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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Unit 4 Public transpor Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading-Pre reading The German public transport is so efficient thatyou won't need a car in Germany. We have two cars back home in Canada, so we decide togiveGerman public transport a try. From our home, we have access within 10 minutes' walk to the SBahn (equivalent to city trains). During rush hours it is faster to use a train than a car. As we glide by in the SBahn, we can see the cars sitting in long, long traffic jams. Many major cities also have the subway. Again, if you live in a big city or near it, it is faster and less troublesome than the car. It is also, of course, far less expensive: no maintenance, no parking to find and pay for, and no gas and expensive insurance to buy. And as the price of gas is already pretty high in Europe, the use ofpublic transport makes more sense to us. You can buy tickets for the day or a monthly pass or a yearly pass. They also have special prices for groups or families good for one to three days, and weekends specials too. The longdistance train system is also very efficient and usually punctual. People will start to be impatient if the train is one or two minutes late. There are four main types of trains in Germany: the SBahn, the regional, the oldfashioned intercity train and the newage ICE (Intercity Express) that looks like the front 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 of a plane and can go faster than 400 km/h. You can go just about everywhere by train from Germany throughout the whole of Europe and I know of no village or small town that is not accessibleeitherby train orother public transport in Germany. Section_Ⅰ Welcome_to_the_unit_&_Reading_—_Prereading [原文呈现][读文清障] The first underground in the world Welcome to① the London Underground, or as it is usually known② , the tube. It has the distinction of③ being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world. Rail④ services to London were first developed during the first half of the 19th century. However, most trains to London only went to the outer⑤ city limits, because building railway tracks into the city would have damaged many old buildings⑥. Horsedrawn⑦ buses, trams⑧, cabs⑨ and carriages were used to convey ○10 people to and around the city centre. Unfortunately ⑪ , the number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable⑫traffic jams⑬, and the roads became so busy that no one could travel anywhere. This traffic problem led to ⑭ the development of the underground ①welcome to ... 欢迎来到…… ②as it is usually known 是 as 引导的方式 状语从句。 ③have the distinction of ... 在某方面卓 越/优秀 ④rail/reIl/n.铁路;栏杆,扶手;横杆 ⑤outer/'aʊtə(r)/adj.远离中心的,外围的; 外表的 ⑥building railway ...是动名词短语,在 because 引导的原因状语从句中作主语。该 原因状语从句使用了虚拟语气。相当于:if railway tracks had been built into the city, it would have damaged many old buildings。 ⑦horsedrawn/'hɔːsdrɔːn/adj.用马拉的 ⑧tram/træm/n.有轨电车 ⑨cab/kæb/n.出租车,的士 ⑩convey/kən'veI/vt.运送,输送;表达 ⑪ unfortunately/ʌn'fɔːtʃənətlI/adv. 遗 憾 地,不幸地,可惜地 ⑫unbelievable/ˌʌnbI'liːvəbl/adj.非常坏 (或非常好、非常极端)的,令人难以置信的 ⑬traffic jamsn.堵车,交通堵塞 ⑭lead to 导致 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 system. 世界上第一条地铁 [第 1 段译文] 欢迎来到伦敦地铁——通常它被称为“管子”。伦敦地铁是世界上最古老且最复杂的地 铁系统,并因此而享有盛名。早在 19 世纪上半叶就首次有了通往伦敦的铁路交通服务。但 大部分通往伦敦的火车只到外伦敦的边界,因为在市区内修建铁路会损害许多古建筑。用马 拉的车、有轨电车、出租车和四轮马车被用来将人们送往市中心及其周围一带。不幸的是, 马路上车的数量造成了令人难以置信的交通堵塞,道路交通变得如此拥挤以至于无人能够通 行。这一交通问题导致了地铁系统的研发。 In 1854, the British government gave approval to⑮ the construction by the Metropolitan⑯ Railway Company of an underground railway in the centre of London, between Paddington and Farringdon, via ⑰ King's Cross, St Pancras and Euston. However, new trains had to be developed and the plan required raising a large amount of⑱ money⑲, so the digging was postponed ⑳ until 1860. The initial tunnels○21 were opened in 1863 and were just beneath the surface of the ground. Passengers were transported in carriages without windows, which were pulled through the narrow tunnels by steam engines○22. In 1868, the next ⑮give approval to 正式批准 ⑯ metropolitan/ˌmetrə'pɒlItən/adj. 大 城市的,大都会的 ⑰via/'vaIə/prep.经由,经过(某一地方); 通过,凭借 ⑱a large amount of 大量,修饰不可数名 词。 large amounts of 大量(修饰不可数名词) a great deal of 大量(修饰不可数名词) ⑲raise money 集资,筹钱 ⑳postpone/pə'spəʊn/vt.延迟,延期 postpone doing sth.推迟做某事 ○21tunnel/'tʌnl/n.地下通道,隧道 ○22which were pulled through ... 是 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 carriages。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 section○23 of the underground system was opened in the south of London by another company called the Metropolitan District Railway. Sixteen years later, in 1884, the Metropolitan Railway Company and the Metropolitan District Railway linked up○24 and provided underground service in the middle of the city. This later became the Circle Line. Because of the smoke from the steam engines, early underground lines needed large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals○25, so that people could get fresh air and would not choke○26. As better ways for digging tunnels were developed○27, the first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug in 1884. These new ways of digging accelerated the pace of○28 the London Underground's development. The City and South London Railway opened the first electric underground railway in 1890. Over the next twentyfive years ○29 , six independent ○30 deep underground lines were constructed. Travelling on these lines was not convenient○31, though○32, as each line was possessed by a different company○33, and many were very far from○34 each other. ○23section/'sekʃn/n.部分;部件;部门 ○24link up 联合,连接 ○25interval/'Intəvl/n.间隔,间隙 at (...) intervals 每隔……距离或时间 ○26choke/tʃəʊk/vi.&vt.(使)窒息;(使)哽 咽;塞满,堵塞 n.哽咽声,呛住的声 音 ○27as 引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。 ○28accelerate the pace of 加快……的步 伐 ○29over the next twentyfive years 在接 下来的 25 年里,over 表示“在……期 间”。 ○30independent adj.独立的 ○31convenient adj.方便的,便利的 ○32though 在句中为副词,意为“不过,可 是,然而”。 ○33as 引导原因状语从句。 ○34far from 远离,远非 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 [第 2~3 段译文] 1854 年,英国政府正式批准大都会铁路公司在伦敦市中心的帕丁顿和法林顿之间建一 条地铁,途经国王十字站、圣潘克里斯和尤斯顿。然而,新式列车必须得研发,这个计划需 要筹集大量的资金,所以地下隧道的挖掘工作一直延迟到 1860 年。首批地铁隧道于 1863 年开通, 它们紧靠地表。乘客们坐在没有窗户的车厢中被运来运去,这些车厢由蒸汽机拉 动,穿梭于狭窄的隧道。1868 年,地铁系统接下去的一段由另一家名为大都会区铁路的公 司在伦敦南部开通。十六年后的 1884 年,大都会铁路公司和大都会区铁路公司联合,为城 市中心提供地铁服务。此线后来变成了环线。由于蒸汽机会产生大量的烟雾,早期的地铁线 每隔一段就需要有通往地面的大洞,以使乘坐地铁的人能呼吸到新鲜空气而不致窒息。,随 着更好的挖掘隧道的方法被研发出来,第一条穿过泰晤士河底的地铁隧道于 1884 年被挖掘 成功。这些新的隧道挖掘方法加快了伦敦地铁发展的步伐。1890 年,伦敦城及南伦敦铁路 公司开通了第一条电力地铁线。在接下来的 25 年里,六条独立的深层地铁线建成。然而搭 乘这些线路并不方便,因为各条线路都为一个不同的公司所拥有,而且许多线路之间相距甚 远。 Having seen the situation○35, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook ○36 the job of improving the system in 1902 by obtaining ownership ○37 of the many different lines and setting up○38 the Underground Electric Railways Company of London. In 1933, a public organization called the London Passenger Transport Board was created. The Underground Electric Railways Company of London, the Metropolitan Line and all the different bus and train lines were placed under the authority○39 of the Board. This organization eventually○40 became London Transport. Between 1918 and 1938, many new stations were ○35Having seen the situation 是现在分词 短语的完成式,在句中作状语。 ○36undertake/ˌʌndə'teIk/vt.&vi.承担,从 事;承诺,答应 ○37ownership/'əʊnəʃIp/n.所有权,产权 ○38set up 设立,建立 ○39authority/ɔː'θɒrətI/n.权力,权威; 官方,当权者 under the authority of 由……负责/掌管 ○40eventually adv.最终;终于 ○41architect/'ɑːkItekt/n.建筑师 ○42 the most famous of which were designed ... 是“名词/代词/数词+of which/whom” 引导 的定 语从 句。 其中 named ... 作 an architect 的后置定语。 ○43function as 起……作用 ○44prime/praIm/adj.首要的,主要的 n.鼎 盛时期 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 constructed, the most famous of which were designed by an architect○41 named Charles Holden○42. The underground system had some unusual uses during World War Ⅱ. When London was bombed, many underground stations functioned as ○43 bomb shelters. A new line was used as an underground airplane factory, an underground station was used as a centre for directing the defence against air attacks, and the station nearest the Prime○44Minister's○45 house was used by the Prime Minister as meeting rooms for the administration of government. ○45minister/'mInIstə(r)/n.部长,大臣; 牧师 Prime Ministern.首相,总理 [第 4~5 段译文] 看到这种情况,一名叫查尔斯·耶基斯的美国富商于 1902 年承担起了改善地铁系统的 工作,他买下许多不同的地铁线路的所有权,创立了伦敦电力地铁公司。1933 年,一个叫 做伦敦客运总署的公共机构成立。伦敦电力地铁公司、大都会支线以及所有不同的公交、列 车线路都归该署掌管。这个机构最终成为伦敦交通运输管理局。1918 年到 1938 年之间,很 多新的车站建成,其中最著名的是由一个名叫查尔斯·霍尔登的建筑师设计的。 地铁系统在二战时期发挥了一些特殊作用。当伦敦被轰炸时,许多地铁站起到了防空洞 的作用。一条新建的地铁线被用作地下飞机制造厂,一个地铁站被用作反空袭指挥中心,离 首相府最近的地铁站被首相用作政府行政会议室。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 After World War Ⅱ ended in 1945, more people travelled on the underground, so the system was enlarged○46 and more lines were added, including the Victoria Line, which was linked with other lines at almost every station. This helped make the system more userfriendly○47. The last line added○48 was the Jubilee Line, which was opened in 1979 in honour of○49 the twentyfifth anniversary ○50 of Elizabeth Ⅱ becoming the queen○51. The London underground system is working to transport huge numbers of○52 people as it has done for many years. Over three million people travel on the underground every day. The network of the underground system includes twelve lines and now goes twentysix miles out of central London. So, why not ○53 take a trip on the oldest underground system today? Visit our ticket office and buy one of the travel cards that permit you to travel all over the underground system○54. ○46enlarge/In'lɑːdʒ/vt.&vi.扩大,扩 展,增大 ○47 userfriendly/ˌjuːzə'frendlI/adj .方便用户的,便于使用的 ○48added 是过去分词作后置定语,修饰 line。 ○49in honour of 为了……的荣誉,为了 向……表示敬意 ○50 anniversary/ˌænI'vɜːsərI/n. 周 年 纪念日 ○51Elizabeth Ⅱ becoming the queen 是 动名词的复合结构,充当 of 的宾语。 ○52huge numbers of 大量的,后接可数名 词复数。 ○53Why not do sth.? 是一个固定句式, 意思是“为什么不做某事呢?” ○54that permit you to ... 是 that 引 导的定语从句,修饰the travel cards。 [第 6~7 段译文] 1945 年二战结束后,更多的人乘坐地铁,于是地铁系统得以被扩建,增加了更多的线 路,其中包括维多利亚线,它所有的站几乎都与其他线路相连。这有助于使地铁系统更加便 于使用。最后增加的一条线路是朱比利线,于 1979 年开通,以纪念伊丽莎白女王二世登基 25 周年。,正如许多年来它已经做的那样,伦敦地铁系统还在为运载大量的乘客而运转着。 每天有超过三百万的人乘坐地铁。整个地铁系统包括 12 条线路,现已延伸到距离伦敦中心 26 英里以外的地区。那么,今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁观光一番呢?到我们的 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 8 售票处看看,并购买一张旅行卡吧,旅行卡可以让你畅游整个地铁系统。 Prereading Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.postpone A.to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it 2.undertake B. to take or carry something from one place to another 3.choke C.a period of time between two events 4.convey D.to change the date or time of a planned event or action to a later one 5.anniversary E.the power to make decisions or tell people what to do 6.interval F.to make sb. stop breathing by squeezing his throat 7.authority G .a date on which something special or important happened in a previous year 8.architect H.a person whose job is designing buildings, etc. 答案:1~5 DAFBG 6~8 CEH Leadin Different means of transport 1.In the 19th century, steam__trains helped transport people all over the world. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 9 2.Buses have routes. They pick up and drop off people at different places on the route. It is a popular means of transport within a city. 3.Ships were a popular way to travel from place to place in the 20th century. 4.The maglev_train is a new form of transport. It is powered by magnets. Whilereading Fastreading Skim the text and finish the following exercises. 1.What's the main idea of the text? The text mainly talks about the_development_history_of_London_Underground. 2.Match each part with its main idea. Part Ⅰ (Para.1) A . Some unusual uses of the London Underground during World War Ⅱ. Part Ⅱ(Paras.2~4) B.Expansion and popularity of the London Underground after World War Ⅱ. Part Ⅲ (Para.5) C.Developments of the London Underground. Part Ⅳ(Paras. 6~7) D.Reasons why the first underground in the world was developed. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 10 答案:Part Ⅰ—D Part Ⅱ—C Part Ⅲ—A Part Ⅳ—B Carefulreading (Ⅰ)Choose the best answers according to the text. 1.Which of the statements about the London Underground is WRONG? A.It is the most complex underground system in the world. B.It is the oldest underground system in the world. C.Its underground stations were once used as bomb shelters. D.It is the longest underground system in the world. 2.All of the following vehicles EXCEPT ________ were used to convey people to and around the London city centre during the first half of the 19th century. A.horsedrawn buses B.trams C.cabs and carriages D.trains 3.Which of the statements is WRONG according to the text? A.The number of vehicles on the road once caused unbelievable traffic jams in London. B.The first underground in London was opened in 1863. C.The second section of the underground system in London was opened in 1889. D.Early underground lines in London had large holes leading to the surface at regular intervals. 4.Why did the old London Underground have large holes leading to the surface? A.People could enjoy scenery from the holes. B.Large holes were built in order that people could get fresh air and would not choke. C.People could climb out of the holes in case of danger. D.Because the old London Underground had no windows. 5.Which of the following statements about the London Underground after World War Ⅱ is WRONG? A.Over four million people travel on the underground every day. B.More lines were added. C.The system was enlarged. D.The last line added was the Jubilee Line. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 11 答案:1~5 DDCBA (Ⅱ)Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text. The first underground in the world The London Underground Being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world The 1.reason for developing it The traffic jams 2.resulting from a large number of vehicles on the road. Its development before World War Ⅱ ·The construction was 3.approved by the British government in 1854. ·For 4.lack of money, the digging was put off. ·The initial tunnels were opened in 1863, while the second section was opened in 1868. ·In 1884, the two railway companies 5.combined and provided underground service in the middle of the city. ·In 1890, the first electric underground railway was opened. ·Over the next 25 years, six independent deep underground lines were 6.constructed. ·Many new stations were established, and Charles Holden 7.designed the most famous ones. Its unusual 8.uses during World War Ⅱ ·Bomb shelters ·An underground airplane factory ·A centre for 9.directing the defence against air attacks ·Meeting rooms for the administration of government Its development after World War Ⅱ ·The system was 10.enlarged and more lines were added. ·The Jubilee Line was added in honour of the twentyfifth anniversary of Elizabeth Ⅱ becoming the queen. Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text. 1.Travelling on these lines was not convenient, though, as each line was 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 12 possessed by a different company, and many were very far from each other. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 然而搭乘这些线路并不方便,因为各条线路属于不同的公司,而且许多线 路之间相距甚远。 2.Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook the job of improving the system in 1902 by obtaining ownership of the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways Company of London. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 看到这种情况,一名叫查尔斯·耶基斯的美国富商于 1902 年承担起了改 善地铁系统的工作,他买下许多不同的地铁线路的所有权,创立了伦敦电力地铁公司。 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A There are more bicycles than residents in the Netherlands, and in cities like Amsterdam and The Hague up to 70% of all journeys are made by bike. The BBC's reporter, Anna Holligan, examines what made everyone get back in the saddle (车座). Before World War Ⅱ, journeys in the Netherlands were mainly made by bike, but in the 1950s and 1960s, as car ownership increased quickly, this changed. As in many countries in Europe, roads became increasingly crowded. The jump in car number caused a huge rise in the number of deaths on the roads. In 1971 more than 3,000 people were killed by motor vehicles, and 450 of them were children. In response a social movement demanding safer cycling conditions for children was formed. Called Stop de Kindermoord, it took its name from the headline 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 13 of an article written by journalist Vic Langenhoff whose own child had been killed in a road accident. The Dutch love of the motor vehicle was also shaken by the Middle East oil crisis of 1973, when oilproducing countries stopped export to the US and Western Europe. These twin pressures helped to persuade the Dutch government to invest in improving cycling infrastructure (基础设施) and the Dutch urban planners started to change from the roadbuilding policies designed mainly for cars. To make cycling safer and more inviting, the Dutch have built a vast network of cycle paths. These are clearly marked, have smooth surfaces, separate signs and lights for those on two wheels, and are wide enough to allow cycling side by side and overtaking. Even before they can walk, Dutch children live in a world of cycling. As babies they travel in special seats on bikes. As the children grow up they ride their own bikes. And, as the Dutch are not allowed to drive until 18, cycling offers teenagers an alternative form of freedom. The state also plays a part in teaching, with cycling lessons a compulsory (必 修的) part in Dutch schools. All schools have places to park bikes and at some schools 90% of pupils cycle to class. 语篇解读:在荷兰,自行车的数量超过了本国人口的数量。为什么自行车在荷兰会这么 流行呢?本文给出了原因。 1.What does Anna Holligan intend to find out? A.Why cycling is popular in the Netherlands. B.How journeys are made in the Netherlands. C.What makes the children like cycling in the Netherlands. D.The main means of transport in the Netherlands. 解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,Anna Holligan 的主要目标是找到 自行车在荷兰如此受欢迎的原因。 2.Bikes were used by the smallest number of people in the Netherlands ________. A.before World War Ⅱ B.in the 1960s C.in the 1970s D.in the 1980s 解析:选 B 推理判断题。综合分析第二至第四段可知,二战前荷兰人的交通工具以自 行车为主,二十世纪五六十年代,小汽车数量的激增导致骑自行车出行的人数骤减,但随之 发生的大量车祸和石油危机使人们又开始选择骑自行车,故选 B 项。 3.What resulted in the Dutch government's changing roadbuilding policies? 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 14 A.More bikes and road accidents. B.More cars and higher oil prices. C.Road accidents and oil shortage. D.A social movement and high oil prices. 解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第三至第五段可知,交通事故和石油短缺这两个原因使 得荷兰政府改变了公路建设的政策。 4.What do we learn about the Dutch children? A.They must get a license to ride a bike. B.They are not allowed to drive before 19. C.They must have cycling lessons at school. D.They don't use bikes when they are very young. 解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句可知,自行车课程在荷兰的学校属于必 修课,故 C 项正确。 B An Australian company, Smart Car Technologies, has developed a system that lets drivers know when they're speeding. When the technology becomes commercially available, it could help leadfooted_drivers avoid tickets and also save lives. The company that developed the product hopes to convince Australian government agencies to put the technology into use in their automobile fleets (车队). The product, called Speed Alert, links realtime location data and speed obtained with the help of GPS to a database of posted speed limits stored in a driver's PDA or programmable mobile phone. The setup of the product does not need to be hooked up to a car's speedometer (速度计). In fact, it is entirely portable. It will also work with newer phones and PDAs that have builtin GPS receivers. If a driver exceeds (超过) the speed limit, the speed is shown and an alert sounds. Michael Paine, an Australian vehicle design engineer and traffic safety consultant, was hired to analyze the product. He told LiveScience that his colleagues in the road safety field are “very enthusiastic” about what they're now calling “an intelligent speed alert”. Other research, according to Paine, shows that 40 percent of all traffic deaths involve speeding.There is also a potentially controversial future use. “Since the system is so portable, it would be easy to make it a requirement for teenage drivers to always use a speed alert device when driving,” Paine said. “The system even has the capability to record speeding 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 15 violations, so parents can monitor their teenage drivers.” 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要对澳大利亚一家公司所生产的一种新型的预防超速 驾驶的车载智能装备进行了简要的介绍。 5.What's the purpose of the new product? A.To inform us of the new car system. B.To introduce some improvements in cars. C.To popularize the builtin car system. D.To limit certain drivers to safe driving. 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的前两句并结合第二段的内容可知,使用该新 产品的目的是限制一些司机开车超速,使他们在安全速度内驾驶,故选 D 项。 6.“Leadfooted drivers” in Paragraph 1 refer to the ones ________. A.who drive too carelessly B.who drive over the speed limit C.who are partly disabled D.who drive too slowly 解析:选 B 词义猜测题。根据第一段的第二句“When the technology becomes ... tickets and also save lives.”可推知,leadfooted drivers 指开车超速的司机,故选 B 项。 7.The second paragraph mainly talks about ________. A.the project of the builtin product B.how the product is programmed C.the functions of GPS in cars D.why the system becomes popular 解析:选 B 段落大意题。根据第二段的整体内容可知,本段主要介绍了这个新产品的 原理和实际操作方式,故选 B 项。 8.What can be the best title of the passage? A.A New Incar Device Against Speeding B.Progress in Carmaking Science C.Warning for Adventurous Drivers D.A Speed Alert and Its Future Use 解析:选 A 标题归纳题。文章第一段开篇点题,主要介绍了澳大利亚一家公司所生产 的一种新型的预防超速驾驶的车载智能装备,故选 A 项。 C In 1992, when Xi Jinping worked in Fuzhou, he came across a newspaper report 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 16 about “My Guling'”, written by a Chinese student studying in the United States. The report described an American couple who tried in vain to revisit a southern Chinese town called Guling, where the husband, Milton Gardner, had spent 10 years of his childhood before moving back to the United States in 1911. Gardner, who later became a professor of physics at the University of California, had been longing to revisit Guling since 1979 when the diplomatic ties between China and the US were set up. But he had never made the trip due to his failing health. According to the newspaper, Gardner kept uttering (叨念) “Kuling, Kuling” in the final hours of his life. After he passed away, his wife Elizabeth Gardner decided to carry out the dying wish of her husband and since then made several trips to China in an attempt to find the small town that her husband had so much affection about. Her efforts ended in vain as she had few clues (线索) about the exact spot of the town. But a Chinese student lodging (寄宿) at the Gardners' recognized the small town as Guling near Fuzhou City from postmarks on some old mails of late Mr.Gardner.The student wrote an article about Gardners' story and sent it to thePeople'sDaily, one of the major newspapers in China. “After I read the story, I immediately contacted Mrs. Gardner through the departments concerned and invited her to visit Guling,” Xi told the media. Thanks to Xi's arrangement, Mrs. Gardner finally arrived at Guling in August 1992. She met there with nine childhood friends of her husband, all of whom were over 90 years old at that time. It was a happy occasion for Mrs. Gardner, who was later awarded the honorary citizenship of Fuzhou City, Xi recalled. “She said that she would value this bond (纽带) of friendship between her husband and the people of China, because after seeing for herself the beautiful Guling and the warmth and goodwill of the Chinese people, she now understood why her husband had been so deeply attached to China.” “I believe there are many such touching stories between our two peoples,” said Xi. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。1992 年,在福州工作的习近平偶然在报纸上看到一位 在美国留学的中国学生写的一篇关于 Gardner 夫人寻找鼓岭的文章后,立刻通过相关部门联 系了当事人 Gardner 夫人,帮助她实现了已故丈夫多年的心愿。 9.What can we infer from the passage? 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 17 A.Mr. and Mrs. Gardner were brought up in a southern Chinese town. B.The name of the town changed shortly after Milton Gardner left. C.Guling might have originally been pronounced as Kuling in English. D.Mrs. Gardner knew exactly where the small town lay in south China. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。结合第四段和第五段内容可知,Gardner 先生在生命的最后 时刻都一直念着“Kuling, Kuling”, Gardner 夫人为了实现他的遗愿,几次到中国寻找 未果,且毫无线索,直到寄宿在 Gardner 家的中国学生从 Gardner 先生晚年的旧信件的邮戳 上,认出了应是鼓岭这个地方,由此可推知,在英语中,鼓岭原来的发音可能是 Kuling。 故答案选 C。 10.According to the passage, Mr. Gardner ________. A.lived and worked in Guling for ten years B.had few memories about the small Chinese town C.kept in touch with his childhood playmates until he passed away D.was deeply impressed by Guling's people and environment 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“after seeing for herself ... deeply attached to China”可知,鼓岭淳朴善良的人们和优美的环境给 Gardner 先生留下了深刻 的印象,所以他一直难以忘怀。故答案选 D。 11.What played the most important part in making Milton Gardner's wish come true? A.The help from newspapers. B.Mrs. Gardner's hard efforts. C.Mr. Xi's concern and arrangement. D.The Chinese student's letter to Mr. Xi. 解析:选 C 推理判断题。通读全文可知,习近平当年对这件事的关注和安排 Gardner 夫人到鼓岭对实现 Gardner 先生的遗愿起到了最重要的作用。故答案选 C。 12.From the passage we can learn that ________. A.the Gardners' story is a moving one with a happy ending B.the Chinese student studying in the US must be from Fuzhou C.the mails sent by Mr. Gardner became clues of Guling D.the American couple revisited China trying to find Guling but in vain 解析:选 A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,Gardner 夫人帮助其已故丈夫实现遗愿的过 程虽然曲折,但非常感人,其结果也很令人欣慰。故答案选 A。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五 For some people, choosing which sports to play throughout high school is hard 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 18 because they have never really played an organized sport before and aren't sure what they'll enjoy most.__1__ __2__ If you're great at basketball but would rather play football because you think it's more fun, then give it a go (just make sure it's cool with mom and dad). Sports are meant to be fun. __3__ What's the worst that can happen? If you get cut, you can always try another sport. And sports like track don't typically cut participants from the team. You can still participate even if you're not in the team for the competition. Some sports, like baseball or basketball, require every person on the field to be working well together.__4__ Sports like tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics, and wrestling are all sports where individual performances are tallied (计算) into team scores. __5__ However, for the most part it's possible to win a solo event in these sports and still have your team lose, and vice versa(反之亦然). No one knows you better than you do. Maybe you enjoy the spotlight. Maybe you get annoyed by the way teammates act. Luckily, there are many individualized sports to choose from. A.Many people are attracted to team sports. B.Besides swimming, try fishing, sailing, skiing and surfing. C.Of course there are exceptions, like relays in track and swimming. D.For others it's tough because their friends don't like to play the same sports. E.No matter what your problem is, you have to make the decision that is best for you. F.If there is a sport you really enjoy but you aren't sure if you can make the team, try out anyway. G.Sure, certain people perform much better than others, but superstars don't necessarily make a good team. 语篇解读:很多高中生为选择体育运动而大费脑筋,本文就如何在高中选择体育活动提 出了一些建议。 1.选 D 上一句提到对一些人来说,上高中时选择体育运动很难,因为他们从来没有参 加过有组织的运动,或不确定自己最喜欢什么。因此,D 项(对其他人来说,那很难是因为 他们的朋友不喜欢同样的运动)与上一句语意一致,说明了高中生选择体育运动难的原因。 2.选 E 上一段讲的是高中生选择运动难的原因,下一句提到如果你擅长篮球,却因 为认为足球更有趣而想踢足球,那么就试一下足球。因此,E 项(不管你的问题是什么,都 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 19 要做对自己来说最好的决定)在此承上启下。 3.选 F 上一句提到参加体育运动意味着寻找乐趣,下文提到最坏的事情不过是被裁 掉,但你完全可以再尝试其他的运动。因此,F 项(如果你真心喜欢一项运动却不确定能否 加入这个队伍,那么也要努力一下)使上下文语意连贯。 4.选 G 上一句提到一些像棒球和篮球的运动需要场上的队员密切配合,因此 G 项(确 实,一些人比其他人表现得好得多,但是体育巨星不一定能组成一支优秀的队伍)紧承上文, 说明了配合的重要性。 5.选 C 上一句提到在一些像网球、田径、游泳等的体育比赛中,个人得分会被分别 记到队伍的总分里,因此 C 项(当然也有例外,如田径和游泳中的接力赛)紧承上文进行论述。

