人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 10 Section A (1a-2d)

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人教版PEP九年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 10 Section A (1a-2d)

Section A (1a-2d) Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Add Your Text Here Brazil Korea Japan the United States Mexico What country is it? China What do people do when they meet for the first time? 1a Brazil People kiss each other when they meet for the first time. What do people do when they meet for the first time? 1a the United States They shake hands. Mexico What do people do when they meet for the first time? 1a Japan They bow. Korea Countries Customs 1. Brazil 2. the United States 3. Japan 4. Mexico 5. Korea a. bow b. shake hands c. kiss Match the countries with the customs. 1a c b a b a Listen and check your answers in 1a. 1b Make conversations about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. Talk about the countries in 1a or other countries. 1c 2a Maria is an exchange student. Last night she had dinner at an American friend’s house. Listen and check (√) the mistakes Maria made. √ √ √ 2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks. arrived at 8:00 come later shake hands wear 2c Role-play a conversation between Maria and Dan. Use the information in 2a and 2b. How was the dinner at Paul’s house last night? Well, it was OK, but I made some mistakes. I was supposed to arrive at 7:00, but... 2d Role-play the conversation. Language points 1 1.You are supposed to shake hands. be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事;被期望做某事。当句子 的主语是人时,它可以用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等,意思 是 “be expected to do sth, or have to do sth.” e.g. We are not supposed to play football on Sunday. 我们不应该在星期天踢足球。 Language points 2 bow v. 鞠躬,弯腰 e.g. Bow to the Queen. 向女王鞠躬致敬。 At the end of the play all the actors came onto the stage and bowed. 终场时,全体演员都走到台前鞠躬致谢。 Language points You’re expected to … be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事/应该要做某事 e.g. He is expected to get through to the finals. 我们期待他进入决赛。 Everyone in the class is expected to take part in the discussion. 希望全班同学参加讨论。 You will be expected to work on Saturdays. 你们星期六要上班。 3 Language points (1)greet v. 和……打招呼;迎接 e.g. Mick greeted her with a kiss on each cheek. 米克亲吻她的双颊以表问候。 The host greeted us at the gate. 主人在大门口迎接我们。 (2)greeting n. 问候;打招呼 e.g. He sends greetings to all the family. 他发信向全家问候。 4 Language points 5 意为“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句,若主语用一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时表将来;若主句用过去时,从句也要用过去时。 e.g. I will call you as soon as I get to Shanghai . 我一到上海就给你打电话。 As soon as I went in, he cried out with pleasure. 我一进门他就高兴地叫起来。 as soon as Language points 6 hold out 伸出 e.g. She held out her hand to take the rope. 她伸手去抓那根绳子。 He laughed, holding out his cup for more tea. 他大笑,伸出杯子要给他再倒点茶。 Language points hold on 抓住; 继续; 坚持; 忍受; (打电话时用语)别挂断 hold up 举起; 阻挡; 耽搁; 支撑; 抢劫; 使停顿; 举出hold back 阻碍; 退缩; 隐藏; 克制; 隐瞒 hold off 不使挨近; 挡住; 耽搁; 离开 hold down 压制; 压缩 hold on to 紧紧抓住; 坚持; 不放弃 hold in 压住; 忍耐; 抑制 Exercises 完成句子 1. 在大多数西方国家,人们初次见面时应该握手。 In most Western countries, people ________________________ when they meet for the first time. 2. 我们怎样才能用正确的方式与美国朋友打招呼? How can we _____ American friends __________________? 3. 你应该问一下该带什么礼物。 You should ____ what gift to take with you. are supposed to shake hands greet in the / a right way ask Exercises 完成句子 4. 如果你被邀请参加会议, 你不应该去晚了。 If you are invited to the meeting, you_______________ to ____ late. 5. 在日本,你应该鞠躬而不是握手。 You are supposed to bow _________________ hands in Japan. aren’t supposed be instead of shaking

