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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 1 - 综合能力检测(一) Part Ⅰ Language Knowledge (45 marks) Section A (15 marks) Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1.—________ with us another hour, I suppose, and we will finish the task perfectly. —Will that do? OK, let's have a go. A.To stay B.Stay C.Staying D.Stayed 2.English is a language that many young people around the world ________ not speak perfectly but at least ________ understand. A.may; can B.would; might C.will; must D.could; might 3.We have made a few achievements in the education reform, but more things remain________. A.to be done B.to do C.doing D.to have done 4.It was in the garden of his old house ________ he grew up ________ he dug up a pot of gold. A.that; that B.where; where C.that; where D.where; that 5.What I tell you is that it may snow, but ________ I will go to town. A.somehow B.somewhat C.anyhow D.anywhere 6.The old woman ________ her sons and daughters ________ and see her from time to time. A.suggested; to come B.hoped; to come C.desired; coming D.desired; to come 7.—I didn't go to work yesterday because my car broke down. —You ________ mine. I wasn't using it then. A.could have borrowed B.should borrow C.must have borrowed D.might borrow 8.—You've finished what you ________ to and I think the teacher will praise you for it. —I think so. A.will expect B.will be expected C.expected D.were expected 9.Expecting a whole day to relax, he ________ whether to read the newspaper or watch his favorite TV. A.was thinking B.thinks C.had thought D.thought 10.Look at the trouble we're in. If only we ________ our teacher's advice! A.took B.would take C.would have taken D.had taken 11.Even if you had not been able to see her, you ________ us. A.told B.had told C.should tell D.should have told 12.In ________ most cases, ________ smartest way to travel is to carry as little 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 2 - cash as possible. A./; the; B.the; / C./; / D.a; the 13.Protecting the South China tiger from dying out takes a long time, ________? A.doesn't it B.don't they C.does it D.do they 14.The movie has won many awards, but________ say that they have a clear understanding of what the director wishes to express. A.many B.few C.anybody D.nobody 15.He told me only when he grew up and became a father himself________how much his parents had loved him. A.had he realized B.did he realize C.he had realized D.he realized Section B (18 marks) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching,I find myself considering all I have to be grateful for. Each morning when I open my eyes and look around my lovely bedroom, I'm __16__ of how far I have come in life. There was a time when I was __17__ and couldn't put a roof over the heads of me and my daughter. Now I have my dream home. It's not a palace but it's spacious, comfortable and beautiful. In today's financial struggle, with so many people __18__ to afford their homes, I am more grateful for the security I have. I always knew that I __19__ to have children, but there was a time when I didn't feel __20__ of having such a child before I became a mother. However, God believed in me, and entrusted(委托) me with the love and __21__ of two beautiful, healthy and amazing children. They are the lights of my life. Today, both of my adult children are motivated and successful in all they __22__ to do. I am honored and grateful to be their __23__ . I'm grateful for all the loving, wonderful people I have in my life: my parents, my sisters, the remarkable __24__ I gained when I married my husband, and the wonderful friends that have come into my life. These loyal, caring and supportive individuals __25__ immeasurable joy to my life. I have so much to __26__ . Though I'm especially emphasizing my gratefulness in honour of the Thanksgiving holiday, I do make it a __27__ in my daily life to be grateful too. And I want to tell you a little secret: the more gratitude I offer, the richer my life becomes. 16.A. informed B. convinced C. warned D. reminded 17.A. active B. poor C. lazy D. weak 18.A. managing B. refusing C. failing D. intending 19.A. wanted B. decided C. promised D. feared 20.A. tired B. worthy C. afraid D. ashamed 21.A. pride B. kindness C. peace D. care 22.A. pretend B. continue C. hesitate D. struggle 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 3 - 23.A. friend B. relative C. mother D. neighbor 24.A. family B. home C. welfare D. happiness 25.A. show B. return C. add D. owe 26.A. receive B. acknowledge C. require D. donate 27.A. practice B. custom C. point D. deal Section C(12 marks) Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Mayday is an emergency code word. It is used around the world in voice communications. You might see a war movie 28.________ an airplane has been hit by rocket fire. The pilot gets on his radio 29.________ calls “mayday, mayday, mayday” to tell that his plane is in danger of crashing to the ground. Mayday has nothing to do with the month of May. It comes 30.________ the French expressions “venez m'aider” or “m'aidez” which mean “help me”. Frederick Stanley Mockford created the mayday call signal in the 1920s. Mockford was a radio officer at Croydon Airport in London. He was asked to think of 31.________ word that could be used in an emergency. The word had to be easily understood 32.________ all pilots and airport workers. Much of the air traffic at that time was 33.________ Croydon Airport and Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France. 34.________ he proposed the word mayday. Today, many groups use the word to mean a lifethreatening emergency. The call is always given three times to prevent mistaking 35.________ for some similar sounding words. Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (30 marks) Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. A In today's Internet age, the demand for online games continues to grow. Online computer game centers exist in many cities and towns throughout Asia. Facing the pressures of school and life, people tend to the virtual world, expecting a diversion from these problems. Too often, however, they can lead to problems and unhealthy addictions. This is most clearly seen in the example of South Korea. The country has the world's highest percentage of highspeed Internet services. It also has a high number of online game players and related problems. It was once reported that a young man collapsed (突然晕倒) and died while playing online games. He had been playing almost nonstop for 86 hours at an Internet cafe. Another young man killed his sister after becoming confused between the online world and real life. A 12yearold boy stole $16,000 from his father and ran away from home. He did this to continue his obsession (着 迷) with online games. Such problems, however, don't just happen in South Korea. They are spreading to other parts of Asia, as well. What kinds of people develop online game addiction? What does the problem look 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 4 - like? Dr SueHuei Chen, a clinical psychologist, researches Internet addiction. She discovered some signs of atrisk individuals such as lacking friendship and good social skills. Those problem individuals feel it so compulsive to play online games that they could sacrifice things such as school and family. They feel the need to spend more and more time online. And they become upset if anyone tries to limit their online game playing. How many problem game players are there? In mainland China, the potential number of problem online gamers is alarming. Just in 2004, China has had 13.8 million online game players according to China Daily. Furthermore, it stated that 80 percent of these were under 25 and had signs of addiction. Such numbers point toward a growing problem among Chinese youth. Make sure to keep control over your online game playing. If you don't control it, it can get control of you. 36.The underlined word “diversion” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ________. A.solution B.comfort C.escape D.support 37.The examples in the second paragraph tell us that ________. A.the side effects are caused by highspeed Internet services B.online game playing can even cause death C.online games have caused much damage to young people D.the teenage boy can't resist the temptation of the online games 38.According to Dr SueHuei Chen, what can we do to prevent game addiction? A.Limit the speed of the Internet services. B.Sacrifice things such as school and family. C.Spend more and more time online. D.Care much for the young and improve their ability to get along with others. 39.We can conclude from the passage that ________. A.the demand for online services continues to grow B.China is fighting a battle against online games C.the problems caused by online games don't just exist in South Korea D.in the year 2004 there were a total of 13.8 million Chinese visiting the Internet 40.What's the best title for the passage? A.Internet Problem B.Addiction to Online Game C.Problem People in the World D.Online Games Can Control People B The sun is setting on a summer night. At the entrance to a deep, dark cave, a few bats fly out and begin swirling high up into the air. More and more of the small, furry creatures appear. Within a few minutes, a whole river of bats is pouring out of the cave, and they keep coming, millions and millions of them. Sound like a scary horror movie? Believe it or not, this scene takes place every night, all summer long, at Bracken Cave in Texas, where 20 million bats fly outside to feed on insects. “It is magical , ” says Jim Kennedy of Bat Conservation International in Austin Texas. “It is one of the most majestic animal movements on 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 5 - the planet.” Every March or April, Mexican freetailed bats migrate up to 1,000 miles (1, 609 kilometers) from their winter home in Mexico to this cave, where they raise their young. Soon after they arrive, each mother gives birth to one pup. As many as 500 baby bats live crammed into one square foot (30.48 cubic centimeters) of space, all those bodies create nice warm temperatures to keep them cozy and comfortable. If you've ever lost sight of your parents on a crowded playground, you may be wondering how mother bats recognize their children. They use their sense of smell to tell which pup is theirs when it is time for the babies to nurse. The cave, a quiet place in winter, is full with life all summer—and not just with bat residents. Bat waste soon covers the floor, providing food for tiny organisms(生物体) like bacteria and fungi(真菌). And then there are the bugs. When the adult bats leave the cave at night to feed, they are helping humans. They eat tons of insects in a single night, including many pests that eat farmers' crops. And they get rid of mosquitoes, too. 41.In the first paragraph, the author ________. A.provides some information about bats B.describes the movement of bats C.advises the reader to watch bats D.stresses the danger of bats in summer 42.By saying “Sound like a scary horror movie?”, what does the author mean? A.Bats are better horrible characters in films. B.People tend to feel afraid of bats. C.The above scene is somewhat unbelievable. D.The cave mentioned is full of adventure. 43.According to the passage, the reader possibly expects that ________. A.no people know how many bats live in Bracken Cave B.a bat mother would have trouble finding her own baby C.bat waste causes much harm to the human environment D.farmers will never have a good harvest without the bats 44.Which of the following is TRUE about the bats? A.They are well protected by farmers. B.They smell better than other animals. C.They benefit from some tiny organisms. D.They travel from Mexico to America yearly. 45.From the second paragraph, we can know Kennedy's opinion of the bats' flying in group is ________. A.mysterious B.frightful C.crazy D.enjoyable C In Shanghai's Grand Theater, a fashionable, mainly young audience applauds enthusiastically as Guo Yong takes center stage. He holds a large bushy tree branch with leaves. Blowing on one of the leaves, he produces a sound like the singing of birds as he plays a traditional Buyi folk song. Some other musicians are also playing the traditional instruments from various ethnic groups in China. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 6 - It's the first time such music has ever been performed in the Grand Theater. But all this is the efforts of Zhu Zheqin, a Cantoneseborn singer, who has made it her mission to help preserve China's traditional ethnic music. In 2009, after being appointed a United Nations Development Program ambassador, Zhu traveled through some of China's remotest regions in an attempt to document the traditional music of various minority groups. In the course of the fourmonth trip, she recorded more than a thousand songs. But she noticed that many of the best musicians were old, and some of the music was at risk of dying out. “I was shocked by the beauty of what I heard—it was so good,” she says. “But it needed support. I hope to let people see the beauty of these things in the contemporary times.” So Zhu decided to introduce some of the musicians to a wider audience. By doing this, she hopes to rekindle(点燃) the interest of the younger generation. “Young people don't like this music much; they prefer pop music and love songs. They think these songs are something their grandma sings. This kind of repackaging gives young people a new door into their heritage.” Zhu believes China needs to look again at its own roots. “China today is basically all Western art; in our conservatories (音乐学院) Western classical music is the top,” she says. “For China to really contribute to the world, we need to go on our own path. So what can represent China today?” The answer, she suggests, is to move from “made in China” to “created in China”. 46.From the first paragraph, we learn that________. A.the audience are all young people B.Guo Yong is playing the Buyi folk music C.Guo Yong is the only minority performer in China D.tree branches make good musical instruments 47.Which of the following is true of Zhu Zheqin? A.She teaches music in a conservatory. B.She is helping preserve Chinese ethnic music. C.She works as an official in the United Nations. D.She's created all the music for the Grand Theater. 48.Zhu Zheqin traveled to some of China's remotest regions to ________. A.record the traditional ethnic music B.help the local musicians play the music C.show the UN Chinese musical traditions D.enjoy the music of various ethnic groups 49.What is Zhu Zheqin's idea about Chinese traditional music? A.It is completely out of date. B.Only old musicians play it well. C.It needs changes to attract young people. D.It is quickly dying out. 50.What does Zhu Zheqin mean in the last paragraph? A.The traditional music should be repackaged. B.Chinese conservatories shouldn't teach Western music. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 7 - C.China has contributed a lot to the Western art. D.Only the things created in China can be symbols of China. Part Ⅲ Writing (45 marks) Section A (10 marks) Directions:Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Through various methods of research, anthropologists try to fit together the pieces of the human puzzle—to discover how humanity was first achieved, and why separate societies behave similarly in some ways but quite differently in other ways. Anthropology, which emerged as an independent science in the late eighteenth century, has two main divisions: physical anthropology and cultural anthropology. Physical anthropologists whose mission is to solve the mystery of how humans came to be human are most concerned with human biology. They study the fossils and organic remains of primates that once lived. They also study the connections between humans and other primates that are still living. In the lab, anthropologists investigate the composition of blood chemistry for clues to the relationship of humans to various primates. A wellknown family of physical anthropologists, the Leakey, conducted research in East Africa indicating that human evolution centered there rather than Asia. In 1971, Louis Leakey and his wife Mary Leakey discovered stone tools that pushed back the dates for early humans to 3.75 million years ago. Like physical anthropologists, cultural anthropologists study clues about human life in the distant past; however, cultural anthropologists also look at similar and different things among human communities today. Some cultural anthropologists work in the field, living and working among people in societies that differ from their own, producing descriptions of the daily activities of men,women that tell the story of the society's community life as a whole. Some of them worked at research universities making efforts to discover crosscultural patterns. A cultural anthropologist who achieved worldwide fame was Margaret Mead. In 1923, Mead went to Samoa to pursue her first fieldwork assignment—a study that resulted in her book Coming of Age in Samoa being sold well. Mead is regarded as a pioneer to develop new technologies for research. According to many researchers, both physical anthropologists and cultural anthropologists are believed to have done a lot to provide service for society. Title: 51. 52. ●To discover how humanity was first achieved ●To discover why people's 53.________ are similar or different in separate societies Physical anthropology Contents of study: ●the fossils and organic remains of 54.________ ●the connections between humans and other primates that are still living Working 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 8 - place: In the lab Physical anthropologists and 55.________; The Leakeys conducting important researches and 56.________ Cultural anthropology Contents of study: ●clues about human life in the distant past ●the 57.________ among human communities Working places: In the field and research universities Cultural anthropologist and her achievements: Margaret Mead publishing a 58.________ book and 59.________ a pioneer Conclusion Many things have been done to 60.________ by anthropologists. Section B (10 marks) Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage. He seems an unlikely hero, especially one that would save a kid from the jaws of a wild cougar(美洲豹). Shen Huigang is just now getting recognition for his bravery in fighting off a cougar on Vancouver Island, Canada, during a family outing on Aug. 30. Shen, also known as Ian, was then an exchange student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University enjoying the afternoon on a beach near Ucluelet, a small town on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. With him was a friend, Myles Hagar, and Hagar's two grandchildren. Silently and suddenly a cougar appeared out of nowhere. By the time the two adults spotted the cat, believed to be young but still weighing 30 to 35 kilograms, it already had the head of 18monthold Julien in its mouth. Instinctively, the young man gestured as if he were ready for a fight, and tried to scare the beast off with the bag in his hands. On hearing the noise Shen made, the animal dropped the kid and Hagar grabbed his grandson from the cougar's jaws. Shen and Hagar gradually chased the animal back into the woods. “We also moved slowly to our vehicle, as we waved our fists and bags, pretending we wanted to fight with it,” Shen said. “The vehicle wasn't far away but it felt like it took us a century to travel the short journey.” “Any hesitation, at any moment, even a second delay, would have resulted in certain death for Julien. The cougar was just about to break his neck and carry him away to be eaten in the forest.”Hagar said. Julien has since made a full recovery. Parks Canada spokeswoman Arlene Armstrong told the National Post newspaper of Canada in an interview in August. “The two men acted properly by maintaining eye contact with the big cat and aggressively scaring it off.” 61.How did Ian get recognition on Vancouver Island? (No more than 12 words ) ________________________________________________________________________ 62.What happened to Julien by the time the two adults saw the young cougar? (No 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 9 - more than 10 words ) ________________________________________________________________________ 63.Why did the cougar give up eating the kid? (No more than 8 words ) ________________________________________________________________________ 64.What if you are fighting with a wild cougar? (No more than 12 words ) ________________________________________________________________________ Section C (25 marks) Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 目前整容现象越来越普遍,很多人为了美不惜花钱受罪,请根据你的理解谈谈你对这一 现象的看法。 注意: 1.词数不少于 120; 2.参考词汇: plastic surgery 整容手术。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 综合能力检测(一) Part Ⅰ Section A 1.B 考查祈使句。本句型为“祈使句+and+一般将来时(will do)”。句中的 I suppose 为插入语。 2.A 考查情态动词。句意为:英语是世界各地的许多年轻人可能说得不是很完美,但 是能懂的一种语言。may not“可能不”,can“能”表示一种能力。 3.A 考查非谓语动词。句意为:我们的教育改革已经取得了不少成绩,但还有更多事 情要做。to be done 不定式表示将来,more things 与后面的动词 do 是被动的关系,故选 A。 4.D 考查定语从句和强调句型。句意为:就是在他长大的旧房子的花园里,他挖出来 一罐金子。第一个空考查定语从句,old house 是先行词,________ he grew up 是定语从句; 整个句子强调 in the garden,故第二个空用 that。 5.C 考查副词辨析。句意为:我想说的是,可能下雪,但我无论如何要进城。somehow“由 于某种原因”; somewhat“有点; 稍微”。 6.D desire 后可跟复合宾语,其补足语用不定式短语。suggest 可构成 suggest one's doing, suggest that…或 It is suggested that…,不可构成 suggest sb. to do sth.; hope 可构成 hope to do sth., hope that…或 It's hoped that…,不可构成 hope sb. to do sth. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 10 - 的结构。 7.A 考查虚拟语气。句意为:——因为我车出故障了,所以昨天没有去上班。——你 该用我的。我那时没有用它。句中都用的是过去的时态,是发生在过去的事情,用情态动词 could + have done,表示“本能做成却没有做”。 8.D 考查动词语态。句意为:——你已经完成了所希望你做的,我认为老师会表扬你 的。——我也这样想的。expect sb to do sth “希望……做某事”,句中的 you 与 expect 之间是被动关系,又因为这个动作发生在 have finished 之前,故用一般过去式的被动语态。 9.A 考查动词时态。句意为:他一整天都在盼望着能够轻松一下,正在考虑是去读报 纸还是去看最喜欢的电视,根据语境可知,此处应用过去进行时。 10.D 考查虚拟语气的用法。此处是省略了主句的虚拟条件句。句意为:看看我们现在 的困境,要是我们听了老师的建议就好了! 11.D 考查虚拟语气。should 也可用 ought to,“should have done”表示本应该做 某事却没做。 12.A 考查冠词的用法。句意为:在大多数情况下,旅行最聪明之道,是身上带的现金 愈少愈好。in most cases 意思是“在大多数情况下”,不需要冠词,smartest 是最高级, 前面要加定冠词 the。 13.A 考查反意疑问句。v.ing 短语作陈述部分的主语时,附加疑问部分的主语常用 it 代替。 14.B 考查代词。解答此题的关键是 but。句意为:这部电影获得了很多大奖,但是几 乎没有人能够理解导演想表达什么意思。所以选 few,意思是:几乎没有。 15.B 考查倒装句。此处 only 置于句首并强调时间状语从句,所以主句部分倒装。句 意为:他告诉我:直到他长大自己成为父亲后,他才意识到他的父母是多么爱他。 Section B [文章大意] 感恩节的到来让作者想起了许许多多值得她感恩的东西!事实上,在平时的 日子里,作者也在感恩着…… 16.D 早晨醒来,所看到的卧室提醒“我”想起“我”当前的处境,故选 D。 17.B 根据“…couldn't put a roof over the heads of me and my daughter”可 推断当时“我”是因为穷而置不起房产,故选 B。 18.C 根据“today's financial struggle”可推断此处应意指“许多人买不起房”, 故选 C。 19.A 结合前后语境此处应指“我一直想要一个孩子”,故选 A。 20.B 根据“However, God believed in me, and entrusted(委托) me”可所表示的 含义可推断此处意为“我觉得自己不配有孩子”,故选 B。be worthy of 有“配得上”之意, 符合语境。 21.D 作为母亲,应该是爱孩子和照顾孩子,故选 D。 22.D 根据“are motivated and successful”可推断此处应指孩子努力去做的事都 成功了,故选 D。 23.C 他们是“我”的孩子,那么“我”自然是他们的母亲,故选 C。 24.A 根据“wonderful people I have in my life”可推断此空应指人,结婚以后 当然就是家人了,故选 A。 25.C “These loyal, caring and supportive individuals”这些人是“我”要感 谢的对象,当然是因为他们给“我”的生活增加了快乐,故选 C。 26.B 根据开头“I find myself considering all I have to be grateful for”和 倒数第二段第一句“I'm grateful for all the loving…”可推断此处意为“我有太多的事 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 11 - 情值得我去感谢”,由此判断选 B,acknowledge 有“答谢”之意,符合语境。 27.A 根据“the more gratitude I offer, the richer my life becomes”可推断 “我”在平时的日子也在感恩,“我”将感恩当作了一种惯例,故选 A。 Section C 28. where 考查定语从句引导词。该空引导定语从句修饰 a war movie,且在从句中作 地点状语,故填 where。 29. and 考查并列连词。连接两个并列的谓语动词用 and。 30. from 考查介词。come from 来自,来源于。 31. a 考查冠词。一个能在危急情况下使用的词,此处表泛指,故填 a。 32. by 考查介词。be understood by sb.被某人理解。 33. between 考查介词。between…and… 意为“在……和……之间”。 34. So 考查并列连词。根据前后的因果关系可判断用 so。 35. it 考查代词。该空指代“the word”, 故填 it。 Part Ⅱ A [文章大意] 本文讲述了沉迷网络游戏所引起的问题。 36.C 词义猜测题。diversion 意为“转移”,在文中意指人们通过虚拟世界来逃避现 实,故选 C。 37.C 细节理解题。第二段通过三个年轻人的例子说明了网络游戏对年轻人的负面影响, 故选 C。 38.D 推理判断题。根据 SueHuei Chen 的研究,沉迷网络游戏的人缺少友谊和人际交 往能力,故可推断增强个人的交往能力可以防治玩游戏上瘾。 39.C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知答案。 40.B 主旨大意题。全文讲述的是网游上瘾的问题,故 B 项最符合文意。 B 41.B 段落大意题。该段主要采用的是描述性措词并围绕蝙蝠的活动展开,因此 B 项正 确。 42.C 细节理解题。从下一句 Believe it or not…可推知,作者意指以上的场景如同 电影虚幻得让人难以置信,即 C 项正确。 43.B 推理判断题。“题干+B 项”是对第三段倒数第二句的同义转换。 44.D 推理判断题。D 项是对第三段中首句的同义转换; A、B 两项文中没有提及; 根 据第四段可推断出 C 项是对原文语义的本末倒置。 45.D 推理判断题。从 Jim 的言辞 It is magical 和 It's one of the most majestic animal movements…可知,感受蝙蝠成群结队的飞行是一种听觉上和视觉上的享受,因此 D 项正确。 C [文章大意] 文章描述了朱哲琴为保护中国的民族传统音乐所做的一切。 46.B 主旨大意题。从文章第一段的…he produces a sound like the singing of birds as he plays a traditional Buyi folk song.可看出答案。 47.B 细节理解题。从文章第二段的 But all this is the efforts of Zhu Zheqin, a Cantoneseborn singer, who has made it her mission to help preserve China' s traditional ethnic music.可看出答案。 48.A 细节理解题。从文章第三段的 Zhu traveled through some of China's remotest regions in an attempt to document the traditional music of various minority groups. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 12 - In the course of the fourmonth trip, she recorded more than a thousand songs.可 看出答案。故选 A 项。 49.C 推理判断题。从文章第五段的 This kind of repackaging gives young people a new door into their heritage.推出答案。 50.D 推理判断题。从文章最后一段的“For China to really contribute to the world, we need to go on our own path. So what can represent China today?” The answer, she suggests, is to move from “made in China” to “created in China”.推出答案。 Part Ⅲ Section A 51.Anthropology 综合全文再结合第一段“Anthropology, which emerged as an independent science in the late eighteenth century, has two main divisions…”可 判断填空。 52.Research purposes 根据第一段“anthropologists try to fit together the pieces of the human puzzle—to discover how humanity was first achieved, and why separate societies behave similarly in some ways but quite differently in other ways.”可 判断填空。 53.behaviors 根据第一段“…and why separate societies behave similarly in some ways but quite differently in other ways.”可判断填空。 54.onceliving primates 根据第二段“They study the fossils and organic remains of primates that once lived.”可判断填空。 55 . their achievements 综 合 第 三 段 内 容 可 判 断 此 空 旨 在 介 绍 “Physical anthropologists”所取得的成就,故填 their achievements。 56.discovering stone tools 根据第三段“In 1971, Louis Leakey and his wife Mary Leakey discovered stone tools…”可判断填空。 57.similarities and differences 根据第四段“cultural anthropologists also look at similar and different things among human communities today.”可判断填空。 58.wellsold 根据第五段“In 1923, Mead went to Samoa to pursue her first fieldwork assignment—a study that resulted in her book Coming of Age in Samon being sold well.”可判断填空。 59.regarded as 根据第五段“Mead is regarded as a pioneer to develop new technologies for research.”可判断填空。 60.serve society 根据第六段“…both physical anthropologists and cultural anthropologists are believed to have done a lot to provide service for society.” 可判断填空。 Section B 61.He saved a kid from the jaws of a wild cougar. 根据第一段“He seems an unlikely hero, especially one that would save a kid from the jaws of a wild cougar(美洲豹).” 可判断作答。 62.The cougar had his head in its mouth. 根据“By the time the two adults spotted the cat, believed to be young but still weighing 30 to 35 kilograms, it already had the head of 18monthold Julien in its mouth.”可判断作答。 63.Because it was scared by Ian./Because Ian scared it off. 根据“Instinctively, the young man gestured as if he were ready for a fight, and tried to scare the beast 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 13 - off with the bag in his hands. ”可判断作答。 64.I should maintain eye contact with it and scare it off. 根据最后一段“The two men acted properly by maintaining eye contact with the big cat and aggressively scaring it off.”可判断作答。 Section C One possible version: As is shown in the picture, a girl is asking a surgeon to do plastic surgery to make her look like the beauty she likes. It's natural that young people hope to look more beautiful. However, health is more important than beauty. Beauty is only skindeep, as the saying goes, virtue is more important than appearance. Appearance changes over time, but our inner beauty grows through education. Having good manners and being welleducated can contribute to true beauty and success. For a student, studying is the first thing to consider. So don't let others' opinions affect your normal life. What's more, plastic surgery costs lots of money and its side effects may be harmful to your health. All in all, it is not advisable for people to take plastic surgery. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of plastic surgery.

