山东专版 高考一轮复习英语 新人教版选修8 课时跟踪检测三十九 Pygmalion Word版含解析

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山东专版 高考一轮复习英语 新人教版选修8 课时跟踪检测三十九 Pygmalion Word版含解析

课时跟踪检测(三十九) Pygmalion Ⅰ.单项填空 ‎1.(2013·宁波五校联考)—It's cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.‎ ‎—________.‎ A.Yes, take it easy    B.Well, it just depends C.OK, just in case D.All right, you're welcome ‎2.Local authorities have been ________for failing to solve the problem of homelessness.‎ A.accused B.convinced C.condemned D.arranged ‎3.To everyone's surprise, David has made ________ fortune by selling computers on ________ Internet.‎ A.不填; a B.不填; the C.a; the D.a; a ‎4.Lucy was chosen for the job because she was superior ________ the other candidates.‎ A.at B.for C.to D.in ‎5.(2012·山东省实验中学高三检测)—He tried his best to make the ________ of the famous professor and persuaded him to be his tutor.‎ ‎—May he succeed.‎ A.decision B.function C.acquaintance D.friends ‎6.(2013·九江高三一模)________ achievement, we earned a low grade this year, however hard we tried.‎ A.Instead of B.In favour of C.In terms of D.Because of ‎7.Have you ever been in a situation ________ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?‎ A.where B.which C.what D.that ‎8.(2013·萧山高三质检)—He is always picking up very heavy things just to ________ his strength.‎ ‎—What a man!‎ A.show around B.show off C.show up D.show in ‎9.(2013·临沂一模)We are at your service. Don't ________ to turn to us if you have any further problems.‎ A.beg B.hesitate C.desire D.seek ‎10.(2013·湖州模拟)—What do you think of their marriage?‎ ‎—________, if I were Kate, I would not marry him.‎ A.Generally speaking B.I have no idea C.To be honest D.To my surprise ‎11.(2013·温州中学二测)The students, if well ________, will pass the exam without much difficulty.‎ A.prepared B.preparing C.to prepare D.ready ‎12.(2013·大连高三质检)—Will they agree on each other?‎ ‎—No.Neither side is ready to ________.‎ A.donate B.distribute C.substitute D.compromise ‎13.(2012·浙江高考)According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to ________ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.‎ A.differ B.shrink C.fail D.decline ‎14.—Tempted by the large sum of money, he chose to ________ his own belief.‎ ‎—What a pity!‎ A.satisfy B.excite C.witness D.betray ‎15.(2012·绍兴一中质检)All the effort has gone into rescuing the mine workers in the past five days, but now hopes of finding the workers alive seem to be ________.‎ A.fading away B.running away C.taking off D.giving off Ⅱ.完形填空 ‎(2013·长春第一次调研测试)My sister, Cathy, who lives in Vancouver, sent me a package full of Christmas gifts. She told me that she had __1__ it in advance to make sure it would arrive at my house weeks before the __2__. Christmas was drawing near, but no package arrived. Cathy checked the tracking number every __3__ with Canada Post, and every evening she would call me to __4__ if ‎ there was any sign of it on our end.‎ The __5__ always started with questions about the package, but twenty minutes later we would still be __6__. We talked about our family, such as parents, our kids and __7__. Of course we also talked about our jobs. We had never made so much __8__ for each other! The talk always took us back to the hours we spent together in our childhood.‎ By Christmas Eve we finally had to __9__ the fact that the package was __10__ lost. On Christmas morning, Cathy got on the phone with everyone in my __11__ and told them what she had sent. Later on, after a big family Christmas dinner, I had forgotten all about the __12__ package when there was a knock on the door. Who could it be at such a time? As I __13__ the door, a man was standing there.‎ ‎“I __14__ this is yours,” he said, holding a package. Just then I __15__ that it had been delivered to the wrong address. “I just got home from vacation,” he explained, “__16__ I wanted you to have this in time to open for Christmas.” I thanked this __17__ stranger for taking so much trouble to __18__ this gift to us on Christmas Day, and __19__ thanked God that the package had been lost in the first place.‎ The real gift of that holiday season was the new __20__ to my sister who lives far away from us. It seemed that my sister was just by my side now.,1.A.booked B.decorated C.mailed D.listed ‎2.A.appointment B.holiday C.deadline D.party ‎3.A.year B.month C.week D.morning ‎4.A.find out B.take out C.figure out D.pick out ‎5.A.complaint B.discussion C.conversation D.quarrel ‎6.A.kidding B.arguing C.chatting D.scolding ‎7.A.gifts B.husbands C.secrets D.clothing ‎8.A.food B.money C.achievement D.time ‎9.A.accept B.ignore C.consider D.study ‎10.A.nearly B.suddenly C.mostly D.simply ‎11.A.restaurant B.house C.office D.class ‎12.A.terrible B.missing C.big D.outstanding ‎13.A.opened B.locked C.left D.watched ‎14.A.understand B.forget C.know D.believe ‎15.A.expected B.dreamed C.realized D.remembered ‎16.A.because B.but C.or D.so ‎17.A.generous B.honest C.polite D.kind ‎18.A.show B.present C.return D.offer ‎19.A.silently B.carefully C.gently D.actually ‎20.A.distance B.guide C.recognition D.closeness Ⅲ.阅读理解 ‎(2013·泰安高三模拟)One summer I was driving from my home town of Tahoe City, Calif, to New Orleans. In the middle of the desert, I came upon a young man standing by the roadside. He had his thumb out and held a gas can in his other hand. I drove right by him. There was a time in the country when you'd be considered a jerk if you passed by somebody in need. Now you are a fool for helping. With gangs, drug addicts, murderers, rapists, thieves lurking everywhere, “I don't want to get involved” has become a national motto.‎ Several states later I was still thinking about the hitchhiker. Leaving him stranded in the desert did not bother me so much. What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. I never even lifted my foot off the accelerator.‎ Does anyone stop any more? I wondered. I recalled Blanche DuBois's famous line:“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” Could anyone rely on the kindness of strangers these days? One way to test this would be for a person to journey from coast to coast without any money, relying solely on the good will of his fellow Americans. What kind of Americans would he find? ‎ Who would feed him, shelter him, carry him down the road?‎ The idea intrigued me.‎ The week I turned 37, I realized that I had never taken a gamble in my life. So I decided to travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a penny. It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar. I would only accept offers of rides, food and a place to rest my head. My final destination would be Cape Fear in North Carolina, a symbol of all the fears I'd have to conquer during the trip.‎ I rose early on September 6, 1994, and headed for the Golden Gate Bridge with a 50pound pack on my back and a sign displaying my destination to passing vehicles:“America”.‎ For six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4, 223 miles across 14 states. As I traveled, folks were always warning me about someplace else. In Montana they told me to watch out for the cowboys in Wyoming; in Nebraska they said people would not be as nice in Iowa. Yet I was treated with kindness everywhere I went. I was amazed by people's readiness to help a stranger, even when it seemed to run contrary to their own best interests.‎ ‎1.Why did the author drive past the young man in the desert without stopping?‎ A.Because he failed to notice this man.‎ B.Because he was driving too fast.‎ C.Because he thought the young man didn't need help.‎ D.Because he was afraid of being tricked.‎ ‎2.What was it that made the author upset?‎ A.Leaving the young man alone in the desert.‎ B.Being considered a fool.‎ C.Making the decision of not offering help so easily.‎ D.Keeping thinking about the young man.‎ ‎3.The author decided to travel without a penny in order to ________.‎ A.find out how long he could survive without help B.go through the great difficulty in surviving unexpected environment C.find out whether strangers would offer help to him D.figure out how strangers thought of his plan ‎4.In the passage, the author described his journey as a gamble because ________.‎ A.he was not so sure of the outlook of the journey B.he had no money to give to strangers C.he was sure of the coming sufferings D.he wasn't sure whether to make the journey ‎5.The following part might probably ________.‎ A.describe how he fooled the strangers B.describe how strangers went out their way to help him C.explain why people refused to help strangers D.explain how he overcame his difficulties on the way 答 案 课时跟踪检测(三十九)‎ Ⅰ.1.选C 考查交际用语。A项意为“是的,放松点儿”;B项意为“嗯,看情况而定”;C项意为“好的,只是以防万一”;D项意为“好吧,不用谢”。根据语境可知应选C。‎ ‎2.选C 句意:地方当局因没有解决无家可归的问题而受到了谴责。condemn sb. for doing sth.“因做某事谴责某人”,本题为其被动语态。accuse sb. of sth.“因某事谴责某人”;convince sb. of sth.“说服某人某事”;arrange“安排”。‎ ‎3.选C make a fortune“发财;赚钱”;the Internet“因特网;互联网”。‎ ‎4.选C be superior to意为“比……优越;超过……”。‎ ‎5.选C 句意:“他尽力结识那位著名教授,并说服他当他的导师。”“祝他成功。”make the acquaintance of sb.“结识;与……相见”,是固定短语。make a decision about “就……做出决定”;function “作用;功能;职能”;make friends with “与……交朋友”。‎ ‎6.选C 句意:不管我们多么努力,就成就来说,我们今年的成绩不佳。in terms of“就……而言;在……方面”,符合句意。instead of“代替”;in favour of“赞成”;because of“因为;由于”。‎ ‎7.选A 分析句子结构可知,先行词为situation,是抽象名词,且空格处在定语从句中作状语,故用where引导定语从句,相当于in which。当先行词为stage, case, position, situation, degree等词,且关系词在定语从句中作状语时,通常用where来引导定语从句。‎ ‎8.选B 考查短语意义。show around“领某人参观”;show off“炫耀”;show up“出现”;show in “领进”。根据句意选B项。‎ ‎9.选B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们为你服务。当你有任何问题时,请毫不犹豫地向我们示助。beg“乞求;乞讨;恳求”;hesitate“犹豫;踌躇”;desire“欲望;愿望”;seek“试图;要求”。‎ ‎10.选C 句意:“你认为他们的婚姻怎样?”“说实话,如果我是凯特,我不会嫁给他。”to be honest“说实话”;generally speaking“一般而言”;I have no idea“我不知道”;to my surprise“令我惊讶的是”。‎ ‎11.选A 考查状语从句的省略。完整结构为:if they are well prepared, ...。be well prepared“准备好”。主从句主语一致,且从句中含有be,可将从句的主语与be省略。‎ ‎12.选D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“他们会互相同意吗?”“不会。任何一方都不愿意妥协。”compromise“妥协;折衷”,符合句意。donate“捐赠”;distribute“分配;分发”‎ ‎;substitute“用……代替……”。‎ ‎13.选D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:根据科学家的研究,我们的智力在22岁达到最高水平后从27岁开始下降。differ“和……不同”;shrink “缩小”;fail “失败;失灵”;decline “下降”。根据句意,选D项。‎ ‎14.选D 句意:“被金钱诱惑,他选择背叛自己的信仰。”“真可惜!”betray“背叛”,符合句意。satisfy “使满意”;excite “使激动;使兴奋”;witness “当场见到;目击”。‎ ‎15.选A 句意:五天来一直在全力营救矿工,但是找到生还者的希望逐渐渺茫。fade away “逐渐消失”,符合句意。run away “逃离”;take off “起飞”;give off “发出(气味、热、光等)”。‎ Ⅱ.‎ 语篇解读:这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了一个亲情故事:作者的姐姐寄给作者的包裹被投递到了一个错误的地址,但这件事却增加了她们姐妹之间的交流,增进了感情。‎ ‎1.选C 从上文提到的“sent me a package”可知,姐姐给作者邮寄(mailed)了一个包裹,故选C项。‎ ‎2.选B 根据下文中的“Christmas was drawing near”可知,礼物应在圣诞节假期之前到来,故用holiday。‎ ‎3.选D 根据3空后的“and every evening”可知,姐姐每天早晨(morning)都要查一下包裹的跟踪号。‎ ‎4.选A 根据句中的“if there was any sign of it”可知,姐姐每晚都给作者打电话,了解(find out)是否收到礼物了。take out表示“取出”;figure out表示“弄明白”;pick out表示“精心挑选”,都不符合语境。‎ ‎5.选C 根据下文“We talked about our family”可知,作者和姐姐之间的谈话(conversation)总是从询问包裹开始。‎ ‎6.选C 根据下文“We talked about”和“Of course we also talked about our jobs.”可知,二十分钟后作者和姐姐仍然在闲谈(chatting)。‎ ‎7.选B 根据上文“We talked about our family”可知她们谈论自己的家人,而选项中只有husbands属于家庭成员,由此可得出答案为B项。‎ ‎8.选D 作者和姐姐以前从来没有花那么多时间(time)交流。‎ ‎9.选A 到了圣诞节前夕她们不得不接受(accept)这个事实。ignore表示“忽视”;consider表示“考虑”;study表示“研究”,都不符合语境。‎ ‎10.选D 时间过去这么久了,还没收到包裹,因此作者认为那包裹根本就是丢了。simply表示“简直,根本”,符合语境。‎ ‎11.选B 姐姐和作者家(house)里的每个成员都逐一通电话,所以选B项。‎ ‎12.选B 从上下文可知,这里应用missing,指那个丢失了的包裹,所以选B项。‎ ‎13.选A 根据句中的“a man was standing there”可知,作者开了门,故用opened。‎ ‎14.选D 根据16空后的“I wanted you to have this in time”可知,那个人确信包裹是作者的,所以用believe,选D项。‎ ‎15.选C 作者看到那个人手中的包裹后意识到(realized)自己的包裹被投递到了错误的地址,所以选C项。‎ ‎16.选B 从语境可知,这里是转折关系。尽管他刚刚度假回来,但他想将包裹早日归还给主人,所以用but。‎ ‎17.选D 那个人不辞辛劳给作者送包裹,说明他是一个好心肠的人,所以用kind。‎ ‎18.选C 这个包裹本来属于作者,因此应该是归还给作者,选return。show表示“展示”;present表示“赠予”;offer表示“提供”,都不符合语境。‎ ‎19.选A 作者默默地(silently)感谢上帝。‎ ‎20.选D 正因为包裹没有被准时送达,作者才和姐姐有那么多的时间交流,拉近了她们之间的距离,所以用closeness。distance表示“距离”;guide表示“指导”;recognition表示“认知”,都不符合语境。‎ Ⅲ.‎ 语篇解读:当今社会,帮助陌生人的人会被当成傻瓜,在这样的导向下,人们是否还会向陌生人伸出援手?作者为了得到答案,亲历了一次“身无分文”的旅行。‎ ‎1.选D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后两句可知,如今人们不想因为帮助陌生人而陷入麻烦,作者正是受这种思想的影响,而没有停车。‎ ‎2.选C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision.”可知,使作者感到不安的是自己怎么会那么轻易就作出了不伸出援手的决定。‎ ‎3.选C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后三句的内容以及第四段“The idea intrigued me”可知,作者决定进行这次“身无分文”的旅行是想看看是否会有陌生人帮助他,因此选择C。‎ ‎4.选A 推理判断题。根据文章的描述可知,由于现在的人们不愿意帮助陌生人,作者不知道他是否会得到帮助,因此作者把这次旅 行当成是一次冒险,说明他对这次旅行的前景不乐观,因此选择A。‎ ‎5.选B 篇章结构题。根据最后一段的描述可知,作者无论到哪儿都会得到帮助,甚至一些人宁愿违背自己的利益,也会去帮助他,因此下文作者会具体说明人们是如何尽力帮助他的。‎

