2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book3Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld课时跟踪练 人教版

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2021届高考英语一轮总复习Book3Unit1Festivalsaroundtheworld课时跟踪练 人教版

课时跟踪练11 Unit 1 Festivals around the world Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Two deer jumped out in front of 16yearold Amanda Floyd's car.She stepped on the brake, stopping the car just in time.But later, she started texting.Distracted(分心的),Amanda turned left and right, then crashed into another car.Luckily, she wasn't in a real car—she was in a driving simulator(模拟器)at Roosevelt High School, Ohio, US.“I never really realized that cars make a turn that much,” Amanda, a junior, said.She added that she wouldn't text while driving anymore.‎ The Ohio Department of Transportation(ODOT)and State Highway Patrol brought the simulator to the school.They said they wanted to help students learn about the danger of driving while drunk, while texting, or while talking on the phone.‎ According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving claimed 3,450 lives in 2016 alone.Experts believe the actual figure is probably higher.‎ The simulator is basically a computer programme.Like many computer games, it was a hit with the students.They lined up and crowded around to watch each other take turns.The simulator has a steering wheel(方向盘), a brake and a gas pedal(油门踏板).It is made up of three large computer screens on a table.‎ Students choose a distraction, such as driving while drunk or texting.They always crash, of course.Then, they are pulled over by the police to be taught the bad results of their driving: What damage they've caused, how much their fine is, if anyone died in the accident, and if they're going to go to prison.‎ ‎“It teaches how to drive without being on the road,” said Shante Thompson, 16.She had just crashed into a deer.‎ ODOT spokesman Justin Chesnic said hundreds of kids have gone behind the wheel so far.He said even more have benefited from watching their classmates.‎ ‎“Driving is such a major responsibility, so take it seriously,” he said.“Put away your cell phone.A lot of the accidents out there are because of distracted driving.It can not only change your life, but it can change someone else's life forever.The results are serious.”‎ ‎1.What does the author intend to do in Paragraph One?‎ - 9 -‎ A.Introduce the topic of the text.‎ B.Illustrate the author's point of view.‎ C.Provide some advice for the readers.‎ D.Offer some background information.‎ ‎2.Why is the driving simulator project introduced to Roosevelt High School?‎ A.It tests the students' ability to stay focused.‎ B.It gets students to have fun between classes.‎ C.It teaches students how to deal with traffic accidents.‎ D.It makes students aware of the dangers of distracted driving.‎ ‎3.What can we know about the driving simulator?‎ A.It is connected to the local police station.‎ B.It is a real car but has large computer screens.‎ C.It attracts the students' interest as a computer programme.‎ D.It benefits the students who use it more than those who only watch.‎ ‎4.What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.Traffic rules in Ohio,US.‎ B.Dangers of distracted driving.‎ C.Simulated driving for students.‎ D.Advantages of computer games.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文介绍了美国的罗斯福高中引进了一台驾驶模拟器。这台驾驶模拟器像很多电脑游戏一样受到学生们的欢迎,学生们通过模拟驾驶,了解了交通方面的一些知识,特别是分心驾驶的危险。‎ ‎1.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“she added that she wouldn't text while driving anymore.”可知,文章在第一段中引用一名16岁女孩在模拟驾驶过程中撞车的事件,是为了引出“分心驾驶”这一话题。故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎2.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“They said they wanted to help students learn about the danger of driving while drunk, while texting,or while talking on the phone.”可知,将驾驶模拟器带入到高中校园是想帮助学生们了解分心驾驶的危险。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎3.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一、二句“The simulator is basically a computer programme.Like many computer games,it was a hit with the students.”可知,驾驶模拟器本质上是电脑程序,它像电脑游戏一样受到学生们的喜爱。sth is a hit with sb意为“‎ - 9 -‎ 某物很受某人欢迎”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎4.解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了罗斯福高中引进了一台驾驶模拟器,让学生们在这台模拟器上模拟驾驶并对他们进行驾驶安全方面的教育。A项意为“美国俄亥俄州的交通法规”;B项意为“分心驾驶的危害”;C项意为“学生模拟驾驶”;D项意为“电脑游戏的优点”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C B It's at this time of the year that marathon recovery, not marathon training, starts to take centre stage.‎ Research indicates that the muscle damage from running a marathon can last up to two weeks.The research also indicates that muscle soreness (肌肉酸痛)is not a good indicator of muscular healing.In other words, just because you aren't sore anymore doesn't mean that you are fully healed.This is the danger for marathon runners:postmarathon muscular soreness fades after a few days but minor damage within the muscle cells remains.If you return to full training too soon—running more and faster than the tissues are ready for—you risk delaying full recovery and the chance to get ready for your next goal.‎ The solution, it appears, is to recognize (and accept) that the muscles will take a while to heal and to be prepared to take it easy for the first couple of weeks (even longer if you're particularly sore after your marathon).While the research isn't very promising when it comes to things to do to reduce soreness and aid healing, a couple of concepts appear to help.First, providing gentle blood flow to the area helps bring healing nutrients into the muscles and also helps to remove waste products and damaged tissue.Walking and gentle massage(按摩)can help, particularly in the first few days after a marathon.Once muscle soreness has significantly reduced (usually two to four days after the race), light jogging can commence.Just be mindful of running very slowly.‎ No runner wants to get super fit and then lose that during the recovery process.But since you must reduce your training load following your marathon, it can be difficult as to how much and how soon to insert running into your postmarathon training.‎ ‎5.When should marathon runners return to full training?‎ A.About half a month after the competition.‎ - 9 -‎ B.A few days after soreness disappears.‎ C.Before the tissue recovers completely.‎ D.Before the next game draws closer.‎ ‎6.How can marathon runners reduce their muscle soreness?‎ A.Through family care.‎ B.By doing gentle exercise.‎ C.Through medical treatment.‎ D.By removing damaged tissue.‎ ‎7.Which of the following best explains “commence” underlined in Paragraph 3 ?‎ A.Fit.       B.Heal.‎ C.Start. D.Mend.‎ ‎8.What can be a suitable title for the text?‎ A.Recovery after Marathon B.Soreness with Sports C.Healing Muscle Soreness D.Reducing Training Load ‎【语篇解读】 文章主要介绍了在跑完马拉松的几天之后,肌肉酸痛消退并不代表身体已经完全恢复,肌肉损伤可能会持续两周,本文还介绍了减轻和治愈肌肉酸痛的一些方法。‎ ‎5.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Research indicates that the muscle damage from running a marathon can last up to two weeks.”可知,研究表明跑完马拉松赛后肌肉所受的伤害可持续长达两周,再根据本段最后一句“If you return to full training too soon...you risk delaying full recovery and the chance to get ready for your next goal.”可知,运动员应在受伤的肌肉恢复后再进行全面的训练,即在比赛后的两周后再进行训练,故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎6.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“First,providing gentle blood flow to the area helps bring healing nutrients into the muscles...Walking and gentle massage can help...”可知,进行一些轻微的运动可以减轻肌肉酸痛。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎7.解析:词义猜测题。画线词所在句中的light jogging指“轻缓的慢跑”,根据下文中的“Just be mindful of running very slowly.”可知,此处建议可开始轻缓的慢跑,但注意要跑得很慢。由此可推知commence意为“开始”,故选C项。‎ 答案:C - 9 -‎ ‎8.解析:主旨大意题。综观全文可知,本文主要介绍了马拉松赛后肌肉伤害的恢复时间及恢复方法,由此可知,A项(马拉松赛的恢复)最能概括本文内容,可作为本文标题,故选A项。‎ 答案:A Ⅱ.完形填空 I am one of those rare people who had a perfect childhood. 1 I saw was new, wonderful and exciting.I was 2 whether it was rainy or dry, whether it was hot or 3 ,whether it was night or day.I just wanted to 4 all the things around me.‎ For me the only big 5 was that I was awake or asleep.When I was awake, I wanted to 6 the time just for playing with my friends.In school, we had many interesting activities and hobby classes, which 7 from singing, dancing to drama and drawing.My 8 was full of sunshine and happiness.‎ But I can't 9 time.When I reached my teens, I started to realize there was a different 10 of life.I no longer had enough 11 for little things—discovering a rainbow was not 12 , looking at a giraffe in the zoo was normal, and 13 a building with 50 floors was not amazing.A rainy day was a 14 day because the traffic was slow, and the first day of spring 15 me of allergies(过敏).Life moves on again.The first day of the month is not just the 16 of a new month;it's the time to 17 bills.Going to the supermarket is a 18 ; it is not just fun walking around, looking for things and seeing the people around me.‎ Life is a 19 in which everyone has many obligations (责任), but if everyone tried to see life through the eyes of a child, I am sure that every day could be 20 .‎ ‎1.A.Everything B.Something C.Anyone D.None ‎2.A.anxious B.grateful C.confident D.happy ‎3.A.warm B.cold C.windy D.snowy ‎4.A.confirm B.introduce C.discover D.possess ‎5.A.expectation B.victory C.treasure D.difference ‎6.A.reduce B.waste - 9 -‎ C.lengthen D.pass ‎7.A.range B.benefit C.result D.suffer ‎8.A.study B.life C.journey D friend ‎9.A.save B.record C.tell D.stop ‎10.A.way B.choice C.side D.version ‎11.A.time B.money C.energy D.attempt ‎12.A.challenging B.disturbing C.boring D.surprising ‎13.A.painting B.seeing C.purchasing D.sharing ‎14.A.bad B.specific C.favourite D.wonderful ‎15.A.informed B.reminded C.persuaded D.freed ‎16.A.breakthrough B.preparation C.beginning D.function ‎17.A.show off B.send out C.add to D.think about ‎18.A.trend B.duty C.burden D.rule ‎19.A.process B.reward C.lesson D.skill ‎20.A.worse B.shorter C.better D.slower ‎【语篇解读】 作者拥有一个无忧无虑的童年,但是随着时间的流逝,处于青春期的他再也找不到儿时的乐趣,同时生活的责任越来越大。作者建议人们从孩童的角度去看待生活,使生活变得更加美好。‎ ‎1.解析:根据空前一句中的“a perfect childhood”可知,作者有一个完美的童年,所以所看到的一切都是新的、精彩的、令人激动的。everything意为“一切;所有事物”‎ - 9 -‎ ‎,符合语境,故选A项。something意为“某物”;anyone意为“任何人”;none意为“全无”。‎ 答案:A ‎2.解析:根据第二句中的“new”“wonderful”及“exciting”可知,作者一直都很快乐。happy意为“快乐的”,符合语境,故选D项。anxious意为“焦虑的”;grateful意为“感激的”;confident意为“自信的”。‎ 答案:D ‎3.解析:根据空前的“rainy or dry”和空后的“night or day”可知,or前后为反义词,hot的反义词为cold,故选B项。warm意为“温暖的”;windy意为“多风的”;snowy意为“多雪的”。‎ 答案:B ‎4.解析:根据上文中的“...I saw was new...”可知,作者对一切都感到新奇,总是想发现周围的一切事物。discover意为“发现”,符合语境,故选C项。confirm意为“确认;证实”;introduce意为“引进;介绍”;possess意为“拥有;具有”。‎ 答案:C ‎5.解析:根据空后的“awake or asleep”可知,对于作者来说,最大的不同是醒着还是睡着。difference意为“差别”,符合语境,故选D项。expectation意为“期望;预期”;victory意为“胜利”;treasure意为“珍宝;珍品”。‎ 答案:D ‎6.解析:根据空后的“just for playing with my friends”可知,作者想让跟朋友玩得时间长一些。lengthen意为“使延长”,符合语境,故选C项。reduce意为“减少”;waste意为“浪费”;pass意为“经过”。‎ 答案:C ‎7.解析:此句为非限制性定语从句,主语which代指前面的many interesting activities and hobby classes,所以此处指活动的多样性,range from...to...意为“包括(从……到……)的各类事物”,符合语境,故选A项。benefit from...意为“从……中受益”;result from...意为“由……造成”;suffer from意为“受(某种疾病)折磨”。‎ 答案:A ‎8.解析:根据语境可知,此处是在描写作者儿童时期的快乐生活。life意为“生活”,符合语境,故选B项。study意为“学习”;journey意为“旅程”;friend意为“朋友”。‎ 答案:B ‎9.解析:根据下一句中的“when I reached my teens”可知,此处表达作者无法让时间停止。stop意为“(使)停止;阻止”,符合语境,故选D项。save意为“拯救;节省”;record意为“记录”;tell意为“告诉;辨别”。‎ 答案:D - 9 -‎ ‎10.解析:根据下文中的“discovering a rainbow was not...a building with 50 floors was not amazing”可知,儿童时期的新鲜感和新奇感消失了,取而代之的是生活的烦恼,也就是说,作者开始意识到生活还有另外一面。side意为“方面”,符合语境,故选C项。way意为“方法;方式”;choice意为“选择”;version意为“版本”。‎ 答案:C ‎11.解析:根据“When I reached my teens”及语境可知,作者进入青少年时期后,没有时间去关注一些小事。time意为“时间”,符合语境,故选A项。money意为“钱”;energy意为“精力;能量”;attempt意为“尝试;企图;努力”。‎ 答案:A ‎12.解析:根据上文中的“I started to realize there was a different 10 of life”可知,作者步入青少年后发现生活还有另一面,所以发现彩虹也不再感到吃惊。surprising意为“令人吃惊的”,符合语境,故选D项。challenging意为“富于挑战性的”;disturbing意为“使人震惊的,令人不安的”;boring意为“无聊的;令人厌烦的”。‎ 答案:D ‎13.解析:discovering与looking at和此空并列,都表达“看”的动作。see意为“看到”,符合语境,故选B项。paint意为“涂;画”;purchase意为“购买”;share意为“分享”。‎ 答案:B ‎14.解析:根据“rainy”和空后的“the traffic was slow”可知,下雨天是糟糕的一天。bad符合语境,故选A项。specific意为“特定的;具体的;明确的”;favourite意为“最喜欢的”;wonderful意为“令人惊叹的”。‎ 答案:A ‎15.解析:句意为:……春天的第一天会让我想到过敏。inform sb of sth意为“通知某人某事”;remind sb of sth意为“使某人想起某事”;persuade sb of sth意为“使某人相信某事”;free sb of sth意为“使某人摆脱某事”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎16.解析:根据“The first day of the month”可知,这是一个月的开始。beginning意为“开始”,符合语境,故选C项。breakthrough意为“突破”;preparation意为“准备”;function意为“功能”。‎ 答案:C ‎17.解析:由常识可知,月初要考虑交各种生活费用。think about意为“考虑”,符合语境,故选D项。show off意为“炫耀”;send out意为“发出;派出”;add to意为“增加,增添”。‎ 答案:D - 9 -‎ ‎18.解析:句意为:去超市成为一种职责,不再是快乐的散步、寻找东西、看周围的人。设空处与下文中的obligations相对应,duty意为“职责,责任”,符合语境,故选B项。trend意为“趋势”;burden意为“负担”;rule意为“规定;规则”。‎ 答案:B ‎19.解析:句意为:生活是一个每个人都有很多责任的过程……process意为“过程”,符合语境,故选A项。reward意为“奖赏;报酬”;lesson意为“课程;教训”;skill意为“技巧;技能”。‎ 答案:A ‎20.解析:根据空前的“if everyone tried to see life through the eyes of a child”以及上文中的“perfect childhood”可知,儿童时期的孩子只看到了生活中的快乐,如果每个人都尽力以孩子的眼光来看待生活,每一天应该会更好。better意为“更好的”,符合语境,故选C项。worse意为“更糟的”;shorter意为“更短的”;slower意为“更慢的”。‎ 答案:C - 9 -‎

