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话题写作(六) 计划与安排 第一篇 教材考点梳理 典例分析 【话题点睛】主要涉及的话题有活动安排、假期计划、人生目标等。  假如你是来自杭州的学生李华,你的外国好友Tom给你写了一封电子邮件。 请你根据邮件内容,给Tom回一封邮件,并邀请他来杭州游玩。 From Tom To Li Hua Subject Plans for the summer vacation! Hi, Li Hua, The summer vacation is coming. I have some plans. First, I plan to read some books. Reading can open up my eyes. It can enrich my knowledge. Then, I want to learn to swim. Swimming is an important skill in our life and it's really interesting. Lastly, I'd like to visit my uncle in Australia. What about your plans for the coming summer vacation? Please share with me.    Best wishes. Yours, Tom [注意] 1.词数:80左右; 2.邮件中不能出现与本人相关的信息。 [参考词汇] 有意义的 meaningful; 经典文学作品 classic literature works; 社会实践活动 social practice activities 【思路点拨】 1.要点提炼:主题是暑假的计划,主要可从三个部分展开叙述: (1)第一段引出主题——谈论“我(Li Hua)”的计划。 (2)具体描述“我”的暑假计划,主要由四件事情组成。 (3)欢迎Tom来杭州游玩。 2.确定时态:一般将来时。 3.确定人称:第一人称。 【写作架构】 【基础写作】 根据所给提示词补全下列各句。 1.基础句我打算做四件事。(plan) . →升格句总的来说,四件事将使我的暑假有意义。(overall,make…meaningful) . I plan to do four things Overall, four things will make my summer vacation meaningful 2.基础句年轻人将从阅读经典中获益很多。(benefit) . →升格句(使用There is no doubt that…表达) ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. There is no doubt that young people will benefit a lot from reading classics Young people will benefit a lot from reading classics 3.基础句我打算做一名售货员,因为这样我能自己挣钱,并且它将开阔我的视 野。(intend to, open up sb.'s eyes) . . →升格句我打算做一名售货员,因为这样我不仅能自己挣钱,而且也能开阔 我的视野。(not only…but also…) . . I intend to work as a salesman because I can make money by myself and it will open up my eyes I intend to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by myself but also it will open up my eyes 4.基础句欢迎来杭州。(welcome) . →升格句如果你来杭州,我将会很高兴。(if) . Welcome to Hangzhou I will be glad if you come to Hangzhou 【连句成文】 Dear Tom,   I'm very happy to hear from you. In your e-mail, you asked me about my plans for the summer vacation. Now, I am writing to tell you some specific details.   Overall, four things will make my summer vacation meaningful. First, I plan to read several classic literature works. As we all know, classic literature is the representation of the outstanding arts of our nation.There is no doubt that young people will benefit a lot from reading classics.Second, I will spend a month joining in social practice activities. I intend to work as a salesman because not only can I earn money by myself but also it will open up my eyes. At the same time, I will help my mom do housework every day and I will do exercise with my friends in the morning.   I will be glad if you come to Hangzhou. I will show you around some places of interest. I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 拓展积累 【亮点句型】 关于计划 1.I've got a plan for you which may help you learn about Chinese culture. 2.You are going to visit a big farm where you can learn about tea processing. 3.Here are some plans that I want to share with you. 假期安排 1.The summer vacation is coming. Everyone has different plans for it. 2.All of us felt tired but happy. 3.I will never forget the vacation. 4.I think my summer vacation is happy and exciting. 学校活动 1.Our school will have an English party in our classroom on the morning of May 10th, 2020. 2.The various activities can not only provide opportunities for us to relax ourselves but also enrich our minds. 3.Besides, we can develop the spirit of teamwork through the game. 日常活动 1.I'm going to help my parents do housework. 2.Besides, my writing is poor, so I will read some books during my holiday. 3.I will read more to open my mind. 4.I will volunteer to collect rubbish or go to the old people's home to cheer them up. 5.I'll help Mom do some cooking because it is one of the basic life skills. 关于理由表达 1.Because you can learn a lot about tea culture there. 2.You can enjoy it and relax yourselves while listening to pieces of traditional folk music. 3.It's a good chance for you to enjoy the beauty of some famous pieces of folk music. 4.You can take warm clothes there so that you can keep yourself warm. 实战演练 A [2019·德阳]   假如你是李华,你的高中生活即将开始,你的英国笔友Sam询问你高中 的计划。请你用英语根据以下内容和要求写一封电子邮件回复他。 [内容] (1)与新老师和新同学友好相处; (2)参加各种活动,如:体育活动,强健身体; (3)多读书,开阔视野,提高阅读能力; (4)努力学习,提高成绩,尽力做到最好; (5)使高中生活丰富多彩有意义。 [要求] (1)必须包括以上所有内容,并可适当发挥; (2)词数:80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); (3)不能出现真实的人名、校名及地名。 Dear Sam,   I am glad to tell you my senior high school plan.__________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua A One possible version: Dear Sam,   I am glad to tell you my senior high school plan.   In your e-mail, you asked me about my plan of senior high school. First, I will try my best to get along with all my new teachers and classmates. Second, I'll take part in all kinds of activities, such as doing sports to keep healthy. Third, I will read books to open up my eyes and improve my reading skills. Fourth, study hard to improve my grades and try to do my best. Finally, try to make my school life both colorful and meaningful.   All in all, I'll try to have a good time during my senior high school. I am looking forward to your reply.   Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua B   假如你叫Susan, 计划在暑假期间去一个英语夏令营。下面的广告 比较符合你的要求,请写一封信提出申请并咨询相关情况。 Enjoy a Wonderful Time Studying English Sunshine School Course 1: English & Painting Course 2: English & Swimming Time: July 1st—July 10th July 15th—July 24th *Good Prices*Wonderful Service*Amazing Activities [注意] (1)信中应该包括你选择的课程及原因、上课时间以及其他想要询问的信息, 可适当发挥; (2)词数:80左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam,   I am Susan. I am planning to attend a Summer English Camp during the summer vacation. _____ _ _ _   I'm really looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Susan B One possible version: Dear Sir/Madam,   I am Susan. I am planning to attend a Summer English Camp during the summer vacation. I'd like to join the English & Swimming course. I am very interested in English, and I hope to improve my spoken English. Besides, I want to have a cool beach vacation and I'd like to learn how to swim. As for the time, I prefer to have the course from July 15th to July 24th. Could you tell me how much I should pay? I also want to know if there will be a host family and what activities I can join in.   I'm really looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Susan

