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‎ 第28练 科技类(二)‎ ‎                   ‎ 单词识记:‎ invent   microcomputer mixture   advantage artificial modem patent potential transform update predict procedure process produce profit progress provide replace significance privilege 短语扫描:‎ log in/on登录;登入;进入(计算机系统)‎ log off/out退出(计算机系统)‎ remote control远程控制 shut down/off 关掉 be used for被用来 benefit from从……中获益 make progress取得进步 be in the lead领先 come true 实现 follow the fashion追随时尚 ‎[跟踪训练]‎ Ⅰ.语境填词 ‎1.She is mixing the ________(mix) of flour and water.‎ ‎2.A cheap table can be________(改变) by an interesting cover.‎ ‎3.He invented a lot of things in his life,and his ________ changed the way people lived.(invent)‎ ‎4.He was back in the office,________(更新) the work schedule on the computer.‎ ‎5.He ________(预言) that an earthquake was coming.‎ Ⅱ.单项填空 ‎6.Traditional exercises like situps,pressups and pullups are great for strengthening the body,________ you do them properly.(2016·南京、盐城一模)‎ A.since B.unless C.providing D.considering ‎7.You can’t use the machine today because some parts ________ this week.‎ A.are replaced B.are being replaced C.have replaced D.are replacing ‎8.It’s important for the figures________regularly.‎ A.to be updated B.to have been updated C.to update D.to have updated ‎9.—He wants to be a great painter one day.‎ ‎—His dream will________sooner or later.‎ A.come true B.realize ‎ C.come out D.publish ‎10.I hope that full advantage is ________ of our library.‎ A.made B.claimed ‎ C.taken D.brought ‎                   ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.完形填空 Are Mobile Phones Taking Over Our Lives?‎ I recently visited London and travelled on the tube while I was there.Apart from the people __1__,almost everybody else was on their phones,and because of the nature ‎ of the tube,it is difficult not to see __2__ what they are all doing.Of course,being __3__ it is difficult to get any signal,which rules out texting or using the Internet,__4__ there is still plenty you can use your phones for.People were playing __5__,reading articles and listening to music,and I’m sure that as soon as they __6__ from the train station they would start texting or calling or checking their emails.There is a constant __7__ to everyone in the world,__8__ you have a mobile phone in your hand.‎ Recently,my smartphone broke and had to be __9__ to the warehouse for __10__ for a week or so.In the meantime I had to use a really __11__,basic phone just to keep in touch with my family and friends.All I could do on this phone was to send __12__,make calls and play one game.And I loved it.I loved being free from the Internet,and I really didn’t mind not having constant __13__ about what my friends were doing or what the latest celebrity story was.It was quite __14__ and it allowed me to spend more time __15__ my surroundings—I could __16__my time in London more,for example,and I could watch the people around me and really see what was going on.‎ ‎__17__,I knew that as soon as I got my smartphone back I would be one of those people once again,__18__ to finding out what everyone is doing and __19__ my time playing games or checking social network sites.Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and __20__ I ever got my smartphone back...‎ ‎1.A.present B.asleep C.disabled D.opposite ‎2.A.exactly B.carefully C.immediately D.sensitively ‎3.A.crowded B.faraway C.outdoors D.underground ‎4.A.and B.but ‎ C.so D.or ‎5.A.cards B.records C.games D.jokes ‎6.A.survived B.separated C.suffered D.emerged ‎7.A.approach B.connection C.access D.communication ‎8.A.as far as B.as long as C.as soon as D.as well as ‎9.A.given away B.left behind C.sent off D.sold out ‎10.A.change B.recycle ‎ C.repair D.use ‎11.A.cheap B.familiar C.modern D.old ‎12.A.emails B.messages C.photos D.signals ‎13.A.actions B.worries C.updates D.complaints ‎14.A.boring B.embarrassing C.inspiring D.refreshing ‎15.A.getting across B.looking after C.taking in D.thinking about ‎16.A.cost B.enjoy C.waste D.save ‎17.A.However B.Instead C.Otherwise D.Therefore ‎18.A.opposed B.equal C.addicted D.blind ‎19.A.burdening B.devoting C.sparing D.wasting ‎20.A.insist B.forget C.deny D.admit ‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎(2016·南通一模)‎ The idea came to Ralph Liedert while he was sweating in the Californian sunshine,having been standing with his daughter for over an hour in a queue for a ride at Disneyland.What,he thought,if his Tshirt had a cooling system he could turn on,at the tap of a smart phone app,when he needed it.Luckily,Mr Liedert does have the means to make the dream reality,for he works at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland,as one of a team there studying the rapidly growing field of microfluidics(微流控技术).‎ Cooling vests already exist(used by racing drivers,motorcyclists and people who work in hot conditions).But the tubes through which the cooling water is being pumped,and the vests’ need to be connected to outside units that cool this water,make them huge and clumsy.Mr Liedert thought VTT’s microfluidics department could do things better.‎ As its name suggests,microfluidics is the art of building devices that handle tiny amounts of liquid.Inkjetprinter cartridges(喷墨打印机墨盒) are a familiar example.Less familiar,but also important,are “labsonachip”(芯片实验室).These are tiny analytical devices that transport fluids such as blood through channels half a millimetre or less in diameter(直径),in order to carry them into what holds analytical reagents(试剂).Sensors,then detect the resulting reactions and provide an instant analysis of a sample(样本).Designing labsonachip is the VTT microfluidics department’s day job.One of its chips,for example,can tell whether water is affected by the bacteria that cause Legionnaires’ disease.‎ The department’s biggest contribution to the field,though,is to have developed a way of printing microfluidic channels onto large rolls of thin,flexible plastic.It works by passing the plastic between two heated rollers,one of which contains raised outlines of the required channels.As the rollers squeeze the plastic they create a pattern of channels into one surface.A second plastic film is then melted over the top as a cover.This process might,thought Mr Liedert,be suitable for printing a microfluidic cloth that was thin enough and pleasant enough to wear as a cooling vest.‎ The group’s first model showed that such a material could indeed be made and used to circulate cooled water.They are also looking at ways the water being circulated through the microchannels might be cooled.They have identified two.One uses a small heatexchanger,the details of which they are keeping secret at this stage.The other employs evaporation(蒸发).It thus works in the same way that heat from circulating blood is removed by the evaporation of sweat.‎ Whichever cooling system is applied,the electronics needed to power and control it would be shrunk into a small package contained on the back of the vest.This could be operated by hand or,as Mr Liedert originally envisaged in his Californian queue,by a wireless link to a smart phone.Moreover,what can cool down can also,if run in an opposite way,warm up.In Finland,where winter temperatures fall as far as -50 ℃,that might be the technology’s killer app.‎ ‎21.Microfluidics has been used in ________.‎ A.racing cars B.printing industry C.testing material D.clothing industry ‎22.We can learn from the passage that ________.‎ A.VTT is a company which mainly works on the research into microfluidics B.the new cooling vest of VTT will be smaller and work more effectively C.the technology of microfluidics may have a positive effect on medical science D.heatexchanger as well as the way of evaporation will be used to cool the wearer ‎23.________plays the key role in making the new cooling vest.‎ A.The special cloth B.The cooling system C.The tiny liquid D.The wireless link ‎24.The underlined word “envisaged” most likely means “________”.‎ A.imagined B.discovered C.viewed D.planned ‎答案精析 第28练 科技类(二)‎ 高考高频单词与短语识记排查 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.1.mixture 2.transformed 3.inventions 4.updating ‎5.predicted Ⅱ.6.C [providing是连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“假如……,以……为条件”。]‎ ‎7.B [句意为:你今天不能使用这台机器,因为本周一些零件正在被置换。parts与replace之间为被动关系,且置换零件这一动作是本周这一阶段内正在进行的,故选B项。]‎ ‎8.A [句意为:对数字进行定期地更新非常重要。分析题干可知update与the figures之间为被动关系,故排除C、D两项;又因为这里谈及的是日常规律性的事情,因此应该用一般式,故排除B项。]‎ ‎9.A [come true实现,为不及物动词短语。realize实现,为及物动词;come out出现;publish出版。]‎ ‎10.C [考查take advantage of的被动形式。]‎ 知识运用与阅读能力专练 ‎ Ⅰ.‎ ‎1.B [根据生活常识可知,不少人会在乘地铁、汽车、火车时打盹休息。除了“睡觉”的乘客外,其他几乎都在玩手机。]‎ ‎2.A [由于地铁的性质(在地铁上就像在公交车上一样,人挨人地坐着),不难看“清楚”别人在干什么。]‎ ‎3.D [根据常识可知,地铁是修建在城市“地下的”,故信号不好。]‎ ‎4.B [地铁里信号不好,这使得发信息或上网不太可能,但还是有很多事情可以使用手机做的。前后为转折关系。]‎ ‎5.C [使用手机打牌属于play games,显然games可以包括cards以及很多类似的活动。第二段第三句“All I could do on this phone was to send ______,make calls and play one game.”中的game也是提示信息。]‎ ‎6.D [此处指人们只要从地铁站一“出来”就会开始发短信、打电话或查收他们的邮件。]‎ ‎7.B [只要手中有一部手机,你就可以保持与世界上每个人持续不断的“联系”。]‎ ‎8.B [参见上题解析。as long as只要。]‎ ‎9.C [根据此空前的“my smartphone broke”及最后一段首句中的“as soon as I got my smartphone back I would be one of those people once again”可知,作者的智能手机坏了,需要维修。send off送去,寄出。故选C。]‎ ‎10.C [参见上题解析。repair修理,维修。]‎ ‎11.D [根据上句可知,作者的智能手机坏了,返修需要一周左右的时间。这期间,作者只好用原来的“旧”手机与家人朋友保持联系。故选D。]‎ ‎12.B [旧手机只能发“信息”、接打电话和玩一个游戏。send messages发送信息,故选B。]‎ ‎13.C [不能上网,就无法持续不断地“更新”有关朋友或名人的动态。接下来的“the latest”是提示信息。故选C。]‎ ‎14.D [不能上网,自然就没有以前那么累,休息得好,体力精力“恢复得好”,精神焕发。故选D。]‎ ‎15.C [手机不能上网,作者就可以多花些时间来欣赏周围的风景。此处take in my surroundings意为“欣赏周围的风景”。]‎ ‎16.B [此处指作者可以更多地“享受”在伦敦的时间。]‎ ‎17.A [上段主要讲述作者智能手机坏了之后,使用旧手机不能上网,反而获得了难得的清静。本段笔锋转到如果智能手机修好了,自己就会又回到以前泡在网上的状态。本段与上段为转折关系,故选A。]‎ ‎18.C [以前,智能手机能够上网,作者“迷恋于”上网获得每个人的动向、玩游戏或上社交网站等。be addicted to沉溺于……,故选C。]‎ ‎19.D [参见上题解析。waste time (in) doing sth.浪费时间做某事。]‎ ‎20.B [对比智能手机和旧手机的利与弊,作者倾向于选择旧手机,保持一份远离网络的清静。根据前半句中的“go back to using the basic phone”可知,作者决定“忘记”自己已拿回智能手机……。]‎ ‎ Ⅱ.‎ ‎21.B [细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一、二句“As its name suggests,microfluidics ‎ is the art of building devices that handle tiny amounts of liquid.Inkjetprinter cartridges(喷墨打印机墨盒) are a familiar example.”可知。]‎ ‎22.C [推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句“It thus works in the same way that heat from circulating blood is removed by the evaporation of sweat.”可知。]‎ ‎23.A [推理判断题。根据文章第四段最后一句“This process might,thought Mr Liedert,be suitable for printing a microfluidic cloth that was thin enough and pleasant enough to wear as a cooling vest.”可知,这个过程能够印刷出一种可以做成降温背心穿的够薄够舒服的布料。]‎ ‎24.A [词义猜测题。根据文章第一段第一、二句“The idea came to Ralph Liedert while he was sweating in the Californian sunshine,having been standing with his daughter for over an hour in a queue for a ride at Disneyland.What,he thought,if his Tshirt had a cooling system he could turn on,at the tap of a smart phone app,when he needed it.”可知,这个想法是他在排队时想象出来的,故选A项。]‎

