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Section A 3a-3b Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Translation. 1. 请你告诉我怎样去书店好吗? 2. 打扰了 , 你知道我在哪能买到一些邮票 吗? Could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore? Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some stamps? 3. 我想知道公园今天什么时候关门。 4. 银行和超市之间有一个餐馆。 I wonder when the park closes today. There’s a restaurant between the bank and the supermarket. This is Fun Times Park, the biggest amusement park in our city! I’m excited to try the rides! What should we start with? There’s Space World, Water World, Animal World … Oh, could you first tell me where the restrooms are? ... Role-play the conversation in 2d. What can people do at Fun Times Park? Do people always enjoy themselves there? What word would you think of to describe that ride shown in the picture? Do you want to be on that ride? Why or why not? Read and tell the sentences true or false . 3. Alice was scary at first. 4. Alice thinks the new ride is actually fun. 5. He Wei thinks Fun Times Park restaurant serves delicious food. T T F 6. A rock band plays in Water City Restaurant every evening. 7. Alice and He Wei can go later to the restaurant. 1. Alice and He Wei are in Water World. 2. The new ride looks scary. T F F F Read the conversation again and answer the questions below. 1. Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? Because she thought the ride looked scary. She was glad that she tried it, and she found the ride fun. 2. What is special about Uncle Bob’s restaurant? 3. Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why? A rock band plays there every evening. Yes. The restaurant is always busy, so they should get there early to get a table. Pair work Role-play the conversation. 3b Underline the questions or statements in the conversation that ask for information. Rewrite them in a different way. e.g. I wonder where we should go next. Could you tell me where we could go next? Do you know where we can get some good food quickly? I wonder where we can get some good food quickly. Excuse me, could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? We’d like to know when the band starts playing this evening. 1. I was scared at first, but shouting did help. 此句相当于 I was scared at first, but shouting helped. 原句是一种表现强调的句式。英语中 , 可用助动词 do 对谓语动词进行强调 , 构成强调句。 e.g. Please do be careful. I do agree with you. He did warn you other day, remember? 2. You never know until you try something. try: 作名词 have a try 试一试 e.g. Why not have a try ? 作动词 try to do sth. 努力做某事 e.g. Well, we’ll try to finish the homework in time. 那好 , 我们争取及时完成作业。 try doing sth. 表示尝试着做某事 e.g. -- I usually go there by train.  -- Why not try going by boat for a change? try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 e.g. Thank you. I will try my best . 3. I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. suggest 作动词 , 意为“建议 ; 提议”时 , 可接名词。 e.g. Tom, can you suggest any good books for learning English? 可接动词 ing 形式 , 构成 suggest doing sth. 结构。 e.g. I suggested staying there for a few more weeks. 可接 that 从句 , 谓语用“ should + 动词原形”构成 , that 和 should 都可以省略。 e.g. The manager suggested (that) Bob (should) come another day. 4. The restaurant is always busy at that time, so come a little earlier to get a table . 用于“就餐”的语境时 , 形容词 busy 相当于“吃饭人多 ; 餐厅拥挤”的意思 ; 动词短语 to get a table 类似于汉语“定餐桌 ; 占位子”等意思。

