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高考英语一轮复习 精选阅读理解文章六十篇30

南非一女性被犀牛攻击 A 24-year-old woman was seriously injured by a rhino moments after posing for a photograph with it, South Africa's Beeld newspaper reports.‎ 南非《映像报》报道,一位24岁女士在犀牛旁边拍照后立即被其攻击,受伤严重。‎ ‎ Chantal Beyer posed with her husband Sven Fouche beside the rhinos moments before one of them attacked her ‎ Chantal Beyer suffered injuries to her shoulder, lungs and ribs after being gored ‎ at the Aloe Ridge Hotel and Game Reserve, some 40km from Johannesburg.‎ Ms Beyer, a student from West Rand, was with her husband and several other people on a game drive in the reserve.‎ She is said to be in a serious but stable condition in hospital. ‎ South Africa is home to some three-quarters of the world's rhinoceros population of about 28,000 animals.‎ But the country has seen a substantial rise in poaching in the past year amid a reported growing demand for rhino horn in parts of Asia where it is believed to have medicinal powers.‎

