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‎ ‎ ‎2010届高三英语一轮复习必备精品 必修5 Unit3 Life in the future 高考导航 ‎ 高考命题趋势 ‎ 1. impression一词是高考考查重点词汇。近几年高考中虽然没有直接考查本词用法,但是在很多考查词汇题中间接考到,因此对本词应着重重视。 ‎ ‎2. remind是考纲中四会词汇,考查中侧重其用法remind sb. about/of sth. ;remind sb.+(that)/wh-从句;remind sb. to do sth.。有时可能与其他语法项目同时考查,如在2009福建卷32题中,见真题再现。‎ ‎3. require一词可以考察其后跟doing相当于to be done的形式,类似的词有want,need;也可以从其后跟从句用should+do的形式来考察,考生应准确把握这一点。‎ ‎4.高考关于 take 的考题不止一次考查,对于本单元take up 也曾考到。与take搭配形成的短语往往义项不止一个,因此需要平时多积累多比较,才能正确理解。‎ ‎5. 由while引导的句子应特别注意。我们知道while在不同的句子中可以引导时间状语从句,并列句和让步状语从句,应准确把握,详见“重难点解析” 。‎ ‎6.本单元语法是是过去分词作状语和定语,其重要性不用多说,考生需要多做相关练习,慢慢体会,准确理解,方可在此类试题上不失分。‎ ‎【真题再现】‎ ‎1.The ______ on his face told me that he was angry.(NMET 2006湖北) A.impression B.sight C.appearance D.expression 【解析】选D。语境为:他脸上的表情告诉我他生气了。 A项表“心里留下关于某事、某人的印象”,B项表“视力、情境”,C项表“表面、外表”,而D项基本义为“表达、词组”,但其也可引申为a look on a person’s face表情,故选D项。‎ ‎2. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed ________ my memory. (2003上海春季高考题)‎ A. to B. over C. by D. on ‎【解析】选D 固定搭配 sth impress on sth else, be impressed on/upon sth“给……留下了印象”。‎ ‎3. not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. (2009福建卷32)‎ A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded ‎【解析】选B考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词做状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语the manager,非谓语动词与句子主语是被动关系,且其表示的动作在谓语动词set out之前已经发生,非谓语动词用过去分词,选B ‎4. China has got a good for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization. (2009安徽) .‎ A. reputation B. influence C. impression D. knowledge ‎【解析】选A 本题考查名词的用法。四个近义词来区分.从句意及空格后面的介词入手,表达“中国在.....上面有着较好的威望”应接介词for. Influence和.impression后接on.。 Knowledge后则习惯用of.‎ ‎5. -------He says that my new car is a ____________ of money.‎ ‎-------Don’t you think those words are just sour grapes? (09山东)‎ A. lack B. load C. question D. waste 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎【解析】D 考查单词的区别:lack缺乏;load负担;question疑问;waste 浪费;根据句意,尤其是下句的sour grapes(酸葡萄)可知答案选D。‎ ‎(NMET 2004上海卷第54题)‎ ‎6. To keep healthy,Professor Johnson____ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired A. took up B. caught on C. carried out D. made for ‎【解析】答案为A。 句意:在退休后,为保持健康,约翰逊教授把经常骑自行车作为锻炼。‎ ‎7. When______ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.(2005年浙江) ‎ A.compared B.being compared C.comparing D.having compared ‎ ‎【解析】本题考查现在分词作时间状语,可将原句子改为:“When we compare different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.”选择C选项。‎ ‎8. ______ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big at all.(2004年湖北) ‎ A.Compare B. When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared ‎ ‎【解析】本题考查过去分词作时间状语,可以将原句子改为:“When the biggest ocean is compared with size of the whole earth, it doesn’t seem big at all.”选择D选项。‎ ‎9. _________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars. 09江西)‎ A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given ‎ ‎【解析】D 考查非谓语动词。如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:If they are given the right kind of training , 可知主语they 即these teenager soccer players与give 之间是被动的关系,所以用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词if 也可省,所以得出given the right kind of training , these teenager soccer players……‎ ‎10._____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.‎ A. Being encouraged B. Encouraging C. Encouraged D. Having encouraged ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词过去分词作原因状语的用法。分析句子可以看出,这是一个省略的原因状语从句,前后主语都是many farmers,由by the advances in technology,可知许多农民受到鼓舞,选C符合。‎ ‎11. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, with his old one. (2009重庆)‎ A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared ‎ ‎【解析】考查分词的用法。表达“与某物或某人相比”用compared with/to sb/sth. 。‎ 知识网络 类别 重点内容 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ 重点单词 ‎1. impressionn. 印象;感想;印记 ‎2. remind vt. 提醒;使想起 ‎3. lack  n. &v. 缺乏;没有 ‎4. press n. &v.按;压;逼迫;印刷;新闻 ‎5. sightn.视力;视觉;见 ‎6. requirevt.需要;要求;命令 ‎7.vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆 ‎8. private adj 私人的,私有的 ‎9. settlement n 定居;解决 ‎ ‎10. previous adj 在前的; 早先的 ‎11. master v 精通; 掌握 ‎12. assist v 帮助; 援助 ‎13. agency n 代理;中介;‎ ‎ ‎ 重点短语 ‎1. make a deep/strong impression on sb.  给某人留下深刻印象 impress sb. with sth.= impress sth. on sb.使人记住某事 2. take up 拿起/占用/接受/开始/从事/继续/选修 speed up 加速 sweep up 打扫 / 横扫 /掠过 use up 用光 come up 过来 eat up 吃光 sit up 熬夜 / 坐正 turn up 出现 / 开大(音/水量) 3. remind sb. of sth. 使某人回想起某事 /提醒某人某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事 remind sb. that …  提醒某人…… 4. as a result (of…) 结果 5. suffer from 遭受 6. be similar to 和…相似 7. keep doing sth. 一直做某事 8. the six of us 我们六人(共六人) 9. by/ for /through +( the / a ) lack of… 由于……的缺乏 be lacking in 缺乏(品质 /特点) lack for …(否定句) 缺乏…… 10. in no time 很快,立刻 11. on one’s feet (从病痛或挫折中)复原 12. in all directions 四面八方 13. Sb. lose / catch sight of …. 看不见 / 看见 Sb. / Sth. be in / out of  sight 看得见 / 看不见 ‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ at first sight 第一眼 at the sight of… 一看见……就…… ‎ 重点句型 ‎1. Think about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years. 想想近一千年来有多少变化。 2. What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome? 你认为,未来的人将已克服了什么问题? 3. The air seemed thin as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left. 空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。 4. Why not sit down and rest? = Why don’t you sit down and rest? 为什么不坐下休息呢? 5. What three visits would you ask to go on if you were Li Qiang? 如果你是李强,你想去哪三个地方看看? 6. Neither of these creatures is easy to talk to .   这两种生物都不容易与之交谈。 7. The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you can’t tell which is which. “丁波兹”有这么多的臂和腿,以致你无法区分哪些是手臂哪些是腿。 8. Everyone will get twice as much personal space as in flats on land. 每个人都将得到陆上公寓两倍的个人空间。 ‎ 语法 本单元的主要语法项目是过去分词作状语和定语 重难点解读 I 重点单词 ‎ ‎ ‎1. impression n. 印象;感想;印记 ‎【用法解读】1)固定搭配: leave/make/have a...impression 给某人留下……印象 be under the impression that... 觉得;以为 his impression of her=her impression on him 她给他留下的印象 ‎2)其动词形式impress用法: impress 作“使(某人)印象深刻”时,常用结构有:impress sth. on/upon sib ./ impress sb. with sth .给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记;通常用于被动语态: be impressed by/at/with sth.或be impressed on one’s mind/memory。如:The teachers were most impressed by your performance in the exam. 所有老师被你们的考试成绩所深深感动。‎ ‎【经典例句】His speech made quite an impression on the audience. 他的演说给听众留下了相当好的印象。‎ ‎【即学即用】1)________________________________ was favourable.他给我的第一印象不错。 ‎ ‎(答案: His first impression on me / My first impression of him)‎ ‎2) His trip to India made ____________________________________.他的印度之行对他的触动很大。‎ ‎(答案:a strong impression on him)‎ ‎3) He ____________________________with his sincerity. 他的真诚打动了她。‎ ‎(答案: impressed her )‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎2. remind vt. 提醒;使想起 ‎ ‎【用法解读】1)remind v.提醒;使想起;常用结构有: remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事;remind sb.+(that)/wh-从句 提醒某人……;使某人想起……; remind sb. about/of sth. 使某人想起或意识到……;提醒某人某事 ‎ ‎ 2)作“回忆起”解时,其同义词为recall。如: I recall stories that my father told me years ago. 我还记得爸爸几 年前给我讲的故事。‎ ‎【经典例句】The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. 看到钟使我想起我已经迟到了。‎ He reminded the children to wash their hands. ‎ 他提醒孩子们去洗手。 ‎ This song reminds me of my childhood. ‎ 这首歌曲使我想起了我的孩提时代。 ‎ The doctor reminds me that I should see her again in two months. ‎ 医生提醒我两个月后应该再去看她。 ‎ ‎【即学即用】①You _________me ______your father when you say that. 你说这样的话使我想起了你的父亲。‎ ‎(答案:remind of) ‎ ‎②Remind me ________ __________Alan before I go out.‎ 提醒我在出去之前给艾伦打电话。‎ ‎(答案:to phone )‎ 知识拓展:reminder n.提醒物;引起回忆的事物 ‎3. lack  n. &v. 缺乏;没有 ‎【用法解读】1) lack 用作名词表示:“缺乏;短缺”;用作动词表示:“缺乏;短缺;没有;不足” 。 a lack of food /money/skills 缺乏食物/金钱/技能 ‎2)固定搭配: for lack of 因缺乏……‎ have no lack of 不缺乏……‎ lack for nothing 一无所缺 ‎ be lacking in 缺乏 ‎【经典例句】n. She showed a lack of humor. 她缺少幽默。 v. A coward lacks courage. 怯懦者缺乏勇气。‎ ‎【归纳比较】辨析lack与shortage: lack是一个通用性名词,指整体或局部的不足; shortage在表示局部欠缺方面与lack同义,但它在指固定的、必须的或一般习惯量的总数不足时,比lack所表示的不足更甚。‎ ‎【即学即用】①The trip was cancelled through___________________________.‎ 因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。‎ ‎(答案:through lack of interest.)‎ ‎②He ____________________________. 他缺乏信心。‎ ‎(答案He lacks confidence. )‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎4. press n. &v.按;压;逼迫;印刷;新闻 ‎【用法解读】固定搭配:press on/upon ‎1)努力继续或前进,如: The boys pressed on in spite of the wind. 男孩子们不顾大风继续前进。 ‎2)把……强加于,迫使接受,如: I wish he’d stop trying to press his views upon his students. 但愿他不再把他的观点强加给学生。 ‎【经典例句】v. He pressed the doorbell. 他按了门铃。 n. The book was favorably noticed by the press. 此书颇获新闻界好评。 ‎【即学即用】‎ ‎①She ______ _________hard _____the gas pedal.‎ 她用力踩下油门踏板。‎ ‎ (答案:pressed down…on) ‎ ‎②He is still _________her claim_______ compensation(赔偿).‎ 他仍坚持索赔。‎ ‎ (答案:pressing … for) ‎ ‎③______ _________was/were not allowed to attend the trial(审判). ‎ 庭审谢绝新闻采访。‎ ‎(答案:The press)‎ ‎5. sight n. 视力;视觉;见 ‎【用法解读】1)sight 作不可数名词,意思是“视力;目光”。作为可数名词时,意为“光景,奇观”。 ‎2)注意sights意为“名胜”,如: Last summer we had seen the sights of Beijing. 去年夏天我们游览了北京的名胜。‎ ‎【经典例句】Crusoe was frightened at the sight of a man’s footprint. 克鲁索看到一行人的脚印,他非常害怕。 ‎ ‎【归纳比较】lose sight of 看不见, 忘记, 失去 其反义词组catch sight of sth/sb 看见某人/物 另外, at first sight 一见就;乍看起来 ; at (the) sight of 一看见就……; out of sight 看不见 : Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。 be in sight 看得见,在眼前 ;‎ ‎【即学即用】1)We___________________ several precious animals. 我们失去了很多的珍惜动物。‎ ‎(答案: have lost sight of) ‎ ‎2)乍看起来,这个问题好像容易。 _________________________________________________.‎ ‎(答案:At first sight, the problem seems easy.)‎ ‎3)小岛仍然可以看的见。 _____________________________________. ‎ ‎(答案The small island is still in sight)‎ ‎4)一看见老师男孩就跑掉。 ________________________________________________.‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎(答案:At the sight of the teacher, the boy ran away.)‎ ‎6. requirevt. 需要;要求;命令 ‎【用法解读】 1)固定搭配:require sth.(of sb.)命令,指示,如: I will do everything that is required of me. 凡是要求我的事,我都会办到。 ‎2) require 接宾语从句时,宾语从句须用should do这样的虚拟语气,其中should 可以省略。如: The situation requires that I(should) be there. 形势需要我去那儿。‎ ‎3)注意:表示“需要”时, 后接动词-ing形式的主动式表示被动含义,等于不定式被动形式:The house requires mending. = The house requires to be mended.‎ ‎【经典例句】All cars require servicing regularly. 所有汽车都需要定期检修。 They required him to keep it a secret. ‎ 他们要求他对这事保密。‎ They require my appearance.‎ 他们要求我到场 ‎【即学即用】 ‎ ‎ The letter requires an immediate answer.英译汉:_______________________________.‎ ‎(答案:这信需要立即答复。)‎ ‎2) 他要求我明天来。 _____________________________________. ‎ ‎=____________________________________________. ‎ ‎(答案:He requires me to come tomorrow. ‎ ‎=He requires that I (should) come tomorrow).‎ ‎3) It’s true that most house plants require ________ regularly.‎ A. watered B. being watered C. watering D. to water ‎ (答案:C)‎ ‎4)These temples ______________________________________. (-ing形式)‎ ‎ = These temples_______________________________________. (不定式)‎ 这些庙宇下个月需要修缮。‎ ‎ (答案:require / want / need repairing next month .‎ ‎ = require / want / need to be repaired next month.)‎ II重点短语 ‎1. take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续 ‎【经典例句】Take care not to take up the hot coals with your bare hands. 小心不要光着手去拿热煤块。‎  The work took up all his time. 那工作花费了他所有的时间。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】1)to start to do sth. 开始做(某项工作);开始从事(工作);‎ I have taken up teaching since I graduated from university. ‎ 我大学毕业后就从事教学工作。‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎2)to accept sth. that is offered or available 接受(建议或能得到的东西)‎ ‎ She took up his offer of a drink. 他请她喝一杯,她接受了。‎ 另外还表示“占用空间和时间”‎ This table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方了。‎ ‎3)相关短语:take up with 与……交往;与……鬼混;就……请教…… 如: Bob’s parents were alarmed to find that he had taken up with a group of very rough boys.鲍勃的父母吃惊地发现他和一群粗野的男孩厮混在一起。‎ ‎【高考链接】Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ______ most of her day. (广东)‎ A. takes up B. makes up C. saves up D. puts up ‎(答案 A )‎ To keep healthy,Professor Johnson____ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired. (NMET 2004上海卷第54题)‎ A. took up B. caught on C. carried out D. made for ‎(答案为A。)‎ ‎2. as a result(of)结果;由于……的结果 ‎【经典例句】He worked hard,and as a result,he got promoted quickly. 他工作努力,被提拔得很快。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】1)as a result(of)的用法: as a result 不是连词,只能作状语。如: He was late as a result of the traffic jam. ‎=There was a traffic jam. As a result,he was late. 由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。 as a result of 只能接名词、代词、动名词及what 引导的宾语从句。如:‎ He was late for school as a result of a serious traffic jam. 他上学迟到是因为交通严重堵塞。‎ ‎2)常见短语 in the result 结果是 with the result that 为此;因此 without result 毫无结果;徒劳 result in/lead to 结果为……;终归;导致 result from/lie in 因为;源自 ‎【高考链接】.______achievement,last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing,grade.(NMET 2006湖南) A.In terms of B.In case of C.As a result of D.In face of (答案选A。)‎ ‎3. sweep up打扫,横扫;涌向;快速地抱起 ‎【经典例句】She was left to sweep up after the party. ‎ 聚会结束后她被留下来打扫。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】有关up的短语归纳:‎ speed up 加速 use up 用光 ‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ come up 过来 eat up 吃光 sit up 熬夜 / 坐正 turn up 出现 / 开大(音/水量)‎ ‎【即学即用】1) He ________________________into his arms.‎ 他一把将孩子抱进怀里。‎ ‎ (答案:swept up the baby)‎ ‎2) In pushing to the train, the children ___________the crowds of people.‎ A. sweeping up into B. swept up into C. were swept up D. were swept up into ‎ ‎ (答案:D)‎ III重点句型 ‎1.The air seemed thin as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.‎ 空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。 ‎【句型剖析】1)本句是由方式状语从句构成的复合句。 ‎2)as though引导方式状语从句,as though/if“好像;似乎”,如: ‎ The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg. 这动物走路的样子好像伤了腿似的。 ‎3)The air seemed thin是主句。主句是系表结构:seem是连系动词,thin是形容词在句子中充当表语。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】as though/if作连词用时,通常用虚拟语气,表示与事实不符或相反的情况。如果表示与现在事实相反,谓语用did或were,如与过去事实相反,则用过去完成时。还可用真实语气。如: The pen as though (if) is mine. 这枝钢笔好像是我的。‎ ‎【即学即用】He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there A. had been B. has been C. was D. been ‎(答案:A )‎ He talks as if he ____for ages A. is living there B. was living there C. has lived there D. had lived there ‎(答案:D)‎ ‎【高考链接】The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if_______ whether he was going in the right direction. (2003安徽春)‎ A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see ‎(答案:D)‎ ‎2.The mu-mu drink is a strange mixture of carrot juice and cocoa,while the dimpods drink lemonade mixed with herbs. 这是一种胡萝卜汁加可可粉的奇妙混合液,而丁泼兹喝的是含有香草的柠檬水。 ‎【句型剖析】1)整个句子是由两个分句构成的并列句,while是并列连词。 ‎2)第一个分句是简单的主系表结构;第二个分句是主谓宾结构。 ‎3)在第一个分句中“of carrot juice and cocoa”是mixture的后置定语;第二个分句中过去分词短语“mixed with herbs”是lemonade的后置定语。‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎【归纳拓展】1)while意为"当......时候",指一段时间,不能用来表示一个时间点。 While the discussion was still going on, George came in. 当讨论还在进行时,乔治走了进来。‎ ‎2)while意为"而;然而",表示转折。 ‎ There're plenty of rain in the southeast, while there's little in the northeast. 东南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少下雨。 ‎ ‎3)while意为"虽然;尽管",表示让步。 ‎ While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings. 尽管我承认他的优点,但我还是能看到他的缺点。 ‎ ‎4)while意为"只要",表示条件。 ‎ We can surely overcome these difficulties while we are closely united. 只要我们紧密地团结一致,一定能克服这些困难。 ‎ ‎5)while从句中的省略。 ‎ 当while从句中的主语与主句的主语一致,且含有be的某种形式时,从句中的主语连同be可同时省略。 ‎ While listening to the radio, she fell asleep. 她在听收音机时睡着了。 ‎ ‎6)while可用作名词,意为"一会儿;一段时间"。 ‎ 作名词用时,主要用于短语中: after a while "过了一会儿"; all the while "一直,始终"; a short / little while ago 刚才"; once in a while "偶尔,间或"; wait / rest(for) a while "等 / 休息一会儿"。 ‎ I haven't seen her for a long while.我好久没有看见她了。 ‎ ‎【高考链接】1). —I am going to the office. ‎ ‎ —______you’re there, can you get me some stamps? (NMET’99) ‎ A. As B. While C. Because D. If ‎ ‎(答案:A )‎ ‎2). She thought I was talking about her daughter, ______in fact, I was talking about my daughter. (NMET’95) ‎ A. whom B. where C. which D. while ‎(答案:D)‎ ‎3.The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you cannot tell which is which. 丁泼兹长着许许多多的手臂和腿,以至于你很难分清哪些是手臂哪些是腿。  ‎【句型剖析】1)整个句子是由“so...that...”引导的复合句。 ‎2)“The dimpods have(so)many arms and legs”是主句,“(that)you cannot tell which is which”是结果状语从句。 ‎3)that在本句中被省略。一般来说,that在口语中有时会被省略,书面语中不省略为宜。 ‎【归纳拓展】结果状语从句常由“so...that”或“such...that”引导,掌握这两个句型,首先要了解so 和 such与其后的词的搭配规律。 ‎1)比较:so和 such such 是形容词,修饰名词或名词词组;so 是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词。如:‎ so nice a flower such a nice flower ‎2)so 还可与表示数量的形容词如many, few, much, little等连用,形成固定搭配。如: so many/few flowers so much/little money ‎3)so...that与such...that之间的转换实际上就是 so与such之间的转换。如:‎ The boy is so young that he can’t go to school. ‎=He is such a young boy that he can’t go to school. 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ 这个男孩太小了,以至于不能上学。‎ ‎【即学即用】‎ ‎—__________fine day it is today! ‎ ‎—Yes, the sunshine is__________ beautiful that I'd like to go swimming in the sea. (2003青岛市)‎ ‎ A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so ‎ (答案为D。)‎ ‎【高考链接】1)The weather was ______ cold that I didn't like to leave my room. (2008全国卷1) ‎ ‎ A. really B. such C. too D. so ‎(答案:D )‎ ‎2) The camera is __________expensive__________ I can't afford it. (2004年辽宁省) ‎ A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as to D. enough, that ‎ (答案为A。) ‎ ‎3) Miss Gao asked a question, but it was__________ that nobody could answer it.(2001安徽省) ‎ A. very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so difficult ‎ (答案为D。) ‎ ‎4.These hovering carriages float above the ground and by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly one can move swiftly.这些气垫车是在地面上漂浮着的,只要把操纵杆弄弯或压下,你就可以迅速地移动。‎ ‎【句型剖析】‎ ‎1)by+ doing 用某种方式或手段, 如, They put out the fire by pouring water on it. 他们泼水扑灭了火; 句中by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly修饰move swiftly,表示使气垫车“迅速地移动”的手段;driving stick中的driving为动名词作定语,表示用途,如:a sleeping car 用来睡觉的车(卧铺车);one在句中泛指人。‎ ‎2) bend 弯曲;使弯曲;弯腰;弯身;常用搭配有: bend one's mind/efforts to sth. 致力于某事;bend sb.to sth. 迫使;说服 bend the truth 歪曲事实 ‎ It's hard to bend an iron bar. 把铁棒弄弯很不容易。‎ ‎【即学即用】‎ ‎①She _____________________and kissed her daughter.‎ ‎ 她低下头吻了她的女儿。‎ ‎( 答案bent her head) ‎ ‎②The road_________ sharply__________________. 路向右急转弯。‎ ‎(答案: bent …to the right.)‎ ‎③He made his boss pleased________________________________.‎ 他改进了工作老板很高兴。‎ ‎ (答案:by improving his work)‎ ‎5. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 由于太累了,我倒在床上马上就睡 着了。‎ ‎【句型剖析】‎ exhausted表原因,相当于一个原因状语从句As I was exhausted;fell fast asleep 酣睡。fast或sound常与fall asleep 搭配表示睡的程度深。‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎【即学即用】‎ ‎1) ______________, the children ___________ __________at once.‎ 由于太累了,孩子们马上就睡着了。 ‎ ‎(答案:Exhausted , fell asleep) ‎ ‎2) 太激动了,这位老人一句话也说不出来。 _______________________________________________________. ‎ ‎(答案:Too excited, the old man couldn’t say a word)‎ IV 语法聚焦 本单元的主要语法项目是过去分词作状语和定语。 ‎ 一、过去分词 过去分词有两大特点:一是表被动的概念;二是表动作已完成。过去分词在句中可用作定语、表语、宾语补足语或状语等成分。过去分词在句中作某种成分时,其逻辑主语一般为该分词所表示的动作的承受者。 二、过去分词作状语的用法 过去分词或过去分词短语常用于以下几种状语: 分类 说明 举例 时间状语 可用于时间状语从句,也可在过去分 词前加上连词“when,while,until”‎ 等,使其时间意义更明确。‎ ‎1)Seen from the hill,the park looks very beautiful. ‎=When it is seen from the hill,the parks are very beautiful. 从山上看,这个公园非常美丽。 ‎2)Don’t speak until spoken to. ‎=Don’t speak until you are spoken to. 当别人和你讲话时,你才能讲话。‎ 原因状语 可用于原因状语从句或并列结构。‎ Touched by his teacher’s words,the boy cried.‎ ‎=The boy was touched by his teacher’s words, so he cried. 这个男孩被老师的话打动了,所以他哭了。‎ 条件状语 可加连词if,unless等转换成条件状语从句。‎ Given more time,we could do it much better.‎ ‎(=If we were given more time,we could do it much better.) 多给我们点时间,我们会做得更好。‎ 让步状语 有时可加although,though,even if,even though,whether...or等连词转换成让步状语从句。‎ Though warned of the storm,the farmers were still working in the fields. ‎=Though they had been warned of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields. 虽然农民们已被告知将有风暴,但他们仍然在地里干活。‎ 加and可转换成并列结构从句。‎ The teacher entered the 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ 方式伴 随状语 ‎ classroom,followed by a group of his students.‎ ‎=The teacher entered the classroom and he was followed by a group of his students. 老师走进教室,后面跟着一群学生。‎ 三、学习过去分词作定语时,注意过去分词所在的位置 单独的过去分词作定语 常常置于其所修饰的名词前 You should improve your ‎ spoken English.‎ 过去分词短语作定语 常常置于其所修饰的名词后 He is a teacher respected by all his students.‎ 不及物动词的过去分词作定语 当与其所修饰的名词构成逻 辑上的动宾关系时,必须在该 动词后使用必要的介词 He is the student laughed ‎ at by all people just now.‎ ‎【高考链接】‎ ‎1.Most of the artists ____________ to the party were from South Africa.[MET90] ‎ A.invited B.to invite C.being invited D.had been invited ‎ ‎【简析】句中的most of the artists与invited之间是被动关系,故应选用过去分词,相当于who were invited,答案为A。 ‎ ‎2.The computer centre,____________ last year,is very popular among the students in this school.[NMET93] ‎ A.open B.opening C.having opened D.opened ‎ ‎【简析】根据句中的last year可知the computer centre去年就开业了,表示完成的动作;而且open与the computer centre又存在被动关系,句意为:去年开办的计算机中心在这所学校里受到学生们的欢迎。答案为D。 ‎ ‎ 3.The first textbooks ____________ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.[NMET94] ‎ A.having written B.to be written C.being written D.written ‎ ‎【简析】根据语境,我们应选D,因为writ- ten既表示被动又表示完成的动作。A不能作后置定语,B是不定式的被动语态,表示将来的动作,C表示正在进行的动作,均不合题意。 ‎ ‎4.The Olympic Games,____________ in 776 BC,did not include women players until 1912.[NMET97] ‎ A.first playing B.to be first played ‎ C.first played D.to be first playing ‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎【简析】根据题意可知,the Olympic Games与play之间是被动关系,因此可以排除A和D,另外B表示将来的动作,也应排除,故答案为C。它可还原成一个非限制性定语从句:which was first played in 776 BC。 ‎ ‎5.____________ more attention,the trees could have grown better.[MET90] ‎ A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given ‎ ‎【简析】句子主语the trees与give之间是被动关系,故答案选A,过去分词短语Given more attention作条件状语,放于句首。 ‎ ‎6.____________ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.[NMET96] ‎ A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose ‎ ‎【简析】be lost in thought为固定搭配,意为“陷入沉思”,因此答案选C。过去分词短语 Lost in thought与句子主语he构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且在句中作原因状语。 ‎ 注意:过去分词作状语时,有时可以与一些连词连用,如:when, while, if, until, once等,这实际上是过去分词在省略句中的应用。 ‎ ‎7.The research is so designed that once ____________ nothing can be done to change it.[NMET2002] ‎ A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun ‎ ‎【简析】答案为D。once begun在句中作条件状语,它是状语从句once it is begun的省略形式,句意为:这项调查研究事先计划的如此完好,以致于一旦开始,什么也无法改变它。 ‎ ‎8.Generally speaking, ______according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. (2003’上海) ‎ ‎ A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken ‎【简析】完整的说法应是when the drug is taken according to the directions,…由于主句的主语和从句的主语相同,因此可以省略从句的主语the drug和谓语的一部分is,答案为B。当然也可以省去when。‎ ‎9. When______ different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.(2005年浙江) ‎ A.compared B.being compared C.comparing D.having compared ‎ ‎【解析】本题考查现在分词作时间状语,可将原句子改为:“When we compare different cultures,we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.”选择C选项。‎ ‎10. ______ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big at all.(2004年湖北) ‎ A.Compare B. When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared ‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎【解析】本题考查过去分词作时间状语,可以将原句子改为:“When the biggest ocean is compared with size of the whole earth, it doesn’t seem big at all.”选择D选项。‎ ‎11. _________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars. 09江西)‎ A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given ‎ ‎【解析】D 考查非谓语动词。如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:If they are given the right kind of training , 可知主语they 即these teenager soccer players与give 之间是被动的关系,所以用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词if 也可省,所以得出given the right kind of training , these teenager soccer players……‎ ‎12._____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.‎ A. Being encouraged B. Encouraging C. Encouraged D. Having encouraged ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词过去分词作原因状语的用法。分析句子可以看出,这是一个省略的原因状语从句,前后主语都是many farmers,由by the advances in technology,可知许多农民受到鼓舞,选C符合。‎ ‎13. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, with his old one. 。(2009重庆)‎ A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared 。‎ ‎【解析】考查分词的用法。表达“与某物或某人相比”用compared with/to sb/sth. 。‎ 单元测试 第一部分:听力(略)‎ 第二部分:单项选择 (共20小题; 每小题1分,共20分)‎ ‎21. – I prefer western food. It’s a kind of healthy food.‎ ‎ -- ___ But western food is said to be high in sugar and fat.‎ A. Is that right? B. How do you know that?‎ C. Do you really think so? D. Who told you that?‎ ‎22. --What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game ‎ --____. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.‎ A. It just depends B. It’s up to you C. All right D. Glad to hear that ‎23. _______ from the top of the hill, the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.‎ A. Viewing B. To be viewed C. Viewed D. To be viewing ‎24. If you ____________ of Mary, ask her to come and see me.‎ A. lose sight of B. catch sight of C. are in the sight of D. are at the sight of ‎25. I’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than ___ a room with others.‎ A. to share B. to have shared C. share D. sharing ‎26. My father served in the army in ___ when he was in ___.‎ A. 1950’s; twenties B. the 1950’s; his twenties C. the 1950’s; the twenties D. 1950’s; the twenties ‎27. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO 2010 is strongly impressed ___ my memory.‎ A. to B. over C. by D. on ‎28. A well-written composition ___ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.‎ A. calls on B. calls for C. calls up D. calls in 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎29. The food was so ___ that the child couldn’t help tasting it.‎ A. smelly B. invited C. interesting D. inviting ‎30. It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so stood ___ to her mother.‎ A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing ‎31. You should try to get a good night’s sleep ___ much work you have to do.‎ A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever ‎32. There’s ___ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get ___?‎ A. little; some B. little; any C. a little; some D. a little; any ‎33. The teacher couldn’t make himself ___ attention to because the students were so noisy.‎ A. to pay B. to be paid C. paid D. pay ‎34. He tried to go away without being noticed by his employer but luck ___ him.‎ A. went with B. went against C. went over D. went along ‎35. ___ straight on and you’ll see a church. You won’t miss it.‎ A. Go B. Going C. If you go D. When going ‎36. ___ warmly for his work, he was too ___ to fall asleep.‎ A. Praising; excited B. To praise; exciting C. Praised; exciting D. Praised; excited ‎37. He used to be a popular singer, but drug ____ his ruin.‎ A. resulted from B. contributed to C. attended to D. devoted to ‎38. I order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours ___ in my study.‎ A. locking B. locked C. to lock D. being locked ‎39. – In fact, I’m not used ___ to like that.‎ ‎ -- Neither am I.‎ A. to being spoken B. to be spoken C. being spoken D. to speaking ‎40. Give me an undisturbed hour and I’ll see the work Tom ___ unfinished.‎ A. will leave B. is leaving C. has left D. had left 第三部分:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ Although I had left school against the advice of my teachers, I had, without telling anyone, tried to 41 my studies in literature at evening classes. It was a tiresome 42 from one end of the city to another and to 43 among adults was uninteresting. I was the youngest in the 44 , so the friendship I knew at school was 45 . I put up with it for a short period. It was 46 long a walk on cold winter’s nights and it was hard to put my 47 into Shakespeare with wet shoes and trousers. So I continued writing poetry at home.‎ By chance, I 48 some prizes and awards for literature. A young woman from a 49 company came to the college one day. She told me that I won a national poetry award. I 50 at her in astonishment(吃惊) and disbelief. She wanted to make a short 51 about me, to which I said, “ No, I couldn’t do that.” Not that I had any real 52 . I was just frightened. In the end she 53 me that I should do it the following day.‎ So I did. They made a short film of me reading one of my 54 and I became 55 interested in literature than ever. I 56 what I should do after this, and decided some weeks later that I could not 57 myself spending the rest of my days dealing with machines. So one evening, I hesitatingly (犹豫地) told my parents that I wanted to _58 to school. They were greatly surprised and a little afraid, but they did not try to persuade me not to. They wanted to know if I was 59 , ‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ and if I knew what it meant and 60 I realized that if I gave up my job training, it would be very difficult to get a good job. But nothing could stop me, and they asked about the matter no further. ‎ ‎41. A. stop B. go on C. continue D. walk ‎42. A. talk B. journey C. job D. walk ‎43. A. do B. sit C. talk D. work ‎44. A. family B. class C. city D. country ‎45. A. absent B. missed C. lost D. over ‎46. A. too B. very C. much D. quite ‎47. A mind B. heart C. soul D. thought ‎48. A. defeated B. beat C. won D. hit ‎49. A. TV B. radio C. shoe D. food ‎50. A. looked B. fixed C. shouted D. stared ‎51. A. talk B. film C. conversation D. speech ‎52. A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. wish ‎53. A. advised B. suggested C. agreed D. persuaded ‎54. A. poems B. stories C. speeches D. plans ‎55. A. less B. much C. far D. more ‎56. A. wandered B. considered C. discussed D. wondered ‎57. A. think B. consider C. spend D. imagine ‎58. A. drop B. leave C. return D. go to ‎59. A. sure B. clear C. curious D. true ‎60. A. whether B. that C. how D. what 第四部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)‎ I. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Confucius was born five hundred and fifty years before Christ. Unlike Jesus Christ, he did not bring words of God to the people. He was a clever teacher and a philosopher, looking for truth and wisdom. Most of his teaching was about life in this world.‎ ‎ Confucius was very keen to give people good rulers. Someone asked him, “What does a country need?” Confucius answered, “Enough food, a good army, and a good leader.” The people then asked, “Which one is the most important?” Confucius answered, “An army is not very important. All men must die, so food is not the most important. But if the leader of the country is not good, then everything will be bad,”‎ ‎61. A philosopher is a person who ___.‎ ‎ A. does not like Jesus Christ B. teaches people something about God ‎ C. Seeks after truth and wisdom D. is more clever than most of other people ‎62. Jesus Christ ____. ‎ ‎ A. was born more than half a century earlier than Confucius ‎ B. taught people anything about God ‎ C. did not tell people anything about God ‎ D. was a philosopher sent by God ‎63. Confucius taught people all these things except ____.‎ ‎ A. how to live in the world ‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎ B. the importance of the leader of the country ‎ C. any ideas about God ‎ D. how to make good judgments ‎64. For Confucius a man____.‎ ‎ A. could not escape death ‎ ‎ B. would die if he didn’t have a good ruler ‎ C. was not important compared with food ‎ D. ought to die if he considered food to be the most important for him B ‎ Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships .One strength of the human condition is our possibility to give and receive support from one another under stressful conditions .Social support makes up of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties .Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to deal with major life changes and daily problems. People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over types of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, show that the presence of social support helps people defend themselves against illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.‎ ‎ Social support cushions stress in a number of ways .First, friends, relatives and co-workers may let us know that they value us .Our self-respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others in spite of our faults and difficulties. Second, other people often provide us with informational support .They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Taking part in free-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting (转移注意力)us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental support—money aid ,material resources, and needed services—that reduces stress by helping us resolve and deal with our problems.‎ ‎65. Interpersonal relationships are important because they can .‎ A. make people live more easily B. smooth away daily problems ‎ C. deal with life changes ‎ D. cure types of illnesses ‎ ‎66. The researches show that people’s physical and mental health .‎ A. lies in the social medical care systems which support them B. has much to do with the amount of support they get from others C. depends on their ability to deal with daily worries and troubles D. is related to their courage for dealing with major life changes ‎ ‎67. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “cushions”?‎ A. takes place of B. makes up of C. lessens the effect of ‎ D. gets rid of ‎ ‎68. Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work in spare time is an example of ___________.‎ A. instrumental support ‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ B. informational support ‎ C. social companionship D. the strengthening of self-respect ‎ ‎69. What is the subject discussed in the text? ‎ A. Interpersonal relationships.‎ B. Kinds of social support.‎ C. Ways to deal with stress.‎ D. Effects of stressful condition.‎ C Fading beauty ‎ She is widely seen as proof that good looks can last forever. But, at nearly 500 years of age, time is catching up with the Mona Lisa.‎ ‎ The health of the famous picture, painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1505, is getting worse by the year, according to the Louvre Museum(卢浮宫博物馆) where it is housed.‎ ‎ “The thin, wooden panel on which the Mona Lisa is painted in oil has changed shape since experts checked it two years ago,” the museum said. Visitors have noticed changes but repairing the world’s most famous painting is not easy. Experts are not sure about the materials the Italian artist used and their current chemical state(化学状态).‎ ‎ Nearly 6 million people go to see the Mona Lisa every year, many attracted by the mystery of her smile. “It is very interesting that when you’re not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and then you look at her and she stops,” said Professor Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University. “It’s because direct vision (视觉) is excellent at picking up detail, but less suited to looking at shadows. Da Vinci painted the smile in shadows.”‎ ‎ However, the actual history of the Mona Lisa is just as mysterious as the smile. Da Vinci himself loved it so much that he always carried it with him, until it was eventually sold to France’s King Francis I in 1519.‎ ‎ In 1911, the painting was stolen from the Louvre by a former employee, who took it out of the museum hidden under his coat. He said he planned to return it to Italy. The painting was sent back to France two years later.‎ ‎ During World War II, French hid the painting in small towns to keep it out of the hands of German forces.‎ ‎ Like many old ladies, the Mona Lisa has some interesting stories to tell.‎ ‎70. What does the writer mean by “time is catching up with the Mona Lisa”?‎ ‎ A. The painting woman is not so beautiful any more.‎ ‎ B. Ageing is something that affects us all.‎ ‎ C. The painting needs repairing.‎ ‎ D. At such an old age, she is no longer popular.‎ ‎71. What makes the repair work difficult?‎ ‎ A. The wooden panel is thin and old.‎ ‎ B. No one knows exactly what materials were used to create the painting and how it might respond to treatment.‎ ‎ C. The health of the painting is suffering.‎ ‎ D. Experts can’t agree on how to carry out repairs.‎ ‎72. What makes her so mysterious according to Professor Livingston?‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ ‎ A. The materials the Italian artist used. B. The way she smiles.‎ ‎ C. The way Da Vinci painted the smile. D. It plays a trick upon the human eyes D This March is a busy month in Shanghai. There’s a lot to do. Here are the highlights. ‎ Live Music—Late Night Jazz ‎ Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He’s coming with his new 7-piece band, Herbie’s Heroes. Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t expect to get much sleep. This is Herbie’s third visit to Shanghai. The first two were sold out, so get your tickets quickly.‎ PLACE: The Jazz Club DATES: 15—23 March PRICE: ¥80,120 TIME: 10:00p.m. till late!‎ TEL: 6466-8736 ‎ Scottish Dancing Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn.‎ Instructors will demonstrate the dances. The live band, Gordon Stroppie and the Weefrees, are also excellent.‎ PLACE: Jack Stein’s DATES: every Monday PRICE: ¥60 including one drink TIME: 7:00—10:00 p.m.‎ TEL: 6402-1877 ‎ Exhibitions—Shanghai Museum There are 120,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history under one roof. It’s always interesting to visit, but doubly so at the moment with the Egyptian Tombs exhibition. There are lots of mummies and more gold than you’ve ever seen before. Let us know if you see a mummy move!‎ PLACE: Shanghai Museum PRICE: ¥30(¥15 for students )‎ TEL: 6888-6888 DATES: daily ‎ TIME: Monday—Friday 9:00a.m. –5:00p.m. , Weekends 9:00a.m. –9:00p.m.‎ Dining –Sushi chef in town Sushi is getting really big in Shanghai. In Japan, it’s become an art form .The most famous Sushi ‘artist’ is Yuki Kamura .She’s also one of the few female chefs in Japan. She’ll be at Sushi Scene all of this month.‎ PLACE: Sushi Scene in the Shanghai Hotel DATES: all month PRICE: ¥200 TIME: lunchtime TEL: 6690--3211 ‎ ‎ For a full listing of events, see our website.‎ ‎73. Suppose you are going to attend an activity at 8:00p.m. on Saturday, which one can you choose?‎ A. Live Music—Late Night Jazz B. Scottish dancing C. Exhibitions –Shanghai Museum 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ D. Dining—Sushi chef in town ‎74. Which of the following is true according to the advertisements?‎ A. Scottish dancing is so interesting and easy that it never tires you out .‎ B. The performance given by the American jazz band won’t last long .‎ C. Sushi is not popular in Shanghai as it is a kind of Japanese traditional food.‎ D. It is more interesting to visit Shanghai Museum for the exhibits from Egypt.‎ ‎75. From the text we may learn that Kamura is _________.‎ A. a cook B. a waitress ‎ C. an instructor D. an artist ‎ II.篇章结构(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 下面是一篇杂志文章,请将标有A-F的段落插入文章中标号11-15的合适位置,使这篇文章意义完整,结构连贯;其中有一个段落是多余的。将答题纸标号为11-15中的相应字母涂黑。‎ Libraries No one can hope to own all the books he may want to read or use. [76] ┈‎ A good library contains thousands of books on all kinds of subjects. They are arranged on the shelves in certain order so that any particular book is easy to find. [77] ┈‎ ‎[78] ┈ If we are looking for a particular book or a book on a particular subject, we will need to look up a card index. An author index lists authors alphabetically and tells which of their books are in the library. A subject index lists all the books in the library on any particular subject. Both indexes list classification numbers so that the books can be found easily.‎ ‎[79] ┈ The books in the reference library are reference books and are for use inside the library only. They include dictionaries, directories, and encyclopedias. The reference section usually has a selection, of up-to-date newspapers and magazines. [80] ┈‎ ‎---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‎ A. Most libraries have a reference section as well as the ordinary lending section.‎ B. Each subject is given a number according to a standard method of classification.‎ C. Fiction books, for example, are usually arranged alphabetically, according to the names of the authors. Nonfiction books are arranged subject by subject.‎ D. Readers can find the books they want to read by computers in every library.‎ E. Fortunately there are libraries in most towns that will lend us the books. Some are school libraries, others are public libraries. There may even be traveling libraries that visit remote areas.‎ F. Readers may also be able to read old issues of newspapers on microfilm by means of a microfilm reader. Storing information on microfilm saves a lot of valuable space. In university and some other libraries copies of many things, for example, documents, articles, and plans, are available on microfilm.‎ 第二卷 (两部分, 共30分)‎ 第五部分: 翻译句子 (共10分)‎ ‎81.在人群中,我看不见她了。 (lose sight of)‎ ‎87.因为缺钱,他们放弃了到国外旅行。 ( for lack of )‎ ‎88.谢谢你提醒我要给父母写信。(remind sb. to do)‎ ‎89.因为讨厌了这个节目,所以他关掉了电视,上床睡觉去了。(过去分词短语作状语)‎ ‎90.我无法想象独自一人生活在丛林的情况。 (imagine)‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页 ‎ ‎ 第六部分:书面表达 (共15分)‎ 最近你班将举行一场题为 Life in the future 的讨论会, 请根据以下要点, 写一篇一百词左右的发言稿。‎ 随着医学的发展,人类的平均寿命将会达到120岁。‎ 由于新能源的出现, 污染问题将得到控制。‎ 人们的日常生活也将有很大的变化。 如机器人可以为你做家务;椅子的也按色能够随着你所穿的衣服而改变;手机可以带在手腕上, 通话时可以看到对方;可以乘坐新型的电梯进入太空度假。‎ 第六部分: 书面表达 ‎_ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Keys:‎ ‎21-25 CBCBC 26-30 BDBDA 31-35 AACBA 36-40 DBBAC ‎41-45 CCBBA 46-50 ABCAD 51-55 BCDAD 56-60 DDCAA ‎61-65 CBCAA 66-70 BCCAC 71-75 BCCDA 76-80 BACAB ‎81. I lost sight of her in the crowd.‎ ‎82. They gave up traveling abroad for lack of money.‎ ‎83. Thank you for reminding me to write to my parents.‎ ‎84. Tired of the program, he turned off the TV and went to bed.‎ ‎85. I can’t imagine living alone in the jungle.‎ ‎ In the future, man’s life will be very different from that of today. First, with the development of medicine, on the average, a person will live to the age of about 120. Second, because of the discovery of new energy, the environmental pollution will be under control. Third, people’s daily life will change greatly, too. For example, robots will do all your housework for you; your chair will change its color to match what you’re wearing; you can also put your mobile phone around your wrist and can see the caller while speaking; you even can take a new elevator into space for your holidays.‎ 第 22 页 共 22 页

