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‎2011高考词汇短语总结---C字母开头 ‎1. make a phone call电话 answer the call 回电 take a call 谢幕 call sb one's name 叫…名字 call off 取消 call up 打电话给…;应征入伍 ‎ call on/at 拜访 call on sb to do sth/for sth 号召call for 需要;打电话叫… ‎ ‎2. keep calm = remain calm 保持镇定 ‎ calm down 别紧张 ‎3. cancel the meeting ‎ cancel the flight 取消航班 ‎ cancel the order 取消定单 ‎4. can't ( help ) but do 不得不 ‎ can't help doing 情不自禁 ‎ can’t help to do sth 不能有助于…‎ ‎5. can't … too ... 再…也不过分 ‎ eg: You can't think him too much.你再感谢他也不过分。‎ ‎6. a capable man = an able man能干的 be capable of doing = be able to do ‎7. take care 当心 take care of = look after 照顾 do sth with care 很小心做…‎ care about 介意 care for 担心;照顾;喜欢 ‎8. be careful in doing小心的,仔细的 be careful of sth ‎ be careful to do be careful with fire be careful with your work/study ‎9. carry sth away 带走 carry out 实施 carry on 继续 进行;经营 ‎ ‎10. in this/that case 在那种情况下 in most cases 在大都数情况下 in no case 绝不 ‎ in any case 无论如何 eg: In any case , try to do it. in the case of my mother.以我母亲为例。‎ ‎11. cast a vote 投票 cast a net 撒网 Snakes cast their skin.蛇褪皮。‎ ‎12. catch sb by the arm抓住…手臂 catch a cold 感冒 catch fire 着火 ‎ catch sb doing 抓住…正在做… I didn’t catch what you said. ‎ catch one's eye/attention 引起…注意 catch sight of 一看到 catch/keep up with 跟上 ‎13. cause = lead to = result in = bring about 造成 cause sb to do 造成…去做… ‎ the reason why/for the cause of the cause of world peace 世界和平事业 ‎14. the opening ceremony 开幕式 the closing ceremony ‎15. a certain = some 某 a Mr. Tom = a certain Mr. Tom = some Mr. Tom ‎ be certain to do确实 make certain that ‎ ‎ It's certain that... for certain = for sure 的确 ‎16. a birth certificate 出生证 a marriage/ death certificate ‎17. make the chance of doing 利用去做什么的机会 the chance of / (to do) / for doing 机遇 ‎ ‎*The chances are that...= It is likely that…‎ ‎18. He has a strong character.他有很强个性。 a man of character 一个有个性的人。‎ create many characters创造很多人物 the leading character主角 ‎19. be in charge of sth 主管 be in the charge of sb = be in one's charge 负责... take charge of the man in charge 负责的人 What's the charge for a single?一个人要多少钱? ‎ These books are under your charge .这些书你保管。‎ charge sb with sth 指控 free of charge 免费 ‎ charge sb money for doing sth 因做…而向…索价 (pay sb money for)‎ ‎20. cheat in the exam 考试作弊 cheat oneself 自欺欺人 ‎21. check in 登记;检票 check out 结帐离开 check up 核对 ‎22. pay by cheque 用支票付款 cash this cheque 对换支票 a blank cheque 空白支票 ‎23. a large/wide choice of选择have the first choice优先选择have no choice but to do别无选择 ‎24. choose her as /to be sth choose from 从中挑选 choose = pick out ‎ ‎25. circle the correct answer 圈出 The moon circles the earth围绕 ‎ a business circle商业圈 ‎26. in/under no circumstances = on no account = in no case 决不=in no way=by no means Under no circumstances should you lend him any money. in reduced circumstances 艰苦环境下 ‎ ‎27. civil rights 公民权力 civil duties 公民义务 ‎28. claim to do claim that 宣称 claim sth 认领… ‎ ‎29. classify 分类 The books in the library are classified according to subject. 按科目分类 ‎30. clear the classroom the clear water 清澈河水 ‎ clear away 把…清除掉 It is clear that... ‎ Make it clear that... ‎ Is the road clear ?道路畅通无阻吗?‎ Please clear the room before their arrival. clear the snow from the path. 清除 ‎ clear the stones from the garden. clear one's throat 清嗓子 ‎ The clouds have cleared away.云散开。clear up the problem 解决问题It will clear up soon天放 ‎31. My watch keeps the time. The watch gains/loses 2 minutes. ‎ Set the clock to the right by the radio.按照收音机把时间拨准。‎ ‎32. my close friend 我亲密的朋友 take /have a close looked at 仔细看 make a close study of 仔细研究 be close to = be next to 在…附近 be close to 将近,几乎 He is closer to tears. close down 关闭 ‎ close down on 禁止, 取谛 ‎33. the clue to sth 线索 thread the clues 把线索串起来 ‎34. collect sth 收集 collect money = raise money 募集 ‎ make money = earn money ‎ have a large collection of 有…收藏 ‎35. combine A with B 结合 apply theory to practice ‎36. They came running.他们跑着来. in the years to come 接下几年中 ‎ come up ① = come near走近 ‎ ‎② be put forward 被提出;出现 ‎ ‎③发芽 The seeds haven't come up yet.‎ come to ①苏醒 come to oneself ② 合计达add up to ‎ ‎ ③ come to an agreement 达成协意 ④ come to a conclusion 得出结论 come across = run into = meet with 偶遇 come from = be from 来自于 ‎ come in ①进来 Coming in, please. ②流行 The long skits come in this summer.‎ ‎ ③上市Apples come in.‎ come along = get along 进展 How is your work come ing along? ‎ come by = pass by 路过 come back 回来;回想 It suddenly come back to me where I had met you before.‎ come down ①降临 Night come down.夜幕降临。‎ ‎②降价 The meat come down. ‎ ‎ ③下降 The temperature come down.‎ How came ? 怎么会这样?‎ ‎37. comfort sb 使…舒适;安慰… He lives in comfort .他过得很舒适 lead a comfortable life. 过着舒适生活。 a comfortable climate.舒适气候 ‎38. command sb to do (order sb to do sth) command that + 虚 ‎ command my respect 博得尊敬 command my sympathy 博得同情 ‎ have a good command of 牢固掌握 (have a good understanding / knowledge of) ‎ at one's command 听从…吩咐 I gave him all the money at my command .由我支配的 ‎39. make comments on... 评论 *No comment 无可奉告 ‎40. a commercial course 商科a commercial theater以赢利为目的的 a commercial radio ‎41. commit murder 犯凶杀 commit an unforgivable error 犯不可原谅的错误 ‎42. a common name a common disease the common sense 常识 ‎ have sth in common 有…共同之处 get a general idea of 对…有大致了解 communicate with sb 通讯 communicate sth to sb 把…传递给…;向…表达… ‎ ‎43. compare A with B 拿…与…比较 compare A to B 把…比做…‎ ‎44. a sense of competition 一种竞赛意识 ‎45. complain to sb of / about sth 抱怨 complain to sb that make complaints to sb about...‎ ‎46. compose a song/ music/poetry be composed of = be made up of = consist of ‎47. conceal the truth 隐瞒真相 conceal sth from sb 向…隐瞒…‎ ‎48. concentrate on= focus one's attention/mind on concentrate oneself on ‎ ‎49. He has no concept of wrong and right.= He can't tell right from wrong. 他没是非观念。‎ ‎50. The Energy problem concerns us all. 能源问题与我们都有关。‎ as far as I am concerned = as for me 至于我 be concern for 关心 be concern about 为…担心 ‎ eg: Be concerned about the growth of the younger generation. 为年轻一代成长而担心。 ‎ concerning prep. = about = with regard to ‎ ‎51. draw/reach/form/gain/arrive at/come to conclusion ‎ a just conclusion 一个公正结论 in conclusion 总之 ‎52. be in good/bad/poor condition under the present conditions 在当前形势下 ‎ the working conditions 工作环境 on condition that = if = provided that ‎53. a press conference 记者招待会 ‎ ‎54. confess doing坦白 confess to sb that… (admit)‎ ‎55. have confidence in doing 对…有信心 We are confident of our future.‎ ‎56. confirm the report 确认 confirm what he said ‎57. the inner conflict 内心矛盾 the armed conflict 武装冲突 the armed robbery 武装抢劫 ‎58. confuse A with B 搞混 confuse black with white 混淆黑白 ‎59. congratulate sb on sth 祝贺 ‎60. connect… with… ① 连接 eg: The bridge connect the island with the mainland.‎ ‎ ② 接通 Please connect me with the headmaster. ‎ ‎ I was connected to a wrong person.我接错电话了。‎ ‎ ③交通工具上的相衔接 *The early bus connects with the 8:30 train.‎ ‎61. conquer the fear of height 克服恐高症。‎ ‎62.be conscious / aware of 意识到 be conscious / aware that He is still conscious.他神志清醒 ‎63. consider doing/that 认为;考虑 consider sb as sth consider sb to be consider sb sth ‎64. consist of = be made up of = be composed of 由…组成 ‎ ‎65. He needs constant (= unbreaking) medical treatment. 经常的 He drove at a constant ( = fixed = unchanging ) speed.‎ ‎66. be under construction 在建造中 the construction site 建筑工地 ‎67. consult one’s lawyer, consult a dictionary 请教律师,查阅词典 ‎68. consume a lot of fuel 很费汽油 consume a lot of alcohol ‎69. make contact with = keep/get in touch with 与…联系 lose contact with与…失去联系 This kind of disease spread by contact. (通过接触).‎ ‎70. The bottle contains milk. 包含contain = have sth within itself include = have sth as a part ‎71. I like its style but I don't like its content . 内容 The movie lacks content . 缺乏内涵 ‎72. What he said is the contrary of what he did. 相反 (be contrary to) on the contrary 正相反 ‎ ‎73. What he said is a contrast to what he did. 对比 by contrast 对比之下 ‎ ‎74. contribute $10 to a charity collection 捐赠 ‎ contribute to sth 促成,有助于 Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?‎ Doing exercise contributes to our health.‎ the contribution of money捐赠 ‎75. be in control = be under control 在…控制下 be out of control = beyond control ‎ be in control of 掌管 have control over / of 管的住 have no control over / of 管不住 ‎76. at one's convenience 在…方便时 ‎ It is convenient to sb... It is convenient for sth... It is convenient for sb to do...‎ ‎77. tell lies 说谎 talk nonsense 胡说 talk business 说正紧事 ‎78. in the corner of , at/on the corner of , around the corner The shop is around the corner. Christmas is around the corner .圣诞将近。(=at hand = near) be in a tight corner ‎ drive sb into a corner = corner sb 使…处于困境 ‎79. at a low cost 成本 it cost sb time/money to do... 花费 sth cost sb money 值 ‎ The accident cost him his life. 使…为代价 ‎80. have the courage to do 有勇气去干… lose courage ‎ ‎81. The course of our life is from our birth to our death. …过程… ‎ complete my college course 课程 in / during the course of 在…期间 ‎ ‎82.crawl爬,匍匐前进 a snake crawling along the ground ‎ ‎ A baby crawls before it can walk.‎ ‎83. You are crazy to do such things. 发疯的;不切实际的 ‎ be crazy about/on sth 着迷… He is crazy about dancing.‎ ‎84. Labour creates the world. 劳动创造世界。 create many characters 创造许多人物 create a bad impression 产生很坏的影响 ‎85. on credit 赊账 ‎86. the crew of the ship, the staff of the school ‎87. commit a serious crime 犯罪 a wanted criminal 通缉犯 ‎88. a political crisis 政治危机 bring sth to a crisis 使…到危机时刻 criticize sb 批评 criticize my taking risks ‎ ‎89. a crowd of 一群人 a crowded bus be crowed with 挤满 ‎90. be cruel to 对…很残忍 ‎91. cultivate 耕作,培植,培养 cultivate one’s mind 陶冶情操 ‎92. take a cure 接受治疗 cure sb of (表结果) 使…除去… ‎ ‎93. cure the boy of his bad habit = break sb of a bad habit cure these diseases ‎94. be curious about 对…好奇 ‎95. the current events 时事 the current number of this magazine 这本杂志最近一期 the current year = this year ‎96. the cuts on his hand伤口 a shortcut 捷径 a power cut / failure 停电 cut the student's burden 减少学生负担 cut the cost of education 减少教育资费 cut one's hair 剪发 cut the planned time by two hours 去掉两小时 ‎

