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简单句 并列句和复合句 英语的句子可以分为简单句、并列句、复合句。并列句和复合句又都是由简单句组成。‎ 一 简单句 简单句的五个基本句型:‎ 句型 例句 主句+系动词+表语 My mother is a teacher.‎ 主语+不及物动词 Time flies.‎ 主语+及物动词+宾语 We like English.‎ 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 He asked me a question.‎ 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补助语 I found the book interesting.‎ ‎1.主语+系动词+表语 ‎ 这一句型说明主语是什么或怎么样;谓语动词需用系动词;表语多为形容词,也可为名词、介词短语、不定式及分词等。‎ 常见的系动词有:be,become,look,seem,appear,get,feel,grow,turn,remain,come,fall,hold,keep,smell,sound,taste等。如:‎ This machine is in good condition.这台机器的情况良好。‎ The garden smells pleasant.这座花园香气宜人。‎ All these dictionaries are a great help to me.所有这些词典都对我帮助很大。‎ Her ideal has come true.她的理想实现了。 ‎ ‎2.主语+动词 ‎ 这种句型中的谓语动词是不及物动词,没有直接宾语也没有被动语态;但常带有状语。如:‎ The water is boiling.水开了。‎ The train will leave soon.火车就要开了。‎ The gas has given out.煤气用完了。‎ Such houses rent easily.这样的房子很容易租出去。‎ I often go swimming in summer.我夏天常去游泳。‎ Leaves fall when the autumn wind blows.秋风起,树叶落。‎ ‎3.主语+动词+宾语 ‎ 这一句型中的谓语动词是及物动词,那么它必须带有自己的宾语。在英文中,当一个动词(包括单个动词和动词短语)作及物动词用时,它必须要有自己的宾语(除非是宾语在上下文里很明确地提到过,为避免不必要的重复,才会省去),否则会视为“句子不完整”。如:‎ He has a sister.他有一个妹妹。‎ They wanted to have a rest.他们想休息一会儿。‎ I like taking risks.我喜欢冒险。‎ He speaks English very fluently.他英语说得非常流利。‎ ‎4.主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 ‎ 在这一句型中谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者,另一个是动作的间接承受者。‎ 通常情况下间接宾语在前,直接宾语在后;有时也可把间接宾语置于直接宾语后,此时间接宾语前需加介词for或to。间接宾语后置与for连用的动词有buy,make,cook,get,choose,sing,find等。‎ 间接宾语后置与to连用的动词有give,lend,teach,take,return,send,pass等。如:‎ She brought me a shirt.她给我带来一件衬衣。‎ Pass him the dictionary,please.请将词典递给他。‎ He showed me how to run the machine.他演示给我看怎样操作这台机器。‎ That gentleman told us a funny story. 那位绅士给我们讲了个有趣的故事。‎ I gave her a book.→I gave a book to her. 我给了她一本书。‎ He bought me a pen.→He bought a pen for me. 他给我买了一支钢笔。‎ ‎5.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 ‎ 这一句型中动词虽然是及物动词,但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分来说明宾语,才能使意思完整。宾语补足语用来补充、说明宾语的情况。‎ 宾语补足语可以由名词、动词不定式、形容词、副词、分词和介词短语等充当。‎ 常带复合宾语结构的及物动词有:‎ elect,feel,find,get,have,hear,imagine,keep,make,notice,see,let,smell,start,watch,appoint,believe,call,catch,allow,ask,cause,consider,expect,know,tell,think,want,wish,listen to,look at等等。如:‎ We elected him our monitor.我们选他当班长。‎ President appointed John manager of Marketing. 总裁任命约翰为营销部经理。‎ The news made me happy.那消息使我很高兴。‎ He beat a friend of mine black and blue. 他把我的一位朋友打得青一块紫一块。‎ We caught him stealing a watch from the counter. 我们当场抓住他从柜台里偷手表。‎ I have got all the mistakes in my maths homework corrected. ‎ 特别提醒:简单句只有一个主谓关系。句子可能有两个或更多的主语,也可能有两个或更多的谓语,但是句子中的主谓关系只有一个。如:‎ China‎ and Chinese people are incredibly progressing in many aspects.(两个主语,一个谓语)中国和中国人民在很多方面以难以置信的速度进步。‎ Computers mean a lot to human beings and are paid more and more attention to by people.(两个谓语,一个主语)计算机对人类社会意味着很多东西,并越来越受到人们的重视。‎ 二.并列句 ‎1.在两个或多个简单句之间加上并列连词,或加上分号,把简单句变成并列句,从而使句子的连贯性更强,表达也更为贴切、自然。如:‎ Tom is our monitor now. He came to our school last year. ‎ ‎→Tom came to our school last year and he is our monitor now.‎ ‎→Tom came to our school last year;he is our monitor now.‎ Tom does his homework in the classroom. He sometimes does his homework at home. ‎ ‎→Tom does his homework either in the classroom or at home. ‎ ‎→Tom usually does his homework in the classroom,or at home sometimes.‎ ‎2.熟记下列并列连词的意义和用法。‎ ‎(1)联合类:and,both...and,as well as,neither...nor,not only...but also...‎ ‎(2)选择类:or,or else,otherwise,either...or...,‎ ‎(3)转折类:but,still,however,yet,while,when ‎(4)因果类 so,for,therefore, as a result Come here on time tomorrow morning,otherwise/or you will miss a good chance. 明早一定按时来,否则你会失去一个好机会。‎ I have a lot to do this evening,so I can't go shopping with you.‎ Neither Tom nor his father could speak Chinese. 汤姆和他父亲都不会说汉语。‎ He shook his head,for he thought differently.‎ ‎3.however,but,while的用法比较。‎ however另起新句,有逗号与句子隔开。but不需另起新句。while既表示对比,又表转折。‎ He was ill,but he still kept on working. 他病了,可他还是坚持工作。‎ What she said sounded reasonable,Mr.Green,however,didn't believe her.‎ ‎ 她说得有道理,然而,格林先生就是不信她。‎ There is plenty of rain in the south while there is little rain in the north.‎ 南方多雨而北方少雨。‎ 温馨提示 ‎(1)so不能与because连用。‎ ‎(2)but,while不与although连用,但yet,still可与although连用。‎ ‎4.包含并列连词的特殊句式。‎ ‎(1)祈使句,and/or+主谓结构。‎ ‎(2)名词短语,and+主谓结构。‎ 在 “祈使句,and/or+主谓结构”的结构中,祈使句表示一个条件,and后的句子表示结果。在 “名词短语,and+主谓结构”结构中,名词短语可能表示条件,也可能表示时间,and后的句子表示结果。例如:‎ Climb to the top of the mountain,and you'll get a good view of the city.‎ Hurry up,or you'll be late.‎ Another five minutes,and I'll finish the composition.‎ A few minutes and they went away.‎ ‎(3)be about to...when...正要……这时突然……‎ He was about to go out when it began to rain heavily. ‎ 三、复合句 包含一个主句和一个或几个从句的句子叫复合句,从句由从属连词或关系代词引导。或者简单地说只要给一个简单句任意加上一个从句,复合句即可生成。‎ 主句是一个完整的句子(independent sentence),它可以独立存在。‎ 从句是一个不完整的句子,它必须和一个主句连用,不能独立存在.‎ 在复合句中,主要包含以下类型从句:‎ ‎ 1.主语从句 2.宾语从句 3.表语从句 4.同位语从句 5.状语从句 6.定语从句 ‎(The meeting came to an end.)‎ 试加一个定语从句:(The meeting that they held in our classroom came to an end.)‎ 试加一个状语从句:(When we arrived,the meeting came to an end.)‎ 或:(The meeting came to an end though it was still early.)‎ 或:(Before I could speak anything,the meeting came to an end.)‎ ‎1.The news that our women volleyball team had won the championship encouraged us all greatly.‎ ‎2. A man who doesn’t learn from others can’t achieve much.‎ ‎3.The film had begun when we got to the cinema.‎ ‎4.What makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.‎ ‎5.From space, the earth looks blue. This is because about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.‎ ‎6.Experts believe that people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.‎

