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Unit 8 Section A Grammar Focus Review Translate the phrases. outside the window have fun next-door neighbor at first run away feel uneasy have no idea have fun (in) doing sth. 在窗外 玩得高兴 隔壁邻居 最初; 首先 逃跑 心神不安 一点不知道; 没办法 做某事很愉快 --- Whose volleyball is this? --- It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball. --- Whose book is this? --- It must be Mary’s. J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. --- Whose hair band is this? --- It could be Mei’s. Read the sentences below, paying attention to the colored parts. --- Whose notebook is this? --- It must be Ming’s. It has her name on it. --- Whose French book is this? --- It could be Carol’s. She studies French. --- Whose guitar is this? --- It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. --- Whose T-shirt is this? --- It can’t be John’s. It is too small for him. Read more sentences. must can’t could might 100% probably true 20%-80% possibly true 0 almost not true 表示推测的情态动词 在英语中,表示对某件事物的确定程度,即表示推测的时候,我们通常会用到以下情态动词 : must, might, could, may, can’t, couldn’t 。 可能性: must > can/could > may/might can not (can’t) could not (couldn’t) may not might not 情态动词表推测 一、 must must 表示可能性最大的肯定推测,意思是“一定、准是”。只能用于肯定句。如果要表示“一定不”,应该用 can't 。如果询问可能性时,应该用 can 。 He must know the answers. 他肯定知道答案。 He can't know the answers. 他肯定不知道答案 Can he know the answer? 他知道答案吗? 二、 can / could can 表示推测“可能性”时,一般用于否定句或疑问句。 can 在疑问句中意思是“会,可能”。 He can’t pick her schoolbag up. 他不可能拿了她的书包。 could 表示某事有可能发生或可能是事实。 Don’t eat it. It could go bad. 不要吃它,可能坏了。 The plane could be put off by the storm. 这趟飞机可能会因为暴风雨而推迟。 could 还可用于表示客气、礼貌、委婉的请求语气。 Could you please help me with my homework? 你能帮我完成我的家庭作业吗? 三、 may / might may, might 表示推测“可能性”时,意思是“可能”,“也许”。 might 不表示过去时态,语气更委婉,可能性更小。 may, might 表推测时,可用于否定句,但不用于疑问句。 He may / might not be at home, but I'm not sure. 他可能不在家,不过我也不确定。 情态动词表示推测可以分为以下几种情况 : ★ 情态动词 + do   此结构表示对现在或将来情况的推测和判断 —Do you know where she is now? —I think she might travel in Beijing.      ★ 情态动词 + be doing   此结构表示对现在或将来正在进行的情况的推测和判断。 At this moment, my father can’t be working in the office. ★ 情态动词 + have done      此结构表示对过去情况的推测和判断。 The road is wet. It must have rained last night.  ★ 情态动词 + have been doing     此结构表示对过去正在进行的情况的推测和判断。 Your mother must have been looking for you at that moment. 根据句意 , 从方框中选择正确的情态动词填空 , 每项限用一次。 should, must, can’t, may not, mustn’t 1. That ______ be Lucy. She has gone to      Beijing on business. 2. There _________ be something wrong      with my watch. It isn’t working now. can’t must 3. He ________ know the answer, either. Let’s ask that policeman. 4. You _______ swim in the river. It’s dangerous. 5. You ________ look after your parents when they become older. It’s your duty. may not mustn’t should 用 must, might, could 或 can’t 填空 The toy car _______ be Jim’s. He is the only kid at the picnic. 2. This Mp5 _____________ be Linda’s. I know she has one. 3. The mobile phone ____________ belong to Lucy or Lily. They both have mobile phones. 4. The man _______ be Mr Smith. He has gone to Shanghai and he’ll be back in three days. must could / might could / might can’t 4a Choose the best way to complete each sentence using the words in brackets. 1. A: Where’s Jean? B: I ’m not sure. She __________ (is/might be/must be) in the laboratory . might be n. 实验室 2. A: Everyone is going to the pool after school. B: Really? It ____ ____ (must be / can’t be /could be ) hot outdoors . must be 表示“位移”的动词用现在进行时态表将来,例如:go去 , come 来 , leave 离开 , arrive 到达 , return 回来 , fly 飞。 adv. 在户外,在野外 e.g. I am coming . = I will come. He is leaving for Paris. = He will leave for Paris. 3. A: That ’s the phone. B: Hmm. I wonder who it ___ _______ (must be / could be / should be). could be 4. A: I wonder if there are Jim ’s glasses. B: They ____ _____ (can’t be / might be / could be) his. He doesn ’t wear glasses. can ’t be wonder v. “想知道” (want to know) No wonder + 句子,“难怪.....” e.g. No wonder you are angry. 难怪你会生气。 5. A: I hear water running in the bathroom. B: It _______ __________ (could be / must be / can’t be) Carla. She was thinking of taking a shower. could be / must be A: Many people are wearing coats. B: The weather must be ______________________________. 2. A: Sally has been coughing a lot. B: She might be _______________________. 3. A: This restaurant is always crowded. B: The food _______________________. 4. A: Whenever I try to read this book, I feel sleepy. B: It can’t __________________. 4b Complete these responses. getting colder / cold outside having a sore throat / ill must be delicious be that boring 4c Look at this picture of a room. How much can you tell about the person who lives here? Is it a boy or a girl? What are his / her hobbies? Discuss your ideas with a partner. A: It could be a girl’s room because it’s very tidy. B: I guess so. But it might be a boy’s room because the clothes look like boys’ clothes. Look at the two rooms below. Make guesses about the owner of each room. A : It could / might / can't be ... because ... B : I guess so / I don’t think so. But it might / could / must be ... because ...

