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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela —a modern hero Words about qualities: hard-working 勤劳 的 lazy 懒惰的 friendly 友好的 cruel 残酷的 warm-hearted 热心的 mean 吝啬的 determined 坚定的 wise 明智的 active 积极的 generous 慷慨的 easy-going 随和的 reliable 可信赖的 unkind 不友善的 brave 勇敢的 selfish 自私的 stubborn 顽固的 selfless 无私的 devoted 忠实的 handsome 英俊的 nice 美好的 honest 诚实的 famous 著名的 calm 镇静的 lovely 可爱的 Choose a proper word and fill in the blank. 1. Harry Potter beat the evil dragon ( 恶龙 ), so he is very ___________. brave 2. Lei Feng is ready to help others, so he is a ______________ person. warm-hearted 3. Jay Chou is a _________ pop singer, he is popular with many young people. handsome 4. Sun Wukong is ______, he never tells lies, so many people like him very much. honest 5. Zhu Bajie is a key character ( 角色 ) in The West Journey , he is lovely but very _____ in the novel. lazy 6. German Nazis were very _____, they killed millions of Jews during World War II. cruel How can we tell if a famous person is a great person? Most of the great people are also famous people. But famous people may not also be great people. Now look at the information about six men. And find out who is not a great person? Give your reason for your decision. Are these famous people also great people? William Tyndale (1494-1536) He wrote the Bible in ________ so all could read it. He died for his ______ but his work is still used in the _______ Bible today. English ideas official William Tyndale believes that the Bible should be able to be read by everyone. So he made it his life’s work to translate the Bible from ancient Greek and Hebrew into easily readable English for the people of his time. But he was caught and put into prison and died for this ideas and beliefs. Norman Bethune(1890-1939) He fought against _________ Nazis and __________ invaders during World War II. He worked selflessly in China as _________ and saved many Chinese soldiers. German Japanese a doctor Sun Yat-sen He ________the first ________in China in 1911 after many years’ fighting; he strongly believed in the three principles:__________; people’s rights ; people’s livelihood founded Republic nationalism Mohandas Gandhi He _______a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a _________way. gave up peaceful Nelson Mandela He _________the black people and was in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people. fought for Neil Armstrong (1930-2012 ) He was the first man to _____ on the _______ in ______. He said, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for __________.” land moon 1969 mankind Great person : Famous person: Plays an important role in some field, organization or great events; works harder at their jobs, and makes a huge success Has a great idea; always helps others; unselfishly; gives up something to achieve his/her goal; makes great contributions to society; sacrifices to fight for freedom and rights etc. Neil Armstrong is a famous person and the others are great persons. Discussion What qualities do you think a great person should have? Great person hard-working brave selfless warm-hearted reliable determined active honest generous devoted Thank you!

