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‎(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 ‎1.soccer n.          _(英式)足球 ‎2.flashlight n. 手电筒 ‎3.handkerchief n. 手帕,纸巾 ‎4.canteen n. 食堂,餐厅 ‎5.appetite n. 食欲,胃口 ‎6.yummy adj. 美味的 ‎7.erupt vi. 爆发,喷发 ‎8.parcel n. 邮包,包裹 ‎ ‎9.literature n. 文学 ‎10.welloff adj. 富有的 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 ‎1.absorb_ vt. 理解,掌握;吸收 ‎2.bear_ vt. 携带;容忍 ‎3.familiar adj. 熟悉的,常见的 ‎4.indicate_ vt. 表明;表示 ‎5.brief_ adj. 短暂的,简短的 ‎6.exchange vt. 兑换,交换 ‎7.request n. 请求 ‎8.attach vt. 喜欢,依恋;系,固定 ‎9.owe vt. 欠(情、债等)‎ ‎10.modest adj. 谦虚的;适度的 ‎11.export vt. 出口,输出 ‎12.custom_ n. 习俗,风俗 ‎13.manners_ n.  [纵联1] 礼貌 ‎14.stare vi. 凝视,盯着看 ‎15.splendid adj. 极佳的,非常好的;壮观的 ‎16.outgoing adj. 友好的,乐于交友的 ‎17.tasty adj. 美味的 ‎18.spoken adj. 口头的 ‎19.reasonable adj.[纵联2] 合理的,正当的 ‎20.cautious adj. [纵联3] 小心翼翼的,谨慎的 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 ‎1.addition n.相加;增加物→additional adj.补充的,额外的,附加的→add v.补充 ‎2.apology n.道歉,认错→apologize v.道歉,谢罪 ‎3.expectation n.期待的事物,预期→expect vt.期待,预料;指望→expected adj.预期的,预料的 ‎4.majority n.大半,大多数→major adj.主要的 vi.主修 ‎5.movement n.动作;活动→move v.移动;感动→movable adj.可移动的→moving adj.令人感动的 ‎6.curiously adv.好奇地;奇怪地→curious adj.好奇的→curiosity n.好奇心 ‎7.informal adj.非正式的→formal adj.正式的 ‎8.injure vt.伤害→injury n.伤害,损害→injured adj.受伤的 ‎9.educator n.教育者→education n.教育→educated adj.有教养的→educate vt.教育 ‎10.arrival n.到达,抵达→arrive vi.到达 纵联1.单复数含义不同的名词 ‎① ② ‎③ ④ ‎⑤ ⑥ 纵联2.“able”后缀形容词荟萃 ‎①reliable可信赖的;可靠的 ②adjustable可调节的 ‎③fashionable时尚的;时髦的 ④reasonable合理的 ‎⑤adaptable适合的;能适应的 ⑥reasonable合理的,正当的 ‎⑦sociable随和的,好交际的 ⑧acceptable可接受的 纵联3.归纳“ious”结尾的形容词 ‎①harmonious和谐的 ②anxious焦虑的 ‎③religious宗教的 ④various各种各样的 ‎⑤cautious谨慎的 单元话题——文化影响 子话题1 种种文化 ‎①local culture 本土文化 ‎②cultural treasures 文化宝藏 ‎③humane historical relics 人文历史遗址 ‎④value of knowledge 知识的价值 ‎⑤crosscultural communication 跨文化交流 ‎⑥spiritual civilization 精神文明 ‎⑦cultural devolution 文化退化 ‎⑧cultural insights 文化视角 ‎⑨intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产 子话题2 四大发明 ‎①gunpower火药 ②compass 指南针 ‎③papermaking technique 造纸术 ‎④paperprinting technique 印刷术 子话题3 教育部门 ‎①graduate school 研究生院 ‎②kindergarten 幼儿园 ‎③Confucius Institute 孔子学院 ‎④secondary education 中等教育 ‎⑤adult education 成人教育 ‎⑥open admission 免试入学制 ‎⑦universal education 普及教育 ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 ‎1.(2014·浙江高考阅读B)The Swiss tend to be and address each ‎ other  ❶  last name. They also are respectful of private lives. You should be careful❷ not to ask about personal topics. Punctuality (守时) is vital, something that comes from a deep respect for others' time. Arrive❸ at any meeting or event a few minutes early to be safe.‎ ‎①处应填介词:by ‎②写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:cautious ‎③写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:arrival ‎2.(2012·新课标全国卷阅读B)Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them  ❶  the nest. When they finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious❷ honey as the bird patiently waits and watches❸.‎ ‎①处应填介词:to ‎②写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:tasty ‎③写出加黑词在本单元的同义词:stare ‎3.(2011·江苏高考任务型阅读)Leaders who apologize❶ publicly could be an easy target. They are expected❷ to appear strong and capable. And whenever they make public statements of any kind, their individual and institutional reputations are in danger. Clearly, then, leaders should not apologize often or lightly. For a leader to express apology, there needs to be a good, strong reason❸.‎ ‎①写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:apology ‎②写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:expectation ‎③写出加黑词在本单元的形容词:reasonable 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 ‎(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)‎ 遵守当地风俗是有礼貌的表现。一般来说,你应该准时到达。(custom, arrival)‎ It_is_polite_for_you_to_obey_the_local_custom._Generally_speaking,_your_arrival_should_be_on_time.‎ ‎2.(2018·浙江高考书面表达)我学习英语已经10年了,我能说一口流利的英语,并且我性格外向、乐于与他人交流。(spoken, outgoing)‎ I've_learned_English_for_10_years,_and_my_spoken_English_is_fluent._What_is_more,_I'm_outgoing_and_ready_to_communicate_with_others.‎ ‎3.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)在这个展览中,你能看到各种形式的极美的剪纸。除此之外,还有著名的艺术家当场展示如何剪纸。(splendid, addition)‎ In_this_exhibition,_you_can_see_splendid_papercutting_with_all_kinds_of_patterns._In_addition,_there_are_famous_artists_who_will_perform_how_to_cut_paper_on_the_spot.‎ ‎ (二)课堂重点释疑 ‎1.owe vt.欠(情、债等);归功于 ‎[记牢]‎ owe sb.sth.=owe sth.to sb.   欠某人某物 owe ... to ... 把……归功于;归因于 owing to 因为;由于 owe it to sb. that ... 多亏了某人 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①These early settlers owed their survival_to hard work and determination to succeed.‎ ‎②I owe it to you that I finished my work ahead of time.‎ ‎③Owing to the bad weather, the flight was delayed for a couple of hours.‎ 句型转换 ‎④The country owes foreign countries billions of dollars because of the financial crisis.‎ ‎→The country owes billions of dollars to foreign countries because of the financial crisis.‎ ‎[用准]  如果owe的宾语是动词不定式或名词性从句,可使用it作形式宾语,将充当真正宾语的动词不定式或名词性从句放在句尾。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑤(2018·江苏高考书面表达)我们把排名的提高归功于产品和服务上。‎ We_owe_it_to_the_products_or_services_that_good_ratings_increase.‎ ‎2.absorb vt.吸收;理解;使专心;使全神贯注;掌握 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)absorb sb.'s attention to (doing) sth.‎ ‎ 吸引某人对(做)某事的注意力  ‎ absorb ... into ...‎ ‎ 把……吸收到/并入……‎ ‎(2)be absorbed by/into ...‎ ‎ 被……吞并;为……所吸收 be absorbed in (doing) sth.‎ ‎ 全神贯注于/热衷于/一心从事某事 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Certain chemicals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, while others are not.‎ ‎②Absorbed (absorb) in painting, Mary didn't notice evening approaching.‎ ‎③Most little shops have been absorbed by/into big businesses.‎ 完成句子 ‎④He was_absorbed_in_the books after borrowing them from a bookshop.‎ 从书店借来书之后,他便沉浸在这些书中。‎ ‎⑤The first Chinese woman astronaut Liu Yang absorbed_the_whole_world's_attention.‎ 第一位中国女宇航员刘洋吸引了全世界的注意力。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑥(2015·福建高考书面表达)一缕光线从墙上的一个小孔穿过,他(借助灯光)全神贯注地读书。‎ A_weak_ray_of_light_came_in_through_a_small_hole_in_the_wall_and_he_was_absorbed_in_his_reading.‎ ‎[联想]  (1)表示“吸引某人注意(力)”的短语还有:‎ ‎①draw/attract one's attention ‎②catch one's attention/eyes ‎(2)表示“专心于”的短语还有:‎ ‎①be lost/buried in ②be devoted to ‎3.familiar adj.熟悉的,常见的 ‎[记牢]‎ sb.be familiar with sth.    某人对某物熟悉 sth.be familiar to sb.=sth.be known to sb.‎ ‎ 某物为某人所熟悉 ‎[练通] 单句语法填空/完成句子 ‎①I've just come here. I'm still not familiar with the work.‎ ‎②This old song is familiar to those Chinese people who lived in the 1960s.‎ ‎③I was_so_familiar_with_him that I recognized his voice instantly I picked up the phone.‎ 我对他是如此的熟悉以至于我一拿起电话就听出了他的声音。‎ ‎[用准] ‎ be familiar with 主语一般是有生命的人,意为“某人对人/事熟悉”‎ be familiar to 主语一般是无生命的事物,意为“某事为某人所熟悉”‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎④(2018·北京高考书面表达)你最好提前学习基础汉语。只有用这种方式,你才能熟悉北京的生活。‎ You'd_better_learn_some_basic_Chinese_ahead_of_time._Only_in_this_way_can_you_get_familiar_with_the_life_in_Beijing.‎ ‎4.attach vt.系,固定;附上,贴上;喜欢,依恋 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)attach ... to ...    把……固定到/附/贴在……上 attach importance/significance/value to ‎ 认为……重要/有意义/有价值 attach oneself to sb. 与某人在一起;缠着某人 ‎(2)attached adj. 依恋的;附加的 ‎(be) attached to 附属于;依恋 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①It is high time that the country should attach importance to energy saving and environment protection.‎ ‎②A young man attached himself (he) to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him.‎ ‎③Father asked me to attach a stamp to the envelope and mail it.‎ 完成句子 ‎④Attach_a_recent_photo_to_your application form.‎ 请在申请表上贴一张近照。‎ ‎⑤Don't attach_too_much_importance_to this report.‎ 不要过于看重这份报告。‎ ‎⑥The research unit is_attached_to_the university.‎ 这个研究机构附属于这所大学。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑦(2017·天津高考书面表达)为了成为第十三届全运会的志愿者,我提前做了很多我认为重要的准备。‎ To_get_admitted_as_a_volunteer_for_the_13th_National_Games,_I_have_made_many_preparations_I_attach_importance_to_in_advance.‎ ‎5.request n.& vt.请求,要求 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)make a request for ...     请求,要求……‎ at sb.'s request=at the request of sb. 应某人的要求 ‎(2)request sb.(not) to do sth. 请求某人(不)做某事 request sth.from/of sb. 向某人请求某物 request (that) ...       请求……‎ It is/was requested that ... 据要求……‎ ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①At_the request of mayor, he made a speech on the square.‎ ‎②You can talk to the robot, ask it questions, and make requests for it to perform different tasks.‎ ‎③The Police Committee requested a grant from the Government to cover the extra expense.‎ 一句多译 老板要求我们不要在办公室里吸烟。‎ ‎④The_boss_requested_us_not_to_smoke_in_the_office.(request sb. not to do)‎ ‎⑤The_boss_requested_that_we_(should)_not_smoke_in_the_office. (request that)‎ ‎⑥It_was_requested_that_we_(should)_not_smoke_in_the_office.(It is/was requested that)‎ ‎[用准] 在与request相关的名词性从句或“It is/was requested that ...”句型中,从句谓语动词用“should+do”表示虚拟语气,should可以省略。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑦(2018·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)要求两个队每天训练两个小时并且定期参加比赛。‎ It_is_requested_that_both_teams_train_for_two_hours_a_day_and_participate_in_competitions_regularly.‎ ‎6.exchange vt.兑换,交换 n.兑换,交换 ‎ ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)exchange sth.for sth.    以某物交换某物 exchange sth.with sb. 与某人交换某物 ‎(2)make an exchange 交换 in exchange for sth. 交换某物 ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I will make the best of the opportunity to exchange ideas with them.‎ ‎②I am going to travel abroad, so I go to exchange some RMB for dollars in the bank.‎ ‎③I'll type your report if you'll babysit to make an exchange.‎ 一句多译 他用一个苹果换我一块蛋糕。‎ ‎④He gave me an apple in_exchange_for a piece of cake.‎ ‎⑤He exchanged_an_apple_with_me_for a piece of cake.‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑥(2014·天津高考书面表达)得知你下学期作为一名交流生来我们学校我非常高兴。‎ I'm_very_happy_to_learn_that_you_will_come_to_our_school_next_term_as_an_exchange_student._‎ ‎7.majority n.大半,大多数 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)a/the majority of       ……的大多数 in a/the majority 占大多数 by/with a majority of 以多数票……‎ ‎(2)minority n. 少数 in the minority 占少数 ‎(3)“a/the majority of+名词”作主语时,其后谓语动词的单复数取决于of后名词的数。the majority作主语时,谓语动词既可以用复数,也可以用单数。‎ ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①At present, in the teaching profession, women are in a/the majority.‎ ‎②The majority is/are (be) in favour of the proposal that we should save water in our daily life.‎ ‎③The majority of astronauts from America have_been (be)men in the last few years. ‎ 完成句子 ‎④The white are_in_the_majority in Australia while the native people in_the_minority.‎ 在澳大利亚,白人占多数而原住民反而占少数。‎ ‎⑤The_majority_of_the_damage is easy to repair.‎ 大部分的损失很容易补救。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑥(2016·四川高考书面表达)正像我一样,大部分人认为夏天比其他三个季节有趣。‎ Just_like_me,_the_majority_think_summer_is_certainly_more_interesting_than_the_other_three_seasons.‎ ‎8.bear vi.& vt.(bore, borne/born)容忍,忍受;承担(责任);支撑;承受;生育;出生;结(果实);携带 ‎[辨清] 写出下列句中bear的含义 ‎①I can't bear sharing the same room with him. 容忍,忍受 ‎②John was bitten by a dog, and he bears the scars to this day. 携带 ‎③I think the ice on the lake is too thin to bear your weight. 支撑 ‎④She has borne a son and two daughters. 生育 ‎⑤Why do I have to bear all the costs of repair? 承担 ‎[记牢]‎ bear the blame/responsibility     受责备/承担责任 can't bear doing/to do sth. 不能忍受做某事 bear sb./sb.'s doing sth. 忍受某人做某事 bear sth.in mind 牢记某事 bear (it) in mind that ... 牢记……‎ ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎⑥We have no vacancies now, but we'll certainly bear your application in mind.‎ ‎⑦He couldn't bear being/to_be_made (make) fun of like that before the whole class.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑧You shouldn't have to bear_the_blame_for other people's mistakes.‎ 你不应该非得代人受过。‎ ‎⑨We must bear_it_in_mind_that wasting time is equal to wasting ‎ our life.‎ 我们必须牢记浪费时间等于浪费生命。‎ ‎[用准]  (1)bear意为“忍耐,忍受”时,通常与can, could连用,用于疑问句或否定句中。‎ ‎(2)bear的过去式为bore,过去分词是borne和born,表示“出生/自”时,用born,并且仅用于被动语态;表示“生育”时用borne。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑩(2016·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)请记着我们8:30在学校外会面。‎ Please_bear_it_in_mind_that_we'll_meet_at_8:30_outside_the_school_gate.‎ ‎[词汇过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.It seems reasonable (合理的) to expect rapid urban growth.‎ ‎2.Adler was an outgoing (外向的), sociable kind of man.‎ ‎3.He had always been modest (谦虚的) and remained so after he had become famous.‎ ‎4.It's traditional for the two teams to exchange (交换) shirts after the game.‎ ‎5.The research indicates (表明) that eating habits is changing fast.‎ ‎6.We depend on the sea to produce most of our planet's oxygen and absorb (吸收) carbon dioxide.‎ ‎7.I took a glance at the hall and found many familiar (熟悉的) faces among the audience.‎ ‎8.The old lady can't bear (容忍) the fatigue of a long journey.‎ ‎9.A guide gave a brief (简短的) introduction about the history of ‎ the site.‎ ‎10.I'm writing to make a request (请求) for a valuable chance to be one of the host families for the British students.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.It is reported that the majority of the young, with their parents working in distant cities, have_been_suffering (suffer) from a sense of loneliness for years. ‎ ‎2.He owes his good health to plenty of exercise and a regular life.‎ ‎3.I am intended to look for a creative job, because I can't bear doing (do) the same thing day by day.‎ ‎4.It is requested that each of the teachers invited (should)_give (give) a performance at the party. ‎ ‎5.Curiously (curious) enough, that very same thought occurred to me when I heard about the incident.‎ ‎6.Educators (educate) are seriously concerned about the high rate of dropouts among the poor students.‎ ‎7.What is being pulled down is the only theme park that is familiar to children.‎ ‎8.With the development of science and technology, the surrounding villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.Don't respond to any emails requested personal information, no matter how official they look.requested→requesting ‎2.Since Beijing is familiar with me, I can show visitors around the places of interest in Beijing.with→to ‎3.When deeply absorbing in work, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.absorbing→absorbed ‎4.In the long run, Urmson sees a future of safer roads — the majority of auto accidents is caused by human error — and fewer traffic jams.is→are ‎5.I owed to you that I made such rapid progress in my spoken English.owed后加it Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.This kind of cancer is_attached_to_smoking_and_drinking (与吸烟、喝酒有联系).‎ ‎2.Owing_to_my_poor_English (由于我的英语不好), I have difficulty in expressing myself in English.‎ ‎3.I_couldn't_bear_to_listen/listening_any_longer (我实在听不下去了), so I left the room.‎ ‎4.I have decided to wash the dishes for three months_in_exchange_for_the_money (换取钱) I'll pay for my new bike.‎ ‎5.People who can speak English are in_the_majority (占多数) in this country.‎ ‎ (一)课前自主学习 ‎1.get_used_to           习惯于 ‎2.give_..._a_lift 让……搭车,搭便车 ‎3.see_...off 给(某人)送行 ‎4.belong_to 属于 ‎5.insist_on [串记1] 坚持,坚决要求 ‎6.stare_at [串记2] 盯着看;凝视 ‎7.be_attached_to 附属于 ‎8.sound_like 听起来像 ‎9.in_poor_condition 状况不好 ‎10.be_sensitive_to 对……敏感 ‎11.at_least 至少 ‎12.contrary_to 与……相反 ‎13.put/bring_an_end_to 结束 ‎14.loads_of 许多,大量 ‎ [同根短语串记]‎ 串记1.“动词+on”短语荟萃 ‎①depend on依靠;依赖 ②insist on坚持 ‎③put on穿上 ④feed on以……为生 ‎⑤take on承担 ⑥carry on继续;进行 ‎⑦concentrate on集中 ⑧try on试穿 串记2.聚焦“看”相关短语 ‎①look around环顾;四下查看 ②glare at怒视 ‎③look down 俯视;向下看 ④stare at盯着看;凝视 ‎⑤look up仰望;抬头往上看 ⑥look at查看 ‎⑦look through穿过……看 ⑧glance up抬头一看 ‎1.owe you an apology       该向你道歉 ‎2.wander through the fields 漫步田野间 ‎3.take sport very seriously 很重视运动 ‎4.have_a_good appetite 胃口很好 ‎5.a word of advice 一点建议 ‎6.risk getting sick 冒生病的危险 ‎7.afford to visit me 抽出时间来看我 ‎8.have a similar experience 有一次相似的经历 ‎9.such a mix of different cultures 这样一种不同文化的混合体 ‎1.I'd rather stay cosy and read my novel.‎ 我宁可舒服地待着,看看小说。‎ ‎2.Would you mind giving me and my schoolmate a lift to school?‎ 你能让我和我的同学搭上你的车去上学吗?‎ ‎3.Decide where to go on holiday with a friend.‎ 定好和朋友到哪儿去度假。‎ ‎4.When I first arrived in San Francisco, I had a difficult time understanding certain aspects of the American way of doing things.‎ 刚到旧金山的时候,有段时间我感到很难理解某些美国人的处事方式。‎ ‎5.I had a similar experience the last time I visited China.‎ 上次我到中国参观时也有同样的经历。‎ ‎[学考对接·活学活用]‎ 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词块与句式 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ阅读七选五)There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings. Set your alarm clock an hour early and push yourself to work out! You will feel energized all day long.(用本单元短语替换加黑词汇) loads_of ‎2.(2015·湖北高考阅读D)Without gravity to help circulate air, the ‎ carbon dioxide you exhale (呼气) has a tendency to form an invisible (隐形的) cloud around your head.You can end up with what astronauts call a carbondioxide headache.(用本单元短语替换加黑词汇) put_an_end_to 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词块与句式 ‎(根据汉语及提示翻译句子)‎ ‎1.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)我仍然记着上次你来我们学校的时候给我展示了关于环保的照片。(the last time引导时间状语从句)‎ I_remember_you_showed_me_some_photos_on_environmental_protection_the_last_time_you_visited_our_school.‎ ‎2.(2014·重庆高考书面表达)我很珍惜这本书,因为它告诉我如何用一种积极的方式保持平衡的友谊。(疑问词+to do)‎ I_value_this_book_because_it_tells_me_how_to_keep_the_balance_of_friendship_in_a_positive_way.‎ ‎(二)课堂重点释疑 ‎ [短语集释]‎ ‎1.see ... off 给(某人)送行 ‎[记牢]‎ see through ...      看透,识破;把……做完 see to sb./sth. 照料;注意;处理 see to it that ... 确保/保证……‎ ‎[练通]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①John is leaving for London tomorrow and I'll see him off at the airport.‎ ‎②Can you see to it that the fax goes this afternoon?‎ 完成句子 ‎③I'm so glad you've come here to_see_to_the_matter in person.‎ 我很高兴你能亲自来处理这件事情。‎ ‎④You were very clever_to_see_through_him. He had deceived the rest of us.‎ 你能看穿他真是聪明。他把我们其余的人都蒙蔽了。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑤(2013·江西高考书面表达)上午八点,我们在学校门口集合,校长给我们送行,然后我们情绪高涨朝着大青山出发。‎ At_8_am,_we_gathered_at_the_gate_of_the_school._The_headmaster_saw_us_off_and_then_we_set_out_for_Daqing_Mountain._‎ ‎2.get used to习惯于 ‎[记牢]‎ ‎(1)be/become/grow/get used to (doing) sth.‎ ‎=be/become/grow/get accustomed to (doing) sth.‎ ‎ 习惯于(做)某事    ‎ ‎(2)be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 ‎(3)used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(暗示现在已经不做了)‎ ‎[练通] 完成句子 ‎①He gets_used_to_getting_up_early and he can enjoy the fresh air in the morning.‎ 他习惯早起来呼吸早上新鲜的空气。‎ ‎②Smartphones are_used_to_do many things for people now.‎ 现在手机被用来为人们做很多事情。‎ ‎③We used_to_sit in the yard every evening, listening to stories told by my grandpa.‎ 过去我们常常每天晚上坐在院子里,听爷爷讲故事。 ‎ ‎④When he was young, he used_to go there on foot. Now he has got_used_to going there by bike, though his bike is_used_to pick up his grandson sometimes.‎ 他年轻的时候常步行去那里。现在他习惯于骑自行车去那里,虽然有时候他的自行车被用来接孙子。‎ ‎[写美]‎ ‎⑤(2012·四川高考书面表达)我习惯了在同学的帮助下背单词。我真的希望你能给我一些如何记忆新单词的建议。‎ I_am_used_to_learning_words_by_heart_with_the_help_of_classmates._I_really_hope_that_you_can_give_me_some_advice_on_how_to_memorize_new_words.‎ ‎[句式集释]‎ ‎1.the last time引导时间状语从句 ‎[教材原句] I had a similar experience the_last_time I visited China.‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)The_last_time I saw him, he was in hospital.‎ 上次我见到他时,他住院了。‎ ‎(2)He left me a good impression the_first_time I met him.‎ 我第一次见到他时,他给我留下了好印象。‎ ‎(3)The_moment he got out of the airport, the famous pop star was surrounded by his fans.‎ 这位著名歌星一出飞机场,就被歌迷围了起来。‎ ‎(4)I came to see you instantly (instant) I heard the news.‎ 我一听到这个消息,就马上来看你了。‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 the last time作连词,引导时间状语从句。类似的还有:the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, the day, the week, the month, the year, each/every/next/any/last time, immediately, instantly, directly, by the time等。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)(2015·安徽高考满分作文)The first time I interviewed him, he looked a bit nervous.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)(2013·湖南高考满分作文)The first time we lost the match, we all felt very depressed, because we had all been devoted to making full preparations for it.(要点句)‎ ‎2.“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构 ‎[教材原句] Decide where_to_go_on_holiday with a friend.‎ ‎[悟拓展例句]‎ ‎(1)When and where to_discuss the issue hasn't been decided yet.‎ 何时何地讨论这个问题还没有确定。‎ ‎(2)Why not discover (discover) what you enjoy and do that?‎ 为什么不去发现你喜欢做的然后去做呢?‎ ‎(3)I don't know whether to_accept (accept) it or not.‎ 我不知道是否接受它。‎ ‎[析用法规则]‎ 用法归纳 ‎(1)在“疑问词+不定式”结构中,不定式必须用主动式而不能用被动式。‎ ‎(2)why后加不定式时,省略不定式符号to。‎ ‎(3)whether后可接不定式,而if不可以。‎ 注意事项 ‎“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构,在句中作宾语、主语、表语等。‎ ‎[背写作佳句]‎ ‎(1)(2018·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)Speaking of table manners, I think it is important for you to know how to use chopsticks.(要点句)‎ ‎(2)(2015·浙江高考满分作文)Once we were left to decide whether to have a picnic in a park or go to a museum. I would love to go to a museum.(要点句)‎ ‎(3)The question many students are puzzled about is how to study English well.(要点句)‎ ‎[词块、句式过关综合训练] ‎ Ⅰ.选词填空 see ... off, at least, be sensitive to, insist on, belong to,contrary to, give ... a lift, get used to ‎1.Contrary_to my expectation, he won the speech competition.‎ ‎2.I made everything perfectly clear — or at_least I thought I did.‎ ‎3.Don't be_sensitive_to what I said — I wasn't criticizing you.‎ ‎4.It was late at night, and there was no bus.Fortunately, a man driving a car gave me a_lift.‎ ‎5.The young man insisted_on being sent to where he was most needed.‎ ‎6.The fresh air belongs_equally_to us all; we should protect it from being polluted.‎ ‎7.Before I studied psychology, I had_got_used_to thinking that people would laugh when funny things occurred.‎ ‎8.The mother and children went to Swansea to see the father off.‎ Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.The_last_time_I_wrote_you_a_letter,_it was the fourth year after I graduated.‎ 我上一次给你写信,那是在我毕业后的第四年。‎ ‎2.He has never considered how_to_solve_the_problem.‎ 他从未考虑过如何解决这个问题。‎ ‎3.Thousands of people were at the airport to_see_them_off.‎ 数千人在机场为他们送行。‎ ‎4.By the way, the photos taken with you are_attached_to_the_letter.‎ 顺便说一下,和你一起拍摄的照片也一起附到这封信上了。‎ ‎5.The boy insisted_on_going_swimming with his father.‎ 那个男孩坚持和他爸爸一起去游泳。‎ Ⅲ.分步写作 假设你是李华。你的外国笔友Jane打算七月来中国,特来信了解中国的社交习俗。请你用英语写一封回信。从以下几个方面给出建议:‎ ‎1.见面时的问候方式;‎ ‎2.对赞美的回答方式;‎ ‎3.接收礼物时的回应方式;‎ ‎4.餐饮礼节。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本写作属于应用文中的普通书信,时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。要点表达可以从下面三部分着手:一是很高兴收到来信;二是介绍中国社交习俗;三是希望建议起作用。要点表达要力求准确全面,避免跑题。‎ 要点1:很高兴收到你的来信,欢迎七月来中国。‎ I'm_glad_to_hear_from_you_and_you_are_welcome_to_China_in_July.‎ 要点2:下面就是一些中国社交习俗。‎ The_followings_are_some_Chinese_social_customs.‎ 要点3:我希望这些建议将会对你有所帮助,期盼着你的到来。‎ I_hope_these_suggestions_will_be_helpful_and_I_am_really_looking_forward_to_your_coming.‎ 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 为了使内容更充实,我们需要对要点进行升级改造,使之更加完美、地道,如要点2列举例子,使用such ... as, when引导的省略句,there be句型以及谚语;要点3使用what引导的名词性从句表达作者的真诚。‎ 拓展2-①:我们通过说“你好!”或者问“你去哪儿?”“你忙吗?”这样的问题来相互问候。(such ... as)‎ We_greet_each_other_by_saying_“Hello!”_or_asking_such_questions_as_“Where_are_you_going?”_or_“Are_you_busy?”‎ 拓展2-②:当受到表扬时,我们可以回复“哦,不!”或“过奖啦。”以示礼貌。(when+done的省略句)‎ When_praised,_we_reply_with_“Oh,_no!”_or_“I'm_overpraised.”_to_show_good_manners.‎ 拓展2-③:收到礼物时,我们通常说“不必带礼物。”,附带“谢谢!”来表示礼貌然后把礼物收起来。(when+doing的省略句)‎ When_receiving_a_gift,_we_usually_say_“It's_unnecessary.”_in_addition_to_“Thanks!”_to_show_politeness_and_then_put_it_away.‎ 拓展2-④:在宴会上,当喝酒祝福某人的健康或成功时,我们通过大声谈话和碰杯来表现我们的热心。(when+doing的省略句)‎ At_dinner_parties,_we_talk_loudly_and_touch_glasses_when_drinking_to_someone's_health_or_success_to_show_that_we're_warm.‎ 拓展2-⑤:不同的文化有不同的习俗。如果你遵守谚语“入乡随俗”,你将在这里享受到更多快乐。(there be句型,谚语)‎ There_are_different_customs_in_different_cultures._If_you_follow_the_proverb_“Do_as_the_Romans_do_when_in_Rome”,_you'll_enjoy_more_of_your_stay_here.‎ 拓展3:我希望上面我提到的会有所帮助,盼望着你的到来。(what引导的名词性从句)‎ I_hope_what's_mentioned_above_will_be_helpful_and_I_am_really_looking_forward_to_your_coming.‎ 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 开头表达收到来信时的高兴心情;中间列举要点,用到连接词,如firstly, secondly, next, finally, anyhow等作好连接过渡;最后希望建议起作用。‎ Dear_Jane,‎ I'm_glad_to_hear_from_you_and_you_are_welcome_to_China_in_July._The_followings_are_some_Chinese_social_customs.‎ Firstly,_we_greet_each_other_by_saying“Hello!”or_asking_such_questions_as_“Where_are_you_going?”_or_“Are_you_busy?”Secondly,_when_praised,_we_reply_with_“Oh,_no!”_or_“I'm_overpraised.”_to_show_good_manners._Next,_when_receiving_a_gift,_we_usually_say_“It's_unnecessary.”_in_addition_to_“Thanks!”_to_show_politeness_and_then_put_it_away._Finally,_at_dinner_parties,_we_talk_loudly_and_touch_glasses_when_drinking_to_someone's_health_or_success_to_show_that_we're_warm.Anyhow,_there_are_different_customs_in_different_cultures._If_you_follow_the_proverb_“Do_as_the_Romans_do_when_in_Rome.”,_you'll_enjoy_more_of_your_stay_here.‎ I_hope_what's_mentioned_above_will_be_helpful_and_I_am_really_looking_forward_to_your_coming.‎ Yours,‎ Li_Hua 理清文体结构之(十二) 议论文之分总结构——把握分论点,关注结论是关键 ‎“分总结构”类议论文一般在文章前半部分有相对一致的句式或相互照应的词语来表现分的关系,让文章思路清晰,使读者一目了然。结尾的“总”一般为文章的论点,是文章的结论及核心。把握住分论点并找到论点对理解全文大意至关重要,然后迅速浏览题干,根据题目要求回原文中找对应信息,便可准确解题。‎ ‎  ‎ ‎[高考典例] 2015·四川卷·E篇 ‎[读文划分结构]‎ 分 ‎[1]No one is sure how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids near Cairo. But a new study suggests they used a little rock ‘n’ roll. Longago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled them across the sand, the scientists say.‎ ‎[2]“Technically, I think what they're proposing is possible,” physicist Daniel Bonn said.‎ ‎[3]People have long puzzled over how the Egyptians moved such huge rocks. And there's no obvious answer. On average, each of the two million big stones weighed about as much as a large pickup truck. The Egyptians somehow moved the stone blocks to the pyramid site from about one kilometer away.‎ ‎[4]The most popular view is that Egyptian workers slid the blocks along smooth paths. Many scientists suspect workers first would have put the blocks on sleds (滑板). Then they would have dragged them along paths. To make the work easier, workers may have lubricated_the_paths either with wet clay or with the fat from cattle. Bonn has now tested this idea by building small sleds and dragging heavy objects over sand.‎ ‎[5]Evidence from the sand supports this idea. Researchers found small amounts of fat, as well as a large amount of stone and the remains of paths.‎ ‎→论点1:滚动移石(可解50题)‎ ——建造困难   ‎ 论点2:滑动移石 ‎ (可解46题)‎ ——实例论证   ‎ — 结论:滚动移石比滑动 移石有优势(可解49题)‎ 总 ‎[6]However, physicist Joseph West thinks there might have been a simpler way, who led the new study. West said, “I was inspired while watching a television program showing how sleds might have helped with pyramid construction. I thought, ‘Why don't they just try rolling the things?’”A square could be turned into a rough sort of wheel by attaching wooden poles to its sides, he realized. That, he notes, should make a block of stone “a lot easier to roll than a square”.‎ ‎[7]So he tried it.‎ ‎[8]He and his students tied some poles to each of four sides of a 30kilogram stone block. That action turned the block into somewhat a wheel. Then they placed the block on the ground.‎ ‎[9]They wrapped one end of a rope around the block and pulled. The researchers found they could easily roll the block along different kinds of paths. They calculated that rolling the block required about as much force as moving it along a slippery (滑的) path.‎ ‎[10]West hasn't tested his idea on larger blocks, but he thinks rolling has clear advantages over sliding. At least, workers wouldn't have needed to carry cattle fat or water to smooth the paths.‎ ‎ [定区间·细比对]‎ ‎46.It's widely believed that the stone blocks were moved to the pyramid site by ________.‎ A.rolling them on roads B.pushing them over the sand C.sliding them on smooth paths D.dragging them on some poles ‎49.Why is rolling better than sliding according to West?‎ A.Because more force is needed for sliding.‎ B.Because rolling work can be done by fewer cattle.‎ C.Because sliding on smooth roads is more dangerous.‎ D.Because less preparation on paths is needed for rolling.‎ ‎50.What is the text mainly about?‎ A.An experiment on ways of moving blocks to the pyramid site.‎ B.An application of the method of moving blocks to the pyramid site.‎ C.An argument about different methods of moving blocks to the pyramid site.‎ D.An introduction to a possible new way of moving blocks to the pyramid site.‎ ‎[答案] 46.C 49.D 50.D ‎46.普遍的移石观点第4段,由论点2比对即可得出答案。‎ ‎49.滚动移石的优势最后一段,由结论归纳得出答案。‎ ‎50.文章主旨全文结构,由分论点和结论归纳可得出答案。‎

