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‎2019届高考英语一轮复习语法部分专项训练14‎ ‎1. It is often said_______teachers have_______very easy life A. /; /              B. /; a                C. the; /              D. the; a 2. To tell you_______truth, it seems to me that you are not being treated with_______respect due to a King.     A./; /             B. the; the            C. /; the              D. the; / 3.—I had a good holiday at my uncle’s. —_______.     A. Oh, I’m glad to hear that.              B. Oh,that’s very nice of you. C. My pleasure                         D. I’m glad to see you 4. It’s just________among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal. A. much as a competition                 B. as a much competition C. a competition as much                 D. as much a competition 5. We were_______happy to know the manned spaceship Shenzhou  landed on the earth successfully. A. more than     B. other than           C. rather than          D. less than 6. Both look very strong and fast,________one runner speeds ahead and wins the race. A. Therefore     B. And                 C. But                D. While 7. Careful study shows that the best athletes win_______,________they think then can win. A.mostly, because       B. almost;  as   C. partly; for          D.nearly; since 8. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the_______.,after she bought some vegetables      A. 20 dollars remained  B.20 dollars left  C. left 20 dollars   D.remaining 20 dollars 9. He hasn’t slept at all for three days._______he is tired out. A. It is no wonder      B. There is no need C. There is no point D. It is no way 10. I’m worn out,_______,the bike doesn’t work well,_______I can’t go further. A. apart from; so     B. except for; because  C. beside; because  D. besides; so 11. ________is known to u all, America is a developed country_______the first world. A. As; belonging    B. which; belongec   C. as; belonging to D. which; belonged to 12. — Did you visit the Big Ben in London?     —No, we _______it, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could visit     B. could have visited   C. must ahave visited it   D.‎ ‎ can have visited 13. Mary passed the driving test,________surprised everyone in the office A. which         B. what               C. this                 D. it 14. He wanted to pass the exam and styed up very late, this________creates further problems. A. in turn         B. in case             C . in doubt            D. in short 15. Treat_______to ________tea to help you relax at the end of the woek. A. on; a          B. oneself; the         C. you; /              D. yourself; a 16. ________the watch_______and see if something is wrong with it. A. Take; apart     B. Take; out           C. Put; apart          D. Put; out 17. They peasants did what they_______the crops, but failed. A. could save      B. could saving         C. could to save   D. could saved 18. ________, tears came down.     A. Hearing the bad news                    B. Heard the bad news C. when to hear the bad news               D. When he heard the bad news 19. The rainy season________for six months and water gets in among the stones. A. stays          B. remains               C. continues     D. lasts 20. As I walked________the countryyards, I noticed how the peasants devoted hours to cleaning it A. across        B. down               C.through        D. along 21. “Where are we now?”________few minutes one of the students asked me the same question. A. A      B.Each         B.Another     D.Every 22. I wonder_______will become my daughter. As well as endless homework, she also bears other leading loads such as revision and recitation. A. which        B. what                C. that           D.it 23.—We heard that he had gone abroad.     —________. A. So did he     B. So he did          C. Neither did he   D. Nor did he 24. — You failed again in the maths exam yesterday. —Don’t tell Dad about it; if he knows that, I’m_______dead.  A. as well as     B. as much as         C.as good as     D. as many as 25. The oranges_______nice ,but________badly this year.    ‎ ‎ A. are tasted; aren’t sold  B.taste;sell     C. are tasted; sell  D. taste; are sold 26. There________to be a wasteland and now stands a building. A. used               B. seems        C. was              D.appeared 27. Are you going to attend the meeting________next Saturday? A.holding            B. held         C. which will hold     D. to be held 28. You can________this English programme________the air easily with your short-wave radio. A. pick out; over       B. pick up; on    C. choose; through   D. choose; by 29. The host country________vast facilities,________a stadium,swimming pools and living quarters      A. offers ;containing B. gives; included  C. awards; contained D. provides; including 30. Most people who have AIDS manage to_______only a few years after they get the disease. A.live            B.survive         C. continue        D.go on 31. ________the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday. A. In spite of         B. But for            C. Because of       D. As for 32. It was difficult to guess what her ________to the news would be. A. impression        B. comment          C. reaction          D. opinion 33. Our attitude toward our teachers should be ________, but not slavish or superstitious. A. respectable      B. respected      C. respective     D. respectful 34. We could see that he was trying to ________his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault.     A. run over    B. smooth over     C. pass off     D. turn down 35.. Glemp's heroic flight into space entitled him ________a place in history A. for         B. with            C. to          D. of 36. He's ________drink and never does a stroke of work. A. gone to      B. taken to         C. taken up     D. gone for 37. "Who is responsible for sending out misinformation?" "Most of the fault lies ________the administration." A. in          B. to              C. on          D. with 38. People who live in a small village are bound to see a good ________of each other. A. sum        B. quantity         C. deal        D. amount 39. Maria ________missed the first train so as to travel on the same one as ‎ John. A. deliberately   B. intensively    C. decisively    D. objectively 40. They always kept on good ________with their next-door neighbors for the children's sake A. friendship    B. relations      C. intentions   D. terms     41. Do you think a wife should ________her habits and tastes to those of her husband? A. comply       B. confirm        C. consent     D. conform 42.. He was afraid that the branch might bend over and break, and he would be sent ________to the ground. A. crashing     B. throwing       C. falling        D. dropping 43. High interest rates ________people from borrowing money. A. discourage    B. decrease      C. disturb      D. disgust 44. Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of ________standards. A. equivalent     B. equal          C. alike        D. likely 45. The two things are the same in outward form but different ________. A. in addition    B. in brief        C. in common D. in essence 46. ________it is a good thing I did not get the post I had applied for, though I must admit that I was disappointed at the time.     A. By the way   B. In a way        C. In the way  D. In no way 47. ________inviting guests and not treating them properly! A. Strangely       B. Fantastically    C. Surprisingly  D. Fancy 48. With sufficient scientific information a manned trip to Mars should be ________ A. obtainable       B. potential       C. considerable D. feasible 49. The generation ________makes it difficult for parents to understand their children's opinions. A. division         B. gap            C. separation    D . interval 50. If the boy had ________the dog alone it wouldn't have bitten him. A. set             B. left             C. had          D. put     1. 【解析】B 前一个空复数名词前的泛指为零冠词,后一个空为泛指概念的单数意思是人生、生活 2. 【解析】B 第一个空为固定短语中的冠词;第二个空为不可数名词的特指。 3. 【解析】A 考查交际用语。依据前面的意思,答语应该是“我很高兴听到这个”。B项答复对方的帮助;C为“别客气,不用谢”, D 为见面时用语。 4. 【解析】D 考查比较的表达方式。as+adj./adv.原形+as表示同级的比较。其中名词a competition 要放在much之后表示程度。 5. 【解析】A 考查副词短语。 More than+adj.表示“非常,很”的意思,此处是很高兴;other than意思是“不同于。除了”;rather than 意思是“胜过,而不是”;less than少于,决不。    6. 【解析】C 考查连词辨析。按照both和one的关系此处应该是转折。 7. 【解析】A ‎ 考查副词词义辨析和连词的词义辨析。依据句意前果后因,前面的空应是大多数为佳。 8. 【解析】D 考查leave 与remain 在with结构中的辨析。语义和词义用remaining 20 dollars 9.【解析】A 考查短语的辨析。No wonder 难怪;B,C我对---没用;D为不可能,决不。 10.【解析】D 考查副词、介词和连词的用法。Besides可用作副词,表示“而且,此外”,起补充说明作用,其他三项均为介词。而前面是原因,因此选D 。句意为:我精疲力尽,此外,自行车也坏了,因此我不能往前走了 11.【解析】C 考查as 与which的辨析和belong短语的用法。 12.【解析】B 考查情态动词的用法。依据句意原本能够事实并非如此,用could have done 形式。    13.【解析】A 考查非限制性定语从句中关系代词的辨析。which 指代前面的整个句子what 不用于定语从句;如果用C,D时前面必须用连词,否则就是定语从句。 14.【解析】A 考查介词短语的辨析。In turn 轮流,反过来,依据句意是反过来的意思。In case假使,以防万一;in doubt 不确定,拿不准;in short总之,简言之。 15.【解析】D 考查词的习惯用法。Treat oneself to sth. 用某物款待自己;a tea=acup of tea 16.【解析】A. 考查固定短语的用法。Take---apart,意思是“把---拆开”。依据语义选择。 17.【解析】C 考查句子结构。从句what they could(do)作动词did的宾语,不定式to save the crops作全句的目的状语。防止误选A.     18.【解析】D 考查的非谓语动词形式。前后主语保持一致,因此选D 19.【解析】D 考查动词词义辨析。此处是持续不是继续 20.【解析】C 考查介词和动词的搭配。through从空间里穿过;across从物体的表面过去。 21.【解析】D 考查不定代词的用法。every  few minutes每几分钟。Each 后接单数名词;another few minutes意为“再有几分钟”,与语境不符;a few minutes不能做时间状语。 22.【解析】B 考查宾语从句连接词的用法。突破点必须依据语义。句意是“我不知道女儿将来会怎样,除了没完没了的作业,她还要承受其他的像复习和背诵这样的主要负担”。 23.【解析】B 考查倒装句的特殊用法。同一主语表示的是附和和肯定。句式为so+主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词句型。    24.【解析】C 考查as---as短语的辨析。As good as 意思是“和—一样”“几乎,等于”。句意为别告诉爸爸,如果他知道了,我肯定死定(像死了一样)。 25.【解析】B 考查语态。Taste 为系动词无被动语态,sell 为不及物动词,意思是“卖起来”。 26.【解析】A 考查there be 句型。依据语义前后对比。 27.【解析】D 考查不定式作定语的用法。 28.【解析】B 考查动词和介词的辨析。题意为用你的短波收音机,你可以再广播上或无线电上接收节目。pick up “接收节目”on the air“在广播上”。 29.【解析】D 考查动词词义辨析。 Provide 提供;offer(主动)给予;give送给;award授予;contain全部包括;include 部分包括。 30.【解析】B 考查动词词义辨析。Survive幸存;live 住,生活;continue 继续;go on继续进行      31.【解析】 B.考查虚拟语气的用法。 but for(=without, except for)若非,要不是 32.【解析】C. 考查名词词义辨析。 reaction(to)对......的反应,依据语义选择。 33.【解析】 D. 考查respect的变化辨析。 respectable值得尊敬的,品行端正的。respectful有礼貌的,表示尊敬的。respective各个的。respected尊敬的。Respecting ‎ prep.关于,说到。 34.【解析】 B. 考查动词短语的区分。 smooth over使平息,使恢复正常的,掩饰;run over 溢出;pass off 事件发生; turn down拒绝,关小 35.【解析】C. 考查介词和动词的搭配。 entitle sb. to sth给予权利。 36.【解析】B. 考查动词短语的辨析。take to养成(某种习惯)。本题意思是他已经成了酒徒,从来没有干过一件工作。 37.【解析】 D. 考查介词和动词的搭配。lie with应由.......(承担责任);(作出决定等)得靠...... )lie in在于      38.【解析】 C. 考查名词与动词的搭配。see a good deal of each other 经常见面。 39.【解析】 A.考查副词词义辨析。 deliberately(=on purpose, intentionally)故意地;存心地。Intensively 深入细致地 decisively  果断,明确;objectively客观地。 40.【解析】 D. 考查名词和动词的搭配。keep(be)on good terms with与......和睦相处。 41.【解析】D. 考查动词词义辨析。conform vi遵守,符号conform sth. to sth. else(vt)使符合; comply with遵守;confirm使坚定,确认,证实;consent(to)同意,赞同 42.【解析】A. 考查动词词义辨析。.crash(to the ground)猛跌(到地上)。Crash n. 常指飞机等的“失事”,本句中用falling不妥,fall指“落下,掉下”,本身并不强调落下的速度,而crash使“猛跌”,故本题用crashing最佳。 43.【解析】A. 考查同字母动词词义辨析。discourage sb. from doing sth.使认为某事不值得做;decrease 减少;disturb打扰;disgust使厌烦。 44.【解析】A. 考查形容词词义辨析.equivalent相等的,相当的:He exchanged his pounds for the equivalent amount of dollars. uniform 相同的,一样的。Likely adj.很可能的,有希望的。alike(表语形容词)相同的,相象的 45.【解析】D. 考查介词短语词义辨析。in essence本质上;in addition此外;in brief简短地,简言之;in common共同    46.【解析】B. 考查way短语词义辨析。.in a way在某种程度上;in no way决不;by the way 顺便提一下;in the way 碍事。此题不能选by the way,因为by the way 做插入语其后应加逗号。本题意思是我没有得到我申请得工作在某种程度上说是件好事,尽管我承认当时我很失望。 47.【解析】D考查facy的用法。fancy doing 没想到.......竟然。本题意思是“没想到邀请了客人竟没有好好招待!” 48.【解析】D. 考查形容词词义辨析。feasible可行的,可做到的;obtainable可得到的;     considerable相当的,可观的;potential潜在的,可能的      49.【解析】B考查名词词义辨析。generation gap 代沟。division分,划分;separation分开;interval间隔,间隙;(幕间或工间)休息。at intervals 不时,时时 50.【解析】B. 考查动词短语词义辨析。leave sb./sth. alone不惹,不管,不碰

