牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit 1Reading (共41张PPT)

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牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit 1Reading (共41张PPT)

Body language Unit 1 Body Language is a form of non-verbal communication. It uses movements or positions of our body to show other people what we are thinking or feeling. It includes body movements, facial expressions, gestures, posture, speaking distance and other non-verbal signals. What is body language? Do you know the following body language? What does each mean? shrug A. I don’t know. B. I agree. C. I’m happy. A. I don’t know. B. I agree. C. Be quiet. put finger in front of the mouth eye contact A. I dislike you. B. I hate you. C. I notice you. hold up one’s head A. I’m proud. B. I’m sad. C. I’m angry. disappointed shy Facial expressions astonished sad confused happy angry Try to use your body to act out the actions below. Action show Stop! Come here. You are very good. It’s OK. Bye-bye. be thankful reel nervous feel sick put up one’s hand look down upon sb. feel proud feel hungry have no idea Thank you! Keep silent /quiet! Well done! / Good! I can’t believe it! /That’s incredible! All right! Number 8 That’s crazy! Come here! What’s the purpose of language? To communicate with others To tell and express our thoughts, feelings, reactions etc. Discussion What is the best example of universal body language? Smile is a bridge to the world! Skim the story and answer the questions. What is the main topic of the story? Where are Debbie and Simon? Who gives Simon advice? Body language. At a travel agency. Mr Young. Read again and answer the questions. Why did Simon not look happy? What are the three aspects of communicating? Why do people prefer to talk to Debbie? Because people always preferred Debbie to him. Speaking, listening and body language. Because Debbie’s body language makes them feel welcome. 4. Why do people not go to Simon for assistance? 5. What happened after Simon decided to sit up and smile at people? 6. Who was the girl that walked over to Simon? Because his body language tells people to go away. A girl entered and sat down opposite him without hesitation. The girl was Simon’s sister. Find the words in the story that have meanings similar to these. to take a brief look at to breathe deeply and heavily to like sb. better than sb. else to show or tell one’s thoughts or feelings to others movement of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling _________ _______ _______ _______ _______ glance sigh prefer communicate gesture 6. the look on one’s face 7. outward or visible aspect of a person or thing 8. a clear and telling mental image 9. help or support 10. to help sb. remember sth . important _________ _______ _______ _______ _______ expression appearance impression assistance remind Try to make sentences with the new words. List the body language between Debbie and Simon. name body language effects Debbie Simon sit up and hold head up, look at customers, always smile, turn head or body towards customers, greet cheerfully look friendly, make others feel welcome rest head on hand, look downwards, never smile, never turn head or body towards customers look unfriendly, make others go away Discussion Discuss Simon’s problems and give suggestions to improve his body language. Imagine you are the boss of the company and you want to employ a man as your assistant. Judging from the body language of the four men, which one will you choose? Why? Four students come to the front and act out different gestures. A. putting both hands in pockets (lazy) B. crossing arms (self-assured, like a boss) C. Looking around from time to time (paying no attention) D. Standing straight with a smile How do you think to use body language to improve your relationship with the people around you? Free Talk Language points 1. The lady glanced at them both, then walked … glance v. & n . 匆匆一看 He glanced at his watch to see if he had enough time to catch the flight. I had no time so I just cast a glance at the headlines of the newspaper. at first glance 咋一看 take (have, cast) a glance at glance, stare, glare 都与“看”有关。 glance: 意为“匆匆一瞥”,是不及物动词,其后必须接介词 at, over 等才可以接宾语。 stare: 意为“凝视”,它也是一个不及物动词,其后通常接介词 at 才能接宾语。 glare: 意为“怒视;瞪眼”,也是不及物动词,其后要接介词 at 后才能接宾语。 2. People always prefer Debbie to me. prefer v. 宁可;更喜欢 I prefer tea to coffee. I prefer walking to cycling. We prefer to eat out. He prefers to watch television rather than to listen to the radio. 3. Communicating is more than speaking and listening. more than 超过 , 多于 , 不仅仅 This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. I'll stay here not more than three days. Modern science is more than a large amount of information. Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. 4. The way you look at people doesn’t give them a good impression , Simon. impression n . 印象 What were your first impressions of Beijing? Her gentleness has given me a deep impression . Punishment seemed to make no impression on the child. I am surprised you got an unfavorable impression of him. impress v . 使 ... 有印象 , 影响 , 印刻 She impressed me with her elegance. / Her elegance left me a good impression. impressive adj . 令人难忘的 There was something impressive about Julia's quiet dignity. without hesitation 毫不犹豫 He accepted the invitation without hesitation. hesitate v . 犹豫 , 不情愿 Never hesitate to turn to me when you are in trouble. She hesitated to hurt the child's feelings. 5. Without hesitation , she went to Simon. 6. Mr Young came over at once and remarked , ... remark v . / n . 说,评论 He remarked that it was time to interview the farmer. The editor remarked that article was well written. He had a habit of making humorous remarks. remark on / upon 就 … 发表看法,评论 It’s not right to remark on his appearance. 7. She wanted to remind me that tomorrow is her birthday. remind v . 提醒 He reminds me of his brother. This story reminds me of my childhood. Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow. Please remind me to post the letter. Complete the sentences by filling in each of the blanks with a phrase from the box in its proper form. The crops will not grow well ____________ rain. 2. Some new graduates ______________ part-time guide at the Youth Travel Agency. for lack of 3. __________________, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child. were employed as Without hesitation without hesitation employ as remind sb. of sth . prefer …to… make a good impression on for lack of in many situations encourage sb. to do sth . 4. As the traffic was bad, I ____________ walking ______ cycling. 5. Her success ___________ me _______ the same thing. without hesitation employ as remind sb. of sth . prefer …to… make a good impression on for lack of in many situations encourage sb. to do sth . 6. The story you have just told _________ me _______an experience I once had. preferred to encourages to do reminds of In many situations made a good impression on without hesitation employ as remind sb. of sth . prefer …to… make a good impression on for lack of in many situations encourage sb. to do sth . 7. ___________________, speaking invitation is more convenient than writing invitation. 8. The new teacher ______________________ the students. He was humorous.

