【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修2Unit6B Design作业

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【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修2Unit6B Design作业

限时规范练12(必修2 Unit 6B)‎ 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、了解诗歌文化的能力意识 ‎ 限时规范练第24页  ‎ 一、阅读理解 A Elizabeth Bishop is considered one of the best American poets of the 20th century.She was born in Worcester,Massachusetts in 1911.Her dad died when she was just a baby and her mom never recovered from the loss;she went to live with her grandparents in Nova Scotia,Canada when she was five.Eventually Bishop attended Vassar College,where she began to write poetry.‎ At Vassar she discovered Marianne Moore’s poetry and met “Ms.Moore” and began their life-long friendship.She later met poet Robert Lowell.She wrote tons and tons of letters to both of them,which is good for us because we would otherwise know very little of her personal life.Bishop’s poetry is sometimes considered objective and cold because it shows almost nothing about the poet or her life.‎ Bishop published her first book of poetry in 1946 and wrote until her death in 1979.She would spend years working on a single poem.Her poems are not the result of hasty scribbling (匆忙乱写) on paper while eating breakfast.Over a lifetime of writing,she only published about 275 pages of poetry,and about 40 of those are translations.She would look through drafts of poems again and again and improve them until they were as close to perfect as she could get them.‎ Reading Elizabeth Bishop is like being transported to the very place,the very moment she’s writing about.She leads us to a microscope so we can see every smallest part of the scene.It seems she’s always asking us to notice more,and more until the poem is so clear in our minds that it’s almost painful — like a light that’s too bright.It might take your eyes a while to get used to it,but once they do,you’ll like what you see.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是夹叙夹议文。文章介绍了20世纪美国著名女诗人伊丽莎白·毕肖普,并对其诗歌进行了评价。‎ ‎1.What do we know about Bishop’s early life?‎ ‎                ‎ A.She started to write poems at five.‎ B.She was always encouraged by her parents.‎ C.She spent her childhood mainly in Worcester.‎ D.She was mainly brought up by her grandparents.‎ 答案D 解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Her dad died when she was just a baby...live with her grandparents in Nova Scotia,Canada when she was five.”可知,毕肖普主要是由祖父母带大的。‎ ‎2.Why are Bishop’s letters to Moore and Lowell important? ‎ A.They have a deep influence on other poets.‎ B.They offer much information about her life.‎ C.They help us study Moore’s and Lowell’s poetry.‎ D.They prove she had friendships with famous poets.‎ 答案B 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“She wrote tons and tons of letters to both of them,which is good for us because we would otherwise know very little of her personal life”可知,毕肖普与穆尔和洛威尔的书信为人们提供了毕肖普日常生活方面的信息,因此这些书信很重要。‎ ‎3.What can we say about Bishop’s poetic creation?‎ A.She liked to write in the morning.‎ B.She could write poems at high speed.‎ C.She tried her best to achieve perfection.‎ D.She published hundreds of books of poetry.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可知,毕肖普创作诗歌的时候精益求精,力求完美。本段中的“until they were as close to perfect as she could get them”是最关键的线索。‎ ‎4.Which can be used to describe the style of Bishop’s poems? ‎ A.Exact. ‎ B.Informal.‎ C.Humorous. ‎ D.Enthusiastic.‎ 答案A 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“She leads us to a microscope so we can see every smallest part of the scene.”和“It seems she’s always...that’s too bright.”可知,毕肖普的诗歌讲究精准到位。‎ B He has jumped off tall buildings,been lit on fire,and fought the deadliest people on the planet.And you know what? For Greg Rementer,it’s all in a day’s work.‎ Rementer is part of a group of men and women who bring your favorite action scenes to life on film and television.He was hired to stand in for actors when a scene carries real risk or requires special skills.On the set of Captain America:Civil War,for example,Rementer stepped in for actor Sebastian Stan.Rementer had to jump 45 feet from one building onto another — after being thrown down a flight of stairs.‎ Stunts (特技) have always been part of movies.But in the early days of Hollywood,actors generally did their own stunts.When actors didn’t do their own stunts,filmmakers would simply hire the first person they could find crazy enough to give it a go.Accidents that resulted in serious injuries were not uncommon.Today,most stunt performers know how to safely fall from great heights.Many have sports backgrounds.Bobby Holland Hanton,who performed in Avengers:Age of Ultron,was a gymnast.Katie Eischen,who worked in The Hunger Games:Catching Fire,did volleyball.As for Rementer,he has been studying martial arts (武术) since primary school.‎ Rementer loves his job,but it’s hardly glamorous.Days on set can be long and hard;it’s common to work 14 hours at a time in uncomfortable locations.A stunt that lasts a few seconds can take hours to set up.Plus,stunt performers must train continuously to stay in shape.‎ Being a stunt performer today is much safer than it used to be,thanks to better equipment and strict rules in Hollywood.But injuries are still part of the job.After all,if stunts were completely safe,stunt performers wouldn’t be needed.“I’ve been fortunate,” Rementer says,explaining that he hasn’t had any serious accidents.“I’ve had some broken arms,broken toes,and a lot of bruises.But when you’re doing things like riding wires into concrete walls,you’re going to feel it.You just have to be ready to get up and go again.”‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了电影行业中的特技替身这一高危职业。‎ ‎5.What was Rementer hired to do?‎ A.Bring boring stories to life.‎ B.Encourage actors to do sports.‎ C.Perform dangerous actions for actors.‎ D.Instruct Sebastian Stan in special skills.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“He was hired to stand in for actors when a scene carries real risk or requires special skills.”及下面给出的例子可知,Rementer被雇用来给演员做特技替身。‎ ‎6.Why did the author mention some stunt performers in Paragraph 3?‎ A.To introduce their stunts.‎ B.To praise their great skills.‎ C.To show they are highly trained.‎ D.To stress the importance of sports backgrounds.‎ 答案C 解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“most stunt performers know how to safely fall from great heights.Many have sports backgrounds”及下文给出的例子可知,文中提到的几位电影特技表演者都具有体育背景,所以他们都是经过高度专业化培训的特技替身。‎ ‎7.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “glamorous” in Paragraph 4?‎ A.Tiring. ‎ B.Attractive.‎ C.Dangerous. ‎ D.Meaningful.‎ 答案B 解析词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“Days on set can be long and hard”和表转折的连词but可知,Rementer很爱他的工作,但是这项工作并不“吸引人”,因为在片场的时间既长又辛苦。‎ ‎8.What can we infer about Rementer from his words?‎ A.He takes pleasure in risky jobs.‎ B.He suffers misfortune every day.‎ C.He has a strong sense of professionalism.‎ D.He has a love-hate relationship with his job.‎ 答案C 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“But when you’re doing things like riding wires into concrete walls,you’re going to feel it.You just have to be ready to get up and go again.”可知,Rementer要时刻做好跌倒再爬起来继续工作的准备,由此可见,他具有职业水准。‎ 二、完形填空 Sometimes I thought I was a good mom.Sometimes,I felt like I spent the day nagging (唠叨不休) my kids rather than  1  them,especially my strong-willed son. 2  a family get-together taught me an important  3 . ‎ My son was ten at the time and we were on a late night family 4  trip to Cleveland for the get-together the next day.I was taking my  5  at the wheel while my husband and my small daughter  6 .My son,full of energy,was wide awake in the back seat.I  7  to stay awake,too,and I didn’t want to  8  the radio,so I asked him to talk to me to help keep me  9 .“Sure,Mom,” he said,“what do you want to  10 ?” I told him I’d talk about  11  he wanted to talk about.“How about frogs?” he asked.I said that would be  12 ,and for the next hour or so we talked about the  13  between frogs ‎ and toads (蟾蜍),and  14  — basketball and soccer.He was quite  15  when we talked about Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and how they got to be so famous.Now and then he would  16 ,but we’d continue to talk as I drove down the  17  road. ‎ About an hour and a half later,when I finally 18 ,the bright lights woke everyone,and the magic of our discussion  19 .But I knew that I had taken the first step toward changing a bad  20  habit with someone I love very much. ‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。作者开车途中为了保持清醒让儿子不断与她交谈,这一路的交谈也让作者对儿子有了更多的了解。‎ ‎             ‎ ‎1.A.visiting B.knowing C.worrying about D.dealing with 答案B 解析通读全文可知,经过一路的交谈,作者对儿子有了更多的了解,所以此处指作者觉得自己整天唠叨孩子们,却不“了解(knowing)”他们。‎ ‎2.A.Or B.So C.Since D.But 答案D 解析由最后一段中的“But I knew that I had taken the first step toward changing”可知,作者通过路上和儿子聊天对儿子有了更多的了解,之后,她懂得了如何更好地爱孩子。本句作者的收获和上一句作者认为自己不够了解孩子构成转折关系,故用转折连词But。‎ ‎3.A.idea B.plan C.lesson D.reason 答案C 解析这次家庭聚会给作者提供了重要的“经验(lesson)”。‎ ‎4.A.car B.plane C.bike D.train 答案A 解析由下文中的“at the wheel”和“as I drove down”可知,作者一家开“车(car)”去参加家庭聚会。‎ ‎5.A.offer B.step C.place D.turn 答案D 解析根据上下文语境可知,作者和丈夫“轮换(take one’s turn)”开车。‎ ‎6.A.learned B.ate C.exercised D.slept 答案D 解析由下文中的“My son,full of energy,was wide awake”可推断,丈夫和女儿“睡(slept)”着了。‎ ‎7.A.failed B.needed C.refused D.agreed 答案B 解析作者在夜晚开车,因此“需要(needed)”保持清醒。‎ ‎8.A.move B.take C.play D.touch 答案C 解析由下文中的“I asked him to talk to me”可知,作者不想通过“播放(play)”收音机使自己清醒。‎ ‎9.A.patient B.pleased C.awake D.strong 答案C 解析上文中的“to stay awake”对本空有提示。‎ ‎10.A.discuss B.do C.prove D.say 答案A 解析由下文作者的回答可知,此处作者的儿子问她想“讨论(discuss)”什么。‎ ‎11.A.anyone B.someone C.nothing D.anything 答案D 解析由下文作者的儿子引出话题可知,作者愿意谈论“任何(anything)”她的儿子想谈论的话题。‎ ‎12.A.lucky B.fine C.simple D.dangerous 答案B 解析由本句中的“for the next hour or so we talked about”可知,作者认为这个话题很“好(fine)”。‎ ‎13.A.studies B.rules C.differences D.competitions 答案C 解析由本句中的“frogs and toads”以及生活常识可知,这里谈论的是它们的“不同(differences)”。‎ ‎14.A.tasks B.sports C.shows D.programs 答案B 解析由本句中的“basketball and soccer”可知,此处谈论的是两个“运动(sports)”项目。‎ ‎15.A.interested B.surprised C.angry D.sorry 答案A 解析根据上下文语境可知,儿子对谈论球星的话题很“感兴趣(interested)”。‎ ‎16.A.stay B.stop C.watch D.leave 答案B 解析由本句中的“but we’d continue to talk”可知,作者的儿子有时候会暂“停(stop)”谈话。‎ ‎17.A.dark B.main C.wide D.beautiful 答案A 解析根据上文中的“we were on a late night family”可知,作者开夜车,行驶在“黑暗的(dark)”道路上。‎ ‎18.A.passed B.followed C.finished D.arrived 答案D 解析由本句中的“the bright lights woke everyone”可推断,作者一家“到达了(arrived)”目的地。‎ ‎19.A.worked B.continued C.disappeared D.changed 答案C 解析由下文中的“But I knew that I had taken the first step toward changing”可知,虽然谈话的魔力“消失(disappeared)”了,但作者收获了很多,并且开始改变。‎ ‎20.A.reading B.listening C.living D.driving 答案B 解析作者通过一路上和儿子的交谈,听儿子谈论他所感兴趣的话题,对儿子有了更多的了解,同时,作者也改变了自己以前不良的“倾听(listening)”习惯。‎ 三、短文改错 My hero is Helen Thayer.She was the first women to walk to the magnetic North Pole alone.Helen Thayer were born in New Zealand,and she lived there where she was a girl.Later,she lived in Guatemala for the four years and then in the United States.When she was 50,she has a dream.She wanted walk to the magnetic North Pole alone,but she decided to do it.On her journey,Helen didn’t have some help.She was complete alone except for her dog,Charlie.She walked 555 km in temperatures of -50℃! She was very strong-minded,even in very dangerous and difficulty situations.‎ 答案 第二句:women→woman 第三句:were→was;where→when 第四句:去掉第一个the 第五句:has→had 第六句:wanted后加to;but→and / so 第七句:some→any 第八句:complete→completely 第十句:difficulty→difficult

