime.‎ ‎(B)30.If you don't fall asleep in 15 minutes,you should ______.‎ A.never sleep again B.get up and do something relaxing C.get up and eat something ‎ D.be angry with yourself ‎(D)31.Which of the following can't influence your sleep?‎ A.Nicotine. B.Caffeine. C.Alcohol. D.Milk.‎ ‎(B)32.Before going to bed,you can do the following EXCEPT ______.‎ A.taking a warm shower ‎ B.playing computer ‎ C.reading a book D.listening to relaxing music ‎(B)33.The advice of “Limit daytime naps” mainly tells us that______ .‎ A.the naps during the day are bad for your health B.you should have fewer naps during the day C.you shouldn't have any naps at all during the day ‎ D.you'd better fall asleep quickly in the evening C Today the phone is as common as water in our daily life,but when telephones were invented over 140 years ago,people believed that they were very dangerous.‎ In 1876,most people didn't accept that electricity was safe to hear a human voice through the phone.In fact,they thought that it might kill them.‎ Alexander Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson had no such ‎ fears.On the morning of 10 March,1876,Bell spoke into his invention,“Mr.Watson,come here.I want to see you.” Mr.Watson was excited,because he did hear these words on his receiving machine in the next room.‎ However,it took a few more years for the talking machine to win people's hearts.Bell had to help people overcome the fears about electricity and convince (说服) people that such a machine was useful.We can laugh at this now,but in 1876,people seriously asked,“But what use could it possibly have?”‎ Today,when we walk along a busy street,we could talk with friends on the phone.Our world has surely changed,hasn't it?‎ ‎(C)34.Water is mentioned in Paragraph 1 to show that the phone is ______.‎ A.easy to use B.not that expensive C.now widely used D.a danger to people's health ‎(A)35.When was the phone invented? ‎ A.On 10 March,1876. B.On 10 May,1876.‎ C.On 10 March,1877. D.On 10 May,1877.‎ ‎(B)36.How did Watson feel when he heard Bell's word?‎ A.Safe. B.Excited. C.Angry. D.Worried.‎ ‎(D)37.It took many years for the phone to win ‎ people's hearts because ______.‎ A.they thought it was too heavy B.they preferred to talk face to face C.they didn't have enough money to buy it D.they thought it was dangerous and useless D ‎(临时演员——Emily)‎ When people discover that I work as a film and TV extra(临时演员), they always ask me the same questions: Emily, is it easy to get work? Isn't it boring? Do you get to meet famous actors? Does it pay well? My answers are pretty standard as well: Yes, sometimes, once in a while, and… kind of.The life of an extra is both more interesting and more boring than you might imagine.‎ Extras, who play the people in crowds, on streets, or in the background of indoors scenes, can come from all walks of life.Unlike many extras, I'm a trained actor.I do get real speaking roles, but work can be hard to come by if you are not a popular star.I'm registered(注册) with an agency that deals only with extras, so I get calls all the time.The agency explains who I'll be—someone in the crowd, a member of a jury, a clerk —and tells me where to go.Call time is usually bright and early, so I try to get to bed as a reasonable hour.‎ Sometimes being an extra is a “hurry up and wait”job.In my first extra role, I was one of the group of office workers who come out of a ‎ building just as a car explodes(爆炸) in the street.We waited for hours for the scene to be shot, and then went in and out of the building about fifty times, trying to act terrified by an explosion which was not real.Then we had lunch, changed clothes and spent the afternoon as customers in a department store.‎ It may sound like I don't enjoy the work, but I do.Being part of the background in a convincing(令人信服的) way is challenging, and being on a film or TV set is always fascinating.A lot of famous actors don't even notice the extras, but the ones who do make the job a lot of fun for everyone.As for the money, it's nothing compared to what the big actors make, but it pretty much pays the bills.And, as_a_bonus,_I've beaten my high scores on all my phone games, thanks to all the time I spend sitting around, waiting for something to happen.‎ ‎(C)38.Emily gives standard answers because ______.‎ A.she is proud of her job B.she wants to hide her feelings C.she thinks it's unnecessary to explain D.they are the exact answers to the questions ‎(B)39.What does Emily think of her job?‎ A.Busy. B.Enjoyable. C.Fashionable. D.Easy.‎ ‎(A)40.In Paragraph 4, another way to say the underlined words “as a bonus”would be .‎ A.above expectation B.as a result C.in general D.after all ‎(B)41.We can infer that Emily ________.‎ A.often pays the bills for others B.sometimes has to get up very early C.has beaten all the form game players D.was in face of danger in her first extra role E Alibaba's smart “Future Hotel”—FlyzooHotel—has opened in Hangzhou.Now open Alipay and book a room there for yourself!‎ When you enter the hotel,you're in a great empty hall.There is no front desk,no cashier(收银员) and no hall manager.Go ahead,and you'll see a metertall robot waiting for you.Just look at it for two seconds,it will scan(扫描) your face and check you in.‎ As soon as you get to the elevator(电梯) door,it will recognize you and open for you.Then you will be taken to the floor of your booked room.All the equipment(设备) in the room is controlled by artificial intelligence(AI).Whether you want to turn on or turn off the TV,the light or the air conditioner,or even ask for the password of the WIFI,just say what you want,and the little Tmall Genie(天猫精灵) in the room will help you out.‎ Robots can be found everywhere in the hotel.They would guide you ‎ by providing voice messages and be with you during your stay at the hotel.‎ Even if you're hungry at midnight and want to order food,all you have to do is speak to the head of the bed.The smart robot will send your food to your room.If you want to sing karaoke,exercise,or swim,you can go to the hotel fitness room at any time.Just have your face scanned and you can enter.‎ It's even easier to check out.Just open Alipay and pay,and then you can pack up your bag and leave!‎ ‎(A)42.If you want to turn on the TV,you should ______.‎ A.speak out the order B.record your voice C.push a button on the wall D.give the order on the phone ‎(B)43.Tmall Genie works as a ______.‎ A.hotel manager B.house keeper ‎ C.room cleaner D.safe guard ‎(C)44.According to the writer,you can in FlyzooHotel ______.‎ A.cook meals in your room B.enjoy free food at any time C.sing karaoke at midnight D.leave the hotel without checking out ‎(D)45.The passage is mainly about ______.‎ A.what future hotels are like B.how AI robots work C.artificial intelligence D.Alibaba's smart hotel 非选择题 (共55分)‎ 四、听力 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 听短文,然后根据表格提示和所听内容完成下列各小题(每空一词)。‎ ‎ David's 46.Saturday ‎ ‎ In the ‎ morning ‎ Look after his grandmother because she has47.heart trouble.‎ ‎ In the ‎ afternoon ‎ Go to the old people's home.Clean the rooms,wash clothes and 48.read newspapers to the old people.‎ Put up signs to tell more people about the cleanup of the 49.city park.‎ ‎ In the ‎ evening Help his parents 50.do choresto develop his independence.‎ 五、语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)。‎ Chris Whitehead made headlines (头条新闻) when he showed up for class in his younger sister's black skirt.Chris was unhappy with a rule at his school.According to the rule,girls were 51.allowed (allow) to ‎ change into skirts during hot weather,while boys had to wear long trousers.‎ ‎“Wearing trousers makes you feel uncomfortable and it may cause heatstroke (中暑),” 52.the ninth grader argued.‎ The school that is famous 53.for its excellent education and it started the rule several years ago.The rule required that students should wear black trousers or skirts,but did not say exactly whether it was for boys 54.or girls.This 55.meant (mean) that although shorts were not allowed,boys were free to choose 56.skirts (skirt).‎ The local TV station reported Chris' story.The host showed his support for Chris by 57.wearing (wear) a skirt live on air (现场直播).Finally,the 9yearold student won—his school has 58.made (make) the decision that boys can wear shorts at school.Chris felt very happy to hear that.And his parents also took great pride 59.in him.“We hope that what Chris has done could encourage other young people to say no bravely to any 60.unfair (fair) things in their lives,” they said.‎ 六、单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 根据下列短文,写出与各小题所给汉语相对应的英语单词的正确形式 (每空一词)。‎ Why do Chinese people, in the past or even sometimes today call their sons “dog son”? ‎ Being modest(谦逊的) is a very important part of Chinese ‎ 61.culture (文化).The use of the term “dog son” is a good example of this.‎ Chinese people 62.believe (相信) that dogs are humble(卑下的) animals.When Chinese parents use “dog son” to refer to their sons,they are showing modesty.Most parents do want their children to be 63.successful (成功的),of course.However,they don't usually talk about this in front of others.Instead,they try to play it down.This is similar to how even rich Chinese people 64.sometimes (有时) call their houses “Hanshe”,which means “my humble home”.Although Chinese people are modest about themselves,they praise others a lot.‎ They call their own sons “dog son”,but others' sons “Linglang”.This is a respectful 65.way/method (方式) to say “your son”.When people want to praise both a father and a son,they say “A tiger father does not breed(养育) a dog son”.A similar saying in English might be “Eagles do not breed doves (鸽子)”.‎ 七、综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 从下面方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确形式填入短文中,使短文通顺正确(每个词或短语只用一次)。‎ ‎ take,necessary,record,quick,young,at the age of,‎ at the same time,come up with,challenge,secret ‎“Start!” Hearing the order,Que Jianyu began to solve three Rubik's Cubes (魔方) 66.at the same time —two in his hands and one between his feet.The cubes were turned so 67.quickly that they dazzled ‎ (使……眼花缭乱) the audience.Soon,Que set a new Guinness World Record—it only 68.took him 1 minute and 36.39 seconds to solve three Rubik's Cubes.That's just one of the 69.records that the 13yearold from Xiamen has set.‎ Que started playing with Rubik's Cubes 70.at the age of six.He became the 71.youngest person to finish a Rubik's Cube while blindfolded (被蒙上眼睛) at around 8 years old.‎ His 72.secret is to remember formulas (公式).So far,he has remembered more than 100 formulas.He 73.came up with his own formulas as well.Besides,practice was 74.necessary too.To figure out how to solve a Rubik's Cube with his feet,he practiced every day during the summer holidays.‎ Que enjoys taking on new 75.challenges.“Once you set up your mind,you will succeed in doing everything,” he said.‎ 八、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在每小题句子空白处填入适当词语,使其意思与短文内容一致 (每空词数不限)。‎ The 24th Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou,Hebei Province.It's the first time for China to hold such games.Beijing will improve its medical and health services with Zhangjiakou,to meet the special challenges from the Games.‎ Winter sports athletes(运动员) are likely to get hurt,but we have ‎ little special medical experience as a young winter sports country.To improve medical support,we will take action early to train our medical workers.‎ With three years to go before the Games,the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics organizing committee (组委会),together with local health and sports centers,has decided to teach the doctors and nurses how to ski and make emergency (紧急) preparations for the Olympics.The activity will be held both in Beijing and Zhangjiakou.The organizing committee says that it has chosen 41 hospitals and 7 disease prevention centers to be official medical partners of the Games.They will open an Olympic green lane for every facility (设施).‎ There are many skills that the medical workers should have.English speaking and skiing are two important skills for the medical teams.Hundreds of medical professionals from Beijing and Hebei are now receiving English and ski training.The medical workers are also trained to get to the injured athlete in the shortest time.They will also know how to work with the local government to make sure the green lanes are clean both on the ground and in the air.‎ ‎76.It's the first time for China to have Winter Olympic Games.‎ ‎77.Medical workers are trained so early because we don't have much special medical experience for the Games.‎ ‎78.The medical workers are mostly from Beijing and ‎ Zhangjiakou(Beijing and Hebei) .‎ ‎79.English speaking and skiing are the most important skills that the medical workers should have.‎ ‎80.The passage mainly tells us how people prepare for/get ready for the 2022 Winter Olympics.‎ 九、书面表达 (共1题,满分15分)‎ 随着年龄的增长,你周围的事物也发生了很大变化。请根据以下提示,以“Great changes around me”为题,写一篇短文。‎ 写作要点:1.过去:道路狭窄(narrow),房屋老旧,空气……河水……;2.现在:路面洁净、宽阔,交通便利,高楼林立,蓝天白云,满城绿树鲜花,小鸟歌唱,人们……;3.感受……‎ 写作要求:1.要点齐全,省略号处须作适当发挥,但不要逐句翻译;2.语句连贯,条理清晰,详略得当,书写工整;3.文中不得出现任何真实的信息(地名、校名和人名等);4.80词左右,短文的题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Great Changes Around Me In the past few years,great changes have taken place around me.The roads used to be narrow and crowded.The houses were old and small.The air wasn't fresh enough.Sometimes,there was terrible smell.The river was polluted badly and there was rubbish in it.‎ Nowadays,the roads are wide and clean.It's really convenient for people to go out.Lots of tall buildings have been built in the city.Most of ‎ us have moved to big beautiful houses.The sky is blue and the cloud is white.The birds are singing happily.Our country is rich and strong,we are living a happy life.I'm sure as time goes on,our life will become better and better!‎

