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Unit 2 Self Check What festival is it? How do we celebrate it? Mid-Autumn Festival Halloween What festival is it? How do we celebrate it? Revision Chinese Spring Festival Thanksgiving Day Revision What festival is it? How do we celebrate it? Christmas Dragon Boat Festival What festival is it? How do we celebrate it? Revision Festival When Food Activities Chinese Spring Festival January or February dumplings visit relatives g et red packets Mid-Autumn Festival September or October mooncakes get together watch the moon tell the story Dragon Boat Festival June rice dumplings have dragon boat races Festival When Food Activities Christmas December 25th a big dinner get cards and presents Thanksgiving Day the 4th Thursday of November turkey get together have a big dinner Halloween October 31st chololate and candies make pumpkin lanterns, dress up, have a party Talk about favourite festivals. A: Which is your favourive festival? B:___________________. A: Why do you like____________? B: Because____________. 宾语从句口诀 时态、语序、引导词 学习宾从三注意: 主句若为现在时,从句时态随句意。 主句若为过去时,从句也要用过去。 语序要用陈述序,切莫照般疑问句。 that 引导陈述句,省与不省没关系。 从句若表是否时, if 、 whether 均可以。 特殊疑问作宾语,仍用原来疑问词。 Revision a pretty girl She is a very pretty girl. What a pretty girl she is ! Simple conclusion: What + a / an + adj . + n .+ it is / she is / he is …! Exciting people The people are exciting. How exciting the people are! Simple conclusion: How + adj . + the + n . + is / are! Self Check Complete the passage with the words in the box. 1 spread … around between … and give out business lay relatives Many Western countries celebrate Easter. This holiday is always on a Sunday __________ March 22nd ________ April 25th. It celebrates the beginning of new life. Hens _______ eggs, giving birth to life, so an egg is a symbol of new life. A popular activity during Easter is to hide eggs around your home or garden for friends or __________ to find. between and lay relatives These can be real eggs, but they are more often chocolate eggs. Not only do people ___________ them _________ in different hiding places for an egg hunt, but they also ___________ these treats as gifts. So just like Christmas, Easter creates good __________for supermarkets and chocolate stores. spread around give out business spread … around between … and give out business lay relatives 2 Rewrite these sentences as exclamations. The mooncakes are delicious. ➠ 2. The festival will be fun. ➠ How delicious the mooncakes are! What fun will the festival be! 3. This concert is boring. ➠ 4. I’m really excited. ➠ 5. The band played really loud music. ➠ How boring this concert is! How excited am I! What loud music the band played! 3 Make sentences about a festival / festivals you like using theses words + that / whether / if. I think __________________________________________ ________________________________________________. 2. I know ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________. that mooncakes with yolks are more delicious than the ones without. that the shape of the mooncake symbolizes the full moon at mid-autumn. 3. I believe ______________________________________ ______________________________________________. 4. I wonder ______________________________________ _______________________________________________. that a clean house for the Spring Festival will bring good fortune to my family. whether we will have fireworks at the next Spring Festival. 1. Danny 说他明天出发去上海。 Danny says that he will leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 2. 我想汤姆已经完成作业了。 I think that Tom has finished his homework. 3. 玛丽想知道你能否帮她。 Mary wants to know if you can help her. Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1. The writer said ______ he had a wonderful time there. 2. They wondered __________ she was in New York. 3. Nobody knows __________ he will come back to America next year or not. 4. My father told me ______the earth goes around the sun. that if / whether whether that Fill in the blanks. 5. I know (that) he _______ (join) the League in 1985. 6. I see that they ______________ (play) football over there now. 7. I hear that he _____________ (come) tomorrow. joined are playing will come 1. She wants to know ______ (if / who) you will study in America. 2. The problem is _________ (whether / that) we can catch the bus or not. 3. She says _____ (who / that) she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk. 4. The boy asked the shopkeeper ______ (if / when) Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. if whether that if 1.“Time is money,” he told me.   ( 二合一 ) He told me . 2. “The moon goes around the earth,” Miss Gao told us. (二合一) Miss Gao told us the moon _______ _______ the earth. 3. “I have been to Beijing twice,” He said to us. (二合一) He ______ us _____ ______ ______ ______ Beijing twice. Rewrite the following sentences. time is money goes around told he had been to 4. Are you afraid of Bird Flu? l asked the students . ( 二合一 ) I asked the students_______________ ________ _______ afraid of Bird Flu . 5. I don't know if the students_______ (go) to the mall after supper. If they______ (go) there, please tell me . if (whether) they were will go go 1. He is a clever boy. 2. It is a nice tie. 3. This story-book is very interesting. How clever he is! What a nice tie it is! How interesting this story-book is! Change the sentences into Exclamatory Sentences. / What a clever boy he is! / How nice the tie is! / What an interesting story-book! 4. Your bell is too loud. 5. It is dangerous to play soccer on a busy road. How loud your bell is! How dangerous it is to play soccer on a busy road! Change the sentences into Exclamatory Sentences. ( ) 1. ______ big the tree is! a. What b. How c. What a ( ) 2. _____ weather we had on our holiday! a. What a good b. How a good c. What good d. How good ( ) 3. ______ good boy he is! a. What b. How c. What a d. How a b c c ( ) 4. _____ large the factory is! a. How b. What c. What a d. What an ( ) 5. ______ interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer!   a. What    b. What an    c. How     d. How an a c

