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提分专练(一) 校园生活+科普知识 ‎【Group A】‎ Ⅰ. 单词拼写 ‎1.Lucy had a traffic a     on her way home. Luckily, she was not hurt, just got scared. ‎ ‎2.Mr. Black doesn't like traveling. He usually s     at home last summer. ‎ ‎3.I like the nights with t     of stars in the sky. ‎ ‎4.The museum is open every day e     Monday.  ‎ ‎5.The patient has f     into a deep sleep after taking the sleeping pill. ‎ ‎6.In order to make the classes i     and lively, teachers may use some short videos in class. ‎ ‎7.There were no boys in the classroom. They are playing basketball on the p    . ‎ ‎8.The kids clapped and shouted excitedly when the actor a    . ‎ ‎9.I haven't h     from my pen pal since last January. I miss him so much. ‎ ‎10.As the old saying goes, “He who has n     been to the Great Wall is not a true man.” ‎ Ⅱ. 语法填空 ‎  Tessa is now 18 years old. She's leaving her school soon. She remembers her time at school very well. Some of it is good but some of it brings back bad 1.     (memory). Good 2.     bad, they are unforgettable memories for her. ‎ ‎  My first day I'll never forget my first day at primary school. I remember there was a 3.    (fun) smell in the school and I felt really nervous. We were in assembly(集合), and the head teacher was introducing 4.     (he). A girl next to me started asking me questions about my shoes! So, I told her about my shoes. 5.     (sudden) the head teacher looked at me with an angry face. “Be quiet when I am speaking! Go and stand in the corner.” I remember 6.‎ ‎    (feel) so stupid. ‎ ‎  My first teacher I remember her name was Mrs. Simpson and she was our music teacher. She was really pretty and had 7.    ‎ ‎ lovely smile. She had a soft voice and always 8.    (wear) the same sweater! She seemed so nice after that terrible head teacher. ‎ 3‎ ‎  My nickname(绰号)‎ Everyone in the class had a nickname. Some of the nicknames were funny and some weren't very nice. There was a thin girl 9.     was called “spider legs”. I remember they used to call me “mushroom(蘑菇) head” 10.‎ ‎     my hair stuck out(突出) on either side. It made a lasting impression on me. Not a good one. ‎ ‎【Group B】‎ Ⅰ. 单词拼写 ‎1.You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be c     all the time. ‎ ‎2.Because of air p    , it is not always easy to see the blue sky now. ‎ ‎3.All the students are d     into four teams by the teacher to finish the task. ‎ ‎4.The bank is o     the supermarket, on the other side of the road. ‎ ‎5.It is a good habit to brush your t     at least twice a day. ‎ ‎6.My uncle has t     himself French since the year before last. ‎ ‎7.Study hard, or you won't make any p    . ‎ ‎8.My grandma likes to be with the young though she's in her e     now. ‎ ‎9.Many times I t     about giving up, but I kept on. ‎ ‎10.Linda's health has i     greatly since she started on this new diet. ‎ Ⅱ. 语法填空 If you watch the sky for about an hour after the sun goes down, you may see some “moving stars”. 1.     ‎ they are not really stars. They are man-made satellites. And the 2.    (big) of all is the International Space Station(ISS). From May to July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over 3.     earth. And people can see it 4.     their eyes during the time. ‎ ‎  The scientists want to live on the ISS. They think that the best way to learn more about space is to live there.‎ ‎  When the space station 5.    (finish), it will be like a city in space. People will stay and study there with many of the things they have at home. Laboratories, living rooms 6.     power stations are being built. “The ISS is the most expensive program. 7.    (billion) of dollars is spent on it every year. ‎ ‎  Scientists hope that the ISS 8.    (help) us understand the human body better, explore space ‎ 3‎ and study the earth. Kathryn Clark, an ISS scientist said, “It can help us make life on the earth better.” ‎ Sixteen countries are part of the space program: the US, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and 11 9.    ‎ ‎(Europe) countries. China isn't an ISS country, but it has helped with some of the experiments already. In 2003, China sent some rice up to the ISS 10.    (find) out what space would do to it. ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Group A Ⅰ.1.accident 2.stayed 3.thousands ‎ ‎4.except 5.fallen 6.interesting ‎ ‎7.playground 8.appeared ‎ ‎9.heard 10.never Ⅱ.1.memories 2.or 3.funny 4.himself 5.Suddenly 6.feeling 7.a 8.wore ‎ ‎9.who/that 10.because Group B Ⅰ.1.careful 2.pollution 3.divided ‎ ‎4.opposite 5.teeth 6.taught 7.progress 8.eighties 9.thought 10.improved Ⅱ.1.But 2.biggest 3.the 4.with ‎5.is finished 6.and 7.Billions 8.will help ‎9.European 10.to find 3‎

