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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing 一、单元跟踪过关 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.We were doing our homework when the light went out. 2.The boy's parents were glad to see his satisfying(satisfy) result of the final exam. 3.John offered to_help(help)her with her English, but she refused. 4.After graduation, he took up teaching and became a teacher. 5.The new technology,if applied(apply) to farming, will help increase the grain output. 6.A lot of dirty clothes require cleaning/to_be_cleaned(clean)so she will not go out shopping this weekend. 7.A teacher shouldn't take it for granted that everyone has understood what he said in class. 8.Stressful(stress) environment leads to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits. 9.Having_suffered(suffer) such a heavy loss, the boss didn't have the courage to go on with his business. 10.The teacher demanded that the homework (should)be_done(do) in the way we'd just learned. Ⅱ.单句改错 1.The effect a teacher has over children may be greater than that of their parents. over 改为 on 2.She was very absorbed in her books that she didn't notice what was happening around her. very 改为 so 3.The first of the two ships reach Java after the race had begun was the Thermoplae. reach 前加 to 4.The agent was about to sign his name to the document while, to our surprise, a stranger broke in to prevent him. while 改为 when 5.It is every citizen's demand that the murderer who killed three children severely punished. severely 前加 be 6.The head teacher, satisfying with what the student said, nodded with a smile. satisfying 改为 satisfied 7.Bad luck! Instead going forward, our car went backwards and got stuck in the mud. going 前加 of 8.Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues amusing with her stories. amusing 改为 amused 9.He has just finished his homework when his father came back. has 改为 had 10.I would greatly appreciate you if you would send me the application forms as soon as possible. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 第一个 you 改为 it Ⅲ.完成句子 1.I want to apply_for(申请) a job as a doctor. 2.The ten fastest growing jobs will be_related_to(与……有关) computers and health. 3.There will also be a rise in_the_demand_for (对……的需求) health care professionals. 4.He had a_close_encounter_with_death (和死神打了个照面). 5.Social workers will continue to be_in_demand(非常需要的). 二、高考模拟写作 (2017·河北联考)假定你是李华。你收到了美国朋友彼得寄来的最新英文小说。请给他 回信,要点如下: 1.小说收到; 2.回赠礼物; 3.礼物意义; 4.邀请来华。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Peter, ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua 答案: 范文赏读 Dear_Peter,_ I'm glad to receive the novel. Thank you for such a lovely gift as I have been expecting for a long time. This novel gives me some insights into American society and daily life. I know you're interested in Chinese festivals.Therefore I choose an album of paper cutting for you.Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese cultural relics, which is often used as a decoration for a joyous atmosphere.I hope it will bring happiness and luck to your family as it always does in China. Best wishes. Expect you to come to China and experience the rich culture in person. Yours,_ Li_Hua 大题巧练 26 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing [授课提示:对应学生用书第 331 页] 一、阅读理解 A (2017·江西模拟)According to his GoFundMe page, Eddie Maltsby Jr. became blind when he was 11 due to sarcoidosis, a rare disease that affects many organs. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 However, Maltsby has committed to bringing light to people in need by playing music on the streets of St. Petersburg, Florida, and donating what he can to them, WTSP reported. In addition to playing for the public, Maltsby also hosts a radio show on WRXB called “Blind Boy Radio”. While on air, the musician gives away groceries, cash and other goods to grateful callers. To date, Maltsby has donated $2,000, but his funds are running low—even with help from sponsors. That's why he's turning to the community for help. Maltsby has set up a GoFundMe campaign in the hope of collecting $25, 000 to aid struggling people in the community. While Maltsby's benevolent(慈善的) spirit is inspiring, it's often the people with little to spare who demonstrate how easy it is to part with money. This past winter, for example, when Dominique HarrisonBentzen, a British student, didn't have any way to get home, a homeless man gave her all the money he had—$4.60—for a taxi. She returned the favor by setting up a fundraiser for the kind man, which has since collected more than 32,000 British pounds(over $50,000). “I hope my campaign will help people think a little more about the people around them,” HarrisonBentzen told The Mirror.“If people can see what I am doing then maybe they can take the time to just stop and talk to a homeless person, hear their story.” 语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。Eddie Maltsby Jr.因肉状瘤病而失去视力,但他依旧赚 钱帮助他人。 1. What can be learned about Eddie Maltsby Jr.? A. He has collected $25,000. B. He's going to keep on giving. C. He was born with blindness. D. He plays music to earn a living. 答案与解析:B 考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“and donating what he can to them” 和第二、三段的内容可知,他已经捐赠了很多钱物,并发起了 GoFundMe 运动,希望能筹到 25 000 美元来帮助他人,由此可推知,Eddie Maltsby Jr.会继续付出,帮助他人。 2. Why does Eddie Maltsby Jr. ask for help? A. He earns less and less money. B. His funds have been used up. C. He needs more people to donate. D. His family give no support to his campaign. 答案与解析:C 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“To date,Maltsby has donated $2,000,but his funds are running low—even with help from sponsors.That's why he's turning to the community for help”可知 Eddie Maltsby Jr.求助的原因是他的资金快 花完了,即他需要更多的人捐款。 3. Which of the following words best describe Eddie Maltsby Jr.? A. Creative and determined. B. Talented and friendly. C. Cooperative and optimistic. D. Helpful and generous. 答案与解析:D 考查推理判断。 根据文中的“Maltsby has committed to bringing light to people in need”“While on air,the musician gives away groceries, cash and other goods to grateful callers”和“Maltsby's benevolent(慈善的)spirit”可 知,Eddie Maltsby Jr.既乐于助人又大方。 4. Dominique HarrisonBentzen's story is used to ________ A. get people involved in community service B. prove that giving is indeed important 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 C. encourage people to share and give D. show the poor are more willing to give 答案与解析:D 考查推理判断。根据第四段中的“it's often the people with little to spare who demonstrate how easy it is to part with money”和第五段中的“for example”可知,作者用 Dominique HarrisonBentzen 的例子表明穷人更乐意付出——帮助 别人。 B (2017·江西质检)Singapore's schools have become global role models, with high results in international tests. But now they want to move beyond this—towards something that encourages creativity and what they term “holistic( 全 面 的 ) education”. Minister for Education, Heng Swee Keat, says this is “less about content knowledge”, but “more about how to process information”. He describes this challenge of innovating as being able to“tell truths from untruths, connect seemingly different things, and create knowledge even as the context changes”. This strategy aims to prepare today's students for the demands of the next 20 years. It means that schools are under more pressure, and will be given more freedom, to come up with creative ways to teach students. So instead of the traditional images of highpressure Asian schools, with rows of heads buried in books, they are trying different approaches to learning. To put this into practice, on a sunny April morning, 80 students from one of Singapore's top schools were traveling outdoors. The nineto tenyearolds from Rosyth School were on a “learning journey” in a park, with science topics and values such as caring for the environment. “We are conducting a biopsy(活组织检查) to find out why a bee, a fish, a bird and a plant mysteriously died,” said student Darren Ong. “Is it because of human actions?” They photographed “evidence” on smartphones and digital cameras, getting facts on plant and animal species on their iPads. “In one activity, I can cover three topics,” said science teacher Lin Lixun.“They can really learn through handson experience and putting things into action,”said moral education teacher, Joslyn Huang. 语篇解读 新加坡的学校向来以优异的考试成绩在国际上闻名。但是,如今新加坡的学 校不再仅仅满足于考试成绩的领先,他们开始推行一种旨在培养学生创造力的“全面教 育”。 5. According to the passage, what are Singapore's schools famous for? A. Test results. B. Strict management. C. Teaching quality. D. The learning environment. 答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。由第一段中的“Singapore's schools have become global role models,with high results in international tests”可知,新加坡的学校 在国际考试中向来成绩优异,并因此成为全球学校学习的榜样,故 A 项正确。 6. What does Singapore's “holistic education” lay emphasis on? A. Students' moral behavior. B. Students' content knowledge. C. Students' creative ability. D. Students' handson experience. 答案与解析:C 考查细节理解。结合第一段中的“encourages creativity”及第二段 的“less about content knowledge... this challenge of innovating”可知,新加坡的 “全面教育”强调的是对学生创造力的培养,故 C 项正确。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 7. The 80 students from Rosyth School conducted a biopsy to find out ________. A. how to improve the environment B. how to protect animals and plants C. relationships between human behavior and climate change D. relationships between human actions and some animals' death 答案与解析:D 考查细节理解。由倒数第二段可知,这些学生进行活动组织检查的目 的是找出一些动植物的死因与人类活动之间的关系。 8. The author tells us about Singapore's schools' different ways of learning by ________. A. giving examples B. making contrasts C. listing figures D. analyzing cause and effect 答案与解析:A 考查写作手法。文章第三段提到,新加坡的学校打算尝试新的教学方 式;接着第四、五段举了 Rosyth School 组织学生到户外学习的例子。由此可知,作者是通 过举例的方式来说明新加坡在教育方面的新尝试的。 二、七选五 A large number of people have a preference for bottled water, because they feel that tap water may not be safe. __9__ Bottled water is mostly sold in plastic bottles. __10__Processing the plastic can lead the harmful chemicals into the water contained in the bottles. The chemicals can be taken in the body and cause physical discomfort. __11__ Bacteria(细菌) can increase in large numbers if the water is kept on the shelves for too long or if it is exposed(暴露) to heat or direct sunlight. The information on storage and shipment is not always readily available to consumers. __12__ Besides these safety problems, bottled water has other disadvantages. It contributes to global warming. About 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide was produced in 2012 by the production of plastic for bottled water. __13__ According to one research, 90% of the bottles used are not recycled and lie for ages in landfills(填 埋场). A. Do you like to drink bottled water? B. But is bottled water really any better? C. That's why it possibly causes health problems. D. The problem concerning bottled water remains to be settled. E. Health risks can also result from unfit store of bottled water. F. In addition, bottled water produces large amount of solid waste. G. Because of this. bottled water may not be a better choice, compared to tap water. 答案: 语篇解读 文章由“瓶装水是否是比自来水更好的选择”这一问题引出主题,对该问题 进行了探讨,并得出结论,指出瓶装水不仅引发健康问题,还对环境产生危害。 9.B 上一句指出瓶装水受欢迎,显然填入内容表示对瓶装水的质疑,因此答案选 B。 10.C 上一句提及瓶装水大多数是装在塑料瓶中出售,下一句谈及塑料加工中的有害 化学物质,显然填入 C 项。 11.E 下一句解释了不恰当的存放方式会导致细菌的滋生,显然填入不合适的储存方 式与健康的联系的句子,因此答案选 E。 12.G 根据文意,显然填入的内容是得出结论,因此答案为 G。 13.F 下一句提到关于使用的瓶子的一项调查,显然是指瓶装水造成了大量的垃圾, 因此答案为 F。 三、短文改错 I applied to a weekend job as waiter and went for an interview yesterday. The 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 restaurant manager asked me if I had some experience and I told her that the summer before I had worked in my uncle cafe. She then asked me that I thought the most difficult part of the job was. I was replied that I had found rude customers the big problem but that I never got angry with them. She then surprised me by ask me to add up the price of a cup of tea, a can of coke and three sandwich. I admitted that I couldn't add up quickly and I asked if she could use a calculator. 答案: I applied to for a weekend job as ∧ a waiter and went for an interview yesterday. The restaurant manager asked me if I had some any experience and I told her that the summer before I had worked in my uncle uncle's cafe. She then asked me that what I thought the most difficult part of the job was. I was replied that I had found rude customers the big biggest problem but that I never got angry with them. She then surprised me by ask asking me to add up the price of a cup of tea, a can of coke and three sandwich sandwiches . I admitted that I couldn't add up quickly and I asked if she I could use a calculator.

