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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Unit 3 Computers A (2017·长春高三质检)It's hard to talk to Dad sometimes.His silence about his feelings and thoughts made him mysterious and hard to see through.You could never break his hard shell and get to know him.And he seemed to want to stay that way too. But a year ago when my relationship with my wife and career took a hit,I needed my dad to pull back the curtain so I could see him as real and accessible.I was facing serious problems,and I wanted to know whether he had faced them before and how he had found his way,because I felt like I had lost mine.In desperation,it occurred to me that sending an email might be the key,so I wrote him one,telling him about my regrets and fears,and I asked him to answer,if he felt like it. Two weeks later,it showed up in my inbox:a muchthought,threepage letter.Dad, a 68yearold retired technologist and grandfather of four,had carefully considered my message,and crafted a response.He mentioned his lost love,the foolish mistake he made in career and the stupid pride he had between him and his parents.He comforted me that “life will still find its right track despite many of its twists and turns”. I closed the email and started to cry,because I wished I had opened it up earlier but was grateful it wasn't too late.I cried because at 33,in the midst of my own struggles,his letter instantly put me at ease.And I cried because in the end, it was so simple:I just had to hit “Send”. We've since had many email exchanges.This increasing communication opened a door into his world.My problems haven't been magically solved,but getting to know my dad better has made the tough stuff more manageable and life sweeter.It's hard to talk to dads sometimes,but I'm glad I found a way to talk to mine. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。与一个沉默寡言的父亲交谈有时很难,作者却找到 了一个很好的与父亲交流的方式,那就是发电子邮件。 1.The author's dad can be best described as . A.quiet and caring B.optimistic and careless C.selfish and lonely D.indifferent and serious A [推理判断题。根据第一段中的“His silence about his feelings and thoughts” 可知,父亲是沉默寡言的;根据第三段可知,其实父亲很关心作者。A 项意为“安静和体贴 的”;B 项意为“乐观和粗心的”;C 项意为“自私和孤独的”;D 项意为“冷漠和严肃的”。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 故选 A。] 2.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by “ ”. A.draw the curtain B.become more optimistic C.show his true self D.clear the misunderstanding C [词义猜测题。根据下文的“so I could see him as real and accessible”可知, 作者需要父亲展现真实的自己。故选 C。] 3.What can be a suitable title for the text? A.Communication Is the Best Policy B.Emails from My Dad C.A Man of Few Words D.My Mysterious Dad B [标题判断题。作者与父亲之间真正的内心情感交流是由父亲回复的邮件开始的,也 是这封邮件让作者找到了与父亲交流的途径。B 项紧扣主题。故选 B。] 4.Which of the following is NOT true? A.My Dad's email was quickly written. B.I was moved when reading the email. C.The email contained much information. D.I wished I could have consulted him earlier. A [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Two weeks later,it showed up in my inbox:a muchthought,threepage letter”可知,父亲的邮件并不是很快写完的。故选 A。] 【导学号:30892209】 B (2017· 郑 州 高 三 检 测 )A group of kids at McIntyre Elementary School , in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania,have created a special bench to make sure their fellow classmates aren't left out on the playground.Called the “Buddy Bench”,students can use the seat as a safe and supportive place to let others know they'd like to be included in playtime,but may be too shy to ask. The concept of the Buddy Bench is simple:Students who want to partake in playground games and activities,but may feel hesitant,can take a seat,which signifies (表明) to other children on the playground that they may need something extra to encourage them to participate. The idea for the bench came about last year,when Farrell,school counselor at 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 McIntyre Elementary,was conducting a leadership group to help students overcome shyness and gain confidence.Four fourthgrade students came up with the idea for the Buddy Bench in this workshop,and worked with Farrell to draft a letter to present to the Parent Teacher Staff Organization to make the bench a reality.The PTSO approved the students' proposal,and installed (安装) a bright metal bench with a cheerful sign that reads “Buddy Bench” on the school's playground. Since it was installed on Nov.16,the bench has been effective.The simple concept has resonated with(引起共鸣) the students,and already has created a better environment within the school community. “Each day,I go to see the buddy bench working,” Farrell said.“The lessons they are learning now will benefit them their entire lives.It is simply a beautiful example of kids wanting to be kind and continue to be kind every day.” 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。几个小学生提出了“兄弟板凳”的概念,并最终 将其付诸实际,这一方法为渴望和大家一起玩耍却羞于说出口的学生创造了更好的交友环 境。 5.Who is Buddy Bench created for? A.Students who love games and activities. B.Students who want and continue to be kind. C.Students who are left out on the playground. D.Students who are in Farrell's leadership group. C [推理判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,设计这种板凳是为了防止在团体活动中有些 同学被冷落在一旁。故选 C。] 6.Who thought of the idea for the Buddy Bench? A.Farrell. B.Four students. C.The PTSO. D.Some parents. B [细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,四个四年级的学生提出了“兄弟板凳”的想 法。故选 B。] 7.What does the word “they” in the last paragraph refer to? A.The PTSO. B.Buddy Bench users. C.The workshop members. D.Farrell and teachers. C [指代判断题。根据画线词下一句“It is simply a beautiful example of kids wanting to be kind and continue to be kind every day.”可知,“兄弟板凳”只是一些 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 想发扬善意的孩子们所做的好事中的一个例子,由此结合上文提及的“兄弟板凳”的概念是 工作室里的学生提出来的可知,本段 Farrell 主要是肯定工作室里的孩子的行为和善意,故 此处的“they”指代“工作室里的孩子们”。故选 C。] 8.Which of the following statements,can show “the bench has been effective”? A.More and more creative ideas have come up. B.The workshop kids have set a good example. C.The PTSO has decided to provide more buddy benches. D.Some shy students have found friends on the playground. D [推理判断题。根据文章可知,设计这一板凳的目的是为学生营造良好的校园环境。 D 项“一些害羞的学生已经在操场上找到了朋友”能体现其效果。故选 D。] Ⅱ.完形填空 (2017·西安高三质检)I was an unlucky nurse who had to work on Christmas Day.It was always 1 in the emergency room on this day;so I was not expecting any patients.When I was complaining about 2 on such a beautiful festival,five people showed up at my desk—a pale woman and four small children. “Are you all sick?” I asked in a(n) 3 way because they seemed all right. “Yes,” the woman answered 4 and lowered her head. But when they started to present their problems,things got a little vague.Two of the children had headaches, 5 the headaches weren't accompanied by normal body languages such as holding the head.Two children had earaches,but neither of them could tell me 6 ear was in pain.The mother complained of a cough,but she seemed to be 7 . Something was wrong.I didn't say anything but explained that it might take a while 8 a doctor could meet them.“Take your 9 ,please,” the mother responded.Then,I checked their charts—no address.Suddenly I knew,they were homeless and the hospital was 10 . I looked out at the family,gathering together under the Christmas tree,smiling and 11 with each other sweetly.Quietly,I went back to the nurses' station and told them that we had a homeless 12 in the waiting room.It was just like God sending us a 13 on Christmas Day.The nurses' station suddenly came back to 14 .All the nurses went into action,just as we did when there was a real 15 emergency.But this one was “a Christmas emergency”. We 16 our meals for our Christmas “patients”.We also put together oranges and apples 17 presents.Usually we just tried to 18 the physical needs of 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 our patients.But today,we worked hard to exceed (超越) the needs of a family who only 19 a warm place on Christmas Day. Later,when the family was leaving,the fouryearold girl ran back and gave me a 20 . “Thanks for being our angel (天使) today,” she whispered in my ear. 【语篇解读】 本文叙述了在圣诞节那一天作者所在的医院里发生的事情。一个妇女带 着四个孩子来医院假装看病,其实是为了在这里取暖,值班的作者了解了情况后和其他护士 一起给这家人提供了食物和礼物。这家人离开时,小女孩亲了作者并说作者是天使。 1.A.quiet B.noisy C.bright D.dark A [根据下文内容可知,作者没有预料到圣诞节那天有病人,因为圣诞节病人一般很少, 所以急诊室很安静(quiet)。] 2.A.studying B.talking C.working D.playing C [根据上文提到的作者说自己是一个不幸的护士,在圣诞节还必须工作的内容可知, 此处指当作者正抱怨着自己在如此美好的节日里还要工作(working)时。] 3.A.suspecting B.expecting C.forgetting D.accepting A [因为他们看起来都很健康,所以作者用怀疑的(suspecting)方式问“你们都生病了 吗”。] 4.A.excitedly B.surprisedly C.weakly D.strongly C [根据空后的“lowered her head”及下文的内容可知,他们都没有生病,而是假装 生病以待在暖和的医院里,故此处指的应是这个女士弱弱地回答道。excitedly“激动地”; surprisedly“惊讶地”;weakly“虚弱地”;strongly“强有力地”。] 5.A.or B.so C.and D.but D [有两个孩子说头疼,但却未伴随有正常的头疼时的身体语言,例如托着头。前后句 为转折关系,故用 but。] 6.A.what B.which C.how D.why B [两个孩子耳朵疼,但没有一个能告诉作者哪只耳朵疼。分析句子结构可知,空处引 导的是宾语从句,表示“哪一个”,且此处是有范围的选择,故用 which。] 7.A.explaining B.understanding C.promoting D.pretending 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 D [句中的“but”说明这个女士不是真咳嗽,似乎是假装(pretend)的。explain“解 释”;understand“理解”;promote“促进”。] 8.A.unless B.before C.after D.when B [作者向他们解释说,医生要过一会儿才能来见他们。before“在……之前”,符合 语境。unless“如果不”;after“在……之后”;when“当……时候”。] 9.A.money B.breath C.break D.time D [根据下文中的“they were homeless and the hospital was 10 ”及“a family who only 19 a warm place on Christmas Day”可知他们只是想待在医院里,不着急 “看病”,故此处指的应是这位母亲回答作者道“请慢慢来”。take your time“慢慢来, 别着急”。] 10.A.warm B.cold C.big D.small A [根据“on Christmas Day”可知故事发生在冬天,医院里应该是暖和的(warm)。下 文中的“a warm place”亦是提示。] 11.A.quarreling B.fighting C.chatting D.competing C [作者看到他们聚集在圣诞树下,微笑着,甜蜜地聊着天(chat)。quarrel“争吵”; fight“打仗”;compete“竞争”。] 12.A.mother B.family C.girl D.boy B [根据第一段最后一句中的“five people showed up...small children”可知,出 现在医院的是一个脸色苍白的女士和四个小孩子,故此处指的应是候诊室里有一个无家可归 的家庭(family)。] 13.A.job B.luck C.chance D.gift D [根据语境可知,此处指圣诞节时出现的这一家人就好像是上帝给作者和其他护士的 礼物(gift)。护士本来就有工作,所以 A 项不对。luck“运气”;chance“机会”。] 14.A.space B.earth C.life D.school C [护士值班室突然间恢复了活力。因为圣诞节一般没什么病人,所以值班的护士也觉 得无聊,这家人的出现使他们有事可做。come to life“使人兴奋,变得活跃”。] 15.A.traffic B.medical 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 C.political D.history B [所有的护士都行动起来了,就像我们在出现紧急医疗(medical)情况时所做的那样。 traffic“交通”;political“政治的”;history“历史”。] 16.A.took out B.gave out C.turned out D.put out A [我们取出自己的饭给了圣诞节“病人”。take out...for sb.“取出某物给某人”; gave out...to sb.“分发某物给某人”;turn out“结果是,证明是”;put out“伸出”。] 17.A.for B.as C.on D.in B [我们把橘子和苹果放在一起作为礼物。as 在此意为“作为”。] 18.A.meet B.cut C.increase D.miss A [我们通常会试着满足(meet)病人的生理需要。meet the needs“满足需要”。] 19.A.built B.escaped C.wanted D.refused C [但是今天,我们努力给这个家庭的远远超越了他们的需求,他们只是想(want)在圣 诞节有个温暖的地方。] 20.A.cake B.bag C.kiss D.visit C [当这个家庭离开时,四岁的小女孩跑回来给了作者一个吻(kiss),并在她的耳边低 声说道“谢谢你今天成为我们的天使”。] Ⅲ.书面表达 (2016·全国甲卷)假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学 生摄影展。请给你的英国朋友 Peter 写封信,请他提供作品。信的内容包括: 1.主题:环境保护; 2.展览时间; 3.投稿邮箱:intlphotoshow@gmschool.com。 注意: 1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 【参考范文】 Dear Peter, Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School Student Photography Show.The theme of the show is environmental protection.It will start from June 15th and last for three weeks.Any student who is interested is welcome to participate.I know you take good pictures and you've always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.This is surely a good chance for more people to see them.If you want to join, you can send your photos to intlphotoshow@gmschool.com. Hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Li Hua

